A Familiar Quest Series Two

Starting on August 8th you can purchase A Familiar Quest Series Two familiars in Idle Champions, so they can help you in your adventures! They'll be available individually, or you can pick up the Series Two Bundle Pack for a discount and have the whole set! Check the in-game store for all the details.

Adventure Variants
We've added 10 new adventure variants to our game, 2 in each campaign! Evergreen Champions and A Familiar Quest friends are ready to help you complete these new and dangerous missions.
Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants
- Orcs are Wild Variant 3: A Familiar Friend Aid an Orc in taking back control of his tribe with a familiar friend, Moogin the Swarm of Quippers!
- Only Champions next to Moogin can deal damage with normal attacks. This does not affect Ultimate attacks.
- Enemies have +4000% health, but take an additional 10% damage each time they take damage
- Complete area 375.
- The Sunless Citadel Variant 3: Evergreens with an Evergreen Split the party and follow the trail of goblins with a coniferous companion.
- Only Evergreen Champions can be used on this adventure.
- An Evergreen Treant joins the formation. They're so big they take up three spots in your formation and throw giant rocks at the enemies dealing 1 second of BUD damage per hit.
- Complete area 375.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Adventure Variants
- Waterdeep Under Siege Variant 3: In The Beginning Race the Xanathar to the Vault of Dragons with Champions from Year One.
- Only Event Champions from Year One can be used.
- Complete area 325.
- Vault of Dragons Variant 3: Vault of Cuteness Stop the Xanathar from raiding the Vault of Dragons while being overwhelmed by cuteness.
- Marvel the Imp joins the formation. Champions next to Marvel have their normal attack cooldown increased by 5 seconds due to the cuteness overload.
- 1-2 adorably cute enemies from The Sketching Hour with 5 armored hit points each join in with each wave. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 350.

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants
- A Tale of Two Cities Variant 3: A Tale of Two Years Head south to confront the evil growing there using Champions from Year Two.
- Only Event Champions from Year Two can be used.
- Complete area 350.
- The Dead Three Variant 3: Sneak Attack neak through the streets of Baldur's Gate and survive its seedy underbelly.
- Pest the Gremishka joins the formation
- You can't use Champions with the speed role.
- When you enter a new area, the area requirements are reduced by 5% for each Champion with a Dexterity score of 15 or higher.
- Complete area 375.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants
- The Giant's Bane Tavern Variant 3: Power of Three Enter Icewind Dale with Champions from Year Three.
- Only Event Champions from Year Three can be used.
- Complete area 300.
- The Everlasting Rime Variant 3: Only Human Continue to Ten-Towns with a human Champion of OUR choice.
- A random Human Champion is immediately unlocked, added to the formation, and can't be removed.
- Other Human Champions cannot be used.
- In each area, enemies move 2% faster and deal 4% more damage
- Complete area 325.

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants
- The Witchlight Carnival Variant 3: A Familiar Behind Us Uncover the mysteries of the Witchlight Carnival with your most charismatic Champions.
- Gale the Miniature Giant Seahorse joins the formation. Champions next to Gale have their normal attack cooldown decreased by 1 second for each familiar assigned to click enemies.
- Champions' normal attack cooldown is increased by 5 seconds.
- Only Champions with a Charisma of 16 or higher may be used.
- Complete area 350.
- Thieves of the Coven Variant 3: Go Fourth
- Only Event Champions from Year Four can be used.
- Complete area 400.
Update to Vi
Vi - Vi receives a small buff during our Spring Balance Update, and now we've had a chance to update a few more of her abilities:- Vi should always finish her current attack before switching to her "Bored Now" attack (so that Catch and Release has a chance to trigger).
- When changing areas, Vi's Baubles is destroyed and the bonus gold is immediately collected.
- The gold bonus of Vi's Bauble remains even if she is benched.