One of my favourite parts of being a Community Manager is that I get to talk with the people who make my job possible - you guys, our players. Day-to-day in chat, I spend my time getting to answer questions, solve support issues and over time, learn though conversation more about the people on the other side of the screen. Even though there's an physical separation between community members, the various ways we communicate together makes it feel as though we're in one big room together.
Over a month ago, we were contacted by Rebeccca F. (who found our games back in 2006, just two months after we first launched Egg Breaker!), and who wondered if we'd be able to arrange a quick studio tour while she was in Victoria for a friend's wedding. She was patient with us while we underwent the studio rebrand/website launch and last week, we were able to have her join us for a visit. We gave her to 2 minute tour (literally, our studio is that small!), and swapped introductions around with the team. She got to share directly with the development team her passion and thanks for what it was they do, and in return we got to ask her about some of her favourite monkeys and parts of the game.
In her own words:
"Dear staff, thank you again for the little tour of the company. I'm so glad I got to come and say hello and hang out with you guys for a few minutes. It was a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. It was great meeting everybody, and if any of you ever come to St. John's, I'll show you the town! Thanks again for my new t-shirt as well. You all were extremely kind."Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

Justin, Adam, Rebecca, Peter and Dave mug for the camera!
Thanks again for joining us Rebecca, we love your enthusiasm for the Egg Breaker series - and we might just take you up on your offer if we ever find ourselves in Newfoundland!