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July 26th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Wren 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"It's nice at least knowing this is me. A form of me at least. I just can't stop thinking about who they were and where they've been. I just hope I'm doing this new form justice."

Getting a second chance at life is usually a rare gift, but what if you have to re-learn who you are every time? Will you make the same decisions, or try something new? Wren was faced with remaking herself again and again, and now uses all of the skills she has gained from coming back to life as a glitched Champion to become a new kind of hero!

I. Wren

Dungeons & Dragons Wren

    Wren woke up in the Mortuary with the Champions and, like them, had no memory of who she was. The talking skull, Morte, gave her a name and from there she journeyed with the Champions on a quest to discover who they were. Along the way, disaster struck twice and Wren was killed - but each time she quickly returned in the form of herself from somewhere else in the Multiverse!
Wren is a glitch Champion where you get to pick her form. Will you choose the Dwarf Monk, focusing on her ability to deal damage? Will you choose the Tabaxi Barbarian, focusing on her ability to protect her allies? Or will you choose the Warforged Sorcerer, where she debuffs her enemies? Whatever form you pick will show up in seat 3 next to Nayeli.

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Wren's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Wren's Stats

Race: Dwarf / Tabaxi / Warforged Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31 Affiliation: None Class: Monk / Barbarian / Sorcerer

STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHA: 13

Role: Support / DPS / Tanking / Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 31st, 2027)

Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

III. Wren's Abilities

Basic Attack - Wren has three different base attacks depending on her chosen glitch form. Unarmed Strike is her default first attack.

  • Unarmed Strike (Dwarf Monk melee attack) - Wren attacks the most damaged enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Tabaxi Barbarian melee attack) - Wren attacks the closest enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Warforged Sorcerer magic attack) - Wren blasts the enemy with the most health for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Slightly Glitched - Wren always counts as all her Glitch forms, regardless of the form she has chosen for the current adventure. She can also be used in any Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure or variant, regardless of any restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Hero's Call - Wren increases the damage of all Champions in her column (including herself) and the column behind her by 100%.
  • Instability - All three of Wren's glitch forms yearn to be utilized. For each area completed, all three forms gain a yearning stack, which generally persists between adventures. Wren's chosen form buffs her Hero's Call by 100% for each yearning stack for her chosen form, stacking additively. Yearning stacks for any glitch form she has specialized in during your current adventure are set to zero at the end of the adventure, or if she is swapped into another party.
  • Incarnation's Class - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Monk's Tenacity - Wren increases her damage by 1000%.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Barbarian's Resilience - Wren increases her health by 200% and then further increases her health by 75% (multiplicatively) for every 50 areas completed in the current adventure, up to area 600.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Sorcerer's Flames - Enemies damaged by Wren catch fire and take 100% more damage from subsequent Champion attacks.
  • Glitch Trick - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Flurry of Blows - When Wren defeats an enemy, her base attack cooldown immediately recharges.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Battle Cry - Wren increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Stunning Blast - Wren's base attack Stuns enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Experienced Incarnation - Wren increases the effect of Hero's Call by 25% for each Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, variant, or patron variant completed, stacking multiplicatively.


  • Glitch Form: Dwarf Monk (DPS) - Wren remains in her dwarf monk form, unlocks the Astral Self Form ultimate, and focuses on her DPS role. She also gains +4 DEX and +4 WIS.
  • Glitch Form: Tabaxi Barbarian (tanking) - Wren takes on the form of a Tabaxi Barbarian. She unlocks the Colossal Rage ultimate, the Battleaxe base attack, gains 20 overwhelm, and focuses on her tanking role. She also gains +4 STR and +4 CON.
  • Glitch Form: Warforged Sorcerer (debuff) - Wren takes on the form of a Warforged Sorcerer. She unlocks the Time Stop ultimate, the Fire Bolt base attack, and focuses on her debuff role. She also gains +4 INT and +4 CHA.

Ultimate Ability - Wren has three different ultimate attacks depending on her chosen glitch form.

  • Astral Self Form (Dwarf Monk melee ultimate) - Wren manifests her astral form for 15 seconds. For the duration, when she attacks, she deals 1 hit to all nearby enemies (including her initial target) for ultimate damage.
  • Colossal Rage (Tabaxi Barbarian melee ultimate) - Wren grows in size for 15 seconds. For the duration, all enemies target her if possible, she takes 50% less damage from all attacks, and her attacks deal ultimate damage.
  • Time Stop (Warforged Sorcerer magic ultimate) - All enemies are frozen in time for 15 seconds. Enemies still spawn, but freeze for the rest of the duration when they finish spawning. Heroes deal 400% more damage to frozen enemies.

IV. Wren's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Hero's Call
Slot 3: Instability
Slot 4: Incarnation's Class
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Wren's Achievement and Unlocking Information


  • It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... - Trigger Wren's Flurry of Blows 10,000 times, have her grow in size 100 times, and have her light 10,000 enemies on fire.

How To Unlock Wren:

Wren is an Evergreen Champion who is unlocked by playing through the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign. As you proceed through the campaign you will arrive at the adventure Titan on the Town. When you reach this point, follow these steps:
  • Complete the adventure Titan on the Town. This will unlock the first adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel and the second adventure variant will be unlocked, Twice Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Twice Through the Great Wheel and one of the rewards for completion will be the unlock for Wren.

VI. Conclusion

What is your favorite Wren glitch form? Let us know in one of the many places we hang out:
July 24th, 2024
Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 6 & An Emergence! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This week, the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign continues, and denizens of Sigil invade the Sword Coast in the Planescape Emergence! Fight your way through familiar dreams in Soul's Mirage and help an empyrean face her troubles in Titan on the Town. After that, put your formations to the test with new Adventure Variants!

Read on to learn more about these adventures, and scroll below to find info on the Planescape Emergence and the updates to the Thayan Enclave Shop!

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Witch and The Wyrmling and Inversion, in order to access these new adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

Soul's Mirage

Fight your way through familiar dreams and discover the truth of who Wren was.

Dungeons & Dragons The Soul's Mirage

The Champions find themselves in a place they do not know fighting foes they do not recognize. Soon, they find themselves back in the Walking Castle - but was it all really just a dream? Before too long they are locked inside another dream and learn of a man named Somnus, who claims to be guiding them through memories they do not remember. But, can Somnus be trusted? And what happens if they die in a dream? Find out in Soul's Mirage!


    Dessert in the Desert - Get lost in the desert, and encounter some interesting dreams from your past.
    • You may only use Good Champions.
    • Every 5 seconds, a scoop of ice cream hits a random Champion, stunning them for 10 seconds.
    • Complete area 850

Titan on the Town

The Champions must hunt down Sylvania's moving gate through a sea of chaotic celebrations.

Dungeons & Dragons Green Slaad

The Champions arrive in Sylvania - a gate-town full of constant parties and celebrations. They quickly learn that the gate they seek is constantly moving locations within Sylvania, and if they want to find it, they'll need to do something for the people in charge first. They are charged with tracking down an empyrean named Kopoah - who is causing problems at every party she goes to because of a bad day she is having. It is up to the Champions to find Kopoah, help her work through her problems, and bring good spirits back to the celebrations of Sylvania.


    Clockwise Through the Great Wheel - The Champions must hunt down Sylvania's moving gate with heroes of every alignment!
    • This variant will not be available for Mirt
    • You may only use Neutral Champions and Champions of the alignment(s) specified below.
    • For the first 100 areas, you may use Lawful Good champions. Every 100 areas, this restriction changes: Neutral Good for area 101-200, Chaotic Good for area 201-300, and so forth. This restriction is linked to your highest area completed, not your current area.
    • Every 100 areas, all Champions in the formation are removed and can't be used for the rest of the adventure.
    • Champions can't otherwise be removed from the formation once they've been added.
    • Complete area 900

Planescape Emergence

Denizens from Sigil are finding their way onto the material plane and wreaking havoc! Harmonium Peacekeepers are arresting people in the streets, Heralds of Dust are trying to take charge of graveyards, and Cakers are trying to turn anyone and everyone into baked goods!

The Planescape Emergence starts today and runs through Friday, August 2nd at Noon PDT.

Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Emergence

New Items Added to the Thayan Enclave!

  • Two Golden Epics
    • Aeon Slot 3 - Bigby's Beneficent Bracelet (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Ulkoria Slot 2 - Volo's Guide to the Weave (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Four Feats
    • Valentine - Air Genasi Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Duke Ravengard - Heart of Battle (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Umberto - Woken the Hive (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Ulkoria - Better Every Day (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Two Skins
    • Tabaxi Glitch Shandie (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Secret Agent Maan Hew Maan (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 10x Marvelous Support Pigments (7,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Modron Component Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Supply Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • Unlimited Planescape Emergence Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
    • Contains gear for: Aeon, Duke Ravengard, Hew Maan, Shandie, Ulkoria, Umberto, and Valentine.

  • We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands! Join our community and start a conversation:
    July 12th, 2024
    BW2: Summer Carnival Event 2024 Edition 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    Summer Carnival Event 2024

    The Carnival has returned to town! Get ready to play some games, help some Bushwhackian residents and win carnival tokens which you can exchange for cool prizes at the Carnival Event Vendor!

    The Carnival Games

    A staple of any summer carnival or fair, are those devilish carnival games. There are four different games which will unlock over the course of the event and they include "Balloon Popper," "Whack-A-Mole," "Baseball Throw," and "Duck Shoot." Don't worry, there's no skill involved with these games, you play them automatically when you interact with them.

    - It costs 4 carnival tickets to play each game, and you can whack those tickets out of the bushes, or purchase them from Timmy in the Event area for Bush Bucks (30 Salvaged Tickets for 30 Bush Bucks)

    - You receive Carnival Tokens based on how well you do. Now, we're not saying they're rigged in the Carnival's favour or anything, but you'll definitely want to ask your friends to help you rig these games to help you!

    To get started, the Balloon Popper game is unlocked! As well, it seems William needs your help to satisfy his sweet-tooth!

    A Teleporter to Somewhere...

    The Pandaclaw was wandering around here the teleporter and complete all the quests and get your very own!

    The Dunk Tank

    The dunk tank returns! Can you dunk all 8 helpless Bushwhackian residents? NPCs you haven't dunked yet will have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads, to let you know you still need to send them plunging into the icy waters of the tank! It'll help them all cool off. Plus, the tank is always in need of cleaning, so try to keep up with Katherine's daily Dunk Tank Cleaning quests!

    Clowning Around

    Peat Bog, Pete the Carney's brother has some tasks for you to help him put on a show!

    Testing Your Power

    And how are your Power collection skills? Are you strong enough to win all the bonus prizes? There are 7 strength settings to beat, unlocking as the event goes on as Strong-Whacker Sabine continuously tries to increase the difficulty of her Strong-Whacker Strength Machine Game.

    A Fortune Told

    Baba Pythia's seen the future, and it's of you helping her set up a fortune telling booth at the event!

    VIP Rewards!

    Active VIP members can claim unique rewards based on their event progress! If you don't have an active membership, you have the entire event to consider becoming one! You can earn and claim these rewards until the end of the event.

    New for 2024

    This year's update includes:

    - new tier 4 and 5 VIP rewards!
    - new costume items in the store!
    - new ranch items in the store!
    - new pet packs!
    - new mount packs!
    - new 2024 holiday 100% reward!
    - new epic pandaclaw skin!
    - new challenging quest!

    Holiday Trees

    If you can complete the event, you'll earn this awesome 100% reward: The Carnival Tree! Collect them all!

    A new Pandaclaw Skin!

