Adventure Variants
This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for our 5 active campaigns.
Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants
- Meepo's Quest Variant 3: Calcryx Tricks Split the party and reveal the kobold threat with a white dragon!
- Only Event Champions can be used on this adventure.
- Meepo's "pet" dragon Calcryx joins the formation.
- Champions next to Calcryx start each area at 25% of their max health due to her "help".
- Champions' damage is reduced by 25% (additively) for each champion in the formation that is not a kobold or a goblin.
- Complete area 375.
- Lost in the Goblin Halls Variant 3: Goblin Halls: the Next Generation Search through the citadel to find the Twilight Grove with your youngest champions!
- You may only use champions that are 25 years old or younger.
- Complete area 425.

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants
- The Wandering Emporium Variant 3: Bazaar Companions Call in a favor from Mahadi with a shopping montage.
- You may only use Champions that have the Gold Find role.
- 5 Wagon escorts join the formation. After every 100 areas, one of the wagons rolls away and frees up the formation slot.
- Complete area 500.
- Tiamat's Army Variant 3: Bahamut's Army Deal with an abyssal mutiny with your most honorable champions!
- You may only use Lawful Good champions.
- Complete area 525.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants
- Cold as Ice Variant 2: Willing to Sacrifice Continue to hunt for the clues of the Rite of the Arcane Octad with those that are cold as ice.
- Only Chaotic Evil champions can deal damage.
- After every 50 areas, a random active non-(Chaotic Evil) Champion is permanently removed from the formation.
- Once a Champion is added to the formation they can not be removed.
- Complete area 650.
- Friends & Foes Variant 2: Devilishly Cold As the factions within Ythryn close in around the Champions, your Tieflings take center stage!
- You may only use Tiefling Champions..
- It's snowing in each area. Brr!
- Complete area 675.

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants
- The Minions of Endelyn Moongrave Variant 2: Tiny Treaty Negotiate a peace between the Korreds and Brigganocks of Yon from their point of view.
- You may only use dwarf, goblin, halfling, or kobold champions.
- Twice as many monsters spawn with each wave, but quest requirements for each area are doubled.
- Complete area 850.
- Love Unsoiled Variant 2: All The World's A Stage
- You may only use Bard Champions.
- All dialogs start with a random interjection.
- Complete area 900.

Light of Xaryxis Adventure Variants
- Who Lurks Below? Variant 2: The Champion's Guide to Wildspace Set sail into Wildspace but don't forget your towel.
- A Plasmoid that just had its home planet destroyed joins the formation. (Slot 3) They constantly ask questions so adjacent champions deal no damage due to the distraction.
- Complete area 400.
- Xanathaaaaaaar! Variant 2: Not That Type of Helm!
- You may only use fighter or paladins.
- All familiars are wearing fancy hats.
- Complete area 450.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!
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