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October 25th, 2018
COTLI: Emo's New Moon 4 

    It's close to midnight, and something Emo's lurking in the dark...
    Under full moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart!
Wait — this thriller-night has happened three times before! And it's back again tonight! Emo's New Moon has returned, bring ghosts and ghouls to the neighborhood schools where Crusaders fight for their lives from now until November 6th at noon Pacific!

Emo's New Moon 4 introduces Trixie the Treater, the latest Tier 4 Crusader, and brings back Viktor the Vampire, Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul, Fright-o-Tron 4000, Wendy the Witch, and Jack O'Lantern!

New Tier 4 Crusader: Trixie the Treater

Trixie the Treater is a Support/Gold Find Crusader who buffs the formation the more varied and different every Crusader in it is. When you unlock her, she swaps with The Exterminator and Gloria the Good Witch. Trixie also takes her trick-or-treating very seriously, which is great news for her fellow Crusaders because she brings home the Gold!

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Crusaders by completing their respective objectives. Viktor the Vampire, Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul, Fright-o-Tron 4000, Wendy the Witch, and Jack O'Lantern are all once again available to unlock!

New Tier 4 Objectives

  • Recruit Trixie the Treater | Trixie the Treater takes up a slot in your formation. She steals some of the quest items that drop. Crusaders in other columns deal no DPS. Reach area 600.

  • Carved Out | Three central formation slots are unavailable. Pumpkin seeds fall on random Crusaders, damaging them. Reach area 700.

  • Masquerade | For the purpose of Formation Abilities, Crusaders have no tags. Reach area 750.

  • Darkness Rising | Only undead, demon, and magic Crusaders may be used. Reach area 800.

  • Wait Up | DPS done to monsters is equal to the lowest DPS in your formation. This does not include click damage. Reach area 1000.

Introducing an All-New Event Mechanic!

That's right! We've added a new mechanic to events, to help you with Idol collection. For all the areas on an event objective or event free play that players complete, you can contribute to an additional bonus Idol buff that gives you more Idols on the event! The more areas completed by all players, the larger the buff!

We hope you'll enjoy it! And don't forget to check the in-game change log for what else is included in this update!

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Halloween Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, November 6th at 12:00pm Pacific to complete Emo's New Moon 4!
October 24th, 2018
Idle Champions: Liar's Night 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    "It was quite the party: fun, festive, and perhaps a tad too much ale. But then some masked jerk managed to sneak in and take off with a bunch of our magical items! Can you help us?"
It's all fun and games until someone loses their magic items and now it's time to get the Party back together for another Liar's Night!

Liars' Night 2 runs until Monday, November 5th at 12:00pm Pacific, introduces Donaar Blit'zen, the Dragonborn Paladin, and also brings back the new-and-improved Krond, the Half-orc Eldritch Knight!

New Champion: Donaar Blit'zen

This copper, draconic gentleman claims to know more than one hundred different dragons. Chromatic, metallic—just tons and tons of dragons—I'm hoping we can leverage some of these connections in our dealings. None of the dragons I've contacted have gotten back to me, but they're probably just very busy right now. This is one of of the busiest times for dragons… or so I've been told by my new best friend, Donaar Blit'zen.

Donaar is a Support/Healer Champion. He uses his Command ability to debuff enemies, while also healing damaged Champions and buffing those behind him. When you want to add Donaar to your party, you can swap him with Celeste or Regis (Slot 2).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight - Donaar dev blog!

Returning Champion: Krond

Born to an academic human wizard who was researching an orc tribe and the leader of said tribe, Krond has experience in both worlds. Raised as a fearsome warrior, he began focusing on the arcane arts after his mother was killed in a goblin raid. Krond wears intricate leather and cloth armor and carries a bonded warhammer.

