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April 27th, 2018
BW2: High Jungle Quest Hub 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

There's more history wound up in the High Jungle than you might first think, and it's begun to unravel! If you've completed the Cera Altepetl Boundary in the High Jungle, then the Town Crier's got a message for you!

This update includes over 30 new story quests, dailies, and an all-new awesome mini game! Grab your jungle gear and start the adventure!

The Town Crier will let you know when enough time has passed to pick up the continuing story quests. As you finish the story parts, you'll unlock new daily quests to do!

Choose carefully though, because once you've started these daily quests, you won't be able to do any Explorer's Camp, Sanctuary, or Cloudland daily quests for the next 20 hours.

Completing the Daily Quests will award you Cacao Coins, which can be used to buy a plethora of exciting custom items and treats from the Cera Altepetl Pahcalli store once it's been unlocked.

Chat about it on the forum!

Have fun!
April 27th, 2018
BW2: Change Log Apr 27, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

High Jungle Quest Hub (April 27th, 2018)

- New quest hub in the High Jungle. Becomes available 3 days after completing the Cera Altepetl Boundary. Speak to the Town Crier to start!

The quest hub contains:
  • New riveting story quests!
  • New compelling dailies!
  • New blinged-out store!
  • A new gripping mini game!
  • And so much more!
- Added Georgia companion to the Burglary Boutique (April 13th)

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
April 27th, 2018
COTLI: Mission Updates 

Due to a growing number of extra benched Crusaders, we've increased the number of EP missions available at once and added some variety to the available missions to make them more accessible for more Crusaders!


  • Added 18 new EP missions spread across all rarities and durations with a goal of evening out the tag distribution of EP missions.

  • Increased the number of EP missions that can be available/running at once from 5 to 7.

  • Added recruitment and gear missions for the first 8 tier 3 Crusaders (from Chiyome to Saint Patrokia); these new missions are the toughest to date.

  • Added the Spring Flowers weekend buff (starting at noon PDT today).

For more information, check out the game!
April 25th, 2018
Idle Champions: Grand Tour & Tomb Variants 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today's update includes the largest number of new variants we've ever released at once! There are three new Grand Tour of the Sword Coast variants and two new Tomb of Annihilation variants, each more challenging and devious than the last. In addition, this update includes new upgrades for all Champions and more than half a dozen commonly-requested quality of life fixes and features. Check out the Change Log for more details!

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

  • Escort to Waterdeep: Constant Banditry — Additional bandits spawn in every area but they don't drop gold.

  • Waterdeep Detours: Easily Distracted — Every 15 seconds a random Champion has their DPS disabled for 30 seconds. Squirrel!

  • Underdeep Cartography: Durable Deep — Monster health is replaced with five armored hits (bosses take 50).

Tomb of Annihilation Variants

  • The Templar's Camp: Poor Guidance — Your normal guide is unavailable! Instead, the party is stuck with an ill-informed guide taking up the center formation slot, and every 10 seconds the ill-informed guide disables the DPS of a random Champion for 20 seconds.

  • Rescue in the Jungle: Upholding the Law — Only lawful Champions may be used.


  • Added three new Variants for the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign: Constant Banditry, Easily Distracted, and Durable Deep.

  • Added two new Variants for the Tomb of Annihilation Campaign: Poor Guidance and Upholding the Law.

  • Added a panel to the reset screen that shows statistics about the completed adventure.

  • Monster types are now displayed when hovering over a monster, and hovering also brings their name and health bar to the front.

  • Added a new hotkey that toggles scientific notation (Y).

  • Free Play adventures now show the original adventure name in the quest display.

  • Selected level-up multiplier is now remembered through reloads.

  • Autoprogress is now turned on by default when starting a new adventure.

  • Added a Community Champion achievement for players that "showcase outstanding community leadership" (Does not appear or count towards achievement total if not earned).

  • If you get a golden item and already have a shiny item in that slot, you will now receive a bonus potion of polish which you can use to make a different item shiny.

