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May 30th, 2017
Sneak Peak! Tier 4 Talents and Legendary Changes! 

They've been surrounded in rumor for a while, but now we're finally ready to talk about some of the upcoming Tier 4 Talents as well as some changes to certain Legendary loot. Read on to find out more!

Tier 4 Talents

One of the most common questions about Tier 4 Talents that we've seen is what area will you have to reach to unlock them. If you'll recall, you can't buy Tier 1 talents until you reach area 150. Tier 2 require 300, and Tier 3 require 600. Tier 4 Talents will continue the climb and require that you reach area 900 in any campaign before you can buy them. They will also cost a ridiculous amount of idols.

To give you a taste for the power invested in these new talents, we've going to highlight one of the new talents from each tree in this teaser blog. Are you ready?

Active Tree: Instant Satisfaction

This talent allows you to use your active abilities in rapid succession - if you're lucky! Why use Fire Storm once when twice is double as good? Maxing out the 21 levels in this talent to get a 50% chance will cost you just shy of 10,000,000 idols.

Passive Tree: Idols Over Time

The more time you take on a run, the more Idols you will earn. The bonus stacks additively and is progressive, so if you've got it maxed out at 50% for every 2 hours, you'll get 100% more idols after just four hours, 125% after five hours, and a massive 600% more after a day of idling. Great for overnight free plays or adding value to long challenging objectives! Maxing out this talent will cost you a cool 8,400,000 idols.

Utility Tree: Sprint Mode

What is Sprint Mode? Sprint mode allows you to skip between boss areas extremely quickly, assuming you can finish off the boss fast enough! If you defeat the boss and his minions within seven seconds of entering the area, you'll skip ahead five areas directly into the next boss area. This ability is only active in free play, but is definitely the creme de la creme of the new talents. Consider taking only 10 or 15 minutes to reach area 500 on your free plays? The idols will really start to pour in now. This power won't come cheap, though. Unlocking Sprint Mode up to area 500 will cost you more than 25,000,000 idols.

These new changes should allow players to reach new heights and earn idols even faster than ever before. While there is no tier 4 objective talent in this initial release, it is planned for a future update, meaning there will eventually be a whole slew of incredibly challenging objectives available for our most dedicated and voracious players.

Other Changes

We're also making some changes to the effects of several Legendary items - mainly items that increased the effects of existing formation abilities or stacked in unintended and overly powerful ways. These items will now instead provide an additive stacking buff. A full list of affected items will be released in the change log of the update.

But what if you've invested a lot of crafting material and catalysts in these items and don't find the new items to be powerful enough for your tastes? Well, we've taken care of that. You will now be able to disenchant (DE) Legendary items to recover the materials spent on them. Each DE'd legendary will return enough Common material to level them up to whatever level they were, as well as credit a free legendary craft. Free Legendary crafts do not require any catalysts, and are used automatically when you craft your next Legendary item(s).

We've also listened to players who were unhappy that Golden Legendary items used the normal Legendary name and icon, rather than special animated icons. In this update we'll make a change to all Golden Legendaries so that they use the same icon and name as the Golden Epic items that they upgrade from.

Wrapping Up

This update will also refresh players' free Talent respecs back to three. We're hoping to get this update out in the next little while, so stay tuned to the in-game news and change log over the coming weeks! Happy idling, Crusaders!
May 29th, 2017
Spine of the World Quest Hub! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Remember that stone idol in your quest bar? Well, the Explorer's League is finally ready to do something with it! If you have the Ancient Stone Artifact from the Cliffs of Korak, then speak to Expedition Leader Magellan in the Explorer's Camp to get started!

This update includes over 50 new story quests, relating to the mysterious society the idol belongs to. Set your brain to the task and start the adventure!

The Town Crier will let you know when enough time has passed that you can journey to the Explorer's Camp and pick up the continuing story quests. As you finish the story parts, you'll unlock new daily quests to do!

Choose carefully though, because once you've started an Explorer's hub daily quest, you won't be able to do any Sanctuary or Cloudland daily quests for the next 20 hours.

Completing the Daily Quests will award you Spine Expedition Coins, which can be used to buy a plethora of exciting custom items and treats from the Ye Extraordinary Explorer's Emporium once you've unlocked the store.

