With a beautiful voice and a glorious mane of hair, Antrius is always ready to charm everyone around! His swordcraft may be mostly flourish and fancy footwork, but he backs up his friends with inspiring words while viciously mocking his enemies!
I. Antrius

- Antrius is your classic fantasy Bard - he’s a lover, not a fighter. His supportive parents paid his way through Bard College, and now Antrius is out on the road trying to make a name for himself with bravado, showmanship, and a seductive smolder.
Antrius is a Support and Healing Champion who empowers his companions with an Inspiring Song. With this song, he increases the damage of nearby companions and gives them temporary health to push through tough enemies. His tales depend on the stories of your Champions, so he buffs his companions based on the number of feats you have unlocked. Once unlocked, you can find this human bard in Slot 4 with Jarlaxle.
II. Antrius's Stats
Race: Human | Alignment: Chaotic Good |
Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him |
Age: 45 | |
Affiliation: Awful Ones | Class: Bard |
STR: 10 | DEX: 14 | CON: 13 |
INT: 10 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 18 |
Role: Support, Healing
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel
Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)

III. Antrius's Design
1 For All is an original fantasy comedy web series, which makes bringing their characters to life in our game a wonderfully unique experience! Antrius is played by Forgeling, who creates the character along with the rest of the folks at Deerstalker Pictures. This means we have a whole team of people to collaborate with to help craft Champions that their fans will love to see!Antrius is a glorious performer, always focused on making his Inspiring Song bigger and better. Inspiring Song boosts the damage of adjacent Champions while also keeping them safe by providing some temporary hit points. Other Champions with a Charisma of 17 or higher will extend this benefit to more of the formation. The bigger the crowd, the better Antrius performs, so the more Champions affected by Inspiring Song, the bigger the damage bonus and number of temporary hit points it provides. And that damage bonus is further increased for every Feat your Champions have unlocked! His Specializations also focus on buffing Inspiring Song's damage bonus, choosing between the number of Bards, Chaotic Champions, or Champions with low ability scores in your formation.
Providing inspiring battle music isn't