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September 28th, 2016
Carnival of Sorrows 2016 

The Carnival of Sorrows is back in town. Following up on our recent announcement on our official subreddit, we are going to be repeating our seasonal events from last year but with a special twist!

Here's a note to you from Justin, Crusaders of the Lost Idols designer and co-founder of Codename Entertainment:

"One of the most common questions we've heard over the past few months is whether or not events will be repeated. We're now ready to tell you that yes, most holiday events will repeat. However, each repeated event will come with brand new challenges for veteran players who had already completed the event last year.

Brand new Crusaders, objectives, gear, and achievements will be available with each repeated event. If you missed an event last year but you're still a powerful veteran player, you may even be able to blast through two year's worth of event content, though this may require some additional time warps to secure the required event currency. Additional information will be released along with the first repeated event, the Carnival of Sorrows, when it starts."

Today we relaunch Carnival of Sorrows with both the original Crusaders for new players to unlock and two new Crusaders for veteran players.

Beat the first Tier One objective to unlock Pete, the Carney.

This dark and demonic funfair has rolled into the Crusader's world with some twisted new objectives to complete again. If you haven't already collected them, you can unlock Crusaders Pete, the Carney, and Mister, the Monkey by completing the first two Tier One objectives.

After a lifetime of traveling with the twisted carnival, Pete, the Carney is endowed with some dank formation abilities. One of his abilities, Bad Jokes, would make even the most embarrassing dad cringe. Crusaders furthest from Pete receive a 50% boost to their DPS.

Beat the second Tier One objective to unlock Mister, the Monkey.

Mister, the Monkey, is equally grim. At level 10 he enables the Magnify ability where the next activated ability gets a 50% buff. Later at level 75, he can buff all the Crusaders in the column behind him to find 25% more Gold.

The remaining three objectives are Elephant of DOOOOM, where two elephants block valuable formation slots; Carnival of Death, featuring double the number of monsters per area, and the all-new objective, Peanuts where a sneaky elephant steals some of your gold on the way to area 250.

Note: Since the new Peanuts objective was just added this year, players who completed this event last year will need to do it prior to starting the Tier Two objectives, so be sure to save up 2,500 Carnival Tickets before resetting!

For veteran or hard-working players who have completed all the Tier One objectives, the new objectives require you to purchase the Tier Two talent Do it Again in the Talents shop.

New Crusader: Mindy, the Mime.

The new Tier Two Crusaders are equally creepy as their event forebears. Mindy, the Mime can randomly mimic her adjacent Crusaders' formation abilities for 15 seconds at level 100. At level 300, the duration of her ability lasts twice as long.

New Crusader: The Half-Blood Elf.

The second of the new Crusaders is The Half-Blood Elf who, being half-orc, favours the non-human compatriots in the formation. Every non-human Crusader next to her will receive a 50% DPS boost at level 150. At level 400, her Swipe Right ability enables her to heal all non-adjacent male Crusaders.

New Objective! Great Trapeze.

The three remaining new Tier Two objectives after unlocking the two new Crusaders include The Great Trapeze where a trapeze artist takes up a slot in the back of the formation and every 15 seconds, swaps a Crusader in the next column with a Crusader in the previous column.

New Objective! Menagerie.

Menagerie pits the Crusaders against a host of escaped circus animals all the way to area 400.

The final new objective is Price of Admission. The cost of the Crusaders are drastically increased, and gold drops are drastically decreased all the way to area 550.

Equipment for both Tier 1 and 2 Crusaders can be found in Carnival Event Chests, which you can earn from objectives or buy in the shop, however gear for the Tier 2 Crusaders will only appear once you've unlocked the respective Crusader. We've also made a slight tweak to make event chests drop gear more often for completely empty slots, and slightly increased the chance of getting an upgrade to help you flesh out all four event Crusaders evenly. We'll be monitoring these changes and making tweaks in future events as well.

Once you have enough tickets, you'll have until October 11th at Noon PDT to complete the event before the Carnival will pack up for another year.
September 23rd, 2016
The Big Update: The 11th Objectives! 

We're pleased to announce our biggest update yet to Crusaders of the Lost Idols. Six new Crusaders are available to unlock from six brand new objectives in the existing campaigns.

Each of the six campaigns now feature a new eleventh objective that's going to require your very best strategies to beat.

Six New Crusaders!

You'll need to have completed all ten previous objectives (at Tier One) before you can tackle the new eleventh objectives for each campaign. For example, you can't start Descent into Darkness' eleventh objective until World's Wake's eleventh objective has been beaten.

The Exterminator

The Shadow Queen

Greyskull the Pirate

Gloria, the Good Witch

Ilsa, the Insane Wizard

Eiralon, the Blood Mage

As soon as you've unlocked the new Crusaders, you can start collecting gear for them too when you open chests. If you haven't unlocked the new Crusaders already, don't worry, gear drops will only be for the Crusaders you have available on your roster.

