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January 30th, 2019
Idle Champions: The Grand Tour, Part 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

After discovering the mystery behind the Tower on the Lake and vanquishing the evil at Wizards of the Wine winery, the Champions have become lost in the wilderness — and with their greatest foe in hot pursuit...

Note: You will need to complete the Grand Tour Adventures Tower on the Lake and Seeds of Deceit in order to access these new adventures.

Flies on the Wall

The Champions have saved the winery, but now they've become lost in the wilderness. Luckily, the Dusk Elf Kasimir is willing to help.
  • Variant: The Killer Mists — While in Barovia's misty areas Champions take damage over time. Damage is based on Champion's constitution (CON) score, with lower CON Champions taking increased damage.

Backtracking through Barovia

One ally is dead, another has been taken, and the Champions are on the wrong side of Barovia. It's time to head to Castle Ravenloft and face down Strahd von Zarovich.
  • Variant: Diversity Day-Trip — Only a single member of each Champion race is allowed in the formation at a time.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
January 28th, 2019
BW2: Nate's Salt Desert Dessert! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's hungry for adventure, or maybe just plain hungry.

He's gone missing in the Salt Desert and might need your help! If you've completed Nate's High Jungle Dive and tier two of the Train Graveyard's third field in the Salt Desert, talk to the Town Crier to get started.

In this adventure you'll rescue Nate from whatever trouble he's gotten into in the dry and mysterious Salt Desert!
January 25th, 2019
BW2: Generation 10 Pets are Here! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Gotta find 'em all! A new selection of cute and skittery critters are now available to be your companions!

Those weirdly random abandoned eggs scattered all over Bushwhackia have been switched up and all new pets are ready to hatch when you accept the "Find an Egg" quest from Misty. She will also have all the Generation 10 eggs available to purchase for Bush Bucks during the "Find an Egg" quest.

Other changes to Misty and Hank for Generation 10:
  • Misty will no longer let players abandon Gen 9 pet eggs that they are hatching (they're now too rare). Only current generation pet eggs can be abandoned during hatching. Please note that if you're in the middle of hatching a pet, then that egg will still hatch into whatever pet it would have been before.

  • Generation 9 pet eggs can now be found in Quester's Satchels (with the same limitations as the Generation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 eggs, which will still be available in satchels as well.)

  • Hank now sells a random assortment of hatched level 1 Generation 10 pets (instead of Generation 9) for Bush Bucks in his pet store.

PAGAS changes for Generation 10:
  • Generation 10 pet eggs are available to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store, once you have hatched at least five (5) Generation 10 pets.

  • The Pet Progress dialog now includes Generation 10 pets. Another 10 new pets that all players can unlock!

And now, without further ado, the information you've all been waiting for:

Generation 10 Pets:
  • Squid
  • Dodo
  • Tarantula
  • Lemur
  • Leopard
  • Black Widow Spider
  • Mosquito
  • Brad
  • Penguin
  • Beester
Comment on the new additions on the forum!
January 25th, 2019
BW2: Jan 25th, 2019 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Limited Time Tribute Quest (January 4th, 2019)

- 10 new pets are now in rotation for Misty’s pet raising quests!

- Added 8 new unique variations of the gen 10 pets to the PAGAS egg store.

- Can now filter your runes by effect in the Blacksmith, Disenchant, and Combine dialogs!

- Mounts with skins now show properly on your ranch!

- Can now send gifts while doing quests to build Sasha’s house.

- Fixed the yellow exclamation/question mark hiding after you accept/turn in a Mayoral Duties quest or your Mayoral Stipend when the other is still available.

- Changed the name of the ranch item store to “Ye Incredible IDEA Outlet”

- Changed the name of the Crops store to “Ye Capacious Crop Shoppe”

- Added Leonard companion to the wandering pet salesperson.

- 6 different coloured Ribbon Board ranch items to wandering furniture salesperson, to better display event ribbons.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
January 24th, 2019
COTLI: Carnage Cup 4 

Put on those cleats and pads, and maybe a mouth guard and helmet, too — the biggest event of the year in CrusaderSports™ is here: CARNAGE CUP 4!!

This year's contenders are exciting to behold, perhaps none so than the newest Crusader to take to the field, a Half-Dwarf/Half-Orc powerhouse by the name of Nargulg Granitehand. Yes folks, you read that right: Granitehand. This guy has been training his whole life for a chance to compete in the most chaotic event in CrusaderSportsâ„¢, and he's here to win.


Carnage Cup 4 introduces Nargulg Granitehand, and brings back Groklok the Orc, Drizzle the Dark Elf, Karl the Kicker, Cindy the Cheer-Orc, and Griz the Robo-Coach! The carnage comes to a close on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 12:00PM PT, so make sure to unlock and gear up Nargulg and the rest of the squad before then!

New Tier 4 Crusader: Nargulg Granitehand

    Nargulg small for Orc. But Nargulg big for Dwarf.
    Nargulg loves chaos! Nargulg loves fight!
    Crusaders like murder. Crusaders like Carnage Cup.
    Nargulg join Crusaders!
    Nargulg win Carnage Cup!

Nargulg Granitehand is a Half-Dwarf/Half-Orc Crusader, who managed to draw all the anger and fury from both races into a single muscular body of destruction. He increases Click Damage for every Dwarf Crusader and Orc Crusader in the formation, with Nargulg counting twice because he's both!

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Crusaders by completing their respective objectives. Groklok the Orc, Drizzle the Dark Elf, Karl the Kicker, Cindy the Cheer-Orc, and Griz the Robo-Coach are all once again available to unlock!

New Tier 4 Objectives

  • Recruit Nargulg Granitehand | Nargulg Granitehand and Jim the Lumberjack start in the formation. Click Damage and Task Masters are disabled. Monsters randomly spawn that are able to instantly kill a Crusader upon reaching the formation. Reach area 600.

  • Revenge of the Cheerleaders | A Cheerleader from Hell starts in the formation, disabling the Formation Abilities of adjacent Crusaders. Every 150 Areas another Cheerleader from Hell appears. Reach area 700.

  • Crowds are Contagious | One rowdy fan takes up a slot in the formation, intent on infecting the other Crusaders. Five Virus Clouds move around the formation, disabling Crusader DPS and Formation Abilities. While moving the Virus Clouds have no effect. Reach area 750.

  • Concession Time! | Various concession snacks attack the formation, each with their own annoying effects. These concession snacks survive for at least three seconds and spawn more quickly the more spawn speed you have. Reach area 800.

  • Raging Dates of Death | Three escorts take up spaces in the formation. You need to keep the formation even in genders of Crusaders or else a Crusader dies every five seconds. Reach area 850.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Carnage Cup Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 12:00PM PST to complete Carnage Cup 4!
January 16th, 2019
Idle Champions: Midwinter 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

As the citizens of Longsaddle celebrate Deadwinter Day by exchanging gifts, the Champions have once again been hired by the Harpells to patrol the outskirts of town.

However, it appears as if one of Orcus' most feared abominations has been summoned to wreak havoc, a demonic fiend with an insatiable hunger...

Midwinter 2 runs until Monday, January 28th, 2019 at 12:00pm PST, introduces K'thriss Drow'b, Drow Warlock of the Great Old One, and also brings back Regis, the Halfling Rogue!

New Champion: K'thriss Drow'b

    Curious, affable, and morbid, the Drow heretic K'thriss Drow'b seeks the insane god-truth behind the veil of reality. As the "C" Team's hoardsperson, he keeps an eye out for occult relics that could aid him in his unearthly quest.
K'thriss is an unusual Support Champion. He reduces Gold Find to increase Global DPS, summons Shadow Demons to assist the party, and buffs distant allies. When you want to add K'thriss to your party, you can swap him with Bruenor (Slot 1).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: K'thriss dev blog!

Returning Champion: Regis

    As a poor urchin on the streets of Calimport, Regis quickly learned that survival often requires bending the rules in your favor. He fled to the north to avoid capture after stealing his former master’s magical ruby pendant. Eventually, he found companionship amongst the Companions of the Hall, becoming one of Bruenor Battlehammer’s most trusted confidants. Bruenor was the one who gifted Regis with the nickname “Rumblebelly” due to the halfling’s insatiable appetite.

    Regis would prefer nothing more than to relax in the sun with a full belly near his home in Ten-Towns and fish for knucklead trout, the source of all of his scrimshaw carvings. But when his friends need help, Regis is always there for them. He never sees himself as the hero, even though his true friends know better.

