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February 7th
2025 Champion Spotlight: Ishi  
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day, she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone who'll listen to her.
It's been a long time since Ishi joined Idle Champions, and on February 12th, 2025, she will be the lucky recipient of a new Rework set to make her a powerful component of non-human formations.

For more info about the new Ishi Rework, read on!

Ishi Snaggletooth

Female (She/Her)
Chaotic Good
Fighter / Rogue
DPS / Gold
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until February 12th, 2028)


Basic Attack

  • Quick Strike (melee) - Ishi attacks the front-most enemy.

Passive Abilities

  • Me First! - Ishi always attacks 0.25 seconds faster than the fastest member of the formation, or every 6 seconds if nobody else is in the formation.

Formation Abilities

  • Monsters Are People Too! - Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each non-human in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Let's Find Some Treasure - Ishi increases the party's gold find by 100% for each non-human Champion, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Treasure Hunter - Ishi increases the effect of Let's Find Some Treasure by 100% for every 4 seconds it has been since Ishi attacked but did not kill an enemy, stacking multiplicatively up to 15 times.
  • Faster, Harder, Stronger - Ishi keeps track of the number of attacks she has made in the last minute. She increases her damage by 100% for each attack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Winner Take All - Every day, Ishi gains 5 Duel To The Death stacks. When Ishi has an available Duel To The Death stack and gets the killing blow on a boss that drops a loot sack, there is a 5% chance that she will consume a Duel To The Death stack and claim a piece of that boss's equipment as her own, granting 6 item levels to a piece of her equipment at random. Ishi can store up to 50 Duel To The Death stacks at once.


  • Friend to the Familiar - Ishi's damage is increased by 125% for each Aasimar, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, and Half-Elf Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Friend to the Feared - Ishi's damage is increased by 150% for each Dragonborn, Goliath, Orc, Tiefling, and Half-Orc Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Friend to the Exceptional - Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is not a Standard species, stacking multiplicatively. Standard species are Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf.

Ultimate Ability

  • Confidence Boost - For 30 seconds, Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each non-human in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. The duration extends when Ishi lands the killing blow on a boss.


Champion DPS Buff
Faster, Harder, Stronger Buff
Monsters Are People Too! Buff
Let's Find Some Treasure Buff
Buffs Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Frugal
    Increases all Gold found by 10%.
  • Something to Prove
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 20%.
  • Detritus Diving
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Let's Find Some Treasure ability by 20%.
  • Well Rounded
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 40%.
  • Finders Keepers
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Let's Find Some Treasure ability by 40%.
  • Counting Lesson
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Faster, Harder, Stronger ability by 40%.
  • Kobold Camaraderie
    Increases the effect of Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional by 40%.
  • Keen Mind
    Increases the Intelligence score of Ishi by 1.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Creature Squad
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 80%.
  • Multiversal Allies
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 20% for each unique species in the formation, stacking additively.
  • Ardent Allies
    Increases the effect of Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

Ishi Feedback Requested

The Ishi Rework is here! What do you think? Will she make non-human formations popular? We want to know!

The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
February 5th
Idle Champions: Grand Revel 8  
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for another day of dancing in Chult!

Grand Revel runs until February 26th. Featured Champions for this year's event include a new Thri-Kreen Ranger and a returning Kobold Fighter - and together, they seek to empower non-human formations like never before!

In the Forgotten Realms, Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the eating of sweet treats of all sorts, from chocolate to red "firemint" candies. But even during such an unparalleled day of joy, there are quests to be done and adventures to be had. One such adventure revolves around a missing caravan on Chult -- and the Templar of the Order of the Gauntlet who desperately wants it found...

Featured Champions


    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.

Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

Learn more about Kalix in his Champion Spotlight.


    Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone that'll listen to her.

It's been a long time since Ishi joined Idle Champions, and on February 12, 2025, she will be the lucky recipient of a new Rework set to make her a powerful component of non-human formations.

Learn more about Ishi in her Champion Spotlight coming this Friday, February 7th!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:
Hew Maan
Brother Uriah

Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.

  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Elegant Spring Celebration

Our next Celebration is here! The Elegant Spring Celebration starts today and runs until Noon PT on February 12th. Each day, you'll be able to unlock a free Chest full of goodies hand-picked by the CNE crew to help supercharge your progress. If you collect 4 of the 7 daily reward Chests, you'll also be able to collect A Champion unlock for Minthara (seat 3), a Myrkul's Chosen Skin, and a Taunt feat for her along with 3 Gold Minthara Chests! Log in and start collecting your daily chests now!

