Introducing the Tomb of Annihilation
Today Champions can take their first steps towards the Tomb of Annihilation, an all-new permanent campaign! Our first Tomb of Annihilation update includes two new adventures, Ring of Regeneration and Seeking Allies, with one variant each, as well as a new Divine Favor currency: Kelemvor's Favor.
Champions who have completed at least four other Sword Coast adventures can embark on the first Tomb of Annihilation adventures from the town of Daggerford!
Tomb of Annihilation Update Features:
Two New Adventures!
- Ring of Regeneration and Seeking Allies can both be found in the town of Daggerford, along with one new variant for each.
New Divine Favor!
- Launching along with the first Tomb of Annihilation adventures will be a new Divine Favor, Kelemvor's Favor.
- While you will have to earn a new Divine Favor, you will still retain all your unlocked Champions and gear heading into the Tomb of Annihilation adventures.
- When starting a new adventure the list of requirements now shows a check or an X next to each requirement to tell you if you meet the requirement or not.
- Ultimate attacks' cooldown time is now displayed with 2 decimal places (if not a whole number).
Early Access Update #7 Features:
- Adventure selection dialog now has two toggleable options to hide completed and/or locked variants from view.
- Level up multiplier button can now be set to buy next upgrade (same behavior as alt+shift)
- Ctrl+tab now has the same behaviour as alt+shift.
Balance Changes:
- Added two new damage increase upgrades to Arkhan (level 6 and 15) and moved his other upgrades around slightly ("First in Line" now unlocks at level 3 instead of 4, "Loyalty" at level 9 instead of 8, Arkhan's specialization at 18 instead of 16, and his damage increases at levels 20 and 24 moved to 21 and 25 respectively).
- Added a new damage increase upgrade to Jamilah at level 25.
- Updated the ability scores for Jamilah and Arkhan to match the Force Grey character sheets.
- Earth Mephits have been renamed to Mud Mephits.