We're not going to spoil the surprise by telling you about their traits and formation abilities. We'll leave you to find that out for yourself. To get started, open up the Objectives menu and select 'Gray Goo' in the World's Wake campaign after you've completed all the other objectives.

To celebrate the launch of the 11th Objectives, five Crusaders will also get an Autumn's Upon Us weekend buff!

From today until Monday, September 26 at Noon PDT, Jim, Jason, Dark Gryphon, Sal and Draco all get a limited time buff applied automatically.

  • Jim the Lumberjack - Sharpen Party Ability +200%
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - Gold Find +100%
  • Dark Gryphon - All DPS +100%
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - Base DPS +400%
  • Serpent King Draco - Kingdom'sss Call Ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Autumnal Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Serpent King Draco if you've unlocked him.)

The new objectives and Crusaders are all available from today. Good luck, Crusaders!
September 20th, 2016
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Player Interview 

We love our fans, and some of you have been with us for a long time. It's time to celebrate your awesomeness. This week we are featuring an interview with one of our longest running fans, Dylan from Albany, NY.

Introduce yourself to your fellow Crusaders!

My name is Dylan, and I'm currently living in Albany, New York.

I started playing Crusaders before the game was released. I was part of the testing team.

A lot of changes took place and a lot of balancing. When it came time for the official launch of the game, it actually felt like a baby was being born. Everybody was so excited!

I had mainly played on Facebook at that time, though I had accounts on Kongregate, and ArmorGames. I liked going into the chat rooms and helping people out.

"...once people figured out how the game worked, they were hooked."

It seemed like once people figured out how the game worked, they were hooked. It was very fun to see the communities being born and becoming regulars in the chat rooms. Now I really enjoy the game on Steam, and check in on mobile when I'm not home.

Dylan's favourite event: Halloween.

Which is your favourite campaign, event, and Crusader?

My favorite campaign would have to be Worlds Wake, simply because it was the first. It has all that nostalgia for me. My favorite event would have to be the Halloween event. The play on Twilight was hilarious, especially because, in my family, we often made fun of my cousin who had a huge crush on Edward, and named her car Edward, though we always called it "Eddard." So, I found that hilarious.

Dylan is a big fan of pumpkins. Big fan.

My favorite Crusader of all time has to be Jack. Mainly because I have a huge thing for pumpkins. I love them. I think they are adorable, and I have a huge collection of pumpkin things. I have a problem with buying cat and dog toys that are pumpkins, and then not giving them to my pets, because I find them too cute, that I need to display them on my pumpkin shelf. It really is a problem, and I don't see myself stopping it anytime soon.

What got you hooked on Crusaders of the Lost Idols?

For me, a large part of what got me hooked on Crusaders was the ability to help test and brainstorm on it. Everyone was coming up with great new ideas that just kept making everything even more fun.

"I'm a real RPG lover."

What really gets me excited would have to be the constant upgrades. I'm a real RPG lover. So, I'm one of those people who loves to upgrade everybody, even if I don't necessarily use them. It's that constant progression where it may not feel like you've done a lot, but then you go and realize how much further you can push yourself. Then it kicks in how much stronger you have gotten. I like that a lot.

What other games do you play?

I play so many games. It's a very large part of my life. I'm a huge fan of games like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Soul Sacrifice, Shin Megami Tensei, MMOs' like Mabinogi, Vindictus, Neverwinter. And then on the mobile front, I've really been enjoying Mobius Final Fantasy, Pokemon Go, and the oldie but still goodie, Puzzle and Dragons.

Adventures of Mana.

What is your all-time favourite game? (other than Crusaders, of course).

My all-time favourite game ever? This could be the hardest question in the world. Well, Final Fantasy Adventure, the original Sword of Mana/Adventure of Mana game when I was young, was the first game ever to make me cry. I love it. So there is that. And then, Bloodborne, I think is a beautiful cosmic terror. So, those two.

"Try to get around at least 13 idols or so on your first run."

What tips do you have for new Crusaders players?

My biggest tip to any new Crusader is try to get around at least 13 idols or so on your first run. It'll take a bit, just be patient, though. This will be your hardest time resetting the world. After that, it will always be easier so don't worry! Stick with it! It is well worth it!

What advanced tips do you have for all Crusaders players?

I would say to never underestimate anything that increases gold. The more gold you make, and the faster you make it, the faster you are powering up your Crusaders. Gold basically IS DPS. I would also say, the Passive tree talents can be very useful, especially "Passive Criticals." Even though clicking isn't entirely used a whole lot, being able to use the power of critical click percentages as DPS makes a surprising difference. It even allows for throwing the Bush Whacker into your mix of Crusaders as a passive buff. Pretty neat!
September 16th, 2016
Share Your Bush Whacking Knowledge 2016 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Teach Me How to Whack!

