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March 26th, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Reya Mantlemorn 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We met Reya earlier in our Descent into Avernus campaign and she joined the Champions following the apparent destruction of Elturel. She swore to remain with the defenders of the city, but the Blood War took its toll on her. She was asked to face one more trial, to sacrifice herself to become a Celestial, the Avatar of Zariel. You can unlock Reya Mantlemorn by completing the Reya Reborn variant of the Idyllglen adventure.

Read on to learn more about our latest Evergreen Champion.

I. Reya Mantlemorn

    Born in the land of Turmish, Reya came to the holy city of Elturel to train as a Hellrider when she was twelve. As a faithful follower of Torm, Reya trained to sacrifice herself for the greater good. That preparation led to her taking Zariel's sword and joining the Champions, after rescuing the city of Elturel from Avernus.

Reya powers up Champions adjacent to her with her Searing Radiance. You can power up that ability by increasing Champions who are Lawful and/or Good in the formation. When you want to add Reya to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

II. Reya's Stats

Race: Human/Celestial Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Paladin Gender: Female
Age: 19 Affiliation: none

STR: 18 DEX: 12 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 11 CHA: 20

Role: Support

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel

Slot: 6, (Asharra)

III. Reya's Design

Born in the land of Turmish, but came to the city of Elturel when she was twelve so that she could train as a Hellrider. She was away from the city when Elturel was transported to Avernus, but always stayed true to the Creed Absolute and remained devoted to Elturel and its people. As the lone Hellrider who could truly defend her city, Reya takes up the Sword of Zariel, losing her former self to become the Avatar of Zariel, imbued with celestial power.

As a Lawful Good Celestial and the Avatar of Zariel, Reya often communes with Zariel and attracts her gaze with Echoes of Zariel boosting other Lawful, Good, and especially Lawful Good Champions in the formation. Without bringing the gaze of Zariel upon her enemies, Reya supports adjacent Champions with her Searing Radiance, due to her experience in the Blood War, this ability is especially powerful against fiends.

IV. Reya's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Sword of Zariel — Reya leaps out and slashes at random enemy with the Sword of Zariel, cleaving all other enemies nearby as well.

Formation Abilities

  • Searing Radiance — Reya imbues adjacent Champions with her Searing Radiance, causing their attacks to deal 100% more damage. This effect is doubled against fiends. Can be buffed by upgrades, feats, and equipment.
  • Echoes of Zariel — The gaze of Zariel turns from Reya and sweeps across the formation, looking at random Champions before returning to Reya. It has an equal chance of looking at any Champion in the formation (including returning to Reya) but won't look at the same Champion twice without having returned to Reya first. Once it returns to Reya it increases the effect of Searing Radiance by 100% for each Champion it looked at, including Reya, stacking multiplicatively. Gaze moves every 5 seconds. Buff lasts until the gaze returns to Reya again. Can be buffed by upgrades, feats, and equipment.
  • Celestial Champion — All Lawful Good aligned Champions' damage is increased by 100%. Can be buffed by upgrades, feats, and equipment..


  • Champions of Good — The gaze of Zariel focuses on Good aligned Champions. Echoes of Zariel is guaranteed to look at all Good aligned Champions in the formation before returning to Reya (though may also look at non-Good aligned Champions using its normal mechanics). This guarantees a minimum number of stacks on the Echoes of Zariel effect.
  • Champions of Law — The gaze of Zariel focuses on Lawful aligned Champions. Echoes of Zariel is guaranteed to look at all Lawful aligned Champions in the formation before returning to Reya (though may also look at non-Lawful aligned Champions using its normal mechanics). This guarantees a minimum number of stacks on the Echoes of Zariel effect.

Ultimate Ability

  • Avatar of Zariel — Reya launches to the sky, flying off of the top of the screen. She lands by SLAMMING the Sword of Zariel into the ground with a shockwave, summoning Zariel and her friend Lulu. While Reya communes with Zariel, Lulu zips around the board, putting all enemies to sleep for 10 seconds. While the enemies are asleep and reya remains in her pose, the Champions deal massive damage against them. When the 10 seconds is complete, Reya removes the sword and swings it in a massive circle.

V. Reya's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Searing Radiance
Slot 4: Echoes of Zariel
Slot 5: Celestial Champions
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We are awed Reya has taken up the Sword of Zariel and is joining Idle Champions roster as our latest Evergreen and we are excited to see how well she fits into the meta. If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
March 23rd, 2021
Idle Champions: Bardic Inspiration Vol 1 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Announcing: Bardic Inspiration Vol.1

It's been incredibly difficult to contain our excitement these last few weeks!

It might not seem like it, but Bardic Inspiration has been around since last summer, with our first episode about Bruenor Battlehammer back in June 2020. If you had told us nine months ago that we would eventually record some of these songs in a studio and release them to the public, we wouldn't have believed you!

Allow us to finally and officially announce that Bardic Inspiration Vol.1 arrives with the Spring Extravaganza on Wednesday, March 31st as DLC on Steam!

Bardic Inspiration Vol.1 features eight original songs composed by Jason Charles Miller and Dylan Wilks during the first twenty episodes of Bardic Inspiration, which were recorded at Central Command Studios in Los Angeles over the winter.

Starting with "The Greatest Dwarven King," the anthem for Bruenor Battlehammer written during the very first episode, Bardic Inspiration Vol.1 includes a diverse selection of musical genres, including classic rock, goth/alternative, punk, country, heavy metal, swing, folk, and even a pop song for Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragonkind. In addition to these eight studio-quality songs, there are also eight corresponding Instrumental versions for those who prefer their music without vocals. The full tracklist and production credits are below.

And that's not all: all 16 tracks are coming to Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms! Players have been asking us to expand the soundtrack for Idle Champions for years; starting on March 31, players will be able to select their favorite Bardic Inspiration tracks from Bardic Inspiration Vol.1 to play during their adventures with the new in-game music player.

Anyone interested in hearing studio-quality recordings of the songs will be able to purchase the Bardic Inspiration Vol.1 DLC through the Idle Champions Steam Store page as of March 31 and download MP3s and FLAC files of each track. Everyone else will be able to listen to the soundtrack for free in-game. Of course, we encourage you to purchase the DLC; if we can sell enough of them, this kind of project might be able to happen again ;)

Disk 1

Disk 2

The Greatest Dwarven King The Greatest Dwarven King (Instrumental)
Drop of Time Drop of Time (Instrumental)
Brimstone Angels Go Go Go Brimstone Angels Go Go Go (Instrumental)
Deekin's Tale of Doom Deekin's Tale of Doom (Instrumental)
Savage Fire Savage Fire (Instrumental)
The Viper's Fangs The Viper's Fangs(Instrumental)
The Moneylender, Mirt The Moneylender, Mirt (Instrumental)
You Could Be My Dragon Queen You Could Be My Dragon Queen (Instrumental)

Bardic Inspiration Vol 1 Credits

  • The Greatest Dwarven King
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, programming
    Gary Joseph Potter Jr. – Lead guitar
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • Drop of Time
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, programming, keyboards
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • Brimstone Angels Go Go Go
    Kenley Shea – Vocals Jason Charles Miller – Guitar, bass, percussion, programming
    Erin M. Evans – Additional Composition
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • Deekin’s Tale of Doom
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, programming
    Adam Hall – Dobro
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • Savage Fire
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, programming
    Gary Joseph Potter Jr. – Lead guitar
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • The Viper’s Fangs
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, programming
    Gary Joseph Potter Jr. – Lead guitar
    Vivid Vivka – Additional Composition
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • The Moneylender, Mirt
    Jason Charles Miller – Vocals, guitar
    Aubrey Richmond– Fiddle
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

  • You Could Be My Dragon Queen
    Kenley Shea – Vocals
    Jason Charles Miller – Guitar, bass, percussion, keyboards
    Mixed by Stewart Cararas

This album exists thanks in large part to the audience of Bardic Inspiration, who accompanied Jason and Dylan on this songwriting journey. Thank you all so much. We hope to do this again! You can catch Bardic Inspiration live on Tuesday from 1-3 PM Pacific on our Twitch Channel.
March 17th, 2021
Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 4 
Posted in Idle Champions.

How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

Festival of Fools 4 runs until Monday, March 29th, 2021 at 12:00pm PST, introduces Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma and brings back Briv Steelmarrow, Half-Orc Paladin (Oath of Heroism), and Rosie Beestinger.

For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

Alyndra Sarrbarand

    Alyndra Alexandria Garanahil Sarrbarand is known by many names: Lorekeeper of Rime Spiro, Kinscribe of Clan Monkeymouse, Daughter of Oblivion, Fate Changer, Knight of Wonder and Captivation...and apologetic offspring of Avren & Sofieus.

Alyndra is a Support Champion whose powerful portents increase the damage of those adjacent to her. Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

II. Alyndra's Stats

Race: Elf Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Wizard/Cleric Gender: Female
Age: 168 Affiliation: Heroes of the Planes

STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 14
INT: 18 WIS: 14 CHA: 11

Role: Support

Eligible for Patrons: Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich

Slot: 6, (Asharra)

Alyndra's Abilities

Alyndra is a Support Champion whose Portent ability boosts the damage of those adjacent to her. Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents. When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6). Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents. When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

For more information on Alyndra and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Four Variants

  • Future Sight — Alyndra attempts to peer into the future to determine which bosses are around the next corner. Unfortunately, she causes the future to play out in the present! In each boss area, you will encounter the current boss AND the next boss at once. You'll need to defeat both to progress. Chadwick joins the formation. He mostly observes and tries to figure out what's going on.
  • Reach Area 75.
  • Frost Wave — Additional Frost Giants appear in each area. Each of these additional Frost Giants start with 4 hits-based hit points. Every 25 areas they gain 3 additional hits-based hit points. (For example, in area 1, the Frost Giants have 3 HP, in area 26, they have 6 HP, in area 51, they have 9 HP, and so on). Champion damage is reduced by 99%.
  • Reach Area 125.
  • Knowledge Over Power — Only Champions with INT of 14 or higher can be used. Alyndra starts in your formation. She can be moved or removed.
  • Reach Area 175.


Also launching today are two theme packs for Festival of Fools and Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand the Pirate Alyndra and Griff Theme Pack and Pirate Briv and Phlo Theme Pack.

Both Theme packs feature a new skin, feat, and familiar, all with a matching theme. With Idle Champions Presents, the name of the game is pirates, so Alyndra and Briv have dressed to match!

Additionally, both theme packs come with a new week-long buff potion: The Epic Potion of Gold Hunter. It increases your gold find by 100% across all of your adventuring parties for 1 week. Dungeons & Dragons Pirate Alyndra and Griff Jen Kretchmer

Dungeons & Dragons Pirate Briv and Phlo Adam Bradford

Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter

For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 3 blog.
March 10th, 2021
Idle Champions: Icewind Dale, Part 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Rime Strikes Back.

We escort the survivors of Termalaine to Bryn Shander and head to Sunblight Fortress to confront Xardorok, and Deekin wanders off into the rime.

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventures, The Radiant Nightmare and Waiting on Sunrise, in order to access these new Adventures.

Deekin's Mission

Day has broken, and we exit the Gem Mine, to a new Ten-Towns. By our count, more than half of the towns have been burned to the ground. We round up the survivors from Termalaine and escort them south to Bryn Shander. Along the way, Deekin heads off into the rime accompanied by Hew Maan, and no one notices.
  • Variant: Dive Bomb — Escort the survivors to Bryn Shander, while being harassed by a Peryton. A Peryton appears in each area. Only Champions with DEX of 16 or higher can be used.
  • Reach area 400.

Frozen Vengeance

We've escorted the survivors of Termalaine to join the rest of the refugees at Bryn Shander, and catch a ride to Sunblight Fortress to confront Xardorok...
  • Variant: Mimic Vengeance — Three mimics from Caer-Konig have stowed away in our packs! They join the formation and proceed to talk quite sternly.
  • Reach area 425.

Dungeons & Dragons Grant Baby Blue Dragon Familiar Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation

Charity DLC: Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar

With today's update, we are also launching our latest charity drive, supporting the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation with Grant the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar. We are deeply honored to work with Jen Kretchmer, whose character Alyndra is the guardian of Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon, and we are also touched to be working with the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation. Codename Entertainment will be donating the net proceeds from all sales of the Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar through March 24th, 2021, to the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation. You can find more information on the fundraiser on our blog post here.

See the in-game Change Log for more information, including a full list of changes and fixes included in this update.
March 10th, 2021
Idle Champions: Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are honored to announce that we have partnered with the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation and Jen Kretchmer to release, Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar, honoring Grant Imahara. Codename Entertainment will be donating the net proceeds from all sales of the Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar through March 24th, 2021, to the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation.

Dungeons & Dragons Grant Baby Blue Dragon Familiar Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation

The Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Grant’s mother, Carolyn Imahara, and several of his lifelong friends. Guided by the core principles embodied by Grant throughout his life – curiosity, integrity, and generosity, the Foundation’s mission is to inspire emerging talent and empower underserved youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math education. The Foundation will carry on Grant’s legacy of giving back to communities in need through mentorships, grants, and scholarships. The Foundation envisions a world where every student has equal access to STEAM education, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, color, or gender.

Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon is a familiar of Jen Kretchmer's character Alyndra, of Beyond Heroes, Silver & Steel, and soon to be of the Heroes of the Planes. Jen discusses naming the Baby Blue Dragon after her late friend Grant Imahara in the interview below.

Familiars are NPCs that players can assign to specific tasks, such as clicking enemies, leveling up Champions, or using ultimate abilities. Familiars will click at different rates depending on the task they are assigned to. For more information, see our Introducing Familiars Dev Blog.

Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon Familiar is available now in the in-game shop on PC and Mac on Steam and web, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and on all Android devices.