Krond is a versatile DPS Champion, able to choose one of three DPS specializations. Krond's formation ability, Survival of the Fittest, increases his DPS for every strong (STR 16+) or evil-aligned Champion in the formation. When you want to add Krond to your party, you can swap him with Asharra or Evelyn (Slot 6).

For more information about Krond, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight - Krond dev blog!

Year Two Variants

  • The Chaotic Decisionist - Donaar has decided that he's going to lead the way on his first adventure. Donaar starts this adventured unlocked and in the front of the formation, and he has decided that he can't move from that location. Only Champions with a chaotic alignment can be used.

  • Nightmare Fuel - A flaming scarecrow spawns in every Area. After each encounter with the Masked Man, an additional scarecrow will spawn every Area, stacking cumulatively.

  • Pirate's Night - Bruenor tried to bring the fun for Liars' Night by dressing up as a pirate. Unfortunately, a drunken sailor has mistaken him for another pirate who owes her some money. She spawns in every Area with one of four different special abilities. Bruenor is locked into his Pirate Bruenor skin for this variant, which unlocks for you once you complete the adventure.

Year One Variants

  • Stealthy Pickpockets - Invisible pickpockets spawn and sneak towards the formation, becoming visible after five seconds. When they reach your formation, they steal 2% of your total gold each time they attack.

  • Costumed Foes - A variety of costumed humanoids enemies attack the formation, each with different special abilities.

  • It's Getting Darker - The night gets even darker, with each successive area getting darker and reducing your gold find while monsters gain additional health.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

October 23rd, 2018
Idle Champion Spotlight - Donaar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today, we're going to go into detail on our newest Champion: Donaar Blit'zen, the Dragonborn Paladin.

Donaar will be available in our next Year Two Event, Liars' Night, which launches TOMORROW (October 24th)! I hope this blog will give you all you need to know about our latest champion. But don't forget that Liars' Night is also a chance to collect and gear up Krond, the Half-Orc Fighter who recently got a big balance upgrade. You can read more about Krond and his new abilities in last week's Champion Spotlight.

How you can unlock Donaar:

Donaar is unlocked by playing Liars' Night, a limited-time event launching on October 24th and running until November 5th. Once you unlock Donaar, he swaps with Celeste or Regis (Slot 2).

Donaar will be sharing Liars' Night with last year's Champion, Krond, the Half-Orc Eldritch Knight. Don't worry - you will be able to unlock both of them if you haven't already unlocked Krond!

Who is Donaar:

Donaar is a member of the Acquisitions Incorporated's "C" Team. He is played by Ryan Hartman and will be featured on the main stage at this weekend's Acquisions Incorporated Main Stage game at PAX Australia!

This copper, draconic gentleman claims to know more than one hundred different dragons. Chromatic, metallic—just tons and tons of dragons—I’m hoping we can leverage some of these connections in our dealings. None of the dragons I’ve contacted have gotten back to me, but they’re probably just very busy right now. This is one of the busiest times for dragons… or so I’ve been told by my new best friend, Donaar Blit’zen.

Donaar's Design:

As fans of The C-Team, we were super excited to start working with their crew. Their attention to detail and love of their characters was clear quite quickly. Ryan came to the table with a TON of background info on Donaar and really helped bring the braggadocious Dragonborn to life. It is our hope that we did him justice, and that you become as enamored with Donaar and the rest of his crew as we are!

It's easy to see Donaar and think: Tank, right? He's a gigantic armored Dragonborn! However, the more we learned about him, the more we knew that to love Donaar is to understand that he might not serve your party in the best possible way. He's going to do things his way, cause he's the decisionist! Because of Ryan's love of using command to hilarious effect, we decided to double down on Donaar just doing whatever he thinks is best for the party.

Base Attack - Command: Donaar may have an enormous sword at his disposal, but his go-to attack is using command to compel enemies to do whatever he wants. He targets a random enemy and deals a small amount of damage while commanding them to do one of 4 possible things:
  • Hold: The target is stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Flee: The target is pushed back and damage dealt to it is increase by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Fear: The target now has a 50% chance to miss on any attack for the next 5 seconds.
  • Drop Your Stuff: The target drops 50% more gold when it dies.

