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October 20th, 2023
BW2: Halloween Event, 2023 Edition! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

The Haunted Mansion Has Materialized!

Who doesn't love a good haunted mansion? Well, that's what Halloween in Bushwhackia is all about! But to decorate your very own, you need to do what you do best! Go out into the world and whack bushes to find Pumpkins. Once you have found a patch of pumpkins, you can buy decorations from Glenda outside the mansion, or from the "Store" button while you're in Build Mode inside. Once you feel you've got enough, start laying out your design inside. (You can also purchase the same decorations for Bush Bucks from the Cop in the event area.)

You do not have to place all your collected decorations on display in the Mansion in order for them to count towards "Halloween Collector," they will count so long as they are within your haunted house inventory.

The goal is to scare the 8 children standing in front of the house, all of varying levels of bravery. The more you scare them, the more candy you'll earn in return. And you're going to want that candy so you can trade it for the custom items at the event store! You can try scaring them every 20 hours after you scared them the first time.

Glenda the Good Witch isn't just for buying decorations with Pumpkins. You will also be getting several quests from her throughout the event for special interactive decorations. As you complete each of her four quests, you can request help from your friends* by talking to the Construction Worker to increase the decoration's scariness.

The Haunted Mansion Photo Contest

The Haunted Mansion Photo Contest will be starting on Wednesday October 25th You'll need 300 mansion spookiness before you can submit a screenshot, and at least 10 items placed in your mansion.

In case you're wanting to keep your decorations secret until it's finished, you can now prevent or allow friends from visiting your mansion by talking to the contest NPC and selecting either "Don't let anyone visit my mansion!" or "Allow friends to visit my mansion!" respectively.

Gotta Collect them all!

What can possibly make your house scarier? How about some Creatures which wander around your mansion! Each creature will become available for a set amount of dates which you can then request from friends* by talking to the the Cop.

Creatures are available on the following schedule:
Black Cats - AVAILABLE at Event launch, UNTIL Sun Oct 22, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Witches - AVAILABLE Sun Oct 22, Noon PDT UNTIL Tues Oct 24, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Zombies - AVAILABLE Tues Oct 24, Noon PDT UNTIL Thurs Oct 26, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Bats - AVAILABLE Thurs Oct 26, Noon PDT UNTIL Sat Oct 28, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Spiders - AVAILABLE Sat Oct 28, Noon PDT UNTIL Mon Oct 30, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Ghost Butler - AVAILABLE Mon Oct 30, Noon PDT UNTIL Wed Nov 1, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Franken-Dogs - AVAILABLE Wed Nov 1, Noon PDT UNTIL the Event End

*The Sparkly Vampire is still available for Bush Bucks if you want it in your haunted house.

Candy! Candy! Candy!

To buy the custom items, you need your Candy! Not only do you get it from scaring those insolent little kiddies, you also net some from completing the various quests given to you by the Halloween NPCs hanging out in the event area!

Plus from Sunday October 31st until the end of the event, you can hunt down denizens of Bushwhackia and Trick-or-Treat with them for Candy goodness! There will be a spooky character standing in front of a pile of Candy in each of the major areas! NPCs have been added up to the Prismatic Passage region!

Not ready to show off your Haunted Mansion to friends? Prevent or allow friends from visiting your mansion by talking to the contest NPC and selecting either "Don't let anyone visit my mansion!" or "Allow friends to visit my mansion!" respectively.

New for 2023

This year's update includes:

- new pet and ranch VIP rewards!
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new 2023 holiday 100% reward!
- new haunted mansion items!
- new craftable animatronic ranch item!

Holiday Rubber Duckies

If you can complete the event, you'll earn this awesome 100% reward: The Halloween Ducky! Collect them all to fill out the holiday duck pond, which you can purchase in the event store and prior items store!


And the witch has a new special item to craft for your haunted mansion in their new Pumpkin Duty quest. You can copy a permanent version of it for your ranch in the Fox's Moulder Most Foul quest line.

VIP Rewards!

Active VIP members can claim unique rewards based on their event progress! If you don't have an active membership, you have the entire event to consider becoming one! You can earn and claim these rewards until the end of the event.

And more!

And there's some minor fixes and improvements which you can check out on the Release Notes, which are linked at the bottom of the page!

See all the updates in the Release Notes!


There are a total of 24 possible Achievements to earn in this Halloween event!

