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August 29th, 2024
Idle Champions: September Augments Preview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to our preview for the Highharvestide Event Augments!

Our first Year 8 Event launches on Wednesday, September 4, and we've got an exciting week planned around the release, which will include our 7th Anniversary Celebration!!! Highharvestide will feature two returning Augments, and two new Augments. For more information about which Event Augments will be active, read on!

Highharvestide Year 8 Event Augments

  • Augment 1: M-M-M-ulti-Tier
    Description: Completing an event variant in a high enough area will award multiple tiers of progress.

  • Augment 2: Boon Enhancements
    Description: Boons obtained during this event last until the beginning of the next event (October 2nd), rather than expiring when the event ends.

  • Augment 3: Future Boons
    Description: If you obtain an event boon in this event, you'll start the next event (Liar's Night) with a level 1 event boon and supporter flex slot unlocked as well.

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Rosie will unlock at the start of week two, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Note: Similar to our rollout in August, the spotlight blogs for the two Featured Champions next month will also be spread out, with Bobby the Barbarian's releasing tomorrow, August 30th, and Rosie Beestinger's releasing next Friday, September 6th.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments and will be joining us in celebrating the 7th Anniversary of Idle Champions!

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Join our community and start a conversation:
August 23rd, 2024
BW2: August 2024 Bubble Buddies Mini-Event! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

A Visitor From the Far Far Ranch

The Far Far Ranch is far far away, but there's a visitor that's brought a piece of it to the Commons!

Bea's visiting from the Far Far Ranch and has brought three Bubble Buddies to see if they'll thrive in Bushwhackia.

Bubble Buddies

Bubble Buddies are cute bouncy critters that come in an array of looks and abilities! Let's see the three Bea's brought with her:

Buddies eat Bushy Carrots and output Blorts, which Bea will trade you for in her Ye Bouncy Buddy Boutique store. Watch the buddies get bigger and bigger as you feed them!

Buddies will also eat the more rare Spicy Tofu to output Blorts AND a resource unique to that buddy. Here are the buddies and their unique yields:

Bee Buddy - Gold
Bunny Buddy - Gems
Deer Buddy - Mana/Power

During Bea's visit, Bushy Carrots and Spicy Tofu can be found in bushes all over Bushwhackia.

Help feed their bouncy bodies, earn Blorts, and redeem prizes! The saying goes, 'Big Buddies have bottomless bellies!'

Instant Egg Incubation!

Bea's brought a machine that can instantly hatch a basic pet egg! You'll need to whack up a lot of fuel to get it working, via a challenging collection quest. Should you manage it quickly, you can even attempt it a couple more times at the cost of some Bush Bucks to repair the egg machine.

A Feeding Frenzy!

Bea and her buddies leave on Wednesday August 28th, so make the most of the opportunity while you can!

Discuss this mini-event on the forums!
August 9th, 2024
BW2: Dog Days of Summer 2024 Edition 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

The residents of the Commons want to close out summer with a blast! That big old event field sits there empty most of the time anyways. Help them build an awesome temporary pool to chill out beside. Once you've completed all three building quests, the residents will come in and there will be 3 turn-in stations where you can bring Towels, Sunscreen and Life Rings to get event tokens for buying this year's custom items!

Nate's New Puppies!

Plus, foster an adorable puppy for Nate. It seems he's accidentally ordered too many dogs (again!!) and needs your help to look after them temporarily. Choose one of the 3 to help him out! Once you equip your dog, Nate has some daily quests for you to do to keep the ball of energy that is your puppy occupied. Love the look of the dog? Permanently adopt it with a simple purchase! You can choose between the Scotia Puppy, Kimat Puppy, and Crocotta Puppy!

Puppy and Person Training

A professional dog trainer will help train your puppy AND you! As dog owners need to know how to care for their puppy.

Puppy Mill Protest

Miss Marbles is rooting out awful puppy mills this event, and could use your assistance! If you've helped her in the past, you'll help her feed many stray dogs wandering Bushwhackia.

Race Track

Check out the Companion Racing Track once it becomes available, and you'll be able to bet on pet races! You can only win the prizes once per day though.

The Next Race Track Champion

Later on in the event, you'll need to help an NPC train their unlikely companion to participate in the race!

New for 2024

This year's update includes:

- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new tier 4 and 5 VIP rewards!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new ribbons and 100% reward!
- Rebalanced turn-in progress. You can get 100% by completing all the quests and turning in station items found while whacking a minimum of 3 energy bars worth of bushes
- Added a new challenging quest for those who completed Miss Marble's Puppy Mill quest series last year
- An optional quest to have Wally switch your Dog Days trinket bonuses (if at max level: magnificent)
- Two new achievement to dress-up achievements!

Holiday Trees

If you can complete the event, you'll earn this awesome 100% reward: The Dog Days Tree! Collect them all!


There are up to TWENTY FOUR possible achievements that can be picked up during this Dog Days event, depending on your game history.

