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August 30th, 2018
BW2: August 30th, 2018 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Gratuity Leveling Update (August 30st, 2018)

- Added Gratuity Leveling for players when they reach the Max Level. Look for the new gold bar filling over the normal purple XP bar!

- Can now collect XP from whacking while at current Max Level.
- Filling the gold bar will now let you "level up" while at Max Level, which will give you a “Gratuity Level”, which will refill your energy bar.
- You will need room to gain the energy, or have the VIP power Leveller's Boon enabled.

- Added 6 new Achievements to the General category regarding Gratuity Levels.

- Fixed the Honey Pool Mini Golf Piece ranch item not showing properly in the Ye Isle Puttery Boutique store.

- Fixed the visual offset of the Honey Pool Mini Golf Piece when rotated vertically.

- Fixed some wall banners in Secret Area 83 getting cut off.

- Fixed not being able to place items close to the fence left of the Ranch entrance when using the Winter theme.

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
August 29th, 2018
Idle Champions: Dragon Heist, Part 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A plot as been uncovered to murder one of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep, and the Blackstaff of Waterdeep wants the Champions to help protect a key Person of Interest: a retired adventurer and philanthropist named Mirt.

Today marks the second story update for our Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, but that's not all: we're also including additional Torm's, Kelemvor's, and Helm's Blessings!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Dragon Heist Adventures, A Mysterious Summons and Building Trust, in order to access these new Adventures.

A Dinner Party

The party returns to Waterdeep at the behest of Vajra Safahr, Blackstaff of Waterdeep. It seems there is a plot to murder one of the hidden lords of Waterdeep, but she doesn't know which one. She has activated every tool at her disposal, and assigns the party to protect Mirt, the moneylender...
  • Variant: Chatty Nobles — Only Champions with a Charisma score of 14 or higher can be used.

A Botched Kidnapping

Trying to relax in the renowned Yawning Portal isn't working out too well for the party. Not only is your group too big to find a table, Volothamp Geddarm starts to chat you up and won't shut up about his newest tome, Volo's Guide to Monsters. Your drinks and conversation are suddenly interrupted a troll erupts out of the well!
  • Variant: Haaave you met Asmodeus? — Two Cultists of Asmodeus take up slots in the formation, proselytizing on behalf of Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells. They do little to help you, and to add insult to injury, Xanathar & Zhentarim foes are upset that you have "aligned" yourself with the cult. They now deal four times as much damage and have four times as much health!


  • Added two new adventures to our Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, along with two new variants.
  • New Blessings of Torm, Kelemvor, and Helm have been added to the game — we hope you've been farming lots of Divine Favor!

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
August 27th, 2018
Idle Champions: Roll with High Rollers! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We've sponsored the current season of High Rollers' Dragon Heist campaign. What does that mean? In addition to enjoying awesome live-streamed D&D shenanigans, you can earn FREE LOOT just for playing Idle Champions!

For the next 12 weeks, you'll help earn Idle Champions branded D6s for the High Rollers players to use in their campaign. At the same time, you'll earn some sweet loot for yourself.

Every time you complete an adventure, or complete a free play above area 50 (the threshold increases as you continue to complete free plays) you'll earn points that will fuel both your own rewards and the on-stream rewards in the form of Idle Champions branded D6s!

The High Rollers crew will be able to use those D6s to replace any saving throw or ability check, using as many (or as few) as they want to replace their D20 roll. The more dice we earn for them, the more wacky rolls they'll be able to make!

Additionally, while you're earning D6s for the streamers, you'll be unlocking your own rewards. Gold Chests, Time Gate Fragments, Potions of Polish, even an exclusive Golden Epic card for Minsc!

Log into the game now to learn more, and start unlocking your personal rewards!
August 24th, 2018
BW2: August 24th, 2018 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Misc Update (August 24th, 2018)

- Can now rotate the Display Stand ranch item to enable placement of smaller items onto it, centered properly.

