For the next Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventures, the Champions will help a Vecna find a 'new' hand and eye(!) before traveling to one of the most dangerous and cursed regions in the multiverse in search of another piece of the Rod of Seven Parts: the former nation of Cyre, better known as The Mournland...
Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventures, Havock's Zenith and The Heart of Havock, in order to access these new adventures.

A Cause for Kas
Help Vecna find a new hand and eye, even if Kas thinks it's a bad idea!The Champions have some time while the Wizards Three attune to the most recent piece of the Rod of Seven Parts - and Vecna has a quest for them! He's tired of not having an eye and hand since they were destroyed the last time they fought, and he wants "new" ones...
- Only Champions with a Melee base attack can be used.
- Every time an enemy is defeated a Crawling Claw spawns in its place.
- These Crawling Claws can not be slowed or stunned. The also don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 650
Lend a Hand - Help Vecna find a new hand and eye while overrun by hands.The Ruined Colossus
Travel to Eberron to find a piece of the rod inside a ruined warforged colossus!The Wizards Three have located the next piece of the rod. It's in Eberron! Specifically in the Mournland. More specifically, in the rotting remains of a ruined Warforged Colossus...
- Only Evil Champions can be used.
- Each Chaotic Champion in the formation increases enemy health by 100%.
- Each Neutral Champion in the formation increases enemy speed by 100%.
- Each Lawful Champion in the formation increases enemy damage by 100%.
- Each of the above effects stack multiplicatively.
- Complete area 700
No Good Options - Travel to Eberron to find a piece of the rod with a custom set of evil Champions!We would love to hear about your experiences in Eberron! Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:
- The Official Idle Champions Discord.
- The Official Idle Champions Subreddit.
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.