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December 22nd, 2021
Idle Champions: Wintershield 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Wintershield sees a celebration of maps in the Realms, symbolizing our paths through the new year. As part of this year's tradition, the Champions have purchased a map from a Waterdeep street vendor. And then it started talking...

Wintershield 5 introduces Viconia DeVir, Drow Cleric of Shar from Baldur's Gate and Siege of Dragonspear. Wintershield also brings back Baeloth the Entertainer, Drow Sorcerer, and proprietor of The Black Pits also hailing from the Baldur's Gate games, and Artemis Entreri, the Human Assassin who first appeared in RA Salvatore's 1988 novel The Crystal Shard. Players have until Monday, January 3rd at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Wintershield 5 unlocks and objectives.

I. Viconia DeVir

    Viconia DeVir is a devout cleric of Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss. But don't mistake her cleric powers as a sign of her working for good. She may not approve of how the Champions operate, but if the quest and the payout are worthwhile, she's here and ready to assist.

Viconia is an evil alignment buffer who can reanimate dead enemies and turn them against their former friends. She also heals, but only if you get damaged enough to make it worth her time. Once unlocked, you can find this displaced drow in Slot 5 (Calliope)

II. Viconia's Stats

Race: Elf (Drow) Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Cleric Age: 270
Affiliation: Heroes of Baldur's Gate

STR: 10 DEX: 19 CON: 8
INT: 16 WIS: 18 CHA: 14

Role: Support, Healing

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd, Zariel

Slot: 5, (Calliope)

III. Viconia's Design

Viconia DeVir is a character from the original Baldur's Gate video game, as well as Baldur's Gate II and Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Many of her powers, abilities, and personality were drawn from those games. We're excited to have another evil Champion joining the roster, as well as another member of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate! She may begrudgingly call Baeloth and Minsc 'friends', but the rest of the Champions are just allies that can help her accomplish her goals and earn some coin. She'll offer the other Heroes of Baldur's Gate buffs with her Cleric of Shar ability, and heal those Champions who are in dire need with Cure Medium Wounds. But her main focus during battle is seizing control of the lifeless bodies of their enemies and using Animate Dead to send them back against their former allies!

For more information on Viconia and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Five Variants

  • Adventure Variant 1: Wandering Patrols — Help a poor map find its way home with Viconia. Viconia joins the formation. She can be moved but not removed from the formation. Each wave spawns 1-3 Flaming Fist Soldiers. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress. Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
    Complete Area 75.

  • Adventure Variant 2: Think About It — Only Champions with INT 13 or higher can be used. Each wave spawns 1-3 Drow Rangers that fire their ranged attack at a random Champion. These attacks also stun any non-elf Champion for 2 seconds due to sleep poison.
    Complete Area 125.

  • Adventure Variant 3: Snarky Map — Help a poor map find its way home with Champions that aren't very nice. Only Evil Champions and other Heroes of Baldur's Gate Champions can deal damage. Enemies move 200% faster and deal 500% additional damage.
    Complete Area 175.

  • Getting to know Viconia: Viconia buffs both evil Champions and other Heroes of Baldur's Gate. Use these types of Champions to get the most out of her support abilities!
For information on previous years' variants, check out the Wintershield 4 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
December 22nd, 2021
Idle Champions: Holiday Sale 2021 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for another Sale to finish out the year! Our Holiday Sale is now live on most of our platforms!

Read on for more details about what's on sale...

Starter Packs

  • Force Grey Bundle,
  • Buy ALL the Force Grey packs including all their Golden Epic Gear for all five Champions! Plus 25 Gold Chests too! This bundle is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Arkhan's Force Grey Pack - Golden Epic and Rare gear.
    • Calliope's Force Grey Pack - Golden Epic and Rare gear.
    • Hitch's Force Grey Pack - Golden Epic and Rare gear.
    • Jamilah's Force Grey Pack - Golden Epic and Rare gear.
    • Tyril's Force Grey Pack - Golden Epic and Rare gear.
    • 25 Gold Chests