Chat about the update on the forums!
May 26th, 2017
BW2: Change Log May 26 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Quest Hub Coming Soon! (May 26th, 2017)

- Changed the music in the Spine of the World
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!

- Hold onto your hats, ‘cause the new quest hub is on it’s way next week! That’s right, new permanent content is imminent!
May 26th, 2017
New Weekend Buff! Squaaaaak 

Have you recruited the new Tier 2 Crusaders? Well, take the weekend to try them out, superpowered!

The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until 12 pm PDT on Monday May 29th.

  • Danni the Daring Damsel - Penny in Your Pocket ability +200%
  • Natalie Dragon - All DPS +200%
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - All Gold Find +200%
  • Sarah, the Collector - Base DPS +400%
  • Polly the Parrot - Tough Nut to Crack ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Squaaaak Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above!

(Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Danni and Polly if you've unlocked them. If you are missing Danni, you can purchase Danni's Golden Epic, and it will be available on her once you unlock her through missions.)
May 19th, 2017
New Weekend Buff! A Troublesome Temple 

The new event can be challenging if it's your first time through. Use these special weekend buffs to power through and unlock those tier 2 objectives!

The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until 12 pm PDT on Monday May 22nd.

  • Serpent King Draco - Base DPS +400%
  • Princess - All DPS +200%
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - Koffee Potion ability +200%
  • Montana James - All Gold Find +200%
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - Base DPS +400%

Also, check out the limited-time Premiere Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above!

(Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Draco and Montana if you've unlocked them. If you are missing Montana, you can purchase Montana's Golden Epic, and it will be available on him once you unlock him through missions.)
May 18th, 2017
New Event! Trek Through the Hidden Temple 

You have to love big budget sequels. Montana James is back in this repeat Crusaders event, Trek Through the Hidden Temple.

This updated event runs from today through to May 30th at Noon PDT. For those players who haven't unlocked them already, this is your chance to add both Montana James and Serpent King Draco to your roster.

Two new Tier Two Crusaders are also available to unlock once you've completed the Tier One objectives: Danni the Daring Damsel and Polly the Parrot.


New Tier Two Crusader: Danni, the Daring Damsel

The first of the two new Tier 2 Crusaders is Danni, the Daring Damsel who doesn't need to rely on anyone else to get herself out of trouble. Even if she ends up getting in trouble a lot.

At level 100, Danni unlocks Eye Candy which buffs the DPS of all Male Crusaders by 50%.

At level 150, her ability Penny in Your Pocket increases the Gold Find +10% additively for each Male Crusader in the formation.

New Tier Two Crusader: Polly the Parrot

Polly, the Parrot, is the trusty animal sidekick who's always on hand for those comedic moments when heroes are locked in a cell and need a key. Also, he has some wicked one-liners, which kids will be quoting long after the adventure finishes. Probably.

At level 50, Polly unlocks Got a Cracker!, an ability makes monsters move 500% faster.

Polly unlocks Instant Regret at level 150 and monsters that are attacking the formation will then take extra damage.

After you've completed the first new Tier Two objectives for Danni and Polly, there are three new side stories in the form of Tier Two objectives to complete.

New Tier Two Objective: Aliens? Really?

In Aliens? Really?, a set of alien monsters with various effects attack your formation all the way to area 400.

New Tier Two Objective: The Holy Grail.

In the objective, The Holy Grail, every 25 areas one of your Crusaders will attempt to drink from a Grail. The wrong one will permanently disable that Crusader seat past that level. You'll probably choose poorly until area 450.

New Tier Two Objective: Ghosts of the Ancients.

The final new Tier Two objective is Ghosts of the Ancients. Speedy spooky invulnerable ghosts of an ancient Mayan civilization attack your formation all the way to area 500.

Equipment for both Tier 1 and 2 Crusaders can be found in Hidden Temple Jeweled Chests. However, gear for the Tier 2 Crusaders will only appear once you've unlocked the respective Crusader.

You'll have until May 30th at Noon PDT to complete the event.
May 12th, 2017
BW2: International Awareness Day 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

May 12th is International Awareness Day, and we've chosen to support the ME/FM Society of BC, a not-for-profit organization that was formed to help and support people, and their families, living with the health conditions Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and/or Fibromyalgia (FM).

So, for the next three days you can buy Butterfly Charity Cookie packs in the game, from which 100% of Codename's proceeds will be donated directly to the ME/FM Society of BC.