Grand Revel Feedback Wanted

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Kalix? Are you excited to learn more about Ishi's rework on Friday?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

January 31st
Idle Champions Spotlight: Kalix  
Posted in Idle Champions.

    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this Thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt, and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.
Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

For more information about this CNE Original Thri-Kreen Champion, read on...


Male (He/Him)
Lawful Evil
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Elminster (until February 5th, 2028)


Basic Attack

  • Chatkcha (ranged) - Kalix throws a Chatkcha at the closest enemy, dealing 1 hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Thri-kreen Telepathy - While Kalix is in the front column of any party, your active party's damage is increased by 100%. This means this ability affects your active party even if Kalix is not in your active party (as long as they're in the front-most column of their party).

Formation Abilities

  • Mindlink - Kalix telepathically increases the damage of all Champions not adjacent to him by 100%.
  • Unorthodox Alliance - Kalix gains an Ally stack for each Champion in the formation that is not a Standard species. He increases the effect of Mindlink by 100% for each Ally stack, stacking multiplicatively. Standard species are Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf.
  • Chameleon Carapace - Enemies that attempt to choose Kalix as a target do not, and instead choose to attack another Champion, assuming another valid target exists. The effect of Mindlink is increased by 100% each time this triggers, stacking multiplicatively up to 25 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • The Deadliest Prey - Humanoids are Kalix's favorite foe. All Champions deal 400% additional damage against Kalix's favored foes.


  • Strength in Numbers - The most represented species in your formation grant additional Ally stacks for Unorthodox Alliance (even if it is not a Standard species). In the case of a tie, Champions from all tied species grant an additional Ally stack.
  • Creative Camouflage - The maximum stacks of Chameleon Carapace are doubled, and 50% of the current stacks are not reset when you change areas.
  • One For You, One For Me - Kalix gains the Speed role and each time a monster spawns that is not his favored foe, one or more favored foes simultaneously spawn. The effect of The Deadliest Prey is also increased by 400%.

Ultimate Ability

  • Gythka Strike (melee) - Kalix makes 5 attacks against random enemies, dealing ultimate damage and stunning them for 5 seconds due to his paralyzing poison.


Global DPS Buff
Thri-kreen Telepathy Buff
Mindlink Buff
Unorthodox Alliance Buff
Chameleon Carapace Buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Expanded Awareness
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 20%.
  • Hidden Danger
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 20%.
  • Common Quarry
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Mental Discipline
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 40%.
  • Eclectic Collective
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Unorthodox Alliance ability by 40%.
  • Last Surprise
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Civilized
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Divine
    Add Celestial as a favored foe for Kalix.
  • Hunt the Bound
    Add Construct as a favored foe for Kalix.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Hunt the Amorphous
    Add Ooze as a favored foe for Kalix.
  • Psionic Talent
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Thri-kreen Telepathy ability by 80%.
    Available in the Ruby Rose Knight Kalix Theme Pack
  • Entertainer
    Increases the Charisma score of Kalix by 2.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

We Want YOUR Feedback

What do you think of Kalix? Is he everything you had hoped our next CNE Original would be? We want to know!

The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
January 30th
Idle Champions: February Augment Preview  
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to the Event Augment preview for Grand Revel!

Our second 2025 Event launches on Wednesday, February 5th, and brings back four Event Augments. For more info on which Event Augments have returned for Grand Revel 8, read on!

Grand Revel Year 8 Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.

  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Note: Similar to our rollouts in December and January, the spotlight blogs for the two Featured Champions next month will also be spread out, with Kalix tomorrow, January 31st, and Ishi's releasing next Friday, February 7th.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments! Please tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
January 29th
Idle Champions: January 29th Variant Update  
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today's update includes 15 fiendish new adventure variants, featuring five for the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, including its capstone variant with bonus rewards and quality-of-life improvements to item level visibility.

For more information about the new variants and these updates, read on...

