Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage 6 has arrived, bringing with it the Regent Sawtooth.
This year's event runs until Tuesday, September 7th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7), introducing Regent Sawtooth and bringing back Oona, Para Rugby Star, Veronica, the Android Archer, Bubba, the Swimming Orc, The Gold Hound, Milgrid the Mining Mage, Dr. Evil, PhD, and Euodia, the Fencer!

New Tier 6 Crusader: Regent Sawtooth
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...it was actually.
Regent Sawtooth isn't always in the ocean. Sometimes he's on dry land training for the various triathlons he enters, or off running "errands." And now he's interested in joining your band of Crusaders, to see what other errands he can do out in the multiverse.
Don't worry though: since you're now family, he'll look after you, providing some healing when he's in the formation, and he's got the connections to make the active abilities like Click-o-Rama, Savage Strikes et al last longer. Those are some good connections.
But maybe you should still sleep with one eye open, just in case.
Regent Sawtooth is a Support and Healer Crusader. When you want to add him to your formation, you can find him in slot 31.

New Tier 6 Objectives
- Recruit Regent Sawtooth | Regent Sawtooth takes up a slot in the formation. Veronica, the Android Archer and Bubba, the Swimming Orc take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Acquaintances of Regent Sawtooth randomly attack the formation, trying to just "have a chat.". Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.
- Sniffing Out Sabotage |The Goldhound and Milgrid the Mining Mage take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Aside from the locked-in crusaders, only Evil tagged crusaders can be used. Powerful robots attack your formation, healing all monsters and firing lasers from range. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.
- Doctor Doctor | Dr. Evil, PhD takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved.Aside from the locked-in crusader, only Evil tagged crusaders can be used. Horrible Experiment can't be disabled. A rival doctor occupies a slot in the formation and damages the Crusaders infected with Horrible Experiment by 15% of their health per second. The rival doctor also provides a 200% DPS buff, multiplicative per infected Crusader. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.
- Bout with Evil | Euodia the Fencer takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved All area quests are now kill 50 monsters. Aside from the locked-in crusader, only Evil tagged Crusaders can be used. The formation has been changed. Quest requirements are tripled. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.
- Rugby Perils | Oona, Para Rugby Star takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Aside from the locked-in Crusader, only Evil tagged crusaders can be used. Only Oona does DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.
More info
For more info on previous Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage Crusaders and objectives check out the Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage 5 blog post.
Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Crusader Games Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.