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June 23rd, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: Strongheart 
Posted in Idle Champions.

“Justice needs champions. I count myself as one.”

This resolute paladin is committed to destroying evil wherever it can be found, and is ready to sacrifice himself to help those in need. Strongheart is a formidable warrior surrounded by righteous people, and is always looking out for like-minded individuals who also believe that good must triumph over evil.

I. Strongheart

    Strongheart is a fearless seeker of justice, risking his life to ensure that good triumphs over evil. He is thoughtful, kind, and seldom rash, yet never hesitant to punish those who spit in the face of law and order.

Strongheart is a support and healing Champion who helps you complete your quests, literally, as he doubles the quest progress of his adventuring party. He heals his nearby companions, and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Once unlocked, you can find this human paladin in Slot 11 opposite Jamilah.

II. Strongheart's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 39 Class: Paladin

STR: 15 DEX: 12 CON: 13
INT: 12 WIS: 13 CHA: 17

Role: Support, Healing

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel, Strahd (with feat) Vajra (with feat)

Slot: 11 (Jamilah)

Dungeons & Dragons Strongheart Marketing Gif

III. Strongheart's Design

The noble adventuring party known as Valor's Call was founded by Strongheart, and he alone determines who can become a member of this prestigious group. They have a long history in Dungeons and Dragons lore, with the most recent appearance in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight helping the party battle against the League of Malevolence. This epic paladin doesn’t worship any deity, but instead devotes himself to the ideal that the world can be spared from evil by those who have enough courage to stand against it.

Strongheart may be the leader of Valor's Call, but that doesn't mean he takes the spotlight. He is fully committed to supporting his companions whenever he can. Any Champion adjacent to him will benefit from his healing, as well as have their damage boosted. He has an increased chance to score a Critical Hit, and when it lands, he'll improve his boost he gives to companions' damage and healing! Whenever there is an active Season, Strongheart increases the rate his formation adds to any season quest progress.

Part of being a good leader is the ability to work with a variety of people, and his Specializations buff his main damage boost depending on the type of Champion in your formation. If you have a team filled with good aligned Champions, pick Valor's Call. When a Season is active choose A Just Quest to increase his support according to your Season Level. Or Strongheart can temporarily join the most populous affiliation in the formation and boost their power by becoming an Honorary Member. Sometimes the best way to support the team is to leap into action, and with the sentient longsword Steel at his side, Strongheart will fearlessly attack the closest foe. If a powerful enemy approaches, he will cast his favorite spell to Command: Yield! This will stun that evildoer so all attacks can do additional damage!

Strongheart is prepared to sacrifice himself for the greatest good, but with his help everyone will survive and triumph over any encounter!

IV. Strongheart's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Steel - Strongheart attacks the closest enemy with his sword, Steel, dealing one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Critical Hit - Strongheart's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.

Formation Abilities

  • Justice Needs Champions - Strongheart increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by 100%.
  • Seasoned Knight - Season Quest progress made by Strongheart's party is increased by 100%.
  • Courage to Stand - Heal champions affected by Justice Needs Champions for 2 health per second.
  • Righteous Might - Whenever Strongheart lands a critical hit, for the next 20 seconds he:
    • Increases the damage of Justice Needs Champions by 400%.
    • Increases the healing amount of Courage to Stand by 100%.
    • Reduces the base attack speed cooldown of himself and Champions affected by Justice Needs Champions by 0.5 seconds.
    This ability can trigger multiple times, with the damage bonus and healing stacking multiplicatively and the cooldown stacking additively.


  • Valor's Call - Strongheart increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 100% for each good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • A Just Quest - Strongheart increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 12.5% for each Season Level you have gained in the current Season, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Honorary Member - Strongheart gains the affiliation(s) of the most populous affiliation(s) in the formation, and increases the damage bonus of Justice Needs Champions by 150% for each Champion from the affiliation(s) (including himself, now), stacking multiplicatively. If two affiliations have the same number of members in the formation, then he gains both affiliations and counts both affiliations for the buff.