Returning Achievements

  • Mansion Maniac - Get 50 decorations for your Haunted Mansion!
  • Little Kid Spooker - Scare 4 kids in you Haunted Mansion
  • Scarred for Life - Scare all the kids in your Haunted Mansion!
  • Trick or Treat - Go Trick or Treating on or after Hallowe'en!
  • Costume Quest - Complete the Costume Quests
  • Year Round Scares - Completed the Moulder Most Foul
  • Pumpking - Grow a very large Pumpkin.
  • There's a Skeleton in Us All - Help The Bone Doctor build and animate a skeleton for Halloween!
  • Hallowe'en Collector - Have at least 40 unique decorations in your H. M.! (formerly Halloween Completionist)
  • Craven Candies - Find each trick-or-treaters favourite candy
  • Spook Inspector - Vote 50 times in the Haunted Mansion Photo Contest.

New Achievements

  • Possessed Possessions* - Purchase all the 2023 Halloween Event items.
We have 10 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:
  • Spooky Home Decorator - get all house items from the 2012 Halloween Event!
  • Year-round Cosplayer - Get all player items from the 2012 Halloween Event!
  • Candy Spender - Purchase all the Halloween 2013 items!
  • Spooky Purchases - Purchases all the 2014 Halloween Event items.
  • Halloweenie - Purchase all the 2015 Halloween Event items.
  • All Hallows' Items - Purchase all the 2016 Halloween Event items.
  • Scary Swag - Purchase all the 2017 Halloween Event items.
  • Ghastly Grabs - Purchase all the 2018 Halloween Event items.
  • Creepy Collectables - Purchase all the 2019 Halloween Event items.
  • Frightful Frippery - Purchase all the 2020 Halloween Event items.
  • Terrifying Trinkets - Purchase all the 2021 Halloween Event items.
  • Haunted Haberdashery - Purchase all the 2022 Halloween Event items.

*The Halloween Slide Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Possessed Possessions achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Grab Your Spooky Companion for Bush Whacking!

New Mounts!

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from October 20th to 23rd!

Werewolf mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Zombie Werewolf and Infernal Werewolf are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

New Pets! - COMING SOON!

Post your Halloween scariness and questions on the forum!

The event will run until Friday November 3rd at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I find the Pumpkins?
    Just keep whacking. The Holiday Item runes and pets will help attract them as well.

  • How do I decorate my Mansion?
    You need to whack up Pumpkins. You can buy decorations from Glenda in the event area, or from the Store when you're in Build mode inside the Mansion. Once you have decorations, you can place them like you're decorating your ranch using Build mode.

  • How do I scare the Kids?
    Just keep buying decorations and getting friends to up the scare level of your interactive decorations. As your event progress increases, you will scare the kids more and more. As well, when you reach a certain level of scariness, the kids will elect to no longer tour your house.

  • Does the Timey-Wimey watch or Time Turner affect the Kids?
    No, the kids do not have quest cooldowns, so trinket effects that work for quests will not apply to them.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Making your mansion as scary as possible by buying decorations (but you don't have to place them all.)

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

October 20th, 2023
BW2: October 20th, 2023 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Halloween Event (October 20th, 2023)

- Updated Halloween Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- Added 6 new haunted mansions items (ectoplasm splatters and new hay bale colours)
- Added a new craftable haunted mansion item

- The Haunted Fence ranch item can now be placed on the mini golf course

- Can now rotate blood splatters

- Added Stone Jungle Torch ranch item to ranch store after you've bought it from the Dino Dig mini-event store
October 18th, 2023
Idle Champions: Liar's Night 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Did you hear what happened at the Wayside Inn?"
    "No -- what happened?"
    "While everyone was partying at Liar's Night they got robbed."
    "Seriously!? Who robs a party?"
    "It was 'A Masked Man', apparently."
    "What a jerk. I hope they catch him."
The local Liar's Night festivities at the Wayside Inn were interrupted by a masked thief! They stole magical items and escaped, and now it's up to the Champions to stop them!

Liar's Night 7 introduces Thellora, the Centaur Paladin featured in Idle Champions Presents: Fatebreaker! This event also brings back Kent, the Tiefling Rogue from Rivals of Waterdeep, as well as Brig Hellclaw, the Rogue/Bard played by Jason Charles Miller! Players have until Monday, October 30th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Liars' Night 7 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: Thellora

    Thellora belongs to an all-female regiment known as the Luma. These fifty-three centaurs are diverse, but unified in that each possesses a distinctive golden right eye. The centaurs believe these individuals are chosen by their god, Callessa, to be devoted guardians and trained warriors. With their divine connection and martial prowess, they protect their land, embracing their unique gifts with unwavering dedication.