  • Arkhan Force Grey Pack, get a special Force Grey boost with a full set of rare items and an exclusive Golden Epic for Arkhan! We'll also toss in 5 Gold Chests to power you up even more! This pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Holy Symbol of Tiamat (Golden Epic)
    • Cruel Battle Axe (Rare)
    • Spiked Pauldron (Rare)
    • Dragon-Blessed Shield (Rare)
    • Crystal Vial (Rare)
    • Golden Wreath (Rare)
    • 5 Gold Chests

  • Calliope Force Grey Pack, get a special Force Grey boost with a full set of rare items and an exclusive Golden Epic for Calliope! We'll also toss in 5 Gold Chests to power you up even more! This pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Ornate Lute of Ballads (Golden Epic)
    • Broadhead Crossbow Bolt (Rare)
    • Triple-Clasped Cloak (Rare)
    • Studded Leather Bracers (Rare)
    • Magically Enhanced Satchel (Rare)
    • Sturdy Leather Eyepatch (Rare)
    • 5 Gold Chests

  • Hitch Force Grey Pack, get a special Force Grey boost with a full set of rare items and an exclusive Golden Epic for Hitch! We'll also toss in 5 Gold Chests to power you up even more! This pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Magnificent Cape of Free Flowing (Golden Epic)
    • Multi-Pouch (Rare)
    • Sticky Boots (Rare)
    • Golden Dagger (Rare)
    • Crystal Ring (Rare)
    • Static Rod (Rare)
    • 5 Gold Chests

  • Jamilah Starter Pack, get a special Force Grey boost with a full set of rare items and an exclusive Golden Epic for Jamilah! We'll also toss in 5 Gold Chests to power you up even more! This pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Deathbringer Greatsword (Golden Epic)
    • Metal Bangles (Rare)
    • Stealthy Boost (Rare)
    • Heroic Periapt (Rare)
    • Emerald Ring (Rare)
    • Patterned Scarf (Rare)
    • 5 Gold Chests

  • Tyril Force Grey Pack, get a special Force Grey boost with a full set of rare items and an exclusive Golden Epic for Tyril! We'll also toss in 5 Gold Chests to power you up even more! This pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes:
    • Empowered Rope of Entanglement (Golden Epic)
    • Twisted Wooden Staff (Rare)
    • Fine Jade Necklace (Rare)
    • Fine Cloth Shirt (Rare)
    • Hefty Bag of Tricks (Rare)
    • Fine Ring of the Frog (Rare)
    • 5 Gold Chests


  • Clover the Flower Dragon Parrot Familiar Pack is on sale at a discount of 30% and includes not only the Clover the Flower Dragon Parrot Familiar, but also 6 Epic Potions of Speed, 6 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 6 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 6 Epic Potions of Fire Breath, and 1 Potion of Polish!

  • Groak the Toad Familiar Pack is on sale at a discount of 30% and includes not only the Grant the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar, but also 4 Epic Potions of Speed, 4 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 4 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, and 1 Potion of Polish!

  • Starsilk Familiar Pack is on sale at a discount of 60% and includes not only the Starsilk, the Chimeric Hare Familiar, but also 2 Epic Potions of Speed, 2 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, and 2 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance!

Skin & Feat Packs:

  • The Treant Maan Skin and Feat Pack is on sale at a discount of 30%. This pack will unlock Hew Maan if you don't already have them and includes the Treant Hew Maan Skin & their We're a Treant! Epic Feat. This pack also includes 7 Gold Hew Maan Chests with one guaranteed Shiny Equipment card.

  • The Red Wizards Dhadius Skin and Feat Pack is on sale at a discount of 30%. This pack will unlock Dhadius if you don't already have him and includes Dhadius' Red Wizard Skin and his Red Wizard Epic Feat. This pack also includes 7 Gold Dhadius Chests with one guaranteed Shiny Equipment card.

  • The Witchlight Warden Skin and Feat Pack is on sale at a discount of 30%. This pack will unlock Warden if you don't already have them and includes an Epic Feat for Warden and the Witchlight Warden Skin. This pack also includes 7 Gold Warden Chests with one guaranteed Shiny Equipment card.

