Several of these Variants feature some surprising characters that need to be escorted through the Adventure. In one Variant you'll be taking a Pink Elephant through Lulu's dreams, while in another both Kent and Virgil join the formation! These also mark the last Adventure Variants for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - hard to believe, but there are plenty of other campaigns to go!
Adventure Variants
This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for our 5 active campaigns.
Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants
- Return to the Tomb Variant 2: Keep Your Distance Return to the Tomb of Annihilation with Champions that are smart enough to stay out of harm's reach.
- You can't use Champions that have INT as their lowest ability score, including ties.
- Champions with melee attacks deal no damage.
- Complete area 425.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
- Heatwave Variant 2: Hands Off! Collect the Hand of Vecna with empty hands while fighting even more empty hands.
- You may only use Champions with Magic base attacks.
- Each wave spawns 1-2 severed hands. They don't drop gold nor count for quest progress.
- Complete area 425.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Adventure Variants
- Déjà Vu Variant 3: Déjà Vu All Over Again Defeat the Mind Flayers and then… Defeat the Mind Flayers.
- Area requirements are doubled in non-boss areas.
- Enemies spawn twice in all non-static boss levels. The second set of spawns happen after the first set is defeated, and both bosses must be defeated to progress.
- In all areas, each time a monster is defeated, all monsters deal +10% damage, gain +10% max health, and +10% speed, stacking additively. Stacks reset after going to a new area.
- Complete area 400.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
- Alterdeep Variant 3: Ulkoria's Escape from Alterdeep Find your way out of Extremiton's nefarious trap before all your magic using champions are captured!
- Must have completed all other Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventures and variants.
- Every 50 areas, the champion with the lowest Intelligence is captured by mind flayers and removed from the formation. They cannot be added back for the duration of the adventure.
- Ulkoria joins the formation in slot 3. She can be moved, but not removed or swapped out, and she will never be taken away by mind flayers.
- You may only use Champions with a magical base attack.
- Champions can't be removed from the formation once they have been added.
- Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure, and click damage has no effect after area 100.
- Complete area 450
- Rewards: 5 Modron Component Chests, New Feat for Ulkoria: Guardian of Waterdeep: Ulkoria may be used in any Waterdeep: Dragon Height campaign adventure or variant when a patron is enabled, even if the patron or variant restrictions would normally restrict her.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants
- Into the Fire Variant 3: Hearts Aflame Head into the wasteland of Avernus facing a literal heartache.
- You can't use Champions that have CHA as their lowest ability score, including ties.
- Every 10 seconds, two flaming hearts falls from the sky, striking two random Champions, dealing 25% of their max health in damage and stunning them for 10 seconds.
- Complete area 400.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
- Dreamscape Variant 3: Look Out! Head into Lulu's memories with a vivid companion.
- A Pink Elephant joins the formation. Champions next to the Pink Elephant deal no damage.
- You can only use Champions with a ranged basic attack.
- Complete area 425.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants
- The Rite of the Arcane Octad Variant 2: An Icewind Dale Reunion Explore the ancient city of Ythryn with Pavel and Kara.
- Pavel and Kara join the formation.
- Only core and evergreen Champions can be used.
- Complete area 600.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
- The Netherese Necropolis Variant 2: The Archaeologist and the Sailor Search the city for more Arcane Octad clues with an experienced archaeologist and a Storm Sorcerer.
- The player must have Kent and Virgil unlocked..
- Kent and Virgil join the formation. They can be moved but not removed.
- You can't use DPS champions unless they are from the Rivals of Waterdeep affiliation.
- Complete area 625.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants
- Downfall Variant 3: Third Third Out Learn the lay of the land in Downfall, without the last third of your Champions
- Only bench seats 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 may be used.
- Two Giant Frogs (Monster ID 29 and 31) join the formation in slots 5 and 6.
- Complete area 550.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
- Slack-jawed Lorna Variant 3: A Steadfast Love
- A one legged Tin Soldier and a Toy Ballerina join the formation.
- 1-2 Lesser Fire Elementals spawn with each wave. They like to melt tin.
- Complete area 600.
- Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!