Overrun with Tigers and Wolves and Giraffes, oh my? The new Generation 4 pets are here!
Misty's new shipment of pet eggs has finally made it to Bushwhackia for you to hatch when you accept the "Find an Egg" quest. She will also have all the Generation 4 eggs available to purchase for Bush Bucks during the "Find an Egg" quest.
Other changes to Misty and Hank for Generation 4:
- Misty will no longer let players abandon Gen 3 pet eggs that they are hatching (they're now too rare). Only current generation pet eggs can be abandoned during hatching. Please note that if you're in the middle of hatching a pet, then that egg will still hatch into whatever pet it would have been before.
- Generation 3 pet eggs can now be found in Quester's Satchels (with the same limitations as the Generation 1 and 2 eggs, which will still be available in satchels as well). Generation 3 pet eggs are now more expensive to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store.
- Hank now sells a random assortment of Generation 4 pets (instead of Generation 3) for Bush Bucks.
PAGAS changes for Generation 4:
- Generation 4 pet eggs are now available to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store, however you cannot buy any of them until you have at least five (5) Generation 4 pets.
- The Pet Progress dialog now includes Generation 4 pets. 10 new pets that all players can unlock!
And now, without further ado, the information you've all been waiting for:
Generation 4 Pets:
- Black and White Palomino Pony
- Butterfly
- Cobra
- Dragonfly
- Ferret
- Orange Kitty
- Otter
- Polar Bear
- Salamander
- Snail
2015 Spring Pet Sale!
For those players who were not with us before, here's how the sale works:
- Over the next five (5) days we will rotate through 40 pets from a variety of sources.
- Each pet will be available for a limited time and will only appear once in the sale (so if you see a pet you want, make sure you grab it!),
- As each pet is made available, we'll post a reminder on Facebook, Twitter and in Chat (during normal business hours), so you'll know when the pets will swap in/out,
- All pets are available for Bush Bucks.
- *New for this sale* For 24 hours, you can vote for which pet will get the biggest discount in the next 24 hours.
- So the first voting cycle will run from Friday March 20th at Noon PDT until Saturday March 21st at Noon PDT, and the discounts will be applied for the winning pet until the next vote ends Sunday March 22nd at Noon PDT.
- The final vote will end at Tuesday March 24th at Noon PDT for the pets that will have a discount until the whole sale ends.
- Also available is a Pet Treat Pack! It contains 4 level 20 Pet Treats, a Pet Rune which boosts the XP you receive for your pet by 50% and lasts 7 days when equipped, and 100 Bush Bucks! A $55 value for only $20!
- The sale ends Wednesday March 25th at Noon PDT.
Chat about the Generation 4 pets here!