It's time to put your knowledge of whacking bushes to good use as you help educate the next generation! Take a trip to the Event Area of the Commons and get helping!

Help three aspiring young ones learn how to whack bushes, mana whack, and power whack! Bring the Jr. Whackers some Cardboard Swords to use, found in bushes throughout the world, and they'll share the spoils of their training with you. As you help them, they gain experience, "leveling up" and will award more items with each turn-in. Each of the determined young padawans will have a daily quest to power up the spoils from their next turn-in.

One Jr. Whacker appears to have suffered a head injury, since they are idolizing Nate. Talk to them and see what's going on.

What's a funner thing to earn than your Baking badge? Nothing of course! Help one Jr. Whacker get theirs later on in the event.

New for 2016
We've added 9 new quests where you get to help a Jr. Whacker earn their Camping badge. Stayed tuned for unlocks throughout the event.

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are an incredible SEVENTEEN possible Achievements to earn in the Jr. Bush Whacker 2016 event:

Achievements Returning for 2016:
  • Working Harder - You've helped a Jr. Bush Whacker level up.
  • Power to the People - You've helped each Jr. Bush Whacker power up.
    • Working Better - You've helped each Jr. Bush Whacker level up to 5.
    • Working Faster - You've helped each Jr. Bush Whacker level up to 10.
    • Working Stronger - You've helped each Jr. Bush Whacker level up to 15.
  • Honorary Jr. Whacker - You completed all 8 enthusiastic Jr. Whacker quests!
  • Won a 'Diamond!' - You got a cardboard diamond. Isn't that awesome? No?
  • Fashion Badge - Help the Jr. Whacker earn their Fashion badge.
  • Capitalism Badge - Help the Jr. Whacker earn their Capitalism badge. (Cookie selling quest-line)
  • Cooking Badge - You helped Jaidee earn her Cooking Badge.

Added/Changed for 2016:
  • Jr. Patron - Buy all the 2016 Jr. Bush Whacker items. *
  • Camping Badge - Help Keisha set up a demo campsite to help other Jr. Whackers get their Camping badges!

We have 5 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:
  • Putting on the Uniform - You got all the player items from the Jr. Bush Whacker Event!
  • Junior Decorating Award - You got all the house items from the Jr. Bush Whacker Event!
  • Jr. Merchandiser - You bought all 11 items from the 2013 Jr. BW Event!
  • Supporting the Cause - Buy all the 2014 Jr. BW Event items.
  • Jr. Shopaholic - Buy all the 2015 Jr. Bush Whacker custom items.

*The Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Jr. Patron achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Pet Packs

New 2016 Pet Packs (Coming Soon)

Previous Year Pets (Available for Bush Bucks)

Badger - Increases your odds to win Mana by up to 30%.
Jr. Bush Whacker Doll - Adds an up to 30% chance that Nothing wins will change to Energy.
Ninja Bunny - Increases your odds to win Gems by up to 30%.

Toy Crocodile - 20% chance to double non-multiplied Mana wins.
Cardboard Kitty - Turns up to 25% of your wins to Mana.
Guinea Pig - Increases your odds to win Mana by up to 25%.
Jason Beaver - Increases Puzzle Odds by 15% at max level.

Share your mentoring success on the forums!

The event will run until Friday, September 30th at Noon PDT!
September 16th, 2016
Weekend Buff! Off-Week Offense 

There may not be an event running right now, but that's no reason to slow down! Five Crusaders get killer buffs for you to try out a new formation strategy and finally destroy an objective you've being waiting to complete.

From today until Monday, September 19 at Noon PDT, Hermit, Natalie, Khouri, Sarah, and Brogon all get a limited time buff applied automatically.

  • The Washed-up Hermit - All DPS +100%
  • Natalie Dragon - Gold Find +100%
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - Koffee Potion Ability +200%
  • Sarah, the Collector - Self DPS +400%
  • Brogon, Prince of Dragons - Friends of Brogon Ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Offensive Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Brogan, the Prince of Dragons if you've unlocked him.)
September 9th, 2016
BW2 Achievement Screen Update 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

This week we've done some housekeeping on the Achievement screen for Bush Whacker 2!

Now you can flip through the different categories of achievements and see which ones are incomplete with ease!

Bush Whacker 2 has Achievements?
If it's been a while since you visited the achievement screen, you get to it by clicking on the Bag icon, and selecting the medal symbol.

Opening the dialog will bring you to the new Summary page! See all your progress in the various categories and your most recent achievements!

The fairy lights on the buttons tell you which tab you are visiting! If a category has sub-categories, the list will show up when you click on the main tab.

