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We've made some updates to the Trials of Mount Tiamat, our co-operative multiplayer campaign, in order to make things more balanced and fair for everyone playing. Check out the details below, and remember you can always see all the information in the game!
The cost of each Trials of Mount Tiamat campaign is now paid by all members who join a trial. The cost of different difficulties has been adjusted accordingly.
25% of the cost to start a Trials of Mount Tiamat campaign will be refunded if the trial is failed, a minimum of 1 vial is refunded. A prismatic vial will be refunded if used.
A new checkbox to automatically start the campaign when all 5 trials have been selected by players has been added. This setting defaults to on for all new campaigns but can but toggled off if the host needs tighter control.
Players who contribute 0 DPS to a campaign that lasts longer than 3 days will no longer gain access to the next difficulty of Trials of Mount Tiamat.
If you fail to complete the Area Goal for any day in the campaign, your Area Goal will remain the same for the next day and your daily restriction will be rerolled. This is to prevent unlucky rolls for early days making the campaign contribution somewhat impossible.
Additional notifications pop up to remind you to contribute to your active trial if you haven't for the current day.
Balance Changes:
Tiamat's Health at some difficulties has been adjusted.
Area goals and bonus dps for some difficulties have been adjusted.
Restrictions relating to only using certain types of champions have been adjusted to remove a similar number of champions for each different stat.
Restrictions relating to Neutral alignment have been split into separate ones for the the Good/Evil and Lawful/Chaotic axes.
The max scales you can get from defeating Tiamat has been increased.
The vials found in Glory of Bahamut chests have been improved.
You can find information about the Trials of Mount Tiamat in the game or in our previous blog!
Exploring ancient temples can lead to astounding archaeological discoveries, but also devastating consequences. However some Champions remain confident in their fabulous capabilities rather than let the dark memories sour their levity!
Kent is a trained archeologist whose blade is as sharp as his outfits. He joins his fellow Rivals of Waterdeep Gazrick, Shaka, Selise, and D'hani in the Champion roster during Liar's Night!
I. Kent
Kent is a former archaeologist turned adventurer whose Rogue skills and powers over death were honed by spending months making his way through the temple of Talona, where the rest of his archaeological research team was killed by traps and monsters. When he finally returned home to the lakeside town of Caradoon, he was the same outgoing, flamboyant Tiefling he had always been, but now it seemed to mask a darkness that Kent has since done his best to keep hidden. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to bear the darkness alone, because not long after his return to Caradoon, he met smart, capable, and patient Aasimar named Virgil. Together they met up with Selise from the Rivals, and joined her and the rest of the crew in Waterdeep.
Kent is a support and DPS Champion who collects soul trinkets representing the highest level boss defeated in each campaign, which he uses to buff himself and Champions in his column. In addition, he increases the effectiveness of your achievement bonuses for the adventure he is on. Once unlocked, you can find this tiefling rogue with Jarlaxle in Slot 4.
II. Kent's Stats
Race: Tiefling
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Rogue
Age: 35
Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep
STR: 8
DEX: 20
CON: 14
INT: 14
WIS: 10
CHA: 14
Role: Support and DPS Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)
III. Kent's Design
Eugenio Vargas is a New York City based singer, actor, and music director who has extensive experience both on and behind the stage. With a love of performing and gaming, he's become well known in the TTRPG industry for his amazing work, including as the DM and producer for The Last Refuge podcast, the Storyteller for Into the Mother Lands, and a writer and designer on many D&D products including Fizban's Treasury of Dragons for Wizards of the Coast. He is already well known to the Idle Champions community for his work on A Familiar Quest and The Pear Passage charity one shot, so we're very excited to bring his Rivals of Waterdeep character to the game!
Kent is all about making the formation more effective by celebrating your previous achievements. As you defeat bosses across all our Campaigns, Kent collects Tokens of the Departed, and increases the damage of himself and all Champions in his column. The more powerful the boss, the higher the damage bonus! He'll also make all the Champions more powerful by adding a bit EXTRA! using your current Achievement bonus. With a wealth of experiences to draw from, Kent is an adept at attacking nearby enemies with his Rapier, and Remembering the Old Days helps makes his attacks even more effective. But this rogue doesn't have to go it alone! After Virgil's release, you'll find that the two of them are Inseparable and where one goes, the other can follow.
If the formation is filled with his fellow Rivals of Waterdeep, Kent can specialize in increasing the attack bonus of Tokens of the Departed for each of those Robust Rivals. Or he can focus on his Potent Poison to add poison damage to all of his attacks. When Kent gets serious about defeating enemies, he calls on the Wails from the Grave to change the weather to an eerie fog, and call on ghostly spirits to help Kent deal some Ultimate damage!
IV. Kent's Abilities
Basic Attack
Rapier - Kent strikes the closest enemy with his rapier.
Formation Abilities
Tokens of the Departed - Kent keeps a soul trinket of the highest level boss defeated in each campaign and the best event where he was present at the bosses' defeat. Kent increases the damage of all Champions in his column (including himself) by 10% times the sum of all levels from his soul trinkets.
Remembering the Old Days - Each time Kent or the ghostly spirit from his Ultimate attacks, he gains a Nostalgia stack that lasts until entering a new area. Kent increases his damage by +50% for each Nostalgia stack, stacking multiplicatively and then applied multiplicatively. Buffs are applied to the post stack value, and Nostalgia stacks are capped at 25 stacks.
EXTRA! - Kent's force of personality emboldens his companions. Kent increases the damage of all Champions by your current Achievement bonus.
Inseparable - If Virgil qualifies for an adventure restriction based on his tags, age, ability scores, etc., Kent may be used as well. Note: this won't be enabled until after Virgil's release!
Robust Rivals - Kent increases the attack bonus of Tokens of the Departed by +100% for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
Potent Poison - Whenever Kent attacks an enemy and doesn't kill it, it is affected by a virulent poison. The poison deals 400% of your BUD to the enemy each second for 4 seconds.
Ultimate Ability
Wails from the Grave - For 30 seconds, when Kent makes a normal attack, a ghostly spirit briefly appears and makes an attack dealing ultimate damage, on another random enemy if possible. Additionally, the weather changes to fog.
As we helped evacuate Waterdeep, engulfed by giant crystalline vines, we boarded a ship in the harbor, friendly to the Open Lord. But that isn't just any ship; it's a Spelljammer, and we're headed into SPACE!
This week's update brings two new adventures and adventure variants to our Light of Xaryxis campaign. It's time to get back into Wildspace!
Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Light of Xaryxis adventures, Seeds of Destruction and The Evacuation of Waterdeep, in order to access these new adventures.
Who Lurks Below?
Set sail into Wildspace while you determine what's making those sounds below decks.
Variant: Clowning Around - We've set sail, but now we're under assault from space clowns!
Space Clowns appear in each area. They do not drop gold, nor do they count toward quest progress.
Every five seconds, a giant cream pie falls from the sky and hits a random Champion, dealing 25% of their health in damage and stunning them for ten seconds.
Complete area 350
Investigate a trading post nestled in an asteroid while you try to secure a new spelljamming helm!
Adventure Variant: A Whale of a Time - Keep investigating the trading post, but now with a Kindori ally!
An Adolescent Kindori joins the formation. They're so big they take up three spots in your formation, but don't do much else.
Only Champions with a WIS score of 13 or higher can be used.
Complete area 400
You can find all this information, and even more details, in-game!