Formation Ability: Aura of Vitality: Every second, Donaar heals the champion who has lost the most health (percentage-wise). They will regain health over the next 10 seconds. He's there when you need him!

Formation Ability: Lead By Example: Donaar increases the damage of Champions in his column and those in the columns behind him by 100%.

Donaar's Specializations:

With Donaar's specializations, we wanted to give you the choice on how Donaar doubles down on his commands. He'll either use "Ohhh Yeaaaaah!" to increase the effect or duration of the commands or use "Everybody Cooool Out!" to allow his commands to affect a small area around the target each time.

Donaar's Ultimate Attack:

One of the best parts of Donaar's story when Ryan was relaying it, was his description of Donaar's "breath" weapon. Instead of exhaling acid, he instead vomits it "like a cat hacking up a hairball". As soon as we heard that, we knew we had our ultimate. Our resident Art Director Adam Kosh brought Donaar's hairball-hacking breath weapon to life in epic fashion. Donaar will cleave through a few baddies with his comically large sword Toothbrush, and vomit an acid pool that will deal damage to enemies that walk through it.

If you're at PAX Australia this weekend (or know someone who is) check the showbook for a code to unlock Donaar's Yum-Yum Hut chef variant outfit!

Donaar's Equipment

Slot 1: Giant Sword
  • Donaar's giant sword, Toothbrush, increases the DPS of all champions.
Slot 2: Toothbrush
  • Donaar's actual toothbrush, a bejeweled toothbrush he calls Percival, will increase the DPS of all champions. Tooth decay is a real problem when you're constantly vomiting acid!
Slot 3: Yum-Yum Hut Menu
  • The menu for Donaar's diner increases the effect of Aura of Vitality.
Slot 4: Decisionst's Coin
  • Donaar's role in the C-Team is the decisionist. It means that his vote counts twice. In our game, the decisionist coin buffs Lead By Example.
Slot 5: Eggy
  • Donaar's goddaughter Eggy/Chronaar increases the damage of his ultimate attack.
Slot 6: Cape
  • Donaar's regal and totally epic cape decreases the cooldown of his ultimate attack.

What about any other Donaar Details I'm looking for?

Donaar is Chaotic Good, a member of the Acq Inc "C" Team, and his stats are as follows:
Str: 18 Dex: 8 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 16

TL/DR- Final Donaar Thoughts

Donaar is a goofy, braggadocious buffoon, and we love him as a support/healer. He uses his Command ability to deal random effects to random enemies because he's the decisionist, darn it! He buffs the damage of those in his column and behind him, making him a row 1 or row 2 stalwart. He also heals the Champions in the formation who have lost the most health, keeping them fighting longer. His ultimate attack will bring a tear to your eye, his eye, and anyone unlucky enough to walk through the mess it creates!

We'll be watching the discussion online and on discord to see how well she's received, so let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or on the official Discord! If you are enjoying Farideh, consider checking out the C-Team broadcasts
October 19th, 2018
COTLI: New Tier 3 11th Objectives & Missions! 

Greetings, Crusaders!

Today's update includes additional Tier 3 11th Objectives for Grimm's Idle Tales, Mischief at Mugwarts, and Ready Player Two, with rewards for each that are sure to help you push further than ever before. This update also includes additional Missions, allowing players to recruit and earn equipment for the remaining Tier 3 Event Crusaders!

You can find more information about the additional Tier 3 11th Objectives below. Are you excited!? We are!

Grimm's Idle Tales: Which is Witch?

Note: this objective requires that all T3 Grimm's Idle Tales objectives are complete in addition to the Ghostbeard's Greed T3 11th objective.
  • Wicked women and innocent ladies spawn at random.
  • Both can only be damaged by clicking.
  • Wicked women kill the front column of Crusaders upon reaching the formation.
  • Innocent ladies disappear harmlessly upon reaching the formation.
  • Killing an innocent lady spawns an invulnerable ghost which deals high damage.
  • Reach area 1400.
  • Reward: 10% extra rubies from objective completions. Also it's retroactive, so by completing the objective, you get bonus rubies based on how many objectives you've already done.

Mischief at Mugwarts: From the Ashes

Note: this objective requires that all T3 Mischief at Mugwarts objectives are complete in addition to the Grimm's Idle Tales T3 11th objective.
  • A sorcerer and a serpent take up slots in the formation, changing every 50 areas.
  • The serpent constantly deals damage to adjacent Crusaders, except Fire Phoenix.
  • The sorcerer disables the DPS of all Crusaders except Fire Phoenix.
  • Fire Phoenix's "Evil Eye" upgrade has been replaced with "Phoenix Tears" which heals her and adjacent Crusaders.
  • All other Crusaders' healing abilities are ineffective.
  • Reach area 1450.
  • Reward: Your maximum Sprint area is now doubled. Works even if you haven't maxed out the Sprint talent yet.

Ready Player Two: Bullet Hell

Note: this objective requires that all T3 Ready Player Two objectives are complete in addition to the Mischief at Mugwarts T3 11th objective.
  • Monsters can only be damaged by projectiles, explosions, and clicking.
  • Many monsters are replaced by ranged monsters.
  • Ranged monsters can't be damaged by clicking.
  • Some ranged monsters spawn grenades on death.
  • Grenades damage the front column of the formation for 50% of their max health.
  • Reach area 1500.
  • Reward: Maximum number cap raised to 1e600, up from 1e400.
October 19th, 2018
BW2: Halloween Event, 2018 Edition! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Halloween is Coming to Bushwhackia!

Who doesn't love a good haunted mansion? Well, that's what Halloween in Bushwhackia is all about! But to decorate your very own, you need to do what you do best! Go out into the world and whack bushes to find Pumpkins. Once you have found a patch of pumpkins, you can buy decorations from Glenda outside the mansion, or from the "Store" button while you're in Build Mode inside. Once you feel you've got enough, start laying out your design inside. (You can also purchase the same decorations for Bush Bucks from the Cop in the event area.)

You do not have to place all your collected decorations on display in the Mansion in order for them to count towards "Halloween Collector," they will count so long as they are within your haunted house inventory.

The goal is to scare the pants off the 8 children standing in front of the house, all of varying levels of bravery. The more you scare them, the more candy you'll earn in return. And you're going to want that candy so you can trade it for the custom items at the event store! You can try scaring them every 20 hours after you scared them the first time.

Glenda the Good Witch isn't just for buying decorations with Pumpkins. You will also be getting several quests from her throughout the event for special interactive decorations. As you complete each of her four quests, you can request help from your friends* by talking to the Construction Worker to increase the decoration's scariness.

*Platforms which do not support Friend Lists will have an adjusted static scariness.

The Haunted Mansion Photo Contest will be starting soon!

Gotta Collect them all!

What can possibly make your house scarier? How about some Creatures which wander around your mansion! Each creature will become available for a set amount of dates which you can then request from friends* by talking to the the Cop.

Creatures are available on the following schedule:
Black Cats - AVAILABLE at Event launch, UNTIL Sun Oct 21, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Witches - AVAILABLE Sun Oct 21, Noon PDT UNTIL Tues Oct 23, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Zombies - AVAILABLE Tues Oct 23, Noon PDT UNTIL Thurs Oct 25, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Bats - AVAILABLE Thurs Oct 25, Noon PDT UNTIL Sat Oct 27, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Spiders - AVAILABLE Sat Oct 27, Noon PDT UNTIL Mon Oct 29, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Ghost Butler - AVAILABLE Mon Oct 29, Noon PDT UNTIL Wed Oct 31, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Franken-Dogs - AVAILABLE Wed Oct 31, Noon PDT UNTIL the Event End

*Platforms which do not support Friends Lists can receive a single creature for free as they become available, by speaking to the Cop. The Sparkly Vampire is still available for Bush Bucks if you want it in your haunted house.