Regis is a Support Champion. He uses a magical ruby amulet to buff Champions in front of or behind him, and to make enemies weak to different types of damage. When you want to add Regis to your party, you can swap him with Celeste (Slot 2).

Year Two Variants

  • Velvet's Midwinter Adventure — K'thriss summons his unseen servant, Velvet, to help with party. Unfortunately, Velvet has been tasked with collecting gold for K'thriss, causing enemies to drop 50% less gold. K'thriss and Velvet both start in the formation, and once unlocked, K'thriss' Unseen Encouragement ability extends from both K'thriss normally, but also extends to those adjacent to Velvet.

  • Truth Beyond Knowing — K'thriss desires more knowledge of his unknowable god. Every area, a Drow Cultist empowered by the sign of the Ur appears, attacking with Chain Lightning. The Drow Cultist drops no gold upon death, but does drop a glyph (book). Every time you collect a glyph, Champions with an Intelligence (INT) score of 13 or higher have their damage increased by 5%, while Champions with below 13 INT have their damage go down by 5% for the remainder of the adventure.

  • More Like the Scream Team — The Devourer now arrives as a second boss in Area 25, and if that wasn't scary enough, the Devourer now devours Champions every 8 seconds instead of every 10 seconds!

Year One Variants

  • Deadwinter Date — You've been tasked with escorting two young Harpell wards on a date during your adventure. They take up slots and are otherwise pretty useless..

  • Deadwinter Fey — A large number of sprites and pixies spawn with each wave of enemies (not during boss areas). These extra monsters do not drop gold, and when killed they sprinkle a random Champion with pixie dust. Any champion that is sprinkled with 10 Pixie dust has their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled. Pixie dust stacks reset when you change areas.

  • Deadwinter Pay (-back) — Every time you defeat an enemy (in a non-boss area) your Champions take 10% unavoidable damage. Champions adjacent to Regis take one third of that damage while Regis himself is immune.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

January 15th, 2019
Idle Champion Spotlight: K'thriss Drow'b 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today we're talking about our newest Champion: K'thriss Drow'b, the Drow Warlock of the Great Old One, and the latest addition to Idle Champions joining us from Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team!

K'thriss will be available in our next Year Two Event, Midwinter, which launches on Wednesday, January 16th. I hope this blog will give you all you need to know about our latest Support champion.

Don't forget that Midwinter is also a chance to collect and gear up Regis, the Halfling Rogue from R.A. Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt novels!

How you can unlock K'thriss:

K'thriss is unlocked by playing Midwinter, a limited-time event launching on January 16th and running until January 28th at noon Pacific. Once you unlock K'thriss, he swaps with Bruenor and Deekin (Slot 1).

Who is K'thriss:

    Curious, affable, and morbid, the Drow heretic K'thriss Drow'b seeks the insane god-truth behind the veil of reality. As the "C" Team's hoardsperson, he keeps an eye out for occult relics that could aid him in his unearthly quest.
K'thriss is the second member of The "C" Team to join Idle Champions. His pal Donaar Blit'zen was the first back in October with Liars' Night 2. And yes, we will be looking to bring Walnut Dankgrass and Rosie Beestinger (who has an interesting connection to Strix) to the game in future updates. Stay tuned!

K'thriss' Design:

K'thriss was created by Kris Straub for the main-stage Aquisitions Inc games at PAX. Eventually he broke off from the main crew and joined his forever family: The "C" Team.

We chatted with Kris about what makes K'thriss tick and how best we could integrate him with the Champions. In the end, we landed on a quirky champion who supports the team by usurping a percentage of gold (he is a hoardsperson, after all) to buff party DPS, and helps those furthest away from him.

Base Attack - Dissonant Whispers: K'thriss telepathically whispers a discordant melody that damages and slows a random enemy.

Formation Ability: Hoardsperson: K'thriss' first formation ability unlocks his Acquisitions Inc role as Hoardsperson. As the Hoardsperson, K'thriss reduces gold find by 10% (causing cool pink coins to fall from all monsters that go directly to him. In exchange for taking 10% of the gold, K'thriss increases the damage of all Champions. In addition to that, every time K'thriss collect 75 of the cool coins, he summons a shadow demon. The demon attaches itself to the champion that does the lowest damage, and increases their damage to match the champion with the highest damage.