Talk to the person in the Commons by the Town Hall to learn more.

The cookie packs will be on sale until Monday May 15th at Noon PDT. Thank you for your time and generosity!
May 12th, 2017
BW2: Change Log May 12 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

International Awareness Day Charity (May 12th, 2017)

- Added a Charity Promotion for International Awareness Day that will run over the weekend, until noon on Monday May 15th. Players can buy Butterfly Charity Cookies which restore 100% energy upon consumption, and 100% of Codename’s proceeds will go to the ME/FM Society of BC.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
- Continued to make progress on the next big content update. Continue continuing to continue… you get the idea. It’s still on the way!
May 12th, 2017
New Objectives & Weekend Buff 

We have a special surprise for you this week in the form of four brand new permanent objectives in the Amusement Park of Doom campaign. Plus, we have our weekly weekend buff.

The first of the four new objectives is Log Ride. Players can start the objective after completing You Must be THIS Tall and already have 30,000 idols banked. Every 10 seconds one of your Crusaders gets drenched by water, decreasing their DPS to 0 and disabling their formation abilities for 15 seconds. Players must reach area 650 to beat the objective.

Log Ride

Mauled By Mascots sees the intrepid Crusaders attacked by well-known, beloved characters, including Marty Mouse and Daryl Duck. It wouldn't be right to kill them so you must just fend off the invulnerable mascots until you can advance to the next area all the way to area 750.

Mauled By Mascots

Couples Day requires you to always have an equal number of male and female Crusaders on the field. However, we do give you some leeway to add one male or female Crusader as you unlock them (otherwise you couldn't add any Crusaders). To complete the objective, you must beat area 800.

Couples Day

The final new objective is It's Over Nine... Hundred? where you have to (you guessed it!) beat area 900.

It's Over Nine... Hundred?

We're also launching the new weekend buff, Amusing Objectives of Doom. The Bushwhacker, Veronica, the Android Archer, Gold Panda, Fire Phoenix, and Exterminator all get a boost for the weekend until 12 pm PDT on Monday, May 15th.

  • Bushwhacker - Critical Click Chance +6%
  • Veronica, the Android Archer - Precise Aim ability +200%
  • Gold Panda - All Gold Find +200%
  • Fire Phoenix - All DPS +200%
  • Exterminator - Spare Parts, and Slaved Systems +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Amusing Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above!

(Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Veronica and Exterminator if you've unlocked them. You will get Golden Epic for the Exterminator with your chest purchase and it will show up equipped on him, once you unlock him!)
May 8th, 2017
2017 Gorgeous Garden Photo Contest 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

The Gorgeous Garden Contest is now underway!

We want to see YOUR talented, artistic skills at gardening/art. It's super easy to get started, just start growing plants. When you've got enough, you can begin to lay out your designs in the event area. Once you've managed to get at least a D from each of the judges, you're golden for entering the contest!

How the Contest Works

When you're ready, talk to the photographer (he's got a yellow ! above his head) and have him take a picture of your fantasy garden. You can submit as many times as you would like, but only your most recent submission will get the votes. Each time you do submit a screenshot, your votes will reset to make it fair for everyone, so plan carefully! Submissions will be accepted until *Friday, May 19th, 2017, - Noon PDT.*

You Get to Vote!

YOU get to vote too! The coveted 'User's Choice' award is picked by the Bush Whacker Community, and has a prize of 50 Bush Bucks! You can vote for as many submissions as you like, and at the end of the event the top submission as voted by YOU the players will be awarded the prize.

Notes about Voting!
  • Asking to visit the contest or the voting page no longer takes you outside the game; it simply loads the contest/voting page over top it! Finished voting? You can easily return to the event area by clicking "Back to Game" at the bottom of the screen. Easy as pie!

  • Can't decide between two layouts? That’s ok! You now have a way to say "Next Please," and two new images will be loaded up for you!

  • Tired of seeing the same layouts previously? We've improved the system, you should see the same layouts repeated far more infrequently now.

You can vote until *Friday, May 19, 2017 @ Noon PDT.*

And the CNE winners are...

At the end of the event, the entire Codename Entertainment Studio will review the submissions and choose their favourites, with 3 lucky players per platform being awarded prizes of 250, 200, and 150 Bush Bucks for first, second and third. All winners will be published in the blog when we've made our decision.

Post questions and comments here!