Clarification (no actual change):

  • Barrowin's Blessed Hammer skill description changed to specify that it only buffs base attacks.

Balance Changes:

  • Added additional upgrades to all Champions, including a new "Bond" specialization choice for Asharra at level 350.

  • Zorbu's Favored Enemy upgrades now start with a 300% bonus damage instead of 100%.


  • Pressing 'Esc' while opening chests no longer closes the chest screen.

  • Fixed several typos. You've almost found them all, but several more remain. Keep searching!

  • Nrakk's ultimate description should now contain the correct buff amount based on all his ultimate bonuses (from gear, etc.)

  • The description for Nrakk's Deft Strike should now show the proper buffed value.

  • Fixed a case where the shiny effect on cards in the Blacksmith Contract dialog could animate incorrectly.

Coming Soon:

  • Fixes for offline gold and party DPS calculations with certain Champions.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
April 13th, 2018
Bush Whacker 2 is 6 Years Old! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy 6th Anniversary Bushwhackia!

Your friends in the Commons event area are up to something--and they need your help!

Be warned, this post contains SPOILERS for the event! You may want to play the first couple days of the event before reading these details!

The developers of Bush Whacker 2 are running the turn-in stations. Over the course of the event, you can find Typo Reports, Bug Reports and Suggestions in the bushes to turn in for event progress. Can you flood the poor developers with enough to earn the 100% Mosaic Piece?

Four daily quests will help you gain progress as well, starting with the quest for Gnome parts. The developer gnome quest has been updated with 8 more gnomes. Each completion will award you a random developer gnome and there are now 16 of us to collect. Note, if this is your first time doing the event, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in.

Later on, there will be a daily quest to test your Bush Whacker knowledge with trivia questions, plus the return of Linus (from Halloween) who will have a sweet reward and of course, 6 years of whacking bushes has taken its tole, so it's best if you help to replant.

Do you have a favourite outfit from among the all the Custom Items over the years? Well, you can now show them off! Once you build the Costume Contest area, you can enter your favourite outfit and vote. New winners will be chosen daily, and will get a small treat.

Familiar friends, like Nate and Kaine, will also have quests as the event goes one.

New for 2018: We've added 2 new quests that will show up during the event, and in one you'll be helping out artist Georgia!

And what is an anniversary without cake? Not a very good one! A souvenir cake will appear on Wednesday April 18 at Noon PDT and be available to interact with until Monday April 23rd at Noon PDT.

Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

There are a total of ELEVEN possible achievements to earn in the Anniversary event.

Returning for 2018
Surprise!? - Help set up your own surprise party (Finish the set up and last-minute set up tasks.)
Support Ticket - Do a turn-in at each turn-in station.
Papers, Please - Do 50 turn-ins at each turn-in station.
Know Your Stuff - Complete the Trivia Daily Quest 5 times.
Lookin' Sharp - Enter the costume contest.
Best Buddies - Complete the event quests for Kaine and Nate. Fashion Critic - Vote 50 times in the Costume Contest!

New for 2018 Anniversary Mementos - Purchase all the 2018 Anniversary Event items.*
Gnomevelopers - Earn all 8 developer gnomes from the 2016 Anniversary Event.
Gnomevelopers 2 - Earn all 16 developer gnomes from the 2018 Anniversary Event.

If you spend Bush Bucks on the items from the previous event, you can earn this achievement.
- Celebrate Good Times - Buy all the 4th Anniversary Event store items.

*The Mini Golf piece isn't required to complete the Anniversary Momentos achievement.

Post your plans for the next year of adventuring with Bush Whacker 2 on the forums!

The event will run until Friday April 27th at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which developer gnomes are available?
    There are now SIXTEEN developer gnomes available. You can collect one at random each time you do the Gnome Parts daily quest. Note, if this is your first time doing the event, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in.

  • Why do I want to help Linus daily?
    The more times you help him, the better your reward at the end of the event. His quest can be reset with the VIP power to reset daily quests.