    Once you complete the teleporter quest line and capture a Pandaclaw, Taban the Teleporter Engineer will offer to transmogrify your Pandaclaw companions, changing their appearance, with science! There are now SEVEN Pandaclaw skins to choose from, each yielding a type of pet DNA.

    Big Top Blow Out!

    A menagerie of circus critters have escaped the big top, and the shady guy wants to know what they were hiding in there! Help him get the details in this challenging new quest.

    And more!

    And there's some minor fixes and improvements which you can check out on the Release Notes, which are linked at the bottom of the page!


    There are up to TWENTY FIVE possible achievements that can be picked up during this Summer Carnival event, depending on your game history.

    Returning Achievements

    Step Right Up - Win a Prize Token gaming at the Carnival!
    We have a Winner - Win 8 Prize Tokens at once at the Carnival.
    Carnival Ace - Win 8 Prize Tokens at all 4 Carnival Games.
    Gotta Try 'Em All! - Play all four games offered at the Carnival!
    Big Time Bonus Buyer - Purchase 10 Bonus Prize Packs from the Carnival!
    Sweet Tooth - Help William satisfy his Sweet Tooth. Or not.
    Nostalgic Whacker - Repair the teleporter and fulfill your duty…
    Dunk-a-Thon! - Dunk all eight unique Carnival Event dunk-ees!
    Scuba Dunk - Dunk yourself while wearing a hefty diving helmet. (Helmet is found from fishing in the Windy Crest fishing hole.)
    Daredevil Darer - Make Peat Bog risk his life for entertainment 5 extra times. Dunking Devs! - Dunk the four developer Carnival Event dunk-ees!

    New Achievements

    Funhouse Frippery - Purchase all the 2024 Carnival Event items.*

    Retired Achievements

    We have 13 achievements from previous years, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

    Carnival Customization - Buy all 6 player items from the 2012 Carnival
    Party at My Place - Buy all 6 house items from the 2012 Carnival!
    Carnival Collector - Purchase all of the 2013 Carnival event items.
    Carnival Connoisseur - Buy all the 2014 Carnival event items.
    Carni-Value! - Purchase all the 2015 Carnival Event items.
    Carnival Compulsion - Purchase all the 2016 Carnival Event items.
    Cashed Carnival - Purchase all the 2017 Carnival Event items.
    Prized Prizes - Purchase all the 2018 Carnival Event items.
    Prize Proprietor - Purchase all the 2019 Carnival Event items.
    Material Menagerie - Purchase all the 2020 Carnival Event items.
    Hippodrome Haggler - Purchase all the 2021 Carnival Event items.
    Amateur Amphitheater - Purchase all the 2022 Carnival Event items.
    Carny Chique - Purchase all the 2023 Carnival Event items.
    * The Mini Golf Piece is NOT included in the Funhouse Frippery achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

    Mount Packs

    All new chariot mounts are available this weekend, from July 12th to 15th!

    The Chariot mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

    The Circus Chariot and Underworld Chariot are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts leave a sparkling trail when you ride them!

    Pet Packs

    Three new pets can be picked up July 19th to 22nd in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle! From left-to-right they are the Leafy Lion Cub, Circus Teddy, and Circus Turtle!

    Get Ready!

    Post your carnival schemes on the forums!

    The event will run until Friday July 26th at Noon PDT!

    Check out the Release Notes here!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • When will the last quest unlock?
      All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

    • Where can I buy Last Year's items?
      There are two vendors. The one in the tent has this year's items. The other is the one with the party hat and will have all previous year items for Bush Bucks.

    • What contributes to my 100% progress?
      You need 200 plays of any combo of the games to get 100%. Just whack up tickets to play the games, and turn in quests to get tickets as well.

    • Why do I want to ask friends for help?
      It helps you rig the game and improve your chances of getting 8 tokens.

    • Do I have to do the achievements?
      No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

    • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
      Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

    • Where can I see progress on the Dunking Achievement?
      Click on the inventory icon and then click on the Achievements list (gold star). Look for the ones listed above in that list.