Ultimate Ability

  • Command: Yield! - Strongheart moves forward and Commands the enemy with the most health to Yield, stunning it for 6 seconds. While it is stunned, all attacks against the enemy deal additional 15 seconds worth of BUD.

V. Strongheart's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Justice Needs Champions
Slot 3: Courage to Stand
Slot 4: Righteous Might
Slot 5: Specializations
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Are you prepared to stand and fight with this legendary hero? Let us know how much Strongheart is helping you achieve your season goals in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

June 23rd, 2023
BW2: Generation 16 Pets are Here! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Gotta find 'em all!

A new selection of critters are now available to be your companions!

Those weirdly random abandoned eggs scattered all over Bushwhackia have been switched up and all new pets are ready to hatch when you accept the "Find an Egg" quest from Misty. She will also have all the Generation 16 eggs available to purchase for Bush Bucks during the "Find an Egg" quest.

Other changes to Misty and Hank for Generation 16:

  • Misty will no longer let players abandon Gen 15 pet eggs that they are hatching (they're now too rare). Only current generation pet eggs can be abandoned during hatching. Please note that if you're in the middle of hatching a pet, then that egg will still hatch into whatever pet it would have been before.

  • Generation 15 pet eggs can now be found in Quester's Satchels (with the same limitations as the Generation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 eggs, which will still be available in satchels as well.)

  • Hank now sells a random assortment of hatched level 1 Generation 16 pets (instead of Generation 15) for Bush Bucks in his pet store.

  • Hank the Farmhand's pet treat chat options show how many of each treat you have. Eg. Level 5 Pet Treat (10), if you have ten level 5 pet treats

PAGAS changes for Generation 16:

  • Generation 16 pet eggs are available to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store, once you have hatched at least five Generation 16 pets. This include 10 unique variations of the new pets.

  • The Pet Progress dialog now includes Generation 16 pets. Another 18 new pets that all players can unlock!

  • Added 1000 unique pet collection reward: Builder of the Flood Ark title & 10k Nutritious Training Kibble

  • Added "Type A-Z", "Owned", and "Unowned" sorting filters to the PAGAS Pet Progress dialog and Clint's Mount Collection dialog

And now, without further ado, the information you've all been waiting for:

Generation 16 Pets:

  • Red Robin
  • Scarab Beetle
  • Cockroach
  • Lizard
  • Insect Swarm
  • Cockatoo
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Mohawk Bear
  • Potato
  • Siamese Cat
Comment on the new additions on the forum!

Read the change log
June 21st, 2023
Idle Champions: June 21st Adventure Variants 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Season 4: Legends of the Mithral Hall has begun! And to celebrate we have ten new adventure variants across our five active campaigns to put your Champions to the test! Read on to learn more about what these adventures are and where to find them!

Adventure Variants

This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for our 5 active campaigns.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants

  • Meepo's Quest Variant 3: Calcryx Tricks
  • Split the party and reveal the kobold threat with a white dragon!
    • Only Event Champions can be used on this adventure.
    • Meepo's "pet" dragon Calcryx joins the formation.
    • Champions next to Calcryx start each area at 25% of their max health due to her "help".
    • Champions' damage is reduced by 25% (additively) for each champion in the formation that is not a kobold or a goblin.
    • Complete area 375.

  • Lost in the Goblin Halls Variant 3: Goblin Halls: the Next Generation
  • Search through the citadel to find the Twilight Grove with your youngest champions!
    • You may only use champions that are 25 years old or younger.
    • Complete area 425.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus Variants

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants

  • The Wandering Emporium Variant 3: Bazaar Companions
  • Call in a favor from Mahadi with a shopping montage.
    • You may only use Champions that have the Gold Find role.
    • 5 Wagon escorts join the formation. After every 100 areas, one of the wagons rolls away and frees up the formation slot.
    • Complete area 500.

