This resolute paladin is committed to destroying evil wherever it can be found, and is ready to sacrifice himself to help those in need. Strongheart is a formidable warrior surrounded by righteous people, and is always looking out for like-minded individuals who also believe that good must triumph over evil.
I. Strongheart

- Strongheart is a fearless seeker of justice, risking his life to ensure that good triumphs over evil. He is thoughtful, kind, and seldom rash, yet never hesitant to punish those who spit in the face of law and order.
Strongheart is a support and healing Champion who helps you complete your quests, literally, as he doubles the quest progress of his adventuring party. He heals his nearby companions, and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Once unlocked, you can find this human paladin in Slot 11 opposite Jamilah.
II. Strongheart's Stats
Race: Human | Alignment: Lawful Good |
Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him |
Age: 39 | Class: Paladin |
STR: 15 | DEX: 12 | CON: 13 |
INT: 12 | WIS: 13 | CHA: 17 |
Role: Support, Healing
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel, Strahd (with feat) Vajra (with feat)
Slot: 11 (Jamilah)

III. Strongheart's Design
The noble adventuring party known as Valor's Call was founded by Strongheart, and he alone determines who can become a member of this prestigious group. They have a long history in Dungeons and Dragons lore, with the most recent appearance in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight helping the party battle against the League of Malevolence. This epic paladin doesn’t worship any deity, but instead devotes himself to the ideal that the world can be spared from evil by those who have enough courage to stand against it.Strongheart may be the leader of Valor's Call, but that doesn't mean he takes the spotlight. He is fully committed to supporting his companions whenever he can. Any Champion adjacent to him will benefit from his healing, as well as have their damage boosted. He has an increased chance to score a Critical Hit, and when it lands, he'll improve his boost he gives to companions' damage and healing! Whenever there is an active Season, Strongheart increases the rate his formation adds to any season quest progress.
Part of being a good leader is the ability to work with a variety of people, and his Specializations buff his main damage boost depending on the type of Champion in your formation. If you have a team filled with good aligned Champions, pick Valor's Call. When a Season is active choose A Just Quest to increase his support according to your Season Level. Or Strongheart can temporarily join the most populous affiliation in the formation and boost their power by becoming an Honorary Member. Sometimes the best way to support the team is to leap into action, and with the sentient longsword Steel at his side, Strongheart will fearlessly attack the closest foe. If a powerful enemy approaches, he will cast his favorite spell to Command: Yield! This will stun that evildoer so all attacks can do additional damage!
Strongheart is prepared to sacrifice himself for the greatest good, but with his help everyone will survive and triumph over any encounter!
IV. Strongheart's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Steel - Strongheart attacks the closest enemy with his sword, Steel, dealing one hit.
Passive Abilities
- Critical Hit - Strongheart's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.
Formation Abilities
- Justice Needs Champions - Strongheart increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by 100%.
- Seasoned Knight - Season Quest progress made by Strongheart's party is increased by 100%.
- Courage to Stand - Heal champions affected by Justice Needs Champions for 2 health per second.
- Righteous Might - Whenever Strongheart lands a critical hit, for the next 20 seconds he:
- Increases the damage of Justice Needs Champions by 400%.
- Increases the healing amount of Courage to Stand by 100%.
- Reduces the base attack speed cooldown of himself and Champions affected by Justice Needs Champions by 0.5 seconds.
- Valor's Call - Strongheart increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 100% for each good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
- A Just Quest - Strongheart increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 12.5% for each Season Level you have gained in the current Season, stacking multiplicatively.
- Honorary Member - Strongheart gains the affiliation(s) of the most populous affiliation(s) in the formation, and increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 150% for each Champion from the affiliation(s) (including himself, now), stacking multiplicatively. If two affiliations have the same number of members in the formation, then he gains both affiliations and counts both affiliations for the buff.
Ultimate Ability
- Command: Yield! - Strongheart moves forward and Commands the enemy with the most health to Yield, stunning it for 6 seconds. While it is stunned, all attacks against the enemy deal additional 15 seconds worth of BUD.
V. Strongheart's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Justice Needs Champions |
Slot 3: Courage to Stand |
Slot 4: Righteous Might |
Slot 5: Specializations |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |