Greetings Breakers!
The names Kong....George Kong. A debonair and dashing monkey with superb skills and a knack for getting in, and out, of trouble. This handsome primate is the Challenge Fairy's favourite movie spy, so she's put together the all-new Agent 009 Burst Event to celebrate everything about him!
For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Spy themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 awesome prizes!
The Spy Trillby adds more Multipliers!
The Golden Gun Hammer adds more Multipliers! The Martini Set makes any trophy room ready for a visit from Agent 009!
Talk about it on the forums!
The event will run until Wednesday, November 11th at Noon PST!