  • Will this event repeat next year?
    Good question! We'll tell you next year!

  • How does the Costume contest work?
    You can enter the contest once per day. Once you've entered you cannot change your entry, so choose wisely. Throughout the day players can vote on other entries much like the screenshot contests from Halloween and the Spring Garden events. At midnight, the top 5 rated entries win, and a new contest begins! Winners get a unique title and an energy pack, but cannot enter the contest again for 3 days.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Doing turn-ins at the 3 stations and completing quests for the NPCs in the area.

  • How can I find the turn-in station items?
    Just keep whacking bushes and critters. The Holiday Item Runes and Pets will help attract them as well or you can use a VIP Voucher or Token on the Event Drops boon.

  • Do I have to ask my friends to help with the turn-in stations?
    No, you don't have to. They just allow you to gain event progress faster.

  • When will the last quest unlock?
    The last event quest will unlock on April 24th.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

April 13th, 2018
BW2: Change Log Apr 13, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Anniversary Event (April 13th, 2018)

- Revived and updated the two-week Anniversary Event!
- Added two new quests
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added more dev gnomes to craft!
- Added 3 new premium pets available from April 20th to April 23rd

- Moved past anniversary event achievements from Legacy category to new Anniversary category

- Can now send Bounty Bush Gifts to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas.

- Added Blonde Bat Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Town Crier’s quest watch will now show quest cooldowns in days if the hours are >24 instead of > 100

- Made progress on the next permanent content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
April 12th, 2018
COTLI: Superhero Spring 2018 

The world is once again in peril - but it has never been as imperiled as this! Perhaps you'll be able to find a new, purple titanic ally to help you for this mighty battle? Superheroes, assemble!

Superhero Spring 2018 runs until Tuesday, April 24th at Noon PDT. For more information, check out the How to Play / FAQ in-game!

New Tier 3 Crusader: Thoonoose

Thoonoose is no stranger to doing damage with his enormous golden gauntlet. He is an almost titanic damage dealer, and a badass blue-clad purple alien to boot!

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock our Tier One Crusaders Metal Soldierette and Bat Billionaire by completing the respective Tier One objectives. Then, you can collect the Tier Two Crusaders, Arachno Buddy and Foresight, by completing the first two Tier Two objectives!

Five New Tier 3 Objectives!

  • Recruit Thoonoose | Thoonoose takes up a slot in the formation. Every 15 seconds he snaps his fingers, killing a random Crusader. Reach area 500.

  • Fine, I'll Do It Myself | Only Thoonoose and alien Crusaders may be used. Thoonoose's DPS is increased by 5% every area, stacking multiplicatively. Crusaders adjacent to Thoonoose increase monster spawn speed by 25% each. Reach area 600.

  • Balanced | Half of the bench slots are disabled. Reach area 650.

  • Battle for Crusadia | Alien monsters attack the formation in addition to normal enemies. Occasionally Thoonoose's evil brother, Thinoose, attacks as well. Whenever Thinoose is spawned, all the Alien monsters move much, much faster and deal far, far more damage. Reach area 700.

  • After Credits Scene | Rex the Wrestler takes up a slot in the formation. He moves around every 25 areas and buffs global DPS by 100% for each Champion from the Gardeners of the Galaxy event in the formation. Reach area 750.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Superhero Spring Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for the Tier 2 and 3 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusader. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, April 24th at Noon PDT to complete Superhero Spring 2018!
April 12th, 2018
Idle Champions Event: Greengrass 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The start of spring is traditionally marked by a day of peace and rejoicing, featuring beautiful displays of flowers in celebration of Lathander, God of Spring and The Morninglord. Unfortunately for the town of Triboar on the Sword Coast, their celebrations are interrupted by the arrival of a githyanki raiding party...

Greengrass is our tenth limited-time event, running from today until Tuesday, April 24th at noon PDT, and introducing Nrakk, the Githzerai Monk!

New Champion: Nrakk

Having watched your party's progress for many years from Limbo, the Great Githzerai, Zaerith Menyar-Ag-Gith, has dispatched Nrakk to join your party on the Material Plane. Though his true motivations are unknown, Nrakk is a Way of the Kensei monk whose weapon of choice is a Naginata, making him a true force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Reserved and aloof, Nrakk sometimes has a hard time interacting with those he sees as his lessers, but he nevertheless seems committed to the party's cause.

When you want to add Nrakk to your party, you can swap him with Delina or Hitch.

Greengrass Variants

  • Whispers — The Elder Brain slowly drives your Champions mad. Whenever a Champion lands a killing blow, they gain 5–10 stacks of a "Whispers" debuff. When they reach 100+ stacks, they are stunned for 15 seconds.

  • Flower Power — Sentient flower enemies spawn at random in non-boss areas. When killed, they imbue the champion who killed them with a random power, which can be good or bad.

  • Unlikely Allies — Two Githzerai monks take up slots in the formation. Each increases the DPS of Nrakk by 400% as long as he is adjacent to them, stacking multiplicatively.


  • Added the Greengrass event, our tenth limited-time campaign event! The event will run until Tuesday, April 24th at noon PDT.
  • Added a new Champion: Nrakk, the Githzerai Monk.
  • Added a new event Divine Favor: Lathander's Favor.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
April 9th, 2018
COTLI: New Tier 3 11th Objectives 

Today's update includes our first three Tier 3 11th Objectives! You must have completed all of each campaign's other Tier 3 Objectives, and the campaign's Tier 2 11th Objective, before you can attempt these incredibly-challenging new objectives. These first three objectives unlock special bonuses, including bonus idols in event free plays and a long-awaited increase to the e308 cap.

Since the e308 cap increase touches a lot of the game's code, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, please don't hesitate to report it — thanks!

World's Wake: Awaken the Dragon

Note: this objective requires that all T3 World's Wake objectives are complete in addition to the World's Wake T2 11th objectives.
  • A Knight takes up a slot in the formation.
  • A Dragon attacks the formation at random.
  • Each time the Dragon is killed, party DPS and Gold Find is permanently lowered by 5% (stacking multiplicatively).
  • Every 15 minutes, the Knight reduces the number of Dragon's debuff stacks by 10% (time warps count towards this time).
  • Reach area 1100
  • Reward: Unlock Bonus Idols in Event Free Plays

Descent Into Darkness: Corrupting Darkness

Note: this objective requires that all T3 Descent Into Darkness objectives are complete in addition to the Descent Into Darkness T2 11th objectives.
  • Every 15 seconds, a random Crusader is corrupted by the Darkness for 5 to 15 seconds.
  • All positive DPS effects from corrupted Crusaders become negative, and vice versa
  • Reach area 1200
  • Reward: Double Non-Bonus Idol Rewards

Ghostbeard's Greed: To Infinity and Beyond!

Note: this objective requires that all T3 Ghostbeard's Greed objectives are complete in addition to the Ghostbeard's Greed T2 11th objectives.
  • A rickety pirate rocket ship takes up a slot in the formation.
  • Every 200 kills the rocket blasts off, instantly killing all adjacent Crusaders.
  • The rocket moves around in the formation every 25 areas.
  • Reach area 1300
  • Reward: Maximum number cap raised to 1e400
April 6th, 2018
Idle Champions: Law Abiding Weekend 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Whether you're good, evil, or neutral, everyone ought to respect the law. At least according to this weekend's buffed champions.

The following Champions will get a buff this weekend starting from today until Monday, April 9th at 12:00pm PDT.
  • Nayeli – Increases the effect of Nayeli's Aura of Protection and Aura of Courage abilities by 200%

  • Asharra – Increases Global Damage by 200%

  • Birdsong – Increases the effect of Birdsong's Song of Battle ability by 200%

Check out these limited-time Lawful Gold Chests that contain equipment for just the champions above!

(Note: gear only appears for unlocked Champions. If you do not have Birdsong unlocked, her gear will not appear in the chests)