Thank Goodness for Thanksgiving!
The residents of The Commons are preparing for a massive feast to celebrate the end of harvest season, and of course they need your expertise at finding things in bushes!First and foremost, it's all about helping the chefs fill their food stations to the brim - and beyond. There's three of them for three types of meals, so you'll be collecting Meat, Veggies and of course Deserts to feed the hungry masses of Bushwhackia! Can you make all the Pristine Food? Keep doing turn-ins to achieve it!
On the subject of food - four of the guests have promised they would bring a dish to share, but they've forgotten ingredients.
And then, there's the problem of the Turkeys. Apparently, they need to be rescued in some fashion, so you'll need to get on that. You have the whole event to complete it.
Once again we're celebrating other harvest festivals around the world and hosting an inflatable surprise. They'll unlock as the event goes on. And tune in on Thanksgiving (or after, if you're enjoying your day off), for a fun show!
New for 2016:
We've added two new quest lines for this year. One surrounding a black event and with all this food around, maybe it's time we address the leftovers. Plus a tasty taste-test NPC.
Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!
Achievements Returning in 2016:- Special Order - You helped all of the people prepare their special dishes.
- Master of the Ways - You have helped cook each dish excellently for the pristine table.
- Short Order Cook - You've helped prepare one of each dish.
- Turkey Lover - You saved enough turkeys to guarantee survival. This year.
- Historical Detective - You helped Bob the Historian investigate the Pilgrims.
- Family Matters - You brought all of Brock's family together for Thanksgiving.
- Parade Enthusiast - You watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Added/Changed for 2016:
- Grateful Expenditure - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2016 items.*
- Fridge Fix-Up - You helped Fatima fix an old fridge and move it your ranch.
- Thorough Taste Testing - You helped out Miss Mei enough to try all the different daily side dish samples.
We have 5 achievements from previous years' events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks if a player was not present during the original years:
- Thankful Decorator - You bought all the house items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
- Thankful Dresser - You bought all the player items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
- Thankful Shopper - You bought all the 2013 Turkey Day items.
- Black Friday - You bought all the 2014 Thanksgiving items.
- Thanks For The Stuff - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2015 items.
* The Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Grateful Expenditure achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.
Pet Packs:
2016 Pets -- Available in Packs! COMING SOON!
2015 Pets Available for Bush Bucks

Woolly Lamb: Turns up to 30% of your Nothing wins into Gold.
Pilgrim Turkey: Increases your chance to win puzzle pieces by up to 15%.
Pilgrim Hamster: Turns up to 30% of your Nothing wins into Energy.
2014 Pets Available for Bush Bucks

Roboturkey - Increases your chance to win puzzle pieces by up to 15%
Hedgehog - Increases your chance to win quest items by up to 15%
Thanksgiving Goose - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Mana!
2013 Event Pets available for Bush Bucks:

Pilgrim Kitty - Increases your odds to win Quest Items by up to 15%.
Pilgrim Squirrel - Increases your odds to win Runes by up to 25%.
Turkey Hunter - Increases you odds to win Puzzle Pieces by up to 15%.
The event will run until Friday December 2nd at Noon PST!
Give thanks and feedback here!