  • Tiamat's Army Variant 3: Bahamut's Army
  • Deal with an abyssal mutiny with your most honorable champions!
    • You may only use Lawful Good champions.
    • Complete area 525.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants

  • Cold as Ice Variant 2: Willing to Sacrifice
  • Continue to hunt for the clues of the Rite of the Arcane Octad with those that are cold as ice.
    • Only Chaotic Evil champions can deal damage.
    • After every 50 areas, a random active non-(Chaotic Evil) Champion is permanently removed from the formation.
    • Once a Champion is added to the formation they can not be removed.
    • Complete area 650.

  • Friends & Foes Variant 2: Devilishly Cold
  • As the factions within Ythryn close in around the Champions, your Tieflings take center stage!
    • You may only use Tiefling Champions..
    • It's snowing in each area. Brr!
    • Complete area 675.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Wild Beyond the Witchlight Variants

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants

  • The Minions of Endelyn Moongrave Variant 2: Tiny Treaty
  • Negotiate a peace between the Korreds and Brigganocks of Yon from their point of view.
    • You may only use dwarf, goblin, halfling, or kobold champions.
    • Twice as many monsters spawn with each wave, but quest requirements for each area are doubled.
    • Complete area 850.

  • Love Unsoiled Variant 2: All The World's A Stage
  • Gain Endelyn's allegiance with the bardiest bards that ever barded!
    • You may only use Bard Champions.
    • All dialogs start with a random interjection.
    • Complete area 900.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Light of Xaryxis Variants

Light of Xaryxis Adventure Variants

  • Who Lurks Below? Variant 2: The Champion's Guide to Wildspace
  • Set sail into Wildspace but don't forget your towel.
    • A Plasmoid that just had its home planet destroyed joins the formation. (Slot 3) They constantly ask questions so adjacent champions deal no damage due to the distraction.
    • Complete area 400.

  • Xanathaaaaaaar! Variant 2: Not That Type of Helm!
  • Investigate a trading post nestled in an asteroid while you try to secure some new fancy headwear!
    • You may only use fighter or paladins.
    • All familiars are wearing fancy hats.
    • Complete area 450.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!

Tell us all how Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall is going on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

June 14th, 2023
Idle Champions: Summer of Legends 2023 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Summer looks a little different this year in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - introducing The Summer of Legends!

Summer of Legends

The Summer of Legends begins Wednesday June 14th at 12pm Pacific! Log in to Idle Champions for seven days of in-game rewards you will get just for playing the game!

Dungeons & Dragons Summer of Legends Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Summer of Legends you can log in and open a new Summer Chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Every chest contains five awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. Once you have claimed at least four daily Summer Chests, you unlock the bonus prize: King Bruenor! This bonus includes an epic new skin for Bruenor, a new Feat, and 5 Gold Bruenor Chests!

Dungeons & Dragons Gladiator Minsc

Twitch Streams

We're celebrating not just in-game, but on our Twitch channel! Our streaming schedule is filled with fantastic shows, including some talks about the upcoming Season - Legends of the Mithral Hall - you won't want to miss! Tune in, enjoy the streams, and pick up a code to unlock Catti-brie and some awesome in-game items!

Dungeons & Dragons Catti-brie

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall Preview

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall Today starts the preview of Idle Champions Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall. For those that don't know, every new Season in Idle Champions we update some or all of the mechanics for Champions connected to the Season. And the week before the Season starts we release those updates for that Seasons Champions. You can check out our Blog Post for more information about these changes - and what to expect when Season 4 starts next week!

Summer of Legends

A lot is going on in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - and LOTS to look forward to! But as one last reminder:

In order to get all of the free rewards during Summer of Legends you will need to log in each day and Claim Your Rewards!

Enjoy the Summer of Legends right now in-game and be sure to check out Season 4: Legends of the Mithral Hall starting Next Wednesday, June 21st at Noon Pacific!

If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
June 9th, 2023
Idle Champions: Season 4 Overview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Season 4 focuses on five famous and infamous Champions from the history of Mithral Hall: Regis (Seat 2), Artemis (Seat 3), Pwent (Seat 5), Catti-brie (Seat 7), and Wulfgar (Seat 10).

