Adventure Variants
This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for 5 different Campaigns!
Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants
- Vecna Lives! Variant 2: A Demigod's Defender Explore the emergency in Candlekeep while fending off undead monstrosities that deflect blows from swords and arrows!
- At the start of each area, a Zombie Minotaur appears with ten armored hit points. They can only be damaged by magical attacks.
- Complete area 350.
- Vecna Loots Variant 2: More Than Well Equipped Stop the assault on Candlekeep with the best of your best-equipped Champions!
- Only Champions with at least two Epic equipment or better may be used.
- Two wizard students join the formation, but they just get in the way.
- Complete area 350.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Adventure Variants
- Champions of Waterdeep Variant 3: Take Five Head home after a job well done with Champions from Year Five. What can possibly go wrong?
- Only Event Champions from Year Five can be used.
- Complete area 300.
- Once More Into the Breach Variant 3: Nightmare Mode Head into Undermountain while grappling with an absolute plethora of bosses!
- Each boss needs to be defeated four times to advance.
- Only Champions with WIS of 8 or lower can be used.
- Complete area 375.

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants
- The Darkness Runs Deeper Variant 3: Faerun's Most Wanted Learn more about the events in Baldur's Gate with Champions from the most used time gates.
- You may only use the Champions in the top 30% of current time gate popularity.
- Evergreen Champions can not be used.
- Complete area 400.
- Difficult Terrain Variant 3: Faerun's Most Neglected Head to Candlekeep with the Champions from the least used time gates, but watch your step!
- You may only use the Champions in the bottom 30% of current time gate popularity.
- Evergreen Champions can not be used.
- Complete area 425.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants
- Moose Tracks Variant 3: Ten in Ten-Towns Enter Ten-Towns with a Champion of OUR choice.
- A random Champion from seat 10 is immediately unlocked, added to the formation, and can't be removed.
- Champions from the first two bench seats cannot be used.
- Complete area 350.
- Civilization Variant 3: Lone Wolf Party Head to Termalaine with Champions that tend to go it alone.
- Only Champions that aren't part of an affiliation can be used.
- One Winter Wolf appears with each non-boss wave. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
- One Winter Wolf Alpha appears at the start of each boss area. They must be defeated in order to progress.
- Complete area 375.

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants
- Hither of the Feywild Variant 3: Don't Squeeze the Spiders Venture into the Feywild while fighting spiders resistant to magic.
- Additional Giant Spiders appear in each area. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
- Only Champions with a melee or ranged base attack can be used.
- Champions' base attack cooldowns are increased by 3 seconds.
- Complete area 450.
- Prince of a Thousand Enemies Variant 3: Where the Magic Happens
- Only Champions with a Magical base attack can be used.
- Whenever a Champion attacks and doesn't kill at least one monster, the Champion is stunned for 5 seconds.
- Complete area 500.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!