Patron Shop Skins:

  • The Mirt the Moneylender Shop - Steampuk Zorbu Skin is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack will unlock Zorbu if you don't already have him and includes the Steampunk Zorbu Skin. This pack also includes 7 Gold Zorbu Chests, and 20,000 Mirt currency.

  • The Vajra Safahr Shop - Devil Farideh Skin is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack will unlock Fariden if you don't already have her and includes the Devil Farideh Skin. This pack also includes 7 Gold Farideh Chests and 20,000 Vajra currency.

  • The Strahd von Zarovich Shop - Vampire Catti-brie Skin is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack will unlock Catti-brie if you don't already have her and includes the Vampire Catti-brie Skin. This pack also includes 7 Gold Catti-brie Chests and 20 000 Strahd currency.

  • The Zariel Patron Shop - Celestial Tyril Skin is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack includes the Celestial Tyril Skin. This pack also includes 7 Gold Chests and 20,000 Zariel currency.

Theme Packs

  • Wyrmspeaker Arkhan Theme Pack, is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack includes Arkhan's Wyrmspeaker Skin and his Mask of the Dragon Queen Epic Feat. This pack also includes the Dracolich (Pseudodragon) Familiar, 16 Supply Chests with two Potions of Polish, and 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter.

  • Witchlight Orkira Theme Pack, is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack will unlock Orkira if you don't already have her, and includes Orkira's Witchlight Skin and an Epic Feat for her. This pack also includes the Phoenix Familiar, 16 Gold Orkira Chests with two Shiny Equipment cards, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter.

All Star Packs

  • The Champions of Renown Year 1 All-Star Pack is on sale at a discount of 40%. This pack unlocks the following event Champions if you haven't already unlocked them in-game: Deekin, Gromma, Evelyn, Catti-brie, and Zorbu. This pack includes the exclusive Construct Eyelyn Skin, as well as 16 Deekin Gold Chests, with two guaranteed Shiny Equipment cards, 16 Gromma Gold Chests with two guaranteed Shiny Equipment cards, 16 Evelyn Gold Chests with two guaranteed Shiny Equipment cards, 16 Catti-brie Gold Chests, with two guaranteed Shiny Equipment cards, and 16 Zorbu Gold Chests, with two guaranteed Shiny Equipment cards.

December 17th, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Viconia DeVir 
Posted in Idle Champions.

There are many ways a cleric can assist their companions. While some focus on healing or offering buffs, others embrace the power to control those who would try and cause them harm. Because sometimes the best way to protect your allies is to turn your enemies into more allies!

Viconia DeVir was cast out of Menzoberranzan and house DeVir after refusing to sacrifice a child to the spider goddess Lolth. She has lived a dangerous and difficult life, and she joins the Champions at the behest of some of her acquaintances from Baldur's Gate this Wintershield!

I. Viconia DeVir

    Viconia DeVir is a devout cleric of Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss. But don't mistake her cleric powers as a sign of her working for good. She may not approve of how the Champions operate, but if the quest and the payout are worthwhile, she's here and ready to assist.

Viconia is an evil alignment buffer who can reanimate dead enemies and turn them against their former friends. She also heals, but only if you get damaged enough to make it worth her time. Once unlocked, you can find this displaced drow in Slot 5 (Calliope)

Ia. Heroes of Baldur's Gate Update

When Viconia launches on December 22nd, 2021, we will also be expanding the Champions with the Heroes of Baldur's Gate affiliation to include all Champions from the Baldur's Gate Video Game Series e.g. Viconia, Baeloth, and Jahiera. They will join the Champions from the Heroes of Baldur's Gate Comic: Shandie, Minsc, Nerys, Krydle, and Delina who are already listed as members.