The focus of Season 4 is to add synergy with the new Critical Hit system:
All Champions and monsters now have a chance to critically hit with their attacks, dealing 100% additional damage when they score a Critical Hit. The base chance for a Critical Hit for all Champions & enemies is 2.5%, with some Champions gaining base abilities and/or feats to increase that chance further. Some Champions have formation abilities that trigger when they or other Champions score a Critical Hit. Some Champions have abilities that trigger when an enemy scores a Critical Hit on a Champion.

In addition to the core Season Champions (Regis, Artemis, Pwent, Catti-brie, and Wulfgar), Bruenor, Drizzt, and Jarlaxle received some minor updates to align with the changes. Read below to learn more about these Champions and the details you need to know about Season 4!

The changes outlined below will roll out on Wednesday, June 14th, along with the preview for Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall. Season 4 officially begins on June 21st, 2023.

Table of Contents

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

Champion Overview

Regis (Seat 2)

Regis has been moderately reworked and now officially features the Gold Find role. While his core buffing abilities have not been changed, his healing abilities have been enhanced to be more useful during long, drawn-out engagements, and many of his abilities are now triggered by the new Critical Hit system.

Critical Hit: Regis' base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

Regis' Ruby Encouragement ability allows him to buff the damage of those in the column ahead or behind him. His Bounty of the Hall ability adds Mithral Hall Stacks to your shared formation pool. It also increases your gold find bonus for each Mithral Hall Stack you have, stacking multiplicatively. His Ruby Healing ability allows Regis to heal the formation whenever he scores a Critical Hit, increasing the heal amount for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

Ruby Amplification increases the effect of Ruby Encouragement each time Regis scores a Critical Hit. The effect can stack up to 10 times (multiplicatively) and resets when changing areas. Ruby Invigoration stores a charge whenever an enemy scores a Critical Hit against a Champion. This charge increases Regis' chance to score a Critical Hit on his next attack!

  • Ruby Encouragement: Choose which column's Champions get their damage increased (ahead or behind Regis)
  • Ruby Weakness: Choose which damage type deals increased damage to enemies (Melee, Ranged, Magic)

Artemis (Seat 3)

Don't worry, Artemis has not been adjusted except to have some new feats added for the reward shop & a default uncommon feat to increase his crit chance.

Critical Hit: Artemis' base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

Artemis is already a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His entry in Season 5 allows him to gain new critical hit feats to further increase his damage!

Artemis' key ability is Observance. He observes and copies the positional formation abilities applied to other DPS Champions in the formation and gains a copy of those abilities on himself at an increased effect, even if he's already receiving that effect! His Jeweled Power ability allows his damage to be increased by 100% (multiplicatively) whenever Artemis kills an enemy. With each trigger of this ability, there's also a 10% chance that Artemis' next attack deals 300% more damage!

  • Observance: Friend: Observance's effect is increased by 10% for each positional formation observed and copied from Champions adjacent to Artemis
  • Observance: Foe: Observance's effect is increased 25% for each positional formation ability observed and copied from Drizzt Do'Urden or Catti-brie.

Pwent (Seat 5)

Pwent has been moderately reworked (mostly simplified) and now has several abilities that complement the new Critical Hit system.

Critical Hit: Pwent's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

Pwent has a new passive ability that is always active: Bleed. When Pwent attacks, he causes all enemies he damages to bleed, taking a half second of BUD damage every second for the next 20 seconds. While an enemy is bleeding, attacks that target them have a 20% higher chance to critically hit! Can You SMELL That? increases the damage of Champions not adjacent to Pwent. His Battlerager ability grants a chance to reset his attack cooldown when he attacks an enemy already affected by his bleed effect. Gutbuster Recruits increases the effect of Can You SMELL That? each time a Champion adjacent to Pwent scores a Critical Hit. Bruenor, Me King! grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool, and increases the damage bonus of Can You SMELL That? for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

Combining all of this with Pwent's Round 'Em Up! Ultimate, where he stuns, damages and causes a bleed effect against multiple enemies will make Pwent a potent support for you Season 4 adventures!