- Put some ranch items from the Jungle to the Salt Desert update into the existing inventory categories.

- Can now buy Salt Desert Part 1 ranch item winnables after you’ve found them.

- Allowed more tile ranch items on the mini golf course.

- Swapped reveals in Field 4 of the Chromatic Pools to allow you to reach the blocker sooner.

- You can now ask each Derringer how much longer until you can craft a new rune/recipe.

- Adjusted some map nodes to better see the completion flags.

- Fixed the Meteor Crystal and Ruby Crystal trinkets being hidden after you craft the Mystical Monkey Skull and Mummified Monkey trinkets, respectively. This would cause them to re-show after you craft the Nomad’s Star trinket if you had never bought them beforehand.

- Fixed a minor issue in the Engulfed Coppice where the second hidden hedge would always be shown if you went down a particular path.

- Fixed friend images showing as "loading..." on the requests and event rigging dialogs for any platform that's not Facebook.

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
August 23rd, 2018
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 

It's time for another adventure! Once more the Crusaders journey into the wilderness for their annual camping trip, disconnecting from their wi-fi and heading out into the great outdoors. Join Littlefoot and the gang on an outdoor escapade to unlock Rosie the Rocklechaun, our latest tier 3 Crusader!

Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 runs until Tuesday, September 4th at 12:00pm PDT, and introduces Rosie the Rocklechaun!

New Tier 3 Crusader: Rosie the Rocklechaun

A small, muscly rock-leprechaun, Rosie the Rocklechaun is a tank support who turns to stone in order to tank damage, massively boosting party DPS in the process and allowing her to be healed up.

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier One and Two Crusaders by completing their respective Tier One and Two Objectives. Ranger Rayna, Littlefoot, Penny the Park Planner, and Beary McBearFace will be available to unlock while Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 is live!

Five New Tier 3 Objectives!

  • Recruit Rosie the Rocklechaun | Rosie and two rocks take up three slots in the formation. Every 25 areas, Rosie randomly changes spots with one of the rocks. She decreases the damage of adjacent Crusaders by 99.99%. The other rocks are just blockers. Reach area 500.

  • Landslide | Quest requirements are doubled, enemies spawn twice as quickly, deal four times damage, move eight times as fast, and have sixteen times their normal health. Reach area 600.

  • Rock 'n Roll | In non-boss areas, invulnerable rocks spawn and slowly roll towards the formation. If they reach the formation, you wipe and go back an area. Reach area 650.

  • Tank-it to the Limit | Only tanking and healing Crusaders, along with the Bush Whacker, Nate Dragon, and the four other Littlefoot's Big Adventure Event Crusaders, can be used. Reach area 700.

  • Stratification | Reduce the DPS of all Crusaders based on bench seat, with the first slot reduced to 1/4 normal damage, the second slot to 1/16th normal damage, third slot to 1/64th, etc. Reach area 750.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, September 4th at 12:00pm PDT to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3!
August 21st, 2018
Idle Champions: PAX West 2018 & AFK Rooms 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Idle Champions is going to PAX West 2018!

From August 31 through September 3, We will be hanging out with our good friends over the Table Titans Booth (#7609, Floor 6). We'll be giving away free loot to visitors, and we'll also be doing a couple signings with the cast of Dice Camera Action.

But wait, there's more: Idle Champions is co-sponsoring PAX West's AFK ROOM, put together by our friends over at Take This.

It's going to be a busy weekend – we hope to see you there!

Dice, Camera, Action, Signings!

The cast of Dice Camera Action (one of our all-time favorite D&D streams!) will be at the Table Titans & Idle Champions booth for not one but two signings at PAX West 2018!

Come by the Table Titans Booth (7609, Floor 6) at 3pm on Saturday or noon on Sunday to meet and get a poster signed by Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Anna Prosser Robinson, Nate Sharp, and Chris Perkins.

We'll also be giving away PAX-exclusive Idle Champions #Wafflecrew posters, featuring the entire cast as their Champions! These posters were created by our resident fantasy illustrator and monster artist, Michelle Papadapoulos / @ArtOfMichelle.

DCA Signing Schedule:

  • Saturday, September 1 | 3:00pm–4:00pm
  • Sunday, September 2 | 12:00pm–1:00pm

Both signings will take place at the Table Titans Booth (#7609, Floor 6)!

AFK Rooms

Once upon a time, Strix had a pet Cranium Rat named Stinky. Stinky managed to live a long life as one of Strix's closest companions in Barovia after she lost the rest of her party to the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. Stinky's Ashes can be found in Idle Champions as one of Strix's equipment cards in memory of this friendship. However, we think it's time we honored Stinky further, and we can't think of a better more appropriate cause than with AFK Rooms.

Events like PAX West can be extremely overwhelming for any number of reasons, which is why we are firm believers in supporting safe, quiet spaces like AFK Rooms. It is vitally important that any person who needs a moment to collect themselves for any reason have access to a space to do so, which is why until September 4th all net proceeds from the Stinky the Cranium Rat DLC Pack will go towards supporting Take This' AFK Rooms at PAX West 2018.

You'll be able to purchase your own adorable Stinky the Cranium Rat Familiar, and support Take This, starting on Friday August 24th on Steam, iPad, and Android Tablets! You can find more information can be found about AFK Rooms here, and you can also learn more about Take This over at

Free PAX Loot!

There are two ways for PAX West attendees to get free loot for Idle Champions:
  • Visit Us — Swing by the Table Titans booth and say 'hi' to Dylan and Adam. We'll be around all weekend, sporting Idle Champions shirts and giving out free loot for Idle Champions.

  • Binwin Selfie — Take a selfie with either Scott Kurtz or the life-sized Binwin Bronzebottom at the Table Titans booth, upload the photo to Twitter using the hashtag #BinwinPAX2018, and follow @IdleChampions and then we will send you a Binwin Selfie Code for five Gold Binwin Chests!
Note: only one Binwin Selfie Code can be redeemed per person.

August 17th, 2018
BW2: Dog Days of Summer 2018 Edition 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

The residents of the Commons want to close out summer with a blast! That big old event field sits there empty most of the time anyways. Help them build an awesome temporary pool to chill out beside. Once you've completed all three building quests, the residents will come in and there will be 3 turn-in stations where you can bring Towels, Sunscreen and Life Rings to get event tokens for buying this year's custom items!

Check out the Companion Racing Track once it becomes available, and you'll be able to bet on pet races! You can only win the prizes once per day though.

Later on in the event, you'll need to help an NPC train their unlikely companion to participate in the race!

Nate's New Puppies!
Plus, foster an adorable puppy for Nate. It seems he's accidentally ordered too many dogs (again!!) and needs your help to look after them temporarily. Choose one of the 3 to help him out! Once you equip your dog, Nate has some daily quests for you to do to keep the ball of energy that is your puppy occupied. Love the look of the dog? Permanently adopt it with a simple purchase!

New for 2018!
Can now send Dog Treat Gifts to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas.

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are 15 possible Achievements in the Dog Days of Summer 2018 event:

Achievements Returning for 2018:
Pool Digger - Build the Pool for the Dog Days event.
Safety First! - Help at each pool-side station during the event.
Safety to the Max! - Help at each pool station 50 times - must first complete "Safety First!"
Doggy Daycare - Complete all the doggy dailies.
Man's Best Friend- Level your doggy pet up to level 10.
Training Day - Complete all the puppy training quests.
Dog Days Race Track - Successfully win 5 bets on the Companion Race Track.
Pro Racer Assesser - Buy all the racer assessment upgrades for the Companion Race Track.
The Plodding Blob - Help Shayla Sharker train her blobfish for the Companion Race Track.

