There is ancient magic still hidden under a glacier of ice in the Caves of Hunger. We need to learn more about what is going on to keep Ten-Towns safe, but there are many others seeking this power for their own nefarious reasons. This includes Avarice, who hunts this power to continue Auril's frozen work. There's no time to rest after our previous success, there are still many mysteries to uncover within the ice of the Reghed Glacier!
Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Icewind Dale Adventures, Ending the Rime Part 1 and Ending the Rime Part 2, in order to access these new Adventures.

Reghed Glacier Mysteries
Enter the Caves of Hunger in search of Ythryn!- Variant: Mysteries Unlocked — Take the Codicil of White to the Reghed Glacier with your most perceptive Champions.
Only Champions with an INT of 13 or higher AND a WIS of 13 or higher can be used.
Reach Area 500.
Tekeli-li's Hunt
Continue to travel through the frozen caves, pursued by vampiric gnoll Tekeli-li!- Variant: Cackling Horror — We must continue to explore the Caves of Hunger, even with this vampire gnoll giggling in our midst! Tekeli-li's cackling laughter echoes through the Caves of Hunger, increasing the base attack cooldown of all Champions by 1 second.
Only Champions with a WIS of 14 or higher can be used.
Reach Area 525.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!