II. Viconia's Stats

Race: Elf (Drow) Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Cleric Age: 270
Affiliation: Heroes of Baldur's Gate

STR: 10 DEX: 19 CON: 8
INT: 16 WIS: 18 CHA: 14

Role: Support, Healing

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd, Zariel

Slot: 5, (Calliope)

III. Viconia's Design

Viconia DeVir is a character from the original Baldur's Gate video game, as well as Baldur's Gate II and Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Many of her powers, abilities, and personality were drawn from those games. We're excited to have another evil Champion joining the roster, as well as another member of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate! She may begrudgingly call Baeloth and Minsc 'friends', but the rest of the Champions are just allies that can help her accomplish her goals and earn some coin. She'll offer the other Heroes of Baldur's Gate buffs with her Cleric of Shar ability, and heal those Champions who are in dire need with Cure Medium Wounds. But her main focus during battle is seizing control of the lifeless bodies of their enemies and using Animate Dead to send them back against their former allies!

IV. Viconia's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Sling — Viconia slings a stone at a random enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Cleric of Shar — Increase the damage of Evil Champions and Heroes of Baldur's Gate Champions by 100%.
  • Animate Dead — When a non-boss enemy is killed there is a 20% chance that Viconia will seize control of its lifeless body and turn it against its former allies for 10 seconds, stopping their movement. While it is re-animated, it deals 20% of your BUD to nearby enemies each second. Multiple enemies can be animated at once, each of which will do its own damage, but despawn during area transitions.
  • Cure Medium Wounds — Heals allies that are under 50% health for 20 health per second for 5 seconds.


  • Holy Power — Increase the effect of Cleric of Shar by 100% for each column away from the back-most column she is, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Begrudging Respect — Cleric of Shar now affects Neutral champions instead of Evil ones. Heroes of Baldur's Gate are still covered under this new plan.
  • Turn Undead — Increase the chance for Animate Dead to trigger by 100%.

Ultimate Ability

  • Unholy Blight — Viconia summons a cloying miasma of cold and greasy darkness that damages all enemies and increases the odds of any enemies killed by it triggering Animate Dead by 50%.

V. Viconia's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Cleric of Shar
Slot 3: Animate Dead
Slot 4: Cure Medium Wounds
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Bring another Hero of Baldur's Gate to your formation this Wintershield, and enjoy Viconia turning your enemies against each other! If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

December 15th, 2021
COTLI: The Nate Before Christmas Tier 7 

    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how angry are thy branches...!
    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how much you embody the rage of nature and bring the wrath of the elements down upon us all!

Once again The Nate Before Christmas blesses our doors, and this year we are visited by a bouncy bundle of joy: Springy, the Patchwork Plush.

The Nate Before Christmas Tier 7 introduces Springy, the Patchwork Plush and brings back Odile, Snowflake Defender, Frosty the Snowman, RoboSanta, The Dark Helper, RoboRudolph, Xander the Xmas Dragon, Wrena the Fair and Kris, the Enraged Elemental!

New Tier 7 Crusader: Springy, the Patchwork Plush

Tags: Event, Support, Gold, Animal, Male, Supernatural

A new day, a new planet. You've been trekking through the tangled weeds, grasses and trees from the portal opening when you almost trip on a hard flat object in the ground. Glancing around, you see the foliage isn't as dense and you can make out a structure in the distance. As you approach, you note a sign that says " G M L" on it mounted on the side of the structure.

You see a door and step inside, smelling an oddly familiar cinnamon and popcorn scent on the stale air. It's an alien mall! And some franchises are just that powerful. You walk in further, eyes adjusting to the gloom of dirty skylights.

A rustling noise draws your attention. Something seems to be approaching you. As it gets closer you hear a rhythmic thumping and the tinkle of something metal hitting the tile floor. It thumps into a brighter patch of light and you see a kangaroo plushie made of assorted fabrics just before it jumps on you and you thud to the floor.

"Friend?" the creature asks.

"If I say yes, will you get off me?"

The kangaroo ducks their head and carefully steps off you. "Sorry. It's been ages since someone visited."

"You're here all alone?"

The kangaroo hops. "There's the occasional mouse that I stomp on, but they don't talk, so they don't count."

You scratch your head. "My friends and I are travellers, and we're a pretty large band. In the spirit of the season, would you like to join us?"

"Would I still get to stomp things?" they ask.

You smile. "Definitely."

Springy, the Patchwork Plush has joined your party.