You can even check out which ones are incomplete by toggling the "Incomplete Only" option!

Happy whacking! How close are you to perfection? Tell us on the forums!
September 9th, 2016
Weekend Buff! Schoolhouse Rock 

Scream if you're ready to rock! The zombie teachers have become more than a little annoying. It's time for the battle of the bands to aurally assault the monsters in our Schoolhouse Rock celebration.

This weekend we're buffing the five most musical Crusaders from today until Monday, September 12 at Noon PDT.

The Bush Whacker, Detective Kaine, Gold Panda, King Reginald and The Metal Soldierette love rock so much, they're pumped up!

  • The Bush Whacker - Critical Hit Chance +4%
  • Detective Kaine - A-Hah! Ability +200%
  • Gold Panda - Gold Find +100%
  • King Reginald - All DPS +100%
  • The Metal Soldierette - Cool Under Pressure Ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Rockin' Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for The Metal Soldierette if you've unlocked her.)
September 2nd, 2016
Discover the Beauty in the Spine of the World 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Sanctuary Village has been kind to you, but it's time to continue on with your adventure. (Don't worry, you can always visit your love.) Pack up your pet and mount and get ready to brave the spiny, treacherous mountains that mark the edge of the world! Do you have the gusto to survive the snowy cliffs?

Introducing the Spine of the World!

This content update includes:
  • Five brand-new icy areas to explore!
  • Level cap increase to 370!
  • New Trinkets!
  • And tons of other fun stuff to discover!
Plus, if you donated $25 or to Justin's Extra Life campaign back in November 2015, you can have fun finding your in-game NPC! Thank you again to everyone who contributed to this awesome cause! And stay tuned for more information about our 2016 Extra Life donation drive.

Talk about your explorations on the forums!
September 1st, 2016
New Event! Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge 

Bummer. It's back to school season. After a long summer of doing anything and everything but schoolwork, it's time to get back to it and think about textbooks, homework and getting up on time for classes.

Of course, in the Crusaders' world, nothing is ever that simple. As Sasha steps back onto the school premises it's obvious something is up! The teachers are acting strangely. No chalk flicking, no detentions, and no attempts to intercept notes being passed around by students. The teachers must be possessed! Time to kick some demonic teacher ass and get this place back to it's usual dreary, soul-sucking normality.

New Crusaders: Karen, the Teenage Cat.

As is always the case with a new school year, there are new arrivals. Karen, the Cat Teenager is a restless character who changes position every ten levels for the first objective.

Once convinced you're cool, she'll use her surly teenage cat powers for good. At level 50, Karen can access a unique ability: Center of the Universe. Now all positive formation abilities that don't reach Karen apply to her at 50% of their effectiveness. At level 100, Karen contributes 1% of her DPS to click damage. At level 150 Karen can use her Nine Lives ability. If she is killed she'll instantly revive at max health but do 10% less damage (stacking). As the name suggests, she's able to use this ability eight times and it is refreshed by changing areas.

New Crusaders: Mr. Boggins, the Substitute.

The second new Crusader is poor old Mr. Boggins, the Substitute teacher. As if dealing with raucous classrooms full of kids wasn't bad enough, being the sub is one ring further down in hell.

You'll need to liberate him in the second objective which includes an exciting new challenge for the Crusaders. Every 15 seconds, Mr. Boggins will assign a random letter grade to the Crusaders with both positive and negative effects. The grades range from 'A+' which will increase the affected Crusader DPS by +100%, right down to 'F' which will wipe off 95% of the Crusader's DPS. The effect will last for 30 seconds at a time.

Mr. Boggins hands out random grades, both good and bad.

Once added to your roster, Mr. Boggins has some useful tricks up his sleeve. At level 50, he bonds with the newcomers in the class. His ability The New Students increases the DPS all the animal Crusaders by 200% and is further increased by 12.5% (additive) for each Human Crusader in the formation. At level 100, his ability Diversity Day increases the Gold Find by 10% for each non-human and non-animal Crusader in your formation (also additive).

The remaining three objectives include Nodding Off where a boring lecturer takes up a slot in the formation and reduces your DPS by 3% every second to a maximum of 99%. Clicking or changing areas (including auto-progress) resets the reduction to 0%. In Homework Time, monsters spawn randomly and bog down a particular Crusader with homework that reduces their DPS to zero until the homework is destroyed. The effect lasts for a further 10 seconds after that.

New Objective: Homework Time reduced Crusaders to zero DPS.

In the final new objective Private School the Crusaders must escort three stuck-up private school kids to area 250. Private school isn't cheap so they reduce your gold bonus to 0% until you can offload them at their exclusive place of learning.

The Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge event will run until September 13th at Noon PDT.