A Grand Tour of the Sword Coast

Terror in the Dark

Variant: Friend of Nature

Every night, zombies are attacking a nature-loving village
  • In addition to the core 12 Champions, you may only use Ranger, Druid, and/or Barbarian Champions.
  • Friendly animals take up slots in your formation. You start out with one slot taken up by a friendly animal, then every 50 areas a new animal joins your team, until there are 6 animals.
  • Complete Area 200

Unearthed Evil

Variant: Waves of Evil

A local mine needs some evil help to solve an evil goblin problem
  • In addition to the core 12 Champions, you may only use Evil Champions.
  • All monsters emanate waves of shadowy evil upon spawning and every 5 seconds after that. Each wave deals 10% max health damage against a random Champion.
  • Complete Area 200

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

The Netherese Necropolis

Variant: Cryophilic Combatants

Search the city for more Arcane Octad clues while fighting back enemies that thrive in the cold.
  • You may only use Champions that are 75 years old or more.
  • 1-2 White Abishai spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Whenever a Champion takes damage, their base attack cooldown is increased by 0.5 seconds until the area changes, stacking additively.
  • Complete Area 675

Cold as Ice

Variant: Pay the Price

Continue to hunt for the clues of the Rite of the Arcane Octad with Champions who are not foreign to the ways of wealth.
  • You may only use Champions with the gold find role.
  • 1-2 Mezzoloth mercenaries spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Other enemies drop 99.99% less gold.
  • Complete Area 700

Friends and Foes

Variant: Fiendishly Fierce

As the factions within Ythryn close in around the Champions, they definitely learn who is in it for themselves.
  • You may only use Drow Champions.
  • 1-2 Spined Devils spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
  • You may not remove Champions from the formation. (They can be moved as normal.)
  • Non-boss area requirements are reduced by 5% for each empty formation slot, stacking additively.
  • Complete Area 725

The Spire of Iriolarthas

Variant: Class Clown

Gain the final clue to enter the Spire of Iriolarthas while fighting space clowns.
  • You may only use Chaotic Champions.
  • Champion damage is reduced by 99% for each Champion in the formation that is not a Bard, stacking multiplicatively.
  • 1-2 ranged Space Clowns attack with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Complete Area 750

The Fall of Ythryn

Variant: Xerophon's Ythryn Zenith

Destroy the Ythryn Mythalar with Xerophon!
  • Xerophon starts in the formation with their ultimate unlocked. They can be moved but not removed.
  • After area 10, Champions can only deal damage while Xerophon is imitating an enemy with their Perfect Imitation ultimate attack.
  • Champions can't be removed from the formation once they have been added.
  • Every 50 areas, a random Champion that matches the highest number of Xerophon's specialization choices is removed from the formation and can not be used again in the adventure. In the case of a tie, a random tied Champion is picked. If you have not chosen any spec choices for Xerophon, a random Champion is picked. Xerophon themself is never removed.
  • Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure, and click damage has no effect after area 100.
  • Complete Area 775
    • Additional Rewards:
      • 5 Modron chests
      • New Feat for Xerophon: Guardian of Icewind Dale: Xerophon may be used in any Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure or variant when a patron is enabled, even if the patron or variant restrictions would normally restrict them.
      • 1,250 Corrupted Gems.

Light of Xaryxis

Seeds of Destruction

Variant: Elf Help

Help Laeral Silverhand understand a new threat to Waterdeep with help from some elves.
  • You may only use Elf and Half-Elf Champions.
  • Laeral Silverhand joins the formation. Only Champions next to her can deal damage.
  • Complete Area 350

The Evacuation of Waterdeep

Variant: Send In The Clowns

Get to the Dock Ward with some foolish helpers.
  • You may only use Champions with a Wisdom score of 10 or lower.
  • 1-2 Space Clowns attack with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Complete Area 400

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

Legends and Lore

Variant: Fiend Folio

Skabatha is ready for revenge with some daemonic assistance!
  • You may only use Drow, Githyanki, Githzerai, Aarakocra, and Tabaxi Champions.
  • A Flumph escort joins the formation. Only Champions next to the Flumph can deal damage.
  • 1-2 Mezzoloths spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • A Shadow Demon spawns at the start of each Boss area. It must also be defeated to progress.
  • Complete Area 1150

The End

Variant: The Final Curtain

Time to deal with Endelyn while fighting monsters that get harder and harder to defeat!
  • You may only use Chaotic Champions.
  • Each time an enemy is defeated, Champion damage is reduced by 90% until the area changes, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Complete Area 1200

Turn of Fortune's Wheel

A Glitch in the Mortuary

Variant: A Hitch in the Mortuary

Descend further into the Mortuary with Hitch!
  • Prerequisite - You must have Hitch unlocked. Sign up for the newsletter in the Main Menu to get him!
  • You may only use Champions that are Chaotic and/or Good.
  • Hitch joins the formation. He can be moved but not removed.
  • Two other Hitches take up two slots in the formation but are confused and don't attack.
  • 1-2 Merregons spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Complete Area 650

Welcome to the Outlands

Variant: We Take It Fey by Fey

Begin to explore the Outlands, and find a walking castle and some flying fey!
  • You may not use Champions with melee attacks.
  • Each enemy wave that spawns increases the speed and damage of all enemies by 100%, stacking additively and resetting with each area change.
  • 1-2 Pixies spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • Complete Area 700

Vecna: Eve of Ruin

A Tale of Two Vecnas

Variant: Friends and Fiends

Investigate a cult of Vecna while fighting some fiendish foes!
  • You may only use Champions with a Charisma of 17 or higher.
  • 1-2 Quasits spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
  • A Night Hag boss spawns at the start of each Boss area. It must also be defeated to progress.
  • Complete Area 500

The Wizards Three

Variant: Alustriel's Arrival

Join forces with Alustriel Silverhand of the Wizards Three and venture into the Underdark!
  • You may only use Champions with an Intelligence of 14 or higher.
  • Alustriel joins the formation.
  • You may only place champions with Magic base attacks next to Alustriel.
  • Complete Area 550

Item Level QoL Updates

We've been working on additional quality of life improvements when it comes to the visibility of item levels in Idle Champions, arriving with today's update!

Tracking your progress through item level increases has become much more important over the lifetime of Idle Champions, and now it will be easier than ever!

Players will be able to see item levels more prominently on equipment cards, increases to item levels while opening chests, more details in Champion Profiles, and more. Log in before February 5th, 2025, to unlock Hew Maan and collect 6 free Platinum Hew Maan Chests so you can experience these updates!!

Opening the Vault

The Vault is open! What wondrous treasures lie within?

Access to a special vault has been granted for a limited time. Click the notification or check the Shop to learn more.

We Want YOUR Feedback

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Your participation and feedback have brought us this far, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:
January 22nd
Idle Champions: Turn of Fortune's Wheel 10 FINALE 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This is the end.

For the final Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, the Champions will face their true foe and attempt to repair the multiversal glitch! But how can they stop it? What other plans might Shemeshka have in store? And what aberrant horrors lie in wait in the realms beyond?

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Full Circle and Return to Fortune's Wheel, in order to access these new adventures.

Campaign: Turn of Fortune's Wheel

Shemeshka's Gambit

Face down Shemeshka and determine Wren's true loyalty.

Variant: Aligned in Purpose

Face down Shemeshka and determine Wren's true loyalty with a Champion of OUR choice.
  • A random Champion is immediately unlocked, added to the formation, and can't be removed.
  • You may only use Champions that have the same initial alignment as the chosen Champion's initial alignment.
  • Complete Area 1250

Tyrant's Spiral

Travel to the Gzemnid's Realm and save the lost modrons!

Variant: Eye Spy

Travel to the Gzemnid's Realm and save the lost modrons while fighting a hive of Beholders!
  • You may not have two Champions in the formation with the same base species.
  • 1-2 Gazers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
  • In each boss area, an additional Beholder boss with more health than normal spawns with the second wave. All other monsters are immune to damage until this Beholder is defeated.
  • Complete Area 1300

Construct Emergence

January's theme of Dungeons & Dragons Constructs continues with the Construct Emergence!

Various constructs are coming. They cannot be reasoned with. They do not feel emotion like pity or fear... and they absolutely will not stop until they succeed in taking your party down! Defeat Construct enemies in Free Play to earn Corrupted Gems for the Thayan Enclave.

The Construct Emergence runs until Friday, January 31st.

Corrupted Gem Shop Updates

New Items Added to the Thayan Enclave!
  • Golden Epics
    • Eric Slot 2 - Cavalier's Breastplate (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Xerophon Slot 1 - Blade of the Ages (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Feats
    • Shadowheart - Shar's Veil (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Kas - Weapon Master (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Eric - Prolonged Push (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Bobby - Tenacious (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Skins
    • Modron Ellywick (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Modron Vin Ursa (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Chests
    • Unlimited Construct Emergence Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems each)
      • Contains gear for Bobby, Eric, Ellywick, Kas, Shadowheart, Vin Ursa, and Xerophon
    • 8x Gold Supply Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems each)
    • 8x Modron Component Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems each)
  • Buffs
    • 10x Marvelous Support Pigments (7,000 Corrupted Gems each)

DLC Feat Exclusivity

Starting with today's update, Feats introduced through DLC Packs will be available exclusively through those DLC Packs for three months after they launch.

Once the three-month exclusivity expires, Feats will become available for Gems.

Previously-introduced Feats will not be affected by this change.

We Want YOUR Feedback

The journey in the Outlands is over. What do you think?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:
January 3rd
2025 Champion Spotlight: Mehen 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Mehen is a tall, powerful dragonborn with dull-ocher scales and a blunt attitude. With strong opinions on the right course of action, he is just as comfortable yelling orders on the battlefield as he is fiercely protecting his daughters. Despite a life thrown into turmoil after being exiled from his clan and attempting to raise twin tieflings, Mehen remains resilient in his sense of self and his abilities with a falchion.
Verthisathurgiesh Mehen has been greatly reworked with this update. He is no less grumpy, but he should now be much easier to use -- assuming you can find the perfect spot for him in your formation!

For details on the Mehen Rework, read on...

Verthisathurgiesh Mehen

Male (he/him)
Neutral Good
Support / Gold / Debuff
Brimstone Angels
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until January 8th, 2028)


Basic Attack

  • Double Strike (melee) - Mehen leaps out and attacks a random enemy, swinging down and then up with a second swing, scoring a hit each time.

Passive Abilities

  • Always By Your Side - When Mehen is in the formation, Farideh and Havilar become eligible for the current adventure, even if a Patron, Variant, or other restriction would say otherwise.

Formation Abilities

  • Grumpy - Mehen gains a stack of Grumpy for each of the following checks that is met. He increases the damage of all Champions in the formation by 100% for each stack of Grumpy he has, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Adjacent to Farideh
    • At least two columns behind Havilar
    • At the top of the column
    • At least three Champions in the column(s) in front of him
    • At least two Champions in the column(s) behind him
    • Adjacent to Champions with an average base attack cooldown of 5 sec or less
    • Adjacent to at least two Tiefling or Dragonborn Champions
    • At least one other Tiefling or Dragonborn in his column
    • Within 2 slots of Champions with at least 4 unique classes
    • Within 2 slots of Champions with at least 6 unique roles

  • Intimidating Presence - When a monster tries to attack any Champion in the formation for the first time, the damage is prevented and the monster is stunned for 5 seconds and takes 200% more damage during this time. If the attacked Champion is Havilar, the duration is 10 seconds instead.
  • Gruff - Mehen increases Gold Find of the formation by 100% for every stack of Grumpy that he has, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Expose Weakness - When a Champion adjacent to Mehen applies a stun, knockback, slow, or root, the enemy takes 1000% more damage for 10 seconds. If Farideh is adjacent to Mehen, she prioritizes attacking those enemies. This debuff does not stack, but the duration is extended if it applies again before it expires.


  • Fighting Force - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 100% for each DPS Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value.
  • Father Figure - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 150% for each Champion in the formation who is 20 years old or younger, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value.
  • Found Family - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 300% for each Dragonborn Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value. Farideh and Havilar both gain the Dragonborn species when this spec is chosen.

Ultimate Ability

  • Lightning Breath (magic) - Mehen breathes a cone of lightning that hits all enemies in the area. If it hits more than 5 enemies, or a boss, it stuns all enemies for 10 seconds.


Expose Weakness Buff
Buffs Fighting Force, Father Figure, and Found Family
Grumpy Buff
Intimidating Presence Buff
Gruff Buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Frugal
    Increases all Gold found by 10%.
  • Surly Survivalist
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Grumpy ability by 20%.
  • Golden Wisdom
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Lucky
    Increases all Gold found by 25%.
  • Testy Temperament
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Grumpy ability by 40%.
  • Battle-Hardened
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Intimidating Presence ability by 40%.
  • Bounty Hunter Training
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 40%.
  • Veteran's Eye
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Expose Weakness ability by 40%.
    Feat previously known as Adopted Twins
  • Seasoned Leader
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Fighting Force, Father Figure, and Found Family by 40%.
  • Adoptive Father
    Mehen also counts as a Tiefling.
  • One of Many
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 80%.
  • Expert Assessment
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Expose Weakness ability by 80%.
  • Fashionably Grumpy
    Add the following check to Mehen's Grumpy ability:
    Adjacent to at least 2 Champions with skins equipped.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Scale & Horn
    Add the following check to Mehen's Grumpy ability:
    Only Tiefling and/or Dragonborn Champions in Mehen's column.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • We Want YOUR Feedback

    How do you feel about the Mehen Rework? Join us on one of our supported platforms and let us know what you think!

    January 1st
    Idle Champions: Wintershield 8 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    It's considered lucky to possess and examine a map on Wintershield, so put on your most durable boots and head out into the streets of Waterdeep to claim one for yourself!

    Wintershield 8 runs from January 1–22 and introduces Eric the Cavalier, whom some of you may recognize from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. Our first Featured Champion, Eric is a Support, Tanking, and Gold Find Champion with knockback capabilities. Eric can be unlocked starting today.

    Our second Featured Champion is none other than Verthisathurgiesh Mehen, dragonborn mercenary and adoptive father of twin tiefling daughters. Mehen is the latest Champion to receive a significant rework, and he will become available to unlock starting next week on January 8.

    For more details on Wintershield, read on!

    Featured Champions

    Eric the Cavalier

      Eric is the Cavalier of the group of friends trapped in the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. Known for his sarcasm and frequent cowardice, he's often the butt of jokes. Yet, when danger strikes, Eric's bravery emerges, and he uses his magical shield to protect his friends. Despite his complaints and fears, his loyalty and courage make him an essential part of the group's quest to find their way home.

    Learn more about Eric in his Champion Spotlight.

    Verthisathurgiesh Mehen

      Mehen is a tall, powerful dragonborn with dull-ocher scales and a blunt attitude. With strong opinions on the right course of action, he is just as comfortable yelling orders on the battlefield as he is fiercely protecting his daughters. Despite a life thrown into turmoil after being exiled from his clan and attempting to raise twin tieflings, Farideh & Havilar, Mehen remains resilient in his sense of self and his abilities with a falchion.

    Learn more about Mehen when his spotlight goes live on January 3rd!

    Flex Champions

    Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:
    SEAT 3
    SEAT 4
    SEAT 5
    SEAT 7
    SEAT 10
    SEAT 11
    SEAT 11
    SEAT 12
    SEAT 12
    SEAT 9

    Event Augments

    • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
      Description: The power of most event boon buffs is increased by up to eight times.
    Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
    Global DPS
    100% > 200%
    300% > 900%
    500% > 2500%
    900% > 7200%
    Gold Find
    100% > 200%
    200% > 600%
    300% > 1500%
    400% > 3200%
    50% > 100%
    100% > 300%
    200% > 1000%
    300% > 2400%
    Click Damage
    60s > 120s
    150s > 450s
    300s > 1500s
    600s > 4800s
    Game Speed
    1.25 (no change)
    1.75 (no change)
    2.25 (no change)
    2.75 (no change)
    • Augment 2: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)
      Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.
    • Augment 3: Improved Weekly Offers (New Augment)
      Description: Weekly Offers will be of at least "Rare" (blue) rarity during this event, with even better odds of the higher rarities.
    • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
      Description: Rebalanced Champion Mehen will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing his tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
    You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

    Wintershield Feedback Wanted

    We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Eric the Cavalier? Are you excited to see a reworked Mehen?? Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

    December 30th, 2024
    Idle Champions: January Augment Preview 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Welcome to our preview for the Wintershield Event Augments!

    Our first Event of 2025 launches on Wednesday, January 1st - New Year's Day! For more info on the Event Augments for Wintershield 8, read on!

    Wintershield Year 8 Event Augments

    • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
      Description: The power of most event boon buffs is increased by up to eight times.

    Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
    Global DPS
    100% > 200%
    300% > 900%
    500% > 2500%
    900% > 7200%
    Gold Find
    100% > 200%
    200% > 600%
    300% > 1500%
    400% > 3200%
    50% > 100%
    100% > 300%
    200% > 1000%
    300% > 2400%
    Click Damage
    60s > 120s
    150s > 450s
    300s > 1500s
    600s > 4800s
    Game Speed
    1.25 (no change)
    1.75 (no change)
    2.25 (no change)
    2.75 (no change)
    • Augment 2: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)
      Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.

    • Augment 3: Improved Weekly Offers (New Augment)
      Description: Weekly Offers will be of at least "Rare" (blue) rarity during this event, with even better odds of the higher rarities.

    • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
      Description: Rebalanced Champion Mehen will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing his tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

    We hope you enjoy these Event Augments! Please tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
    December 27th, 2024
    Idle Champions Spotlight: Eric 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

      Eric is the Cavalier of the group of friends trapped in the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. Known for his sarcasm and frequent cowardice, he's often the butt of jokes. Yet, when danger strikes, Eric's bravery emerges, and he uses his magical shield to protect his friends. Despite his complaints and fears, his loyalty and courage make him an essential part of the group's quest to find their way home.
    Eric is a Support, Tanking and Gold Find Champion who reluctantly protects his friends while trapped in a foreign world. He enhances his allies' knockback capabilities while shielding them from ranged and magical attacks. This Cavalier is versatile in how he buffs the formation, all while keeping an eye out for Gold and Corrupted Gems.

    For details on this sarcastic Cavalier, read on!

    Eric the Cavalier

    Male (he/him)
    Neutral Good
    Support / Tanking / Gold
    Saturday Morning Squad
    Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Elminster (until January 1st, 2028)


    Basic Attack

    • Forceful Bash (melee) - Eric hits the closest enemy with his shield, dealing one hit and knocking them back a short distance.

    Specializations A

    • Trait: Cautious - Eric increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, increased by 100% for each column they are in front of him, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Trait: Brave - Eric increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, increased by 100% for each column they are behind him, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Trait: Sarcastic - Eric increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 600%.

    Formation Abilities

    • Cavalier's Code - Eric increases the effect of his Trait specialization choice and the party's Gold Find by 20% for each enemy that has spawned in the current area, stacking multiplicatively up to 100 enemies. Boss enemies count as 25 enemies for this ability.
    • Shield of the Cavalier - Eric increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health, and when any Champion in the formation gains temporary health, the amount gained is increased by 100%.
    • Preferred Target - All Ranged and Magic attacking enemies target Eric before any other Champion in the formation.
    • Keep Away - For the first 60 seconds in any area, Eric increases the distance of all knockback effects by 100%.
    • Corrupted Gem Scavenger - Eric can help scavenge up to 5000 additional Corrupted Gems when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Eric has a 10% chance of 10 Corrupted Gems each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by 150 every day.

    Specializations B

    • Unassuming Force - Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Youthful Valor - Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with an age of 20 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Treasure Hunters - Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Protective Field (magic) - Eric's shield projects a powerful force field, dealing 1 ultimate hit to all monsters while protecting the Champions from all damage for 10 seconds.


    Global DPS Buff
    SLOT 1
    Health Increase
    SLOT 2
    Buffs Trait: Cautious, Trait: Brave, and Trait: Sarcastic
    SLOT 3
    Cavalier's Code Buff
    SLOT 4
    Buffs Unassuming Force, Youthful Valor, and Treasure Hunters
    SLOT 5
    Ultimate Cooldown
    SLOT 6


    • Selflessness
      Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
    • Frugal
      Increases all Gold found by 10%.
    • Tough
      Increases the health of Eric by 15%.
    • Defensive Duelist
      Eric takes 5 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
    • Humble Strength
      Increases the effect of Eric's Cavalier's Code ability by 20%.
    • Cowardly Commander
      Increases the base effect of Eric's Trait specializations by 20%.
    • Inspiring Leader
      Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
    • Lucky
      Increases all Gold found by 25%.
    • Resilient
      Increases the health of Eric by 30%.
    • Calm Under Pressure
      Eric takes 10 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
    • Hidden Potential
      Increases the effect of Eric's Cavalier's Code ability by 40%.
    • Opportunistic Bravado
      Increases the base effect of Eric's Trait specializations by 40%.
    • Misplaced Confidence
      Increases the effect of Unassuming Force, Youthful Valor, and Treasure Hunters abilities by 40%.
    • Cavalier Approach
      Increases the per column effect of Eric's Trait: Cautious and Trait: Brave specializations by 80%
      Unlockable as an Event Reward
    • Friendly Resolve
      Increases the effect of Unassuming Force, Youthful Valor, and Treasure Hunters abilities by 80%.
      Available for 50,000 Gems or in the Stone Golem Eric Theme Pack
    • Scholar
      Increases the Intelligence score of Eric by 2.
      Unlockable as an Event Reward

    We Want YOUR Feedback

    How do you feel about Eric and the Saturday Morning Squad so far? Join our community and let us know what you think!