  • Recruiting Drive: Gutbuster Recruits is now triggered when non-adjacent Champions score Critical Hits instead of adjacent Champions.
  • Scents of Mithral Hall: Increases the effect of Can You SMELL That? by 200% for each Dwarf Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and including himself.
  • Critical Wound: Attacks targeting enemies that Pwent has caused to bleed have a 40% additive chance to be a Critical Hit, up from 20%.

Catti-brie (Seat 7)

Catti-brie has been heavily reworked and now functions more smoothly as a Support or DPS Champion, instead of being a weird mash-up of the two. Since her Critical Hit ability has been expanded to all Champions, her abilities have been revised to synergize well with Champions who are better at Critical Hits, which is mainly Companions Of The Hall at this point. We revisited her abilities, specializations, and even equipment to make her work well as a support option.

Critical Hit: Catti-brie's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

Catti-brie's Powerful Draw ability deals additional damage to enemies the farther away they are from the formation. Mark for Death causes enemies hit by Catti-brie's arrows to take additional damage equal to Catti-brie's critical hit damage bonus. Grievous Wounds causes enemies that are marked by Mark for Death to be stunned and take even more damage when a Champion hits them with a Critical Hit. Push Forward increases the damage of herself and all Champions in front of her whenever she scores a Critical Hit. Mark of the Hall grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool and increases the damage bonus of Mark for Death for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

  • Piercing Arrow: Catti-brie's damage is increased by 400% and her arrows hit all enemies on their way to their target. Each enemy hit has a separate chance of being a Critical Hit.
  • Big Push: Increases the base effect of Push Forward to 60% per stack and Catti-brie only loses half of her existing stacks when changing areas instead of all of them.
  • Critical Family: Additively increases the critical hit chance of all Companions of the Hall Champions by 20%.

Wulfgar (Seat 10)

Wulfgar has been heavily reworked and now has several abilities that complement the new Critical Hit system.

Critical Hit: Wulfgar's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

Wulfgar has a new passive ability that is always active: He can be used in any Icewind Dale campaign adventure or variant, even if the restrictions would not normally allow him.

King of the Elk Tribe increases the Health of all other Champions by 25% of Wulfgar's Max Health. Clangeddin's Will increases the damage of all Champions in the formation whenever an enemy is stunned. Dumathoin's Will allows Wulfgar to gain Temporary Hit Points based on the boss's remaining health whenever he stuns that boss. Hammer of the Hall grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool. Wulfgar increases the damage bonus of Clangeddin's Will for each Mithral Hall Stack you have. Wulfgar's Smash 'n Grab ability allows the party to increase their damage up to 5 times in an area whenever Wulfgar attacks an armor-based enemy but doesn't remove a piece of the armor.

  • Heavy Blows: Additively increases all Champions' critical hit chances by 10%.
  • Flag Bearer: Increases the effect of Clangeddin's Will by 100%, and only 50% of the stacks are lost on area change.
  • Moradin's Will: Increases the damage of Companions of the Hall Champions by 100%, and all of the Companions of the Hall are available to be used if Icewind Dale is the current campaign, even if they do not currently qualify based on variant or patron restrictions.

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

Adjacent Champion Overview

Bruenor (Seat 1)

Bruenor has been slightly tweaked so that his Companions' synergy ability works with the new system and has a new name (King of the Hall).

Critical Hit: Bruenor's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

Bruenor now has a new uncommon feat that buffs his Rally ability. He's also gained a new feat at rare, which increases the number of Mithral Hall Stacks Bruenor provides to your shared formation pool.

Jarlaxle (Seat 4)

Jarlaxle has been slightly tweaked to act as an introduction to Critical Hits for newer players.

Critical Hit: Jarlaxle's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

Jarlaxle has new feats that buff his critical hit chance and damage. He also has a new feat at rare, increasing his CON by 1, allowing him to qualify for Vajra patron adventures.

