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December 30th, 2016
New Year's Novelty Weekend Buff 
Tags: weekend, buff.

Who knows what kind of exciting new features 2017 will bring? Only time will tell! To start the year off right, enjoy these powerful buffs for some of our more neglected Crusaders. The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until 12 pm PST on Monday January 2nd.

  • Sasha, the Fierce Warrior - Bulwark Ability +200%
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - Gold Find +200%
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - Base DPS +400%
  • King Reginald IV - Royal Grail Ability +200%
  • Frosty the Snowman- Chilling Power +200%

Also, check out the limited-time New Year's Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Frosty the Snowman if you've unlocked him.)
December 30th, 2016
A Look Back At Crusaders In 2016 

It's been a busy year for us here at Codename Entertainment working on Crusaders. We thought we'd take some time to look back at the last year, as well as look ahead to what's still to come in 2017.

This past year has been an exciting time to play Crusaders. We've been pumping out a never-ending stream of content, including a host of new campaigns, new events, and new Crusaders. In researching these numbers, we really came to appreciate all the hard work our designers and artists put into keeping things fresh all year round.

In 2016, we released 54 updates including:
  • 13 brand new events:
    • Princesses Pool Party
    • The Blood Bowl
    • Merci's Mix Up
    • Hermit's Premature Party
    • Nate's Candy Conundrum
    • Superhero Spring
    • Gardener's of the Galaxy
    • The Song of Thrones
    • Trek Through the Hidden Temple
    • Alien Invasion Day
    • Littlefoot's Big Adventure
    • Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage
    • Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge
  • 4 events re-run with additions:
    • Carnival of Sorrows
    • Emo's New Moon
    • Kaine's Dinner of Doom
    • The Nate Before Christmas

  • 43 new crusaders:
    • Pilot Pam
    • Queen Siri
    • Groklok the Orc
    • Drizzle the Dark Elf
    • Rocky the Rockstar
    • Sally the Succubus
    • Larry the Leprechaun
    • Kyle the Party Bro
    • Alan the ArchAngel
    • RoboRabbit
    • The Bat Billionaire
    • The Metal Soldierette
    • Broot
    • Robbie Raccoon
    • Leerion, the Royal Dwarf
    • Brogon, Prince of Dragons
    • Montana James
    • Serpent King Draco
    • President Billy Smithsonian
    • Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor
    • Ranger Rayna
    • Littlefoot
    • Veronica, the Android Archer
    • Bubba, the Swimming Orc
    • Karen, the Cat Teenager
    • Mr. Boggins, the Substitute
    • The Exterminator
    • The Shadow Queen
    • Greyskull the Pirate
    • Gloria, the Good Witch
    • Ilsa, the Insane Wizard
    • Eiralon, the Blood Mage
    • Mindy the Mime
    • The Half-Blood Elf
    • Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul
    • Fright-o-Tron 4000
    • Graham the Driver
    • Paul the Pilgrim
    • Petra the Pilgrim
    • The Dark Helper
    • Robo-Rudolph

  • 25 weekend buffs:
    • Mischief at Mugwarts
    • Cookie Crusaders
    • Wibbly Wobbly Wackiness!
    • Ready Player Two
    • The Beasts Within
    • Missions Madness
    • Kick Off Summer
    • Father's Day Weekend!
    • Mobile Launch Weekend!
    • Tasty Summer Talents
    • Natalie's Gold Medal
    • Midsummer Meditation
    • Schoolhouse Rock
    • Legendary Weekend
    • Autumn's Upon Us
    • Off-Week Offense
    • Canadian Turkey Weekend
    • Octoberfun Objectives
    • Emo's Weekend Wonder
    • Tiered Up Trouble
    • Veteran's Remembrance
    • Chilly November Nights
    • The Great Darkness
    • Clowning Around
    • White Christmas
  • 4 new campaigns:
    • Mischief at Mugwarts
    • Ready Player Two
    • Idols Through Time
    • Amusement Park of Doom
  • 1702 new monsters
  • 562 new pieces of loot
  • 1050 new areas and quests
  • 221 new objectives (including events and tiers)
  • 26 Talents to spend idols on!
  • Tier 2 and 3 objectives!
  • An entire mobile version of the game!
  • Missions! Including missions to obtain event crusaders and gear!
  • 157 chest code giveaways via email, partners, treasure hunts, and more!
  • 196 change logged bug fixes, including some significant performance improvements.
Phew! That lists make me tired just looking at it.

So how can we possibly top that in 2017? Well, we've got a few ideas up our collective sleeves, and since this is the season of giving, we thought we'd share one of them with you now. Take a look at these bad boys:

What are these brilliant beauties? They're LEGENDARY ITEMS, a new tier of loot coming to Crusaders in early 2017. You'll be able to upgrade your existing Epic items into Legendary items in our long awaited crafting update. Legendary Items have an additional unique effect, on top of their boosted epic effect, which can be leveled up multiple times to be even more powerful! These items represent the most significant increase in Crusader power since the Talents update earlier this year.

If you want to get prepared early to deck out your favorite Crusader with Legendary items, you'll need to make sure you've got the slots you want to upgrade filled with purple epic-y goodness. We'll be releasing more details about these items and how you get them in an update closer to the release of the crafting patch.

That's all we've got for you today! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! See you in 2017!
December 23rd, 2016
White Christmas Weekend Buff 
Tags: weekend, buff.

Ho ho ho, Crusaders! Our offices are closed until the New Year, but that doesn't mean you don't get tasty, tasty buffs to get you through the weekend! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas. The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until 12 pm PST on Monday, December 26th.

  • The Bush Whacker - Critical Click Chance +6%
  • Artaxes, the Lion - Roar! Ability +200%
  • Fire Phoenix - All DPS +200%
  • Thalia, the Thunder King - Storm Ride Ability +200%
  • RoboSanta - Expensive Toys Ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Snowy Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for RoboSanta if you've unlocked him.)
December 15th, 2016
BW2 Very Expensive Item Store 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Do you have a lot of excess in-game currency that you're looking to spend in a hurry? Is your ranch too full of multiple copies of gold bricks?

Good news! If you have access to the Flux, there's now a store there for you to spend your gains on! If you've expanded your Ranch to the maximum and bought all the trinkets that cost gold and gems from the General Store, then he will have an assortment of items for you to purchase.

Debuting with the release are some very cool items. For Gold, you can pick up a Statue Lock, so that Nate won't be able to change your Commons Statue to himself! As well, you can grab your own personal Glitch to place on your Ranch and choose which Flux you want to visit after a successful crop harvest.

Plus, you can assemble your very own Erika pet! Buy all 5 pieces for 200 Island Tokens each and get odds to increase the amount of Nothings you win! (Helpful for using the "Nothings turn into" Runes.)

Check out the rest of the items and drain those wallets! Plus more items will be added at a later date.

You can chat about it on the forums here!
December 15th, 2016
The Nate Before Christmas 2016 

It's that time of year again when thoughts turn to family, presents under the Christmas tree, turkey dinners, and giant twin swords to destroy unrelenting hordes of monsters.

Today we launch The Nate Before Christmas 2016 with both the original Crusaders for new players to unlock and two new Crusaders for advanced and veteran players.

As well as the repeat event and picking up RoboSanta and Frosty the Snowman if you don't already have them, players who get through the Tier One objectives will be able to tackle the more challenging Tier Two objectives. Their reward for beating them will be two new Crusaders to add to the team in the form of The Dark Elf Helper and Robo-Rudolph.

Note: Since the new 'You've Been Naughty' objective was just added this year, players who completed this event last year will need to do it before starting the Tier Two objectives, so be sure to save up 2,500 Tokens before resetting!

This new Tier One objective will see the Crusaders beset with coal monsters. These charcoal beasts reduce your gold find to zero for as long as they are on the screen and for an additional extra second after you kill them.

For the veteran or hard-working players who have completed all the Tier One objectives, the new objectives require you to purchase the Tier Two talent Do it Again in the Talents shop.

New Tier Two Crusader: The Dark Helper

Once unlocked you can tackle the five new objectives. The first of them is 'Recruit the Dark Helper.' The Dark Helper is an elf (natch) who temporarily knocks out the front two Crusaders. For 10 seconds they'll be put to sleep and reduce their DPS and disable all their formation abilities to 1 all the way to 300.

New Tier Two Crusader: Robo-Rudolph

'Recruit Robo-Rudolph' requires you escort the malfunctioning reindeer to area 300 where he will be serviced. Until you reach the workshop, he'll short circuit and debuff three random Crusaders to zero in the formation for up to 15 seconds.

New Tier Two Objective: Presents.

The 'Presents' objective is the equivalent of Christmas morning as you anxiously eye the wrapped boxes under the Christmas tree. Is that box a pair of socks or the brand new X-Station console? When you kill the present monsters, they'll randomly buff or debuff your Crusaders all the way to area 400. You won't know what the effect will be until you take the wrapping paper off.

New Tier Two Crusader: Let It Snow.

The penultimate new objective is 'Let It Snow.' Drifts of snowflakes will accumulate on random slots in the formation. The drifts will get larger and will reduce the DPS of the affected Crusaders by 1% up to a maximum of 100%. If you can dig yourself out in time and complete the area the debuff is reset to zero. You're going to need a snow shovel to make it to area 400.