Formation Ability: Unseen Encouragement: K'thriss increases the damage of the Champion furthest from him by 200%. If there's a tie, all Champions furthest from K'thriss are buffed!

K'thriss' Specializations:

K'thriss' specializations are all about deciding whether the party needs him to focus on bringing his shadow demon along more often, or focus on buffing the Champion(s) furthest from him.

K'thriss' Ultimate Attack: Tentacular Spectacular

K'thriss' ultimate was a bit challenging, but we knew we wanted to bring our version of Tentacular Spectacular into the game. The big issue was making sure that he didn't look like a flasher when he executes his plan! With Tentacular Spectacular, K'thriss opens his cloak, revealing the inky black void underneath (is he even a person!?!). Then, tentacles sprout from the void, lashing out at enemies. What that means in our game is a hilarious cloak opening animation complete with jazz hands, followed by a SWARM of tentacles throughout the battlefield. It's really a sight to behold.

Kthriss' Equipment

Slot 1: Book of Shadows
  • K'thriss' thirst for knowledge increases the damage of all Champions.
Slot 2: Robe
  • Kthriss' cloak increases the damage of all Champions.
Slot 3: Hoardsperson Bag
  • His Acquisitions Incorporated mandated bag increases the effect of his Hoardsperson ability.
Slot 4: Velvet
  • K'thriss' Unseen Servant Velvet increases the effect of his Unseen Encouragement ability.
Slot 5: Ligotti
  • His sentient tentacle/pet increases the damage of his ultimate attack Tentacular Spectacular.
Slot 6: Tetrathanotic Key
  • The symbol of Ur reduces the cooldown of his ultimate attack Tentacular Spectacular.

Are there any other K'thriss details I should know?

K'thriss is Chaotic Neutral and a member of the Acquisitions Incorporated "C" Team. His stats are as follows:

Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 10 Int: 13 Wis: 10 Cha: 18

TL/DR: Final K'thriss Thoughts

K'thriss is a support champion focussed on increasing the overall DPS of your champions through his Shadow Demon via Hoardsperson and through his Unseen Encouragement abilities. He'll help slow enemies as they head to your formation, and he'll try to clear the board with his Tentacular Spectacular ultimate ability.

We'll be watching the discussion online and on discord to see how well he's received, so let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or on the official Discord! If you are enjoying K'thriss, consider checking out the "C" team broadcasts!

~The Idle Champions Team
January 11th, 2019
BW2: Jan 11th, 2019 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's Birthday Event Update (December 11th, 2019)

- Updated Nate’s Birthday Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available from Jan 18th to Jan 21st
- A new challenging quest
- Can now send Dynamite Gifts to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas

- Added Serpent Dragon Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- On platforms that have zone blockers that must be staffed, you can now add one staff to a blocker for free every 20 hours.

- Can no longer use a Pristine Feed on a mount with the max of 8 bonuses when that Pristine Feed isn’t one of the existing bonuses. Before this, you could use the Pristine Feed but the bonus would be removed afterwards.

- Frosted Cake NPC in Salty Settlement now has a yellow exclamation mark to indicate they have something for you. It goes away after you talk to them.

- Fixed Investigator Kaine staying in the Summer Village after you’ve completed the mystery there.

- Fixed wandering merchants sometimes overlapping.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
January 11th, 2019
BW2: Celebrate Nate's Birthday Event, 2019 Edition! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy Birthday Nate!

It’s that time of year again! Help celebrate Nate Dragon’s birthday by decorating the Commons for him....because no one else will.

First and foremost, whenever Nate is involved, safety becomes a priority. Find Safety Coins in the bushes and bring them to the stations in the Commons to stock up on protective gear. Turn in 10 coins at each station 50 times for an achievement. You can see the number of turn-ins you've completed at a station when you turn in a set of coins. The Kevlar Pad station is there on the first day of the event, and the Fire Extinguisher and Band Aid stations will unlock as the event goes on.

Then it seems Nate needs decorations and activities to set up in the Commons. Go out daily and find things for his party. Have fun trying out the activity stations as many times as you want!

If you're trying to get Tiny Little Arms or Just Like Nate achievements, or if you just want to have a little fun, you need to be wearing all pieces of the Dragon gear or the Nate outfit (available from the vendor's Bush Bucks store if it's your first time playing this event) while completing the 4 party Stations: Dynamite Activity, Campfire Activity, Digging Activity and the Training Whacking Activity.

If you've built the Town Hall, you can expect an fiery visitor to the party as well!

New for 2019:

We've added a new challenging quest unlocking as the event goes on, involving an amulet.

And introducing the 100% reward for this year: Carnival Creatures! Check out the draconian Nate themed one below!

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!

There are a total SEVENTEEN possible Achievements to earn in the Nate’s Birthday 2019 event:

Achievements Returning in 2019:

Safety First - You completed a turn-in at each of the Safety Stations.
Safety Inspector - You completed 50 turn-ins at each of the Safety Stations.
Without a Hitch - You helped Nate with all of his Birthday quests!
Neverending Supply - You completed all 4 of the Birthday event daily quests 3 times.
Firefighter - You put out a fire and saved a building in the Commons! [Requires the Town Hall built]
Dragon Slayer - You scared off a dragon and saved the Commons!
Surprise Explosions! - You helped organize a surprise party for Nate.
A Heroic Gift - Help Natalie make Nate look like a hero for his birthday.

Added/Changed for 2018:

Nate-Nacs - You bought all the 2019 Nate's Birthday event items!
Cursed Cubes! - You removed the red cube curse!

We have 7 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

Nate's Treasures - You bought all the 2018 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Souvenirs - You bought all the 2017 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Finer Things - You bought all the 2016 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Stash - You bought all the 2015 Nate's Birthday event items!
Tiny Little Arms - You bungled each activity station while dressed like a Dragon
Nate's Inventory - You bought all the 2014 Nate's Birthday event items!
Just Like Nate! - You bungled each activity station while dressed like Nate.

*The mini-golf piece is not included in the Nate Nacs achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Pet Packs:

It's dangerous to go alone, so you should have a friend! Check our newest sidekicks for you to consider:

2019 Pet Packs --> COMING SOON!!

This event runs until Friday January 25, 2019 @ Noon PST (8pm UTC).

Post your thoughts and feedback here! 
January 10th, 2019
COTLI: Princess' Pool Party 4 

The best way to bring in a new year is always with a POOL PARTY! Lucky for us, Princess' annual pool party always brings the fun, and she's kicking off 2019 by inviting brand new Tier 4 Objectives and one of her best new friends: Bruno the Unicorn!

Princess' Pool Party 4 introduces Bruno the Unicorn, and brings back Pilot Pam, Queen Siri, Bernard the Bartender, Princess Val the Mermaid, and Shenna the Centaur! The party officially ends on January 22, 2019 at 12:00PM PT, so be sure to unlock and gear up Bruno and the others before then!

New Tier 4 Crusader: Bruno the Unicorn

In a world... with dark elves, robots, cyborgs, dragons, centaurs, and Sasquatch — where is unicorn? Well, wonder no more, as Bruno the Unicorn joins the Crusaders for their adventures!

As he trots out from the shadows of myth, Bruno the Unicorn brings with him the power to heal his fellow Crusaders and to increase Gold Find. He's also there to give support to his fellow supernatural friends, benefiting from formations built with Dragons and Dwarfs.

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Crusaders by completing their respective objectives. Pilot Pam, Queen Siri, Bernard the Bartender, Princess Val the Mermaid, and Shenna the Centaur are all once again available to unlock!

New Tier 4 Objectives

  • Recruit Bruno the Unicorn | Bruno takes up a slot in the formation. Crusaders are damaged every second they are in an Area, and Gold Find is occasionally reduced to 0. Reach area 600.

  • The Princess' Party | Every 75 areas, a Princess shows up and takes up a slot in the formation. Princesses reduce the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 20%, stacking additively. Reach area 700.

  • Loss of Cabin Pressure | The central 8 spots in the formation are out of bounds. Reach area 750.

  • Hot Tub | Only Crusaders from Princess Pool Party events and fire-themed Crusaders can be used. Reach area 800.

  • First Class | Four passengers take up a checkered pattern in the formation, each disabling the DPS of Crusaders in the column in front of them. The front-most passenger has no effect on Pilot Pam and Red, the Ace Pilot (they're in the pilot seat!) Reach area 850.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Pool Party Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until January 22, 2019 at 12:00PM PST to complete Princess' Pool Party 4!