Drizzt (Seat 9)

Drizzt has been slightly reworked so that his Companions' synergy ability and specializations work with the new system, and his damage can keep up.

Critical Hit: Drizzt's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

Drizzt's Leader of the Companions specialization now increases his damage for each Companions of the Hall Champion in the formation. His Drow Stalker Specialization now increases his damage for each Drow in the formation. New feats have been added which buff his Icingdeath ability. He's also gained a new feat at rare, which increases the number of Mithral Hall Stacks Drizzt provides to your shared formation pool. Drizzt has also had a balance pass, and several of his abilities and upgrades have been buffed.

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

Key Season Rewards

This season includes a significant change to the rewards track. The goal is to simplify the process and respond to feedback on the past reward system. There is no longer Season Currency. Instead, Season rewards are unlocked simply by reaching the required season level. At each level (up to level 60), there is a reward for all players and an additional reward for players who have purchased the Season Pass.

There is an additional track of rewards after completion of level 60, with EVEN MORE rewards!

This season introduces a Click Damage skin in the form of Guenhwyvar's Paw, a new Guenwhyvar familiar, DPS Pigments, Epic, and Rare feats for all the Season Champions, exclusive skins for those Champions, AND MORE! Check out the Rewards track in-game for more detail.

Available to All Players

  • Click Damage Skin: Guenhwyvar's Paw
  • Golden Epic: Pwent Slot 4
  • Rare Feats to increase Mithral Hall Stacks:
    • Regis
    • Pwent
    • Catti-brie
    • Wulfgar
  • Rare Feat to increase chance to critical hit:
    • Artemis

Available to Passholders

  • Familiar: Mythic Guenhwyvar
  • DPS Pigment: +400% damage
  • Epic Feats to increase Mithral Hall Stacks:
    • Regis
    • Pwent
    • Catti-brie
    • Wulfgar
  • Epic Vicious Damage Feat:
    • Artemis
  • Mythic Skins for all 5 Season 4 Champions

Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

Keywords and Key Abilities

Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
  • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the DPS number on the upper left UI, or the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
  • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
Critical Hit: All Champions and monsters now have a chance to critically hit with their attacks, dealing 100% additional damage on a crit. The base chance for a Critical Hit is 2.5%. Critical Hits are visualized as a color change from red damage numbers to yellow with a burst symbol on each side of the number. Some Champions have formation abilities that trigger when they or other Champions score a Critical Hit. Some Champions have abilities that trigger when an enemy scores a Critical Hit on a Champion.

Companions of the Hall: The Companions of the Hall is an affiliation within Idle Champions comprising the core group of characters from R. A. Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt book series: Bruenor Battlehammer (Seat 1), Regis (Seat 2), Catti-brie (Seat 7), Drizzt Do'Urden (Seat 9), and Wulfgar (Seat 10).

Distractions: Distractions are the birds, bugs, rats, snakes, and other pests which often appear in the background of any adventure. You can earn gold for clicking on distractions while they are on screen.

Drizzt Do'Urden: The Champion Drizzt Do'Urden is a Companions of the Hall member and is available to unlock in Idle Champions! You can unlock Drizzt through play by completing the first variant of the Underdeep Cartography adventure (Overdue Rendezvous) on the Waterdeep node of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

Mithral Hall Stacks: Mithral Hall Stacks are gained by having Companions of the Hall Champions in the formation. You can increase those stacks further by equipping their specialized feats. Mithral Hall Stacks are a shared formation pool referenced in multiple Companions of the Hall Champion abilities.

Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
  • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
  • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
  • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
  • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

Key Enemies

Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

Armor-based Enemies: Bosses with armored health (segmented chunks that will flash a shield over the health chunk when a Champion doesn't deal enough damage to it) are available on many different adventures. In Week 7, you can encounter an armor-based monster in area 50 of the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick, or Valentine. Note: Armor-based monsters are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

Arvaiss the Red: Arvaiss the Red is the Red Dragon boss in area 50 of the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander Cesso, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick Tumblestrum, or Valentine.

Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Dinosaur: Dinosaur enemies can be found throughout the Tomb of Annihilation campaign once you get to the peninsula of Chult.

Eye of Gruumsh: The Eye of Gruumsh is the boss in area 50 of the Ahghairon's Day adventure: Reclaiming the Past and its variants. When Ahghairon's Day isn't active, you can access Reclaiming the Past by opening a Time Gate to Ishi Snaggletooth, Jim Darkmagic, Omin Dran, Prudence, or Voronika.

Fiends: Fiend monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Fiends, you can find Imps in The Mad Wizard - the second adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Flying or Floating Bosses: Flying or Floating bosses are bosses who don't touch the ground. If you are looking for a good target to encounter flying creatures, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Gnoll: Gnolls can be found in the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander Cesso, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick Tumblestrum, or Valentine. Note: gnolls are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign.

Lycanthrope:Lycanthropes come in many forms (werewolf, wererat, werebear, etc.) and can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter lycanthrope bosses, try Beast Intentions - the third non-tutorial adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

Minotaur Skeleton: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the fearsome Minotaur Skeleton, try Underdeep Cartography - the second adventure on the Waterdeep node in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

Resurrected Hero of the Vale: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the Resurrected Hero of the Vale, try the Highharvestide adventure: The Bandit's Harvest or the Feast of the Moon adventure: The Crypt of Legends. You can access The Bandit's Harvest by opening a Time Gate to Stoki, Farideh, Pwent, Torogar, D'hani, or Egbert. You can access The Crypt of Legends by opening a Time Gate to Gromma, Sentry, Penelope, Widdle, or Virgil.

Undead: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Zariel: In week 2, you can encounter this armor-based boss monster in area 50 of the Founders' Day adventure: Party Crashers and its variants. When Founders' Day isn't active, you can access Party Crashers by opening a Time Gate to Deekin, Walnut, Freely, Sgt. Knox, or Nahara.

June 2nd, 2023
Idle Champions: Feat Week! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Introducing Feat Week! Starting next Wednesday, June 7th, log in each day to claim a new, free feat! Champions getting feats include Antrius, Merilwen, BBEG, Nordom, Nixie, Selise, Evandra, and Nayeli. Read on to learn more about when you can get each feat and what they do!

You can unlock a new feat each day - and if you unlock four out of the seven possible feats you'll unlock a new feat for Nayeli. Be sure to log in each day during Feat Week!

Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Feat Week - Officially Begins June 7th, 2023

  • June 07: Antrius - The Bard Spittin' Bars (Rare) - Can't be De-feat-ed +40%
  • June 08: Merilwen - Puntastic (Rare) - Punishing Puns +40%
  • June 09: BBEG - Stronger Sources (Rare) - Sources of Corpses +40%
  • June 10: Nordom - New Speech Pattern (Rare) - Modron Core Toolbox +40%
  • June 11: Nixie - Heavy Lifter (Epic) +2 STR
  • June 12: Selise - Sentinel (Epic) +20 Overwhelm
  • June 13: Evandra - Entertainer (Epic) +2 CHA
  • PARTICIPATION PRIZE: Nayeli - Taunt (Epic) Buffs Nayeli's Damage by 400% and Attacks have a 50% chance to taunt.

Join our community in the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

June 1st, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: BBEG 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Behold the evil architect behind everything! The horrific lich surrounded by zombies who has been responsible for all the terrible things that The Awful Ones have..., not familiar? Never seen him before? Then it's time for you to witness, and maybe this time remember, the Big Bad Evil Guy!


    BBEG is the Big Bad Evil Guy, a Drow necromancer who believes immaculate planning will always lead to success. Unfortunately his constant failures contradict this conviction. BBEG likes to monologue and taunt his opponents, leaving his summoned zombies to engage directly in combat.