New Tier Two Crusader: Robo-Christmas.

The final new objective is 'Robo-Christmas.' Only robot and Christmas-y Crusaders are available for selection to beat area 500.

Equipment for both Tier 1 and 2 Crusaders can be found in Christmas Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives or buy in the shop. However, gear for the Tier 2 Crusaders will only appear once you've unlocked the respective Crusader.

Once you have enough tickets, you'll have until December 27th at Noon PST to complete the event before the holidays will be done for another year.
December 15th, 2016
Jingle Jam 2016 & Honeydew the Dwarf 

We are delighted to announce that Crusaders of the Lost Idols has been included in the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 Humble Bundle.

For the whole month of December, the Yogscast team have organized to give away 31 Steam games and DLC add-ons as part of their annual Jingle Jam event with all the proceeds going directly to charity!

This year’s charities are:

The first 75,000 people to donate $30 or more will get all 31 games, including our very own Legendary DLC pack for Crusaders of the Lost Idols.

To celebrate we've also created a special boss monster, Honeydew the Dwarf. For those of you unfamiliar with Honeydew, he is based on Yogscast celebrity and long-standing YouTuber Simon Lane.

Honeydew the Dwarf.

Simon Lane.

Honeydew can be found in the Amusement Park of Doom campaign. You'll find Honeydew starting at area 40, and he'll appear every 100 areas from then on.

Please help support a great cause and, of course, enjoy the hilarious shenanigans from the Yogscast team this holiday period.

You can watch the festivities live on Twitch here, and you should check out all their YouTube channels by going here.

December 12th, 2016
BW2 Christmas 2016 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

'Tis the Season for Giving!

Get into the giving mood of the holiday season by tackling the Bushwhackia Christmas event.

You'll want to get started by heading to the event area in the Commons to meet up with the stranded elf and help him fix his teleporter. Once you've got it operational, you'll be able to make the journey far to the North Pole where you'll find a bevy of characters who need your special skills to make the holiday celebrations work!

Your primary task will be helping the elves make presents by bringing them Candy Canes (that you find in bushes), but there is a veritable smorgasbord of holiday related quests to complete as well. All of these quests will unlock over the course of the event, with the last ones unlocking on Christmas Day.

Once you've found reindeer chow for the poor reindeer, then you can help out Santa by delivering a present to a random house daily.

New for 2016:

Get into the caroling mood by helping an NPC rearrange some of the most famous carols.

Presents all Around!!

Once a day, if you have excess tokens, you can send a Present to a friend! These presents will contain a random amount of gold, energy, mana, power and come with some other treats as well. If you want to send more presents in a day, it will cost you a few Bush Bucks. Talk to Sasha in the North Pole to learn more!

Sasha has the power to gift your friends!

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!

There are a total of TWENTY-ONE possible Achievements to earn in the Christmas 2016 event:

Achievements Returning in 2016:
Apprentice Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least one present!
Journeyman Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 20 presents!
Professional Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents!
Expert Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents from each Elf!
Santa Man - You've delivered a present to someone's house!
Diverse Santa - You've delivered a present to several houses!
Schoolyard Victor - You won 5 snowball fights!
Reindeer Herder - You've saved the reindeer 5 times!
Yay! Presents - You've opened a present from the Developers!
12 Days of Bushmas - You completed all 12 days of Bushmas!
Christmas Savior - You've helped all the citizens in need at the North Pole!

Added/Changed for 2016:
Winter Solstice Souvenirs - You purchased all the Christmas 2016 items!*
Snow-ho-ho! - You built yourself a snowman!
The Gift of Taking - Steal the snowman gnome from a house.
Well-arranged Caroling - Find all the special arrangements of famous Christmas carols.

We also have 6 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:

Santa Santa - You're practically Santa! (deliver a present while dressed as Santa)
Materialist - You bought all the 2012 Christmas things!
Reverse Grinch - You've delivered a present dressed as a Grinch!
All The Toys - You bought all the 2013 Christmas things!
No Returns Allowed! - You bought all the 2014 Christmas items!
Season of Shopping - You purchased all the Christmas 2015 items!

* The Christmas Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Winter Solstice Souvenirs achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Note: The achievements Reverse Santa, Reverse Santa 2.0 and Napping Nate Nabber are not available during the 2016 event.

Pet Packs:

New 2016 Pet Packs:

COMING SOON! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!