New Tier 7 Objectives

  • Recruit Springy | Springy takes up a slot in the formation. RoboSanta and Frosty the Snowman start in the formation, and can't be removed. For every cast of Storm Rider, up to 500 casts, Frosty gets a 15% DPS boost, stacking multiplicatively. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Beat area 650.

  • Island of Misfit Presents | RoboRudolph and The Dark Helper start in the formation and can't be removed. The formation has been changed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 750.

  • Krampus is Watching | Xander the Xmas Dragon and Wrena the Fair start in the formation and can't be removed. Krampus spawns randomly on non-boss areas and marks 3 random Crusaders with coal, disabling their DPS for 6 seconds. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 800.

  • Carpet of Pine Needles | Kris, the Enraged Elemental starts in the formation and can't be removed. Pine spirits randomly spawn. For every spirit exorcised, Kris provides a 10% gold buff, stacking additively. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 850.

  • My Snowman and Me | Odile, Snowflake Defender starts in the formation and can't be removed. Monsters drop less gold. A snowman occupies a slot in the formation. The snowman freezes every Crusader except for Odile. Frozen Crusaders don't contribute upgrades. A hot chocolate monster spawns on every non-boss area, the first time you enter the area. For every 88 hot chocolate monsters killed, the snowman freezes one less Crusader. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 900.

  • More info

    You'll have until Wednesday, Dec 29th, 2021 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time to complete The Nate Before Christmas 7!

    For more info on previous The Nate Before Christmas Crusaders and objectives check out the The Nate Before Christmas 6 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Christmas Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and Tier 7 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

    December 15th, 2021
    BW2: Extra Life 2021 Charity Drive Success! 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    To all of you who donated to our Extra Life campaign this year: Thank you. It was a both fun and exhausting, but above all Codename Entertainment raised over $24k USD to help sick and injured kids.

    Of that, the Bush Whacker 2 team was able to raise over $1700 USD! We had four goals that each unlocked a corresponding coupon code, and your generous donations have unlocked all four! Redeem them before February 1st, 2021:

    Goal Code Effect
    $200 EXTR-ALIF-E021-0200 1 Cake, which restores 75% of your maximum energy!
    $500 EXTR-ALIF-E021-0500 1 Pristine Feed Voucher!
    $1000 EXTR-ALIF-E021-1000 1 Unique DNA!
    $1500 EXTR-ALIF-E021-1500 50 Bush Bucks
    December 13th, 2021
    BW2: December 13th, 2021 Release Notes 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    Christmas Event! (December 13th, 2021)

    - Updated Christmas Event
    - Added new customization and ranch items
    - Added new ribbons and 100% reward
    - Added new snowman pet and christmas tree quest rewards
    - Added new item to fish up from the ice fishing hole
    - Added new item in leftmost dev present
    - Added a new Book House to deliver presents to
    - Added a new gift to steal from the Book House
    - Changed the direction of the wind sock to match an easterly wind (Thanks Eliz!)
    - Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
    - Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event

    - Added whacking/digging hotkeys q = quick whack / power dig, w = power whack / mana dig, e = mana whack, r = friend whack

    - Added Epic Summer Cape, Epic Autumn Cape, and Epic Winter Cape to the Tailor wandering merchant’s store

    - Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!

    - Worked on the endless flux dungeon update!
    December 13th, 2021
    BW2: It's Christmas Time 2021! 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    'Tis the Season for Giving!

    Get into the giving mood of the holiday season by tackling the Bushwhackia Christmas event.

    You'll want to get started by heading to the event area in the Commons to meet up with the stranded elf and help him fix his teleporter. (It's delicate, OK?) Once you've got it operational, you'll be able to make the journey far to the North Pole where you'll find a bevy of characters who need your special skills to make the holiday celebrations work!

    Your primary task will be helping the elves make presents by bringing them Candy Canes (that you find in bushes), but there is a veritable smorgasbord of holiday related quests to complete as well. All of these quests will unlock over the course of the event, with the last ones unlocking on Christmas Day.

    Once you've found reindeer chow for the poor reindeer, then you can help out Santa by delivering a present to a random house daily.

