Summer of Legends
The Summer of Legends begins Wednesday June 14th at 12pm Pacific! Log in to Idle Champions for seven days of in-game rewards you will get just for playing the game!
Daily Rewards
Every day during the Summer of Legends you can log in and open a new Summer Chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Every chest contains five awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. Once you have claimed at least four daily Summer Chests, you unlock the bonus prize: King Bruenor! This bonus includes an epic new skin for Bruenor, a new Feat, and 5 Gold Bruenor Chests!
Twitch Streams
We're celebrating not just in-game, but on our Twitch channel! Our streaming schedule is filled with fantastic shows, including some talks about the upcoming Season - Legends of the Mithral Hall - you won't want to miss! Tune in, enjoy the streams, and pick up a code to unlock Catti-brie and some awesome in-game items!
Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall Preview

A lot is going on in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - and LOTS to look forward to! But as one last reminder:
In order to get all of the free rewards during Summer of Legends you will need to log in each day and Claim Your Rewards!
Enjoy the Summer of Legends right now in-game and be sure to check out Season 4: Legends of the Mithral Hall starting Next Wednesday, June 21st at Noon Pacific!
If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!