Candy! Candy! Candy!

To buy the custom items, you need your Candy! Not only do you get it from scaring those insolent little kiddies, you also net some from completing the various quests given to you by the Halloween NPCs hanging out in the event area!

Plus from Wednesday October 31st until the end of the event, you can hunt down denizens of Bushwhackia and Trick-or-Treat with them for Candy goodness! There will be a spooky character standing in front of a pile of Candy in each of the major areas! So 1 in the Mysterious Forest, 1 in the Shady Detour, etc. NPCs have been added up to the Spine of the World!

New for 2018:
We've added five new quests for this year! Enjoy!

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are a total of 18 possible Achievements to earn in the Halloween 2018 event:

Achievements Returning in 2018:
  • Mansion Maniac - Get 50 decorations for your Haunted Mansion!
  • Little Kid Spooker - Scare 4 kids in you Haunted Mansion
  • Scarred for Life - Scare all the kids in your Haunted Mansion!
  • Trick or Treat - Go Trick or Treating on or after Hallowe'en!
  • Costume Quest - Complete the Costume Quests
  • Year Round Scares - Completed the Moulder Most Foul
  • Pumpking - Grow a very large Pumpkin.
  • There's a Skeleton in Us All - Help The Bone Doctor build and animate a skeleton for Halloween!
  • Hallowe'en Collector - Have at least 40 unique decorations in your H. M.! (formerly Halloween Completionist)
  • Craven Candies - Find each trick-or-treaters favourite candy
Added/Changed for 2018:
  • Ghastly Grabs* - Purchase all the 2018 Halloween Event items.
We have 7 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:
  • Spooky Home Decorator - get all house items from the 2012 Halloween Event!
  • Year-round Cosplayer - Get all player items from the 2012 Halloween Event!
  • Candy Spender - Purchase all the Halloween 2013 items!
  • Spooky Purchases - Purchases all the 2014 Halloween Event items.
  • Halloweenie - Purchase all the 2015 Halloween Event items.
  • All Hallows' Items - Purchase all the 2016 Halloween Event items.
  • Scary Swag - Purchase all the 2017 Halloween Event items.

*The Halloween Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Ghastly Grabs achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Grab Your Spooky Companion for Bush Whacking!

Pet Packs for 2018- COMING SOON!

Post your Halloween scariness and questions on the forum!

The event will run until Friday November 2nd at Noon PDT!

Have a treat! Redeem SPOO-KTAC-ULAR-2018 for 1 Large Energy Pack. Valid until the event end.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I find the Pumpkins?
    Just keep whacking. The Holiday Item runes and pets will help attract them as well.

  • How do I decorate my Mansion?
    You need to whack up Pumpkins. You can buy decorations from Glenda in the event area, or from the Store when you're in Build mode inside the Mansion. Once you have decorations, you can place them like you're decorating your ranch using Build mode.

  • How do I scare the Kids?
    Just keep buying decorations and getting friends to up the scare level of your interactive decorations. As your event progress increases, you will scare the kids more and more. As well, when you reach a certain level of scariness, the kids will elect to no longer tour your house.

  • Does the Timey-Wimey watch or Time Turner affect the Kids?
    No, the kids do not have quest cooldowns, so trinket effects that work for quests will not apply to them.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Making your mansion as scary as possible by buying decorations (but you don't have to place them all.)

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

October 19th, 2018
BW2: Oct 19th, 2018 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Halloween Event 2018 Update (October 19th, 2018)

- Updated the Halloween Event for 2018
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 5 new quests, 4 of which are dailies
- Gas Cloud can now be rotated for different colours
- Added 3 new Haunted House items, one is a quest reward that can also be bought

- The Sprocket/Brute quest line now requires you to have done the Skeleton building quest line. Can only do each of them once, a year apart, with dailies unlocking if you’ve done both. (Skeleton first year, Sproket/Brute second year, dailies the following year).

- Added 3 new pets available from Oct 26th to Oct 29th

- Can now send All Hallows' Treat Bag to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas

- Added Skeletal Dragon Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Ran a limited time quest line dedicated to Avicii (Oct 10th-12th)

- Ran the Alzheimer's Coffee Break charity promotion from Oct 17th to 19th.

- Fixed the Town Crier’s available quest list getting cut off if have more than 14. Now, if there are more than 14 non-hub available quests to show in the Town Crier’s list, they’re split into multiple pages.

- Fixed being able to get more Strawberry Tarts from Linus 6 months after you first claimed them after the Anniversary Event.

- Increased odds to fish up the SBA plug in the Plateau Lakes if you have the Big Fishing Hook.

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
October 17th, 2018
Idle Champions: The Grand Tour, Part 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

After receiving their fortunes from a Vistani Fortune Teller, the Champions sought out "Evil's Bride" and eventually crossed paths with Ismark and Ireena, two Barovians burying their father. The party learned that Strahd von Zarovich is in pursuit of Ireena, believing her to be the reincarnation of his long lost love.

Now it is time for the Champions to venture onto the next leg of their journey – and their next mystery: The Tower on the Lake!

Note: You will need to complete the Grand Tour Adventures The Mists of Ravenloft and Family Entanglements in order to access these new adventures.

Tower on the Lake

After arriving in Vallaki, the Martikovs send the Champions in search of the Tower on the Lake.
  • Variant: Only the Strong Survive — Only Champions with an STR score of 12 or higher may be used.

Seeds of Deceit

The Wizards of the Wine winery is known throughout Barovia – and they need your help!
  • Variant: Visions of Strahd — Strahd von Zarovich taunts the Champions in their dreams as they relive their latest adventure. Only the first nine Core Champions may be used (Bruenor, Celeste, Nayeli, Jarlaxle, Calliope, Asharra, Minsc, Delina, and Makos) while all other Champions are locked out.

Champion Update: Krond

Born to an academic human wizard who was researching an orc tribe and the leader of said tribe, Krond has experience in both worlds. Raised as a fearsome warrior, he began focusing on the arcane arts after his mother was killed in a goblin raid. Krond wears intricate leather and cloth armor and carries a bonded warhammer.

Krond is a versatile DPS Champions, able to choose one of three DPS specializations. Krond's formation ability, Survival of the Fittest, increases his DPS for every strong or evil-aligned Champion in the formation. When you want to add Krond to your party, you can swap him with Asharra or Evelyn (Slot 6).

For more information about our Krond Champion Update, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight - Krond Dev Blog!

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
October 17th, 2018
Idle Champion Spotlight - Krond Rebalance 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Krond was originally released during our first Liars' Night event in 2017. Initially, he was seen as a powerhouse thanks to his strong Ultimate. Unfortunately, an error in the calculations for the Ultimate happened to sneak through our QA pass, so we had to dial him back. It was all downhill for Krond from there. We don't normally like to "nerf" champions, but the bug presented us with a choice we had to make and so we toned down his power. Between that tweak and the design idea that we could split the power level of his cantrips between 3 equipment pieces, he was seen as a sub-par Champion for much of the past year.

As we started our TLC pass for Liars' Night, we had a discussion on if we should wait for a big rebalance pass, or use the coming event to give Krond some redemption. We decided to take some time to work on him now, bringing some newfound glory to our Half-Orc Fighter. These changes are live in the game as of the Grand Tour 6 update today, so everyone who has Krond can have a week to get used to him before he's available for everyone in Liars' Night Y2 starting next week!

