Today Champions can take their next steps into the
Tomb of Annihilation, with additional Champion upgrades and two new variants for the first two adventures,
Ring of Regeneration: The Death Curse and
Seeking Allies: Premature Betrayal.
New Variants!
- The Ring of Regeneration: The Death Curse — Each time a Champion is killed, they have their damage reduced by 25% permanently for the rest of the adventure (stacks multiplicatively).
- Seeking Allies: Premature Betrayal — Red Wizards of Thay attack your formation in all areas. There are several different variations, each with their own special properties, including increased health, increased speed, and debuffs on attacked champions.
New Champion Upgrades & Balance Changes!
- The Party Grows Stronger — All champions have had additional high-level upgrades added. This should provide approximately 20 areas of progression to players with enough favor to access the new upgrades.
- It's Not About Makos — Makos' level 55 upgrade no longer requires a specific specialization but now increases his DPS by 100% instead of 200%.
- Too Much Ki — Stoki's level 235 upgrade which adds an extra attack target if you choose the Ki Strike specialization has been removed.
- When Upg is toggled, or alt+shift is pressed, and a champion is locked, it unlocks the champions before purchasing their first upgrade.
- Updated the description of Jamilah's Frenzy ability to be more clear.
- The formation arrows from Hitch's Friendly ability now only point to those it is affecting.