BBEG is a support and speed Champion that chews the scenery so much he breaks through the 4th wall. As the Big Bad Evil Guy of the Awful Ones campaign, this necromancer stands back and lets his less intelligent zombie minions do the hard work. His strength lies in being able to railroad the Champions through to more exciting parts of the adventure. Once unlocked, you can find this Drow necromancer in Slot 3 opposite Nayeli.

II. BBEG's Stats

Race: Elf (Drow) Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 500
Affiliation: None (but Awful Ones adjacent) Class: Wizard

STR: 10 DEX: 13 CON: 8
INT: 18 WIS: 15 CHA: 12

Role: Support, Speed

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd

Slot: 3 (Nayeli)

Dungeons & Dragons BBEG Marketing Gif

III. BBEG's Design

Every Dungeon Master wants to craft a story that is entertaining and engaging. But what happens when your players stop paying attention? Pat, the DM of the Awful Ones from 1 For All, is understandably frustrated by this lack of recognition. Despite his best efforts crafting an extremely powerful and memorable antagonist for his campaign, no one seems to recall who BBEG is, or be challenged by him in any battle.

As the sworn enemy of the Awful Ones, BBEG will follow them into any adventure that any of them are eligible for. He uses his Chill Touch to strike at the most healthy enemy on the field, and summons shambling zombies to attack anything they come across. The Awful Ones provide a great source of fresh corpses for his undead army, so the more of them there are in the formation, the faster he can summon his minions. BBEG, believing himself to be the smartest, strategically surrounds himself with less intelligent minions to boost his own perceived brilliance as the Evil Overlord, increasing the damage of Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or less.

BBEG wants to get the adventure over with as quickly as possible, so he'll increase his damage bonus for each potion that is active, and reduce the next area's quest requirements if the formation plows through the current area quickly enough. His Specializations will further boost that damage buff depending on the types of companions he is surrounded by. Fill the formation with Evil Champions and pick Powergaming, or Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less to choose Min-Maxing, or use a bunch of Lawful Champions and pick Rules Lawyering. If that still isn't fast enough, he will appeal to his eldritch lord Balgronuuth for the ultimate power to summon two zombies at a time instead of just one!

Show the other Champions just how epic and incredible BBEG can be, and maybe they'll remember him the next time he joins the formation!

IV. BBEG's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Chill Touch - BBEG conjures a spectral hand over the enemy with the most health and touches it, dealing one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Awful Nemesis - As the sworn enemy of the Awful Ones, BBEG is eligible for any adventure that any of them are eligible for. However, they still don't remember who he is.

Formation Abilities

  • Evil Overlord - BBEG increases the damage of all Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or less by +100%.
  • Homebrew - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by 100% for each active potion, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Rise, My Minions! - Every 10 seconds BBEG creates a plodding zombie that appears in front of the front-most column and slowly moves across the screen from left to right. It takes 30 seconds for a zombie to plod from its spawn point to the right-side of the screen where it despawns. Zombies persist with area changes. Enemies near the zombie take 0.2 second worth of BUD-based damage per second.
  • Sources of Corpses - The time it takes for Rise, my Minions! to summon a zombie is reduced by 2.5 seconds for each Awful Ones affiliation member in the formation, and the damage bonus of Evil Overlord is increased by +25% for each summoned zombie, stacking multiplicatively, with buffs applying to the pre-stack value.
  • Railroad - If the current area is completed (for the first time) in 5 seconds or less, BBEG reduces the next area's quest requirements by 25%.


  • Powergaming - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +200% for each Evil champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Min-Maxing - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +150% for each Champion with a total ability score of 78 or less in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Rules Lawyering - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +100% for each Lawful champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Balgronuuth's Undead Horde - Balgronuuth's symbol appears in the air for 30 seconds. While the symbol is in the air, every time Rise, my Minions! summons a zombie, it summons two instead of one.

V. BBEG's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Evil Overlord
Slot 2: Homebrew
Slot 3: Rise, My Minions!
Slot 4: Sources of Corpses
Slot 5: Specializations
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

There's no way you can forget who the BBEG is now! Tell us what you remember most about his exploits during out Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!