Previous Years Event Pets are available for Bush Bucks:

Derpy Puppy - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Sweets (random energy, mana, and power)
Snug Kitty - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Presents (random energy, mana, and power)
Festive Robot - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Snowballs (random energy, mana, and power)
Gingerbread Man - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Candy (random energy, mana, and power)
Christmas Elf - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Presents (random energy, mana, and power)
Friendly Yeti - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Snowballs (random energy, mana, and power)
Christmas Kitty - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Presents (random energy, mana, and power)
Chilly Penguin - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Snowballs (random energy, mana, and power)
Mini Grinch - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Coal (random energy, mana, and power)

Other Pets available**:

2012 Reindeer - The pet for getting 100% in the 2012 Christmas Event
2013 Reindeer - The pet for getting 100% in the 2013 Christmas Event
2014 Reindeer - The pet for getting 100% in the 2014 Christmas Event
Snowman - Earned for completing a specific quest in this event.

** Note that these four pets start out as ranch items only, and can be converted to real pets by talking to Hank the Farmhand in the Commons (once you've built the stables)

Share the holiday spirit on the forums!

The Christmas event will run until Friday December 30th at Noon PST (8pm GMT.)
December 9th, 2016
Amusement Park of Doom 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Today we launch the Amusement Park of Doom, a brand new permanent campaign. It's a special campaign because it features some boss monsters that were created as a result of your very generous donations for our Extra Life event back in October. Our artists Kat and Adam have been beavering away to create the requests, and you'll find more details on them below.

The Amusement Park of Doom itself is a theme park from a parallel dimension. Our bold Crusaders must explore this terror split over six objectives to start. To tackle the park, the team will need to be at their pushiest to get through the throngs of visitors to avoid the long queues for the rides.

For the new campaign, these debut objectives will put you through your paces.

Park Pass

Park Pass requires you to reach area 400 but you need at least 10,000 Idols to qualify to start the objective. Completing it unlocks the Free Play.

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster will debuff and superbuff your Crusaders' DPS randomly all the way to area 500.


Carousel limits you to six available Crusader seats at a time. As you progress through the 500 areas, the Crusaders available will rotate along the bench, just like a carousel.

You Must Be THIS Tall

You Must Be This Tall requires the Crusaders to get to area 600. Beating this objective allows you to access the next two.

Ferris Wheel of Doom

The Ferris Wheel of Doom takes up the empty space in the formation. Crusaders in the spaces surrounding it will ride the wheel all the way to area 700.

The House of Horrors

The House of Horrors tests your Crusaders' heart, with the play area randomly going black and reducing DPS and Click Damage to 0, and a spooky surprise being revealed when the lights come back on.

On their mission to cram as much fun as possible into their trip, they are also seeking out the legendary mascot, Sagaven. Along the way, you'll come across the monsters created for the Extra Life event. Check out the creations below.


Requested by Tass.

"LARP Elf"

Requested by Paul McGrath.


Requested by Chris Bobridge.

"Mr. Flappy"

Requested by Dominic Leo.

"Nils Olav"

Requested by Vingummi.


Requested by Amanda Kolecke.

"Welsh Dragon"

Requested by Mrs. Crane.

Princess, Khouri, Nate, Mindy, and Pete will all get a limited time buff applied automatically this weekend.

  • The Princess - Ignite, Char, Conflagrate, and Incinerate ability +200%
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - Koffee Potion ability +200%
  • Nate Dragon - All DPS +100%
  • Mindy the Mime - All Gold Find +100%
  • Pete the Carney - Bad Joke ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Clown Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Mindy the Mime or Pete the Carny if you've unlocked them from the events or missions.)

Note: The Golden Epic available with this weekend buff is for an event crusader. If you do not have Pete the Carney unlocked you will still earn the GE, and once you unlock Pete through a mission or next year's event it will already be equipped.

Vote for Crusaders!

Vote for Crusaders of the Lost Idols for Indie of the Year 2016 below and help more gamers enjoy the award-winning idle game today!

2016 Indie of the Year Awards via Indie DB
December 2nd, 2016
Weekend Buff: The Great Darkness 
Tags: weekend, buff.

The nights are getting longer and colder. While many of your Crusaders yearn for longer, lighter days, several of them thrive in the dark. The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until 12 pm PST on Monday December 5th.

  • Emo Werewolf - Base DPS +400%
  • Detective Kaine - A-Hah! ability +200%
  • Dark Gryphon - All DPS +100%
  • Merci, the Mad Wizard - Deflect Evil ability +200%
  • Mr. Boggins - The New Students ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Dark Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Mr. Boggins, the Substitute Teacher if you've unlocked him.)

Vote for Crusaders!

Vote for Crusaders of the Lost Idols for Indie of the Year 2016 below and help more gamers enjoy the award-winning idle game today!

2016 Indie of the Year Awards via Indie DB