We started by looking at Krond's slot, and how it has grown this year. Evelyn is a go-to tank in the meta, so a sub-par DPS just wasn't going to cut it. Additionally, Krond is a CNE-exclusive Champion, so we have a bit more leeway to make major changes to the character. Given that, we wanted to take a look at the champion from the ground up.

Survival of the Fittest

Knowing what is coming in the upcoming Tanking & Healing update allows us to do a bit of future design with nu-Krond. We started by creating a new Formation Ability titled Survival of the Fittest. Because everything in his design is tied to his specializations, we wanted to give him a "build around me" ability that might make you think about a different formation. We decided that Krond has been looked down on for so long that he's probably pretty cranky. He's missed out on a TON of adventures and he's ready to create his own crew. Survival of the Fittest was born from that idea: Krond's damage is increased 100% for each champion in the formation (multiplicative) who is Evil (Arkhan, Jarlaxle, and Makos at the moment), or has a Strength score of 16+ (Arkhan, Azaka, Barrowin, Binwin, Donaar, Jamilah, Krond, Minsc, Tyril, and Wulfgar). Eventually, this should allow Krond to create a new formation type, focusing on heavy hitters and evil Champions.

Ability Scores & Alignment

Given his new focus on strong and evil Champions, we imagined Krond benched from almost all adventures and quietly stewing and working out. We increased his Strength to 18, and tipped his alignment from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil. That's right. Nu-Krond isn't messing around!


We wanted to break Krond's equipment away from the focus on his specializations. So we merged the 3 equipment items that each boosted a single cantrip power into one equipment item that boosts Krond's chosen cantrip. With the 2 extra equipment pieces we gained, we gave Krond another self DPS equipment item and an item that increases his bonus from Survival of the Fittest, pumping up his power level.

Base Attack

In balancing his damage, we decided to shave a half second off of his base attack cooldown, lowering his cooldown from 5.75 seconds to 5.25 seconds. We also doubled his base attack damage.


We buffed upgrades to Eldritch Strike to give Krond's follow-up attacks more of a kick, positioning Krond as a DPS who excels at longer drawn-out encounters. We also increased the damage modifier of Krond's Thunderclap and Fire Bolt cantrips, though his Shocking Grasp is still the best bang for your single-target buck, if that's your thing.


While Krond's original ultimate packed quite the punch, we had to dial it back in a major way shortly after he was released. We've fine-tuned his Arcane Charge for a better balance between over-powered and feather-tickling.

In the end, our entire focus was to pull Krond out of the DPS dead zone and get him in fighting shape. As we mentioned above, we're aware of some of the tanking & healing updates we'll be making, and we were able to take into account how much better new Arkhan is going to be. We're confident you'll be satisfied with nu-Krond's power level, and even happier when nu-Arkhan comes around in the coming weeks. We'll be watching the discussion online and on discord to see how well he's received, so let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or on the official Discord!
October 10th, 2018
BW2: A Missing Hat Limited Time Quest 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

A Missing Hat

For the next couple days, a talented visitor will be staying in the Commons. Be sure to chat with them for a limited time opportunity. Be quick though, as they'll only be here until Noon PDT on Friday, October 12th!

Redeem this code before Noon PDT on Friday October 12th for 1 free Large Energy Pack: SOWA-KEME-UPAV-ICII
October 5th, 2018
BW2: Dungeoneering Preparations Weekend! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hail Whackers!

You're summoned to the Commons for a weekend quest! There are some ill-prepared visitors who need your assistance. They have 4 main quests for you tackle, and if you have the energy, a repeatable 5th quest you can do up to 5 times.

But hurry! These furry visitors are only around until Monday October 8th at Noon Pacific!

This weekend we're also running two new package deals each containing a unique pet! Be sure to check them out!

And finally a treat! Redeem this code before Noon Pacific Time on Monday October 8th for 1 free Large Energy Pack: DUNG-EONE-ERIN-GCAT