    New for 2021

    This year's update includes:
    - a new Christmas tree for your ranch received from completing the Decorate Tree quest
    - a new Snowman companion from the Build a Snowman quest
    - another custom item for ice fishing
    - a new house to deliver presents to
    - a new item to steal
    - and more!

    Christmas Mannequin Base!

    Get 100% completion this event to collect the final Holiday Mannequin Base of 2021!

    The Christmas Mannequin Base!

    Presents all Around!!

    Here's the event that started the gifting tradition! Once a day, if you have excess tokens, you can send a Present to a friend! These presents will contain a random amount of gold, energy, mana, power and come with some other treats as well. If you want to send more presents in a day, it will cost you a few Bush Bucks. Talk to Sasha in the North Pole to learn more!

    Sasha has the power to gift your friends!

    Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!

    There are a total of TWENTY NINE possible Achievements to earn in the Christmas 2021 event:

    Achievements Returning in 2020:
    Apprentice Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least one present!
    Journeyman Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 20 presents!
    Professional Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents!
    Expert Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents from each Elf!
    Santa Man - You've delivered a present to someone's house!
    Diverse Santa - You've delivered a present to several houses!
    Schoolyard Victor - You won 5 snowball fights!
    Reindeer Herder - You've saved the reindeer 5 times!
    Yay! Presents - You've opened a present from the Developers!
    12 Days of Bushmas - You completed all 12 days of Bushmas!
    Christmas Savior - You've helped all the citizens in need at the North Pole!
    Snow-ho-ho! - You built yourself a snowman!
    Well-arranged Caroling - Find all the special arrangements of famous Christmas carols. Sweater Weather - Buy one of Mrs. Claus' specialty sweater weather.
    Grumpy Cocoa - You helped fix Grumpus a hot cocoa!
    Kind Krampus - You've delivered a present dressed as Krampus!

    Added/Changed for 2021:
    Under the Tree - You bought all the 2021 Christmas event items!*
    Pilfered Plushie - You stole something from someone's house!

    We also have 11 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:

    Santa Santa - You're practically Santa! (deliver a present while dressed as Santa)
    Materialist - You bought all the Christmas 2012 event items!
    Reverse Grinch - You've delivered a present dressed as a Grinch!
    All The Toys - You bought all the Christmas 2013 event items!
    No Returns Allowed! - You bought all theChristmas 2014 event items!
    Season of Shopping - You purchased all the Christmas 2015 event items!
    Winter Solstice Souvenirs - You purchased all the Christmas 2016 event items!
    The Gift of Getting - You purchased all the Christmas 2017 event items!
    Boxing Day - You purchased all the Christmas 2018 event items!
    Stocking Stocking Stuffers - You bought all the 2019 Christmas event items!
    Holiday Haberdashery - You bought all the 2020 Christmas event items!

    * The Christmas Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Under the Tree achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

    Note: The achievements Reverse Santa, Reverse Santa 2.0, Napping Nate Nabber, The Gift of Taking, Naughty Nabber, Perks of the Job, Burglar Burglar and Nicked Knicknacks are not available during the 2021 event.

    Mount Packs

    New 2021 Mounts!

    Sturdy Horse-Pulled Sleigh Mounts

    New mounts are available from December 13th to 15th!
    The One Horse Open Sleigh mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!
    The Holiday Horse Open Sleigh and Nightmare Horse Open Sleigh are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher!

    Pet Packs

    New 2021 Pet Packs:

    What festive critters are these?!

    COMING SOON! December 17th to 20th! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!

    Many other pets and ranch items available from previous years via the "Ye Past Yuletide Store"

    Share the holiday spirit on the forums!

    The Christmas event will run until Friday December 31st at Noon PST (8pm GMT.)
    December 8th, 2021
    Idle Champions: Simril 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

    Simril 5 introduces Yorven Springpaw, resident murder bunny Harengon Barbarian Druid. Simril also brings back Lucius the High Elf Sorcerer of the High Rollers: Aerois party, and Krull, the Tortle Death Cleric of Tiamat from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. Players have until Monday, December 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Yorven Springpaw

      When Yorven came across the Witchlight Carnival he managed to convince the owners to bring him on board. When the Witchlight Carnival returned to the Feywild years later, Yorven moved on, seeking his childhood home - and the hags who banished him.