Returning Achievements

Pool Digger - Build the Pool for the Dog Days event.
Safety First! - Help at each pool-side station during the event.
Safety to the Max! - Help at each pool station 50 times - must first complete "Safety First!"
Doggy Daycare - Complete all the doggy dailies.
Man's Best Friend- Level your doggy pet up to level 10.
Training Day - Complete all the puppy training quests.
Dog Days Race Track - Successfully win 5 bets on the Companion Race Track.
Pro Racer Assesser - Buy all the racer assessment upgrades for the Companion Race Track.
The Plodding Blob - Help Shayla Sharker train her blobfish for the Companion Race Track.
Cats Teaching Dogs - Help School Cat complete her thesis

New Achievements

Floating Fancy - Purchase all the custom items for 2024*
Call the Dogtor - Train your puppy with Nate while dressed like a dog
The Right Cat-itude - Show School Cat you can look like a cat

Retired Achievements

We have the following achievements from previous years, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present/didn't earn it during the initial year:
Dog Days Sale - Buy all the custom items and pool items from 2013
Dog Days Outlet - Buy all the custom items for 2014
Summer Supplies - Purchase all the custom items for 2015
Summer Souvenirs - Purchase all the custom items for 2016
Pool Party Procurer - Purchase all the custom items for 2017
Good Dog Goods - Purchase all the custom items for 2018
Dog Toy Takehomes - Purchase all the custom items for 2019
Doggie Dabbler - Purchase all the custom items for 2020
Pool Procurer - Purchase all the custom items for 2021
Sunshine Keepsakes - Purchase all the custom items for 2022
Sunny Stockpile - Purchase all the custom items for 2023

* The Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the achievement, and therefore it is not a required purchase.

Mount Packs

All new mounts are available this weekend, from August 9th to 12th!

The Tiangou mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Guang Tiangou and Shi Tiangou are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts leave a sparkling trail when you ride them!

Get Ready!

Post your celebration plans on the forums!

The event will run until Friday August 23rd at Noon PDT.

Check out the Release Notes here!
August 7th, 2024
Idle Champions: Ahghairon's Day 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's that time of year again when the citizens of Waterdeep come together to celebrate Ahgairon - the first Open Lord of Waterdeep. But this year the Champions don't have time to join in the festivities. The current Open Lord of Waterdeep has an important mission for them, and when Laeral Silverhand calls - the Champions will always answer!

Ahghairon's Day 7 has arrived and we're doing things a little differently this time around! Today, you can unlock a reworked Rust on the Harbour, the Tabaxi Rogue from the Oxventurers, played by Johnny Chiodini. Then, next week on August 14th, you'll be able to unlock a reworked Ellywick Tumblestrum, the Gnome (greatest) Bard (in the multiverse), from Wild Beyond and Witchlight and Magic: The Gathering. Both of these Champions received updates to their mechanics to better fit your formations. You can learn more about Rust in his Champions Spotlight linked below and Ellywick's Champion Spotlight that will go live this Friday, August 9th.

Table of Contents


Dungeons & Dragons Rust

    Rust on the Harbour is a former pirate who gave up a life at sea because it was far too wet. His deadly skills are in contrast to his sweet nature and short attention span, and he enjoys seeing others succeed even if they are supposed to be antagonists. Now trying life as an adventurer on land, he'll lend his roguish skills to anyone who can give him that which his heart desires most: one gold piece.

Rust is a Support and Gold Find Champion whose excitement to find coin helps the rest of the formation increase their gold find. When you need his assistance in the formation, he'll be counting his one gold piece in seat 11, opposite Jamilah.

We are fortunate to get to work with a huge variety of actual play D&D series, but it's a rare treat to be able to include the Dungeon Master as one of the Content Creators who bring a Champion to our game. So we're very happy that this Champion from the Oxventurers Guild from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra comes from DM Johnny Chiodini! They created Rust as their character for a Saltmarsh campaign, and brought the supportive tabaxi in as an NPC for the Oxventurers to enjoy. Along with their impressive DM skills, Johnny has made content for Eurogamer, GameSpot, and Dicebreaker, and currently creates videos about tabletop and video games for their Patreon.

Learn more about Rust on the Harbour in our Champion Spotlight!

Ellywick Tumblestrum

Dungeons & Dragons Ellywick

    Thanks to a lucky draw from the notorious Deck of Many Things, Ellywick Tumblestrum is now the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse! Her magnificent music has dazzled beings across many planes, including royalty from the Feywild. The Summer Queen and the Queen of Air and Darkness were so moved by her performance that they gifted the bard her exquisite instrument, the beautiful lute Morningmist. She tells tales of her amazing adventures at the Witchlight Carnival, aided by her frog companion Groak.

Ellywick is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who uses the Deck of Many Things to augment her abilities. When you want her bardic skills to inspire your formation, she can be swapped out with Tyril in seat 10.

Learn more about Ellywick Tumblestrum when her Champion Spotlight goes live this Friday, August 9th, at 10am PDT!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events by choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

  • Voronika (1)
  • Lae'zel (2)
  • Omin (3)
  • Ishi (4)
  • Prudence (5)

  • Valentine (5)
  • Shandie (6)
  • Jim (7)
  • Beadle & Grimm (8)

Event Theme: Masquerade Ball

Throughout the event, we release new Packs for the featured & flex Champions everyone is unlocking & gearing up. Continuing with Ahghairon's Day, the skins included in these packs will share a new theme!

This month the Champions are getting fancy and going to a Masquerade Ball! Each week you'll find new Masquerade Ball versions of the featured Champions, Rust today and Ellywick next week, as well as select Flex Champions. Adventuring is a dirty job - but that doesn't mean your Champions can't be dressed in their best for it!

Dungeons & Dragons Masquerade Ball

Starting today you can find the Masquerade Ball Rust Theme Pack and the Avatar of Azuth Familiar Pack in the in-game store. More Masquerade Ball Skins are coming on August 14th and 21st.

Event Augments

Augment 1: Daily Rewards!
Description: Check back every day to claim daily event rewards!

Day Reward
August 7 (Wed)
5,000 Event Currency
August 8
1x Rust Gold Chest
August 9
5,000 Event Currency
August 10 (Sat)
2x Rust Gold Chest
August 11 (Sun)
500 Corrupted Gems
August 12
5,000 Event Currency
August 13
2x Supply Chests
August 14 (Wed)
3x Time Gate Pieces
August 15
2x Supply Chests
August 16
5,000 Event Currency
August 17 (Sat)
1x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 18 (Sun)
2x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 19
5,000 Event Currency
August 20
1,000 Corrupted Gems
August 21 (Wed)
3x Time Gate Pieces
August 22
3x Modron Component Chests
August 23
5,000 Event Currency
August 24 (Sat)
3x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 25 (Sun)
3x Rust Gold Chest
August 26
5,000 Event Currency
August 27
1,500 Corrupted Gems

Augment 2: M-M-M-ulti-Tier
Description: Completing an event variant in a high enough area will award multiple tiers of progress

Augment 3: Boon Enhancements
Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

Augment 4: Worth The Wait
Description: Rebalanced Champion Ellywick releases at the start of week two of this event. Completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!.

Ahghairon's Day 7 will be the first Events 2.0 where we are focusing on two Reworked Champions. With this, we are trying out the Worth The Wait Augment, which will see one of these Reworked Champions (Rust on the Harbour) released on August 7th and the second (Ellywick Tumblestrum) released on August 14th. Completing Ellywicks tier 2+ variants will award double chests!

The Champion Spotlights for these reworks will also be spread out, with Rust's releasing tomorrow, August 2nd, and Ellywick's next Friday, August 9th.

Augments Mouseover

You can check which augments are active during an event by mousing over the event banner.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments and look forward to what future augment possibilities could be!

To learn more about Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post!

Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
August 1st, 2024
Idle Champions: August Augments Preview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today we have an exciting preview as we prepare for the Ahghairon's Day Event starting on August 7th! August's event will have 4 Augments, and we wanted to go through them ahead of the event to help you plan your approach to all the fun we have planned!

August Event Augments

Augment 1: Daily Rewards!
Description: Check back every day to claim daily event rewards!

Day Reward
August 7 (Wed)
5,000 Event Currency
August 8
1x Rust Gold Chest
August 9
5,000 Event Currency
August 10 (Sat)
2x Rust Gold Chest
August 11 (Sun)
500 Corrupted Gems
August 12
5,000 Event Currency
August 13
2x Supply Chests
August 14 (Wed)
3x Time Gate Pieces
August 15
2x Supply Chests
August 16
5,000 Event Currency
August 17 (Sat)
1x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 18 (Sun)
2x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 19
5,000 Event Currency
August 20
1,000 Corrupted Gems
August 21 (Wed)
3x Time Gate Pieces
August 22
3x Modron Component Chests
August 23
5,000 Event Currency
August 24 (Sat)
3x Ellywick Gold Chest
August 25 (Sun)
3x Rust Gold Chest
August 26
5,000 Event Currency
August 27
1,500 Corrupted Gems

Augment 2: M-M-M-ulti-Tier
Description: Completing an event variant in a high enough area will award multiple tiers of progress

Augment 3: Boon Enhancements
Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

Augment 4: Worth The Wait
Description: Rebalanced Champion Ellywick releases at the start of week two of this event. Completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!.

Ahghairon's Day 7 will be the first Events 2.0 where we are focusing on two Reworked Champions. With this, we are trying out the Worth The Wait Augment, which will see one of these Reworked Champions (Rust on the Harbour) released on August 7th and the second (Ellywick Tumblestrum) released on August 14th. Completing Ellywicks tier 2+ variants will award double chests!

The Champion Spotlights for these reworks will also be spread out, with Rust's releasing tomorrow, August 2nd, and Ellywick's next Friday, August 9th.

Augments Mouseover

You can check which augments are active during an event by mousing over the event banner.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments and look forward to what future augment possibilities could be!

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Join our community and start a conversation: