Additionally, today's update includes Tier 4 Blessings for Fortune's Favor! Read on to learn more!
Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Soul's Mirage and Titan on the Town, in order to access these new adventures.

Time's Mausoleum
Help Eonstaryx with dragon memory problem while you face an old foe.As the Walking Castle continues its trek across the Outlands and, possibly by chance, it passes the Mausoleum of Chronepsis. Eonstaryx says he remembers something bad happening there and asks the Champions to go with him to check it out. As they cross the dunes leading up to the mausoleum, the sands begin to move, and the dead begin to rise! The Champions must clear out the undead and traverse the memories of dragons if they are to save the Mausoleum of Chronepsis!
- You may only use (True) Neutral Champions and/or Dragonborn Champions.
- Dragonborn Champions attack more often as their (normal) attack cooldown is 2 seconds faster.
- Complete area 950
Chronepsis's Legacy - Help Eonstaryx with a dragon memory problem using your draconic heroes.Heroes of the Day
The Champions venture into the mountains of the Outlands and discover what being a hero really means.The Champions have finally reached the last of gate-town the need to visit in order to restore the Mosaic Mimir's memory. As they make their way there, Wren questions if she really knows what it means to be a hero because of recent revelations. Freely and Orkira do their best to help her figure this out, but nothing seems to work. Luckily, the gate-town of Glorium is in need of heroes! And the Champions are ready to answer the call.
- You may only use Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral and/or Neutral Good Champions.
- All non-boss area requirements are increased by 25%. If Freely is in the formation, this restriction does not apply.
- Complete area 1000
Glory to Glorium - The Champions venture into the mountains of the Outlands and discover what it means to be a free spirit.Turn of Fortune's Wheel Tier 4 Blessings
- The Forge of Mount Celestia - Local: Increase the damage of all Human, Gnome, and Dwarf Champions by 100%.
- Favor of the Wheel - Local: Increase the favor gained from Fortune's Wheel adventures by 100%.
- Recruit Wren - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% and Wren by an additional 100%.
- The Great Lords - Global: Increase the damage of all Champions by 2% for each Patron Variant completed, stacking additively.
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