    As a barbarian druid, Yorven has plenty of muscle and power to bring to the Champion roster, and he uses his massive harengon legs to leap into battle with speed and ferocity! He's a DPS and Support Champion covered in magical tattoos and scars and is ready to scrap when you swap him with Tyril (Slot 10) to add him to your formation!

    II. Yorven's Stats

    Race: Harengon Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Barbarian/Druid Gender: Male
    Age: 39

    STR: 20 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 8 WIS: 13 CHA: 12

    Role: DPS, Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, can become eligible for Zariel with a feat

    Slot: 10, (Tyril)

    III. Yorven's Design

    Our own sweet murder bunny. As the latest CNE Original this dark and dramatic seeker of vengeance has an endless flurry of epic monologues at the ready. When the Harengon became a playable race in Dungeons & Dragons, our Stream Executive Producer Dylan Wilks was inspired by the powerful bonus action jump ability to find out how dangerous he could make a hopping tank. Drawing on some of the newest character-building options available, he crafted a beastial barbarian who could cross entire battlefields in one giant leap! Once the Champion stats and basic backstory were created, our Content Designer Erin M. Evans began crafting the voice of Yorven, giving him his melodramatic flair.

    For more information on Yorven and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: Raven Swarm — Yorven Springpaw begins in the formation. He can't be moved or removed. Three Ravens appear in each area. The ravens drop no gold, nor do they count towards quest progress. Every 5 areas an additional raven spawns in the swarm.
      Getting to know Yorven: If you choose the Hunger for Blood specialization, once Yorven defeats an enemy, he'll jump to another enemy to attack them as well!
      Complete Area 75.

    • Adventure Variant 2: Fangclaw — In each boss area, a vicious rabbit boss enemy appears. It must also be defeated in order to progress. Gold Find is reduced by 99%. Only Champions with DEX of 14 or higher can be used.
      Complete Area 125.

    • Adventure Variant 3: Raven Queen's Memories — Yorven Springpaw is haunted by his time in the shadowfell. A Wraith escorts the formation, increasing the base attack cooldown of each adjacent Champion by 4 seconds. If Yorven is in the formation, the increase is only 2 seconds instead. Enemies move 200% faster.
      Complete Area 175.

    IV. New DLC

    Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale Prudence

    Also launching with Simril is the Icewind Dale Prudence Skin & Feat Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Prudence, the new Icewind Dale Prudence Skin, Prudence's Spell Master Epic Feat, which increases her damage by 120%, and 7 Gold Prudence Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Simril 4 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    December 3rd, 2021
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Yorven Springpaw 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    There are many stories of people disappearing into the Feywild, only to reappear later vastly changed by the experience. But even creatures native to the fey realm can become lost, and must embrace less colorful skills to survive.

    Yorven Springpaw disappeared from the Feywild as a child after an encounter with a malicious coven of hags. He ended up lost in the Shadowfell, where he embraced his innate primal spirit to survive. The power of this ancient feral beast helped Yorven do more than survive the dangers of the Shadowfell -- he thrived. He brings those new powers to the Champion roster this Simril!

    I. Yorven Springpaw

      When Yorven came across the Witchlight Carnival he managed to convince the owners to bring him on board. When the Witchlight Carnival returned to the Feywild years later, Yorven moved on, seeking his childhood home - and the hags who banished him.

    As a barbarian druid, Yorven has plenty of muscle and power to bring to the Champion roster, and he uses his massive harengon legs to leap into battle with speed and ferocity! He's a DPS and Support Champion covered in magical tattoos and scars and is ready to scrap when you swap him with Tyril (Slot 10) to add him to your formation!