Added/Changed for 2018:
Good Dog Goods - Purchase all the custom items for 2018.*

We have 4 achievements from previous years, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present/didn't earn it during the initial year:
Dog Days Sale - Buy all the custom items and pool items from 2013.
Dog Days Outlet - Buy all the custom items for 2014.
Summer Supplies - Purchase all the custom items for 2015.
Summer Souvenirs - Purchase all the custom items for 2016.
Pool Party Procurer - Purchase all the custom items for 2017.

* The Dog Days Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the achievement, and therefore it is not a required purchase.

Celebrate the end of summer and all things dog on the forums!

The event will run until Friday August 31st at Noon PDT.
August 17th, 2018
BW2: August 17th, 2018 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Dog Days Event 2018 Update (August 17th, 2018)

- Updated the Dog Days Event for 2018
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available to permanently adopt from August 24th to August 27th
- Can now send Dog Treat Gifts to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas.

- Added Fenrir Mount promo (free with your first BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
August 15th, 2018
Idle Champions Event: Ahghairon's Day 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Ahghairon's Day commemorates the birthday of Ahghairon, the first Open Lord of Waterdeep and founder of the Lords of Waterdeep. In his name, Lords toast Ahghairon and the Watchful Order, while guildmasters toast the Lords in Ahghairon's name, and common folk leave violets at the base of Ahghairon's Tower, the Plinth, and atop the altars of the House of Wonder.

As part of the festivities, the party is tasked with seeking out a Lord of Waterdeep who stepped down long ago. It seems like an easy request — but if it were easy, it wouldn't have come directly from the Open Lord of Waterdeep herself...

Ahghairon's Day is our sixteenth limited-time event for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, which runs until Monday, August 27th at 12:00pm PDT, and introduces Ishi Snaggletooth, Kobold Fighter!

New Champion: Ishi Snaggletooth

Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone that'll listen to her.

Ishi is always the fastest Champion in your formation. She increases her own damage as well as the party's Gold Find based on the number of non-human members. When you want to add Ishi to your party, you can swap her with Jarlaxle or Stoki.

Ahghairon's Day Variants

  • Memory Magic — Two slots in your formation are affected by a magical spell causing all of the bandits to fight for the Eye of Gruumsh spellcaster. These affected slots change every 15 seconds by moving to a random adjacent slot. Heroes in affected slots must concentrate on resisting the magic, so they are unable to attack and all their Formation Abilities are disabled.

  • Orcs Among Us — One, two, or three Powered-up Orc Fighters spawn randomly with each wave. They have triple health, do triple damage, they do not drop any gold, and they do not count toward any quest progress.

  • No Humans Allowed — Ishi has been shunned by humans too many times, and for once she just wants them to see how it feels! You cannot use Human Champions in this variant.


  • Added the Ahghairon's Day event, our sixteenth limited-time campaign event! The event runs until Monday, August 27th at 12:00pm PDT.
  • Added a new Champion: Ishi Snaggletooth, Kobold Fighter.
  • Added a new event Divine Favor: Azuth's Favor.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!

August 14th, 2018
Idle Champion Spotlight - Ishi Snaggletooth 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome back to our latest Champion Spotlight design blog! Today, we're going to go into detail on our newest Champion: Ishi Snaggletooth - Kobold Fighter, who will be available in our latest event: Ahghairon's Day- launching on August 15th! I hope this blog will give you all you need to know about our latest Champion.

How you can unlock Ishi:

Ishi is unlocked by playing Ahghairon's Day, a limited-time event launching on August 15th and running until August 27th. Once you unlock Ishi, she swaps with Jarlaxle or Stoki.

Who is Ishi:

In addition to being an adorable pile of Kobold fanciness, Ishi is a character played in the weekly Roll 20 livestream on the D&D Twitch channel. Ishi is an overconfident loudmouth. She's out to prove herself, and she doesn't know when to shut her mouth. I don't know about you, but I can definitely relate on that point! Since she began her adventuring career, she's often been looked down upon as "just a kobold". However, she's taken that frustration and channeled it into championing the fact that monsters can be adventurers too! Thanks to a few lucky encounters, and her ability to exaggerate her skills, she's known as a deadly duelist most noted for defeating the great Hershel Von Saberberg in a duel to the death. The remnants of his cape now adorn her small stature as a reminder to those that she passes: Ishi is not to be messed with.

You can go along on the continuing adventures of Ishi & co. every Friday at 1PM PST. She is roleplayed by Violet Miller, AKA DistractedElf.

Ishi's Design:

From our initial discussions with Violet, we keyed into the idea of "monsters are people too", as it is core to who Ishi is. She's a fighter who focuses on DPS and increasing your gold find.

Ishi is always out to prove herself, and that is reflected in her Quick Strike basic attack. Quick Strike states: Ishi attacks the front-most enemy a quarter second faster than anyone else. That means if you're fastest champion is attacking every 4 seconds, Ishi attacks every 3.75 seconds. If you then add a champion that attacks every 3.5 seconds, Ishi steps it up and attacks every 3.25 seconds!

The first ability you'll unlock with Ishi is her Monsters are People Too! ability. With it, she increases her damage by 25% for each non-human champion in the formation. It's an additive bonus, so if you can get her surrounded by 6 non-humans, she's got a 150% increase in her damage, just for hanging with her peeps!

From there, you can unlock the first of her specialization choices, which focus on increasing your gold find.

If you want to use her in the early game, when you're cleaving through enemies quickly, choose Clear 'em Out! If you want to have her boost your gold find when you're close to your wall and fighting against a bunch of baddies, choose Wait for It!

Her next ability is Let's Find Some Treasure, which increases all gold found by 10% for every non-human champion adjacent to Ishi. Are you sensing a pattern here?

From there, you reach her second specialization choice, which is all about choosing her friends.

You can choose her friends from 3 groups:
  1. Shorties: Both monsters and "standard" adventuring races that share a similar aversion to being the tallest in the room.
  2. Tall Monsters: The name says it all. Monstrous races who tower over Ishi.
  3. Tall Folk: These are tall folk that Ishi doesn't consider monsters, but at least they're not humans!

Whichever route you go, Ishi's damage is raised by 100% for each of those races in the formation!

Ishi's Ultimate Attack:

Ishi's ultimate is called Confidence Boost. It's all about her strutting her stuff in front of her friends. For each non-human in the formation, Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for 15 seconds. Pair that with friends who attack quickly, and Ishi can easily bounce around the screen, laying waste to your enemies!

Ishi's Equipment

Slot 1: Rapier
  • Ishi's Rapier increases her damage.
Slot 2: Cape
  • Ishi's cape inspires those around her, increasing their damage (even if they're human).
Slot 3: Hat
  • Ishi's amazingly fancy hat increases the effect of Monsters are People Too! increasing Ishi's damage for every non-human adjacent to her.
Slot 4: IOU
  • Ishi once ran into the famed Artus Cimber, and carries an IOU from him to be redeemed at a later date. This equipment card increases the effect of Let's Find Some Treasure, increasing your party's gold find for every non-human adjacent to Ishi.
Slot 5: Nub Ub the mouse
  • Ishi's pet mouse, Nub Ub helps to inspire her to continue onward when using her Confidence Boost Ultimate Attack.
Slot 6: Pocket Soup
  • I've heard it's a delicacy, but the pocket lint turned me off from trying it. Pocket Soup decreases the cooldown of Ishi's Ultimate Attack, allowing her to use Confidence Boost more often!

TL;DR- Final Ishi Thoughts

We're super excited to introduce Ishi into the game. Hopefully she'll inspire you to think of new formations, casting those pesky humans aside. We'll be watching the discussion online and on discord to see how well she's received, so let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or on the official Discord!