Thellora is a Support, Tanking, and Speed Champion who will charge her way through your next adventure! She boosts the damage of champions behind her and bolsters their health like a true tank, and these boosts increase when she is unable to finish off her foe. The choice you make with which feats you assign is particularly important, as her feats also affect her adjacent allies! Once unlocked, she takes her place in Slot 1 next to Bruenor.

For more detailed information on Thellora, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Seven Variants

By the Light of Tura! - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist with Thellora!
  • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
  • Only Thellora and Champions in the column behind her can deal damage.
  • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora increases the damage of Champions in the column behind her.
  • Reach Area 75.

Allies of the Sky Cents - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist with Thellora's favorite companions.
  • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a STR of 12 or less, Female/Non-Binary Champions, or Speed champions.
  • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora's specialization gives a secondary boost to certain types of Champions. Choose the best option for your formation!
  • Reach Area 125.

No One Trick Pony - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist while fighting extra reinforcements!
  • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
  • For the first ten areas, non-boss quest requirements are multiplied by 10!
  • With every non-boss enemy wave, a Fire Elemental spawns with 10 armored hit points. This enemy does not drop gold or count toward quest progress.
  • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora has the ability to rush through early areas if you've charged her up in previous runs. Get her Rush stacks to 10 and your favor for the event above 10 billion (1e10) and leap through these difficult areas!
  • Reach Area 175.

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

October 16th, 2023
Extra Life 2023 

We don't just love making games, we also love playing them. We look forward to Extra Life every year, but 2023 is extra special special: Codename Entertainment will be participating in our TENTH year of fundraising for BC Children's Hospital!

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

Since 2008, Extra Life has raised over $130 Million USD for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. And how does Codename Entertainment help raise that money? By doing what our community loves to do already: playing games together!

If you would like to learn more about Extra Life, check out their FAQ. The local member hospital that Codename Entertainment supports is BC Children's Hospital and the funds we raise are donated to BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

2023 Schedule

Starting Friday, October 20th at 9am Pacific, Codename Entertainment is excited to once again put on a 24-hour Extra Life Twitch Stream! We have a lot of content planned this year -- just check out our schedule below:
  • 8:30AM — Founders Q&A
  • 9:30AM — Tactile Storytelling: Making D&D Props
  • 10:30AM — Goblins for Dinner
  • 12:30PM — Gardening With Elisa
  • 1:30PM — Battleball!
  • 4:15PM — Queen By Midnight
  • 6:00PM — Artomancy: Special Edition
  • 7:00PM — Idle Champions Karaoke
  • 8:00PM — Dad Jokes Don't Laugh Challenge
  • 9:00PM — Multiplayer Beat Saber
  • 10:30PM — Mario Party
  • 11:30PM — CNE vs Machine
  • 12:30AM — Fearwarned
  • 2:30AM — Jackbox Games
  • 4:30AM — Artomancy: Special Edition
  • 8:00AM — Mars in the Morning
  • 9:00AM — Thank-You and Goodnight!
Check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page for information on how to donate!

How to Help

Along with supporting the 24-hour marathon on our Twitch Stream, we're offering these amazing in game incentives!

Bush Whacker 2

You can donate in Bush Whacker 2 by purchasing any of the three different Extra Life package deals! Net proceeds from all purchase of those packs between October 16-22nd will be donated to Extra Life! Each pack contains premium Bush Buck currency and Extra Life Elixirs which restore 100% of your max energy. Plus, pick up a laser sword in the other two packs: The Extra Life Game pack, and the Extra Life Bus pack! Find more details in-game!

Idle Champions

Dungeons & Dragons Boom Boom and Todd Stachwick

Idle Champions players can support Extra Life by purchasing Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar between between October 16th and 22nd! All net proceeds from the first week of Boom Boom sales will be donated to Extra Life.

For more information about Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar, check out the Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar Blog!
October 13th, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: Thellora 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"May the mountains hide you so only light may find you."

When the ground rumbles and dangers threaten the peace, The Luma are always ready to face whatever menace has arisen. Thellora is a member of this esteemed regiment, motivated to lead her fellow centaurs into protecting the community. No evil can outrun her, or her sword!

I. Thellora

    Thellora belongs to an all-female regiment known as the Luma. These fifty-three centaurs are diverse, but unified in that each possess a distinctive golden right eye. The centaurs believe these individuals are chosen by their god, Callessa, to be devoted guardians and trained warriors. With their divine connection and martial prowess, they protect their land, embracing their unique gifts with unwavering dedication.

Thellora is a Support, Tanking, and Speed Champion who will charge her way through your next adventure! She boosts the damage of champions behind her and bolsters their health like a true tank, and these boosts increase when she is unable to finish off her foe. The choice you make with which feats you assign is particularly important, as her feats also affect her adjacent allies! Once unlocked, she takes her place in Slot 1 next to Bruenor.

II. Thellora's Stats

Race: Centaur Alignment:Lawful Neutral
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27 Affiliation: None Class: Paladin

STR: 16 DEX: 12 CON: 13
INT: 11 WIS: 8 CHA: 17

Role: Support, Tanking, Speed

Eligible for Patrons: Vajra (with Feat), Zariel

Slot: 1 (Bruenor)

Dungeons & Dragons Harmonium Thellora Marketing Gif

III. Thellora's Design

After a successful run on A Familiar Quest Series 3 playing Misty the Will-O'Wisp, we were thrilled to bring Alicia Marie back to craft a brand new Champion! Her busy schedule includes being a professional costume artist and maker, actor, and TTRPG performer on shows like Children of Éarte. Now she's crafted Thellora for our game, as well as her appearance on Idle Champions Presents: Fatebreaker!

Some female centaurs born within the vicinity of Callewood bear a single, striking golden eye. This signals they have been selected by their god to become trained warriors and guardians. As one of those fifty-three chosen, Thellora has spent her life learning all the skills needed to face threats wherever they may appear. With her armor and weapons always ready, and a pocket full of candies for her sweet tooth, she's ready to charge into any battle!

Thellora would rather Rush through the easier encounters so she can get to the real challenge, so she'll help the formation skip over the early part of an adventure. As she leads this charge forward, she'll prepare for more difficult encounters by boosting the damage of those in the column behind her, and increasing that even more if her hooves and blade fails to kill her enemy. The rest of the formation are bolstered from her health and healing boost, and adjacent Champions will enjoy the benefits of her assigned feats.

Depending on who has joined her in battle, Thellora can Specialize in increasing the damage of specific types of heroes. She can focus on boosting those with low strength, helping Speed Champions, or offering that bonus to Female and Non-Binary Champions. And when necessary she can call upon The Light of Mount Tura to illuminate her stampede across the battlefield, inspiring her allies to do more damage as she knocks back and stuns her enemies!

Thellora knows that bravery is being scared to die but continuing to fight, and her paladin might and heroic presence will encourage everyone in the formation onward!

IV. Thellora's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Windsong's Strike - Thellora moves up to the closest enemy and rears up, knocking them back with her hooves and dealing 1 hit. She then strikes the next closest enemy with her blade, dealing 1 hit.

Passive Ability

  • Plateaus of Unicorn Run - Thellora gains a Rush stack for every 10 areas she completes in an adventure, and these stacks persist through resets. When Thellora kills her first enemy in an adventure, she spends X Rush stacks to skip to area X+1, and her Rush stacks are reset to zero. The highest area that can be skipped to is your current favor exponent for the campaign/event. Thellora gathers all the rewards (including gold) from bosses skipped in this fashion, but nothing from normal monsters.

Formation Abilities

  • Strength of the Luma - Thellora increases the damage of Champions in the column behind her by 100%.
  • Radiance of the Sky Cents - Thellora increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.
  • Paladin's Resolve - Each time Thellora attacks and doesn't kill an enemy, she increases the effect of Strength of the Luma by 15% until the area changes, stacking multiplicatively and capped at 100 stacks.
  • Feats to Spare - The effects of feats assigned to Thellora also apply to all adjacent Champions. Note that feats that buff her formation abilities have no effect when applied to other Champions.


  • Defender of the Meek - Thellora increases the damage of Champions with a STR of 12 or less by 31% for each Champion in the formation with a STR of 12 or less, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack value.
  • Vanguard of the Quick - Thellora increases the damage of Speed Champions by 27.5% for each Speed Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack value.
  • Callessa's Blessed - Thellora increases the damage of Female and Non-Binary Champions by 27.5% for each Female and Non-Binary Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack value.

Ultimate Ability

  • The Light of Mount Tura - A sunbeam illuminates Thellora as she charges across the screen, attacking enemies in a wide line, dealing 1 hit, knocking them back a short distance, and stunning them for 5 seconds. For the next 15 seconds, her right eye glows with a golden light, increasing the damage of all Champions by 400%.

V. Thellora's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global Health
Slot 3: Strength of the Luma
Slot 4: Paladin's Resolve
Slot 5: Defender of the Meek, Vanguard of the Quick, and Callessa's Blessed
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

With this Champion of the Luma in your formation, you'll be ready to charge into battle! Share your thoughts on Thellora in several places:
October 12th, 2023
Idle Champions: Boom Boom Charity Familiar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Todd Stashwick for the Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Charity Familiar! Releasing on October 16th at 9 am Pacific, all net proceeds for the first week of Boom Boom sales will be donated to Extra Life!

Boom Boom the Tavernkeep

Dungeons & Dragons Boom Boom and Todd Stachwick

As soon as Todd Stashwick was approached about making a charity familiar for Idle Champions he knew who he wanted to make. In real life, Boom Boom had a name before the Stashwicks even adopted him. Knowing one day they would get a new dog, they started referring to their future pet as Boom Boom. Now, Boom Boom comes to Idle Champions as a barkeep who doesn't have time for problems in his tavern! For those unfamiliar with Todd Stashwick, he is known for his numerous acting roles and star power, as well as several D&D charity games. Fans of the Black Dice Society will recognize him as Rudolph van Richten towards the end of the series.

Together our goal is to raise money for Extra Life, which is a fundraising program of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®. Help them continue their efforts this year by purchasing Boom Boom and by visiting their site right now!

Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar will be available in-game starting on Monday, October 16th, 2023 at 9 am Pacific! Afterward, all net proceeds from the first week of Boom Boom sales will be donated to Extra Life.

But That's Not All!

We're also doing our annual 24-hour livestream! Starting Friday, October 20th at 9 am Pacific we will be streaming for 24 hours straight. Come hang out in chat for some awesome shows and fun ways to donate that can affect what's happening on stream! Check out our Extra Life page for more information!

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is available on PC and Mac on Steam, Epic, the web, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS and on all Android devices!

October 11th, 2023
Idle Champions: Patron Currency Update 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Well met adventurers!

Last week we announced changes to Patron Currency rewards due to egregious scaling issues at the upper echelons. The response from players was immediate, and we want you to know that you have been heard loud and clear.

It is clear that this system could not be left as it was. However, it is also clear based on your feedback that we missed the mark. With that feedback in mind we have made additional adjustments to the Patron Currency reward scaling, which you will find below.

First, some context: while the previously announced rewards scaled linearly at 12 times the area requirement, the updated reward structure now increases that multiplier on variants with higher area requirements.

  • For the Patron Variants requiring area 1325 to be cleared, the new currency reward has been increased from 15,900 to 50,350, meaning players will be able to collect 10 Patron Chests instead of 3.

  • Completing every Patron Variant currently available in the game will allow players to collect 2,959 Patron Chests across the four existing Patrons -- an increase from 1,803 Patron Chests using the previous 12x linear scaling.

We acknowledge that this is still a significant change from the previous exponential rewards behavior. However, the bulk of this change occurs across only a handful of adventures:

  • For Patron Variants requiring you to beat up to area 500 (58% of the total patron variants), this update more than doubles the amount of Patron Currency earned.

  • For Patron Variants requiring you to beat up to area 1000 (39% of the total patron variants), this represents a 40% decrease in Patron Currency earned.

Here is a breakdown of the currency rewards (and equivalent Chest count) with the previously announced 12x linear scaling, and the new scaling that is going live today. As you can see, newer players are able to collect chests sooner, and the rewards for the higher-level variants are scaled up in a way that reflects the time investment to get there. It is also important to note that the majority of available adventures will have their rewards increased.

Area Requirement 12x Linear Scaling (Previously Announced) New Scaling (Based on Feedback)
6000 (1 Chest)
6,000 (1 Chest)
9,000 (1 Chest)
7,200 (1 Chest)
12,000 (2 Chests)
8,400 (1 Chest)
15,400 (3 Chests)
9,600 (1 Chest)
20,000 (4 Chests)
10,800 (2 Chests)
24,300 (4 Chests)
12,000 (2 Chests)
30,000 (6 Chests)
13,200 (2 Chests)
35,200 (7 Chests)
14,400 (2 Chests)
42,000 (8 Chests)
15,600 (3 Chests)
48,100 (9 Chests)

Overall, we believe these changes are important for the long-term health of Idle Champions. As always, and especially now, we appreciate your dedication to the game and your feedback.

October 11th, 2023
Idle Champions: Light of Xaryxis, Part 8 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Arena of Blood is under attack! The Champions must fight their way back to the docks if they're going to rescue Xedalli from her would-be-emperor brother, but they'll need help. And that help comes from a very surprising place! After that, it's time to train a new group of spelljammer pilots and take the fight to Xaryxispace!

Note: you will need to complete the previous two Light of Xaryxis adventures, The Jungles of Doomspace and The Arena of Blood, in order to access these new adventures.

Foul Play

Survive Xeleth's attack on the Arena and push back his forces with a surprising ally.
  • Variant: Fowl Play - Survive Xeleth's attack on the Arena while literally pushing back his forces.
    • An Abyssal Chicken spawns with each wave. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Non-boss, non-static monsters take no damage until they have been pushed back, rooted, slowed, or stunned.
    • Complete area 950

Spelljammers in Training

The coalition is in need of Spelljammers, luckily, we have some friends!
  • Variant: Time Out - The coalition is in need of Spelljammers, luckily, we have some weak friends!
    • You may only use Champions with an STR of 13 or lower.
    • After area 5, a temporal anomaly affects a random Champion in each area. They can't attack, be moved, or be removed until the players switch areas.
    • Complete area 1000
We would love to hear about your experiences in wildspace on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

October 11th, 2023
BW2: October Bubble Buddies Mini-Event! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

A Visitor From the Far Far Ranch

The Far Far Ranch is far far away, but there's a visitor that's brought a piece of it to the Commons!

Bea's visiting from the Far Far Ranch and has brought three Bubble Buddies to see if they'll thrive in Bushwhackia.

Bubble Buddies

Bubble Buddies are cute bouncy critters that come in an array of looks and abilities! Let's see the three Bea's brought with her:

Buddies eat Bushy Carrots and output Blorts, which Bea will trade you for in her Ye Bouncy Buddy Boutique store. Watch the buddies get bigger and bigger as you feed them!

Buddies will also eat the more rare Spicy Tofu to output Blorts AND a resource unique to that buddy. Here are the buddies and their unique yields:

Bat Buddy - Gold
Lion Buddy - Gems
Unicorn Buddy - Mana/Power

During Bea's visit, Bushy Carrots and Spicy Tofu can be found in bushes all over Bushwhackia.

Help feed their bouncy bodies, earn Blorts, and redeem prizes! The saying goes, 'Big Buddies have bottomless bellies!'

Instant Egg Incubation!

Bea's brought a machine that can instantly hatch a basic pet egg! You'll need to whack up a lot of fuel to get it working, via a challenging collection quest. Should you manage it quickly, you can even attempt it a couple more times at the cost of some Bush Bucks to repair the egg machine.

A Feeding Frenzy!

Bea and her buddies leave on Wednesday October 11th, so make the most of the opportunity while you can!

Discuss this mini-event on the forums!

Check out the Release Notes here!
October 6th, 2023
BW2: October 6th, 2023 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Crusaders Limited-Time Quest (October 6, 2023)

- Crusaders limited-time quest re-run and pet pack (Oct 6-9).

- Bubble Buddies mini-event! (Oct 11 - 16)
- 3 new bubble buddies and pet packs
- 3 new buddy plush ranch items
- Each buddy now says how many times you've fed it
- Unique PAGAS pet variants added to instant-hatching store

- Added the Epic Crusader Blade to the Holiday Enthusiast wandering merchant.

- Moved the Steampunk Wrench and Reversed Revolver from the Pawn Stars to Holiday Enthusiast wandering merchant, as they're originally obtained from limited-time quests.

- Added Purple Knife to VIP store.

- Fixed traveling to the Dig Site during the Dino Dig mini-event preventing crop/weed helps on friends' ranches.

- Corrected Red Bucket description from "...pale" to "...pail"