    II. Yorven's Stats

    Race: Harengon Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Class: Barbarian/Druid Age: 39

    STR: 20 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 8 WIS: 13 CHA: 12

    Role: DPS, Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, can become eligible for Zariel with a feat

    Slot: 10, (Tyril)

    III. Yorven's Design

    When the Harengon became a playable race in Dungeons & Dragons, our Stream Executive Producer Dylan Wilks was inspired by the powerful bonus action jump ability to find out how dangerous he could make a hopping tank. Drawing on some of the newest character building options available, he crafted a beastial barbarian who could cross entire battlefields in one giant leap! With a physical description and a loose bio, he handed the character over to the rest of the team, who ran with the idea and built a Champion who quickly gained the infamous title 'murder bunny'.

    Once the Champion stats and basic backstory were created, our Content Designer Erin M. Evans began crafting the voice of Yorven. This dark and dramatic seeker of vengeance has an endless flurry of epic monologues at the ready, but he is earnest in his desire to use the darkness inside him as the power to protect those who cannot take care of themselves.

    IV. Yorven's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Ferocious Maul — Yorven leaps out at the nearest enemy, pinning it in place and attacking it once a second for 5 seconds for 5 total attacks. If the enemy dies this attack ends immediately, and for the duration of the attack, Yorven is invulnerable.

    Formation Abilities

    • Blood Fury Tattoo — Each time Yorven Springpaw attacks during Ferocious Maul the enemy gains a stack of Blood Fury. Each stack causes them to take 100% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively. The debuff lasts for 2 seconds but the timer refreshes when it is reapplied. This ability is buffed by upgrades, feats, and equipment.
    • Infectious Fury — Enemies that Yorven Springpaw has attacked take 100% more damage from all Champions when they are attacking the formation.
    • Danger Sense — Champions adjacent to Yorven Springpaw take 5 less damage from all attacks, and Yorven gains a 100% damage boost for 10 seconds when this ability effectively lowers the damage of an enemy attack.


    • Hunger For Blood — If an enemy dies while Yorven Springpaw is attacking it with Ferocious Maul, Yorven immediately leaps to another enemy and begins attacking it. This also adds one additional attack to Ferocious Maul each time it triggers.
    • Eldritch Claw Tattoo — Each time Yorven Springpaw attacks during Ferocious Maul, an inky tendril of Eldritch energy shoots out and zaps a different random enemy, dealing damage based on the amount of health Yorven's target currently has, with a maximum value equal to your current BUD. If no other enemies are on screen, this ability does nothing.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Fey Wild Shape — Yorven Springpaw shape shifts into a shadow mastiff-like creature for 30 seconds. During this time their attack cooldown is reduced by 50% and their damage is increased by 400%.

    V. Yorven's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Blood Fury Tattoo
    Slot 4: Infectious Fury
    Slot 5: Danger Sense
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    It's always a special joy to craft a homegrown character for Idle Champions, and we can't wait to see Yorven hopping into your formations this Simril! If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    December 3rd, 2021
    BW2: Creature Collector - Puck Pets! 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    Coppers of the Creature Collector

    The eccentric Creature Collector has returned to the Commons, this time with a trio of puck pets!

    Head to the event area and choose one to train. You have until noon on Wednesday December 8th to complete the collector's four daily quests, level up your chosen creature, earn Creature Coppers to spend in their store, and get another page to your Creature Collector's Compendium!

    The Compendium Page will be given after the event ends. If you don't have the Creature Collector's Compendium ranch item, you'll get it when you get your first page.

    After the event, the collector will be taking their creature back unless you adopt it by purchasing its corresponding mount pack, available starting Monday December 6th.

    Train hard, Bush Whackers!

    The training quests unlock at noon on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Those busy on the weekends can still catch up!

    - The VIP "Quest Reset" power does not reset these mini event quests, and they are not affected by the Time Turner and Timey Whimey Watch.
    - These three pets earn double the experience compared to other pets for the duration of this mini-event!

    Ye Olde Creature Collector's Galleria - Pets

    When you speak to Tanela Tiva in the event area, you can select the "What past pets are for sale?" chat option.

    This will open a new store, which will contain 3 non-event premium pets you have never owned! They cost Bush Bucks, like in event stores. The selection will change next time Tanela Tiva visits to event area.

    We've done this in response to players asking to see old premium pets they've missed out on, to help you fill out your pet collection. Snag those old-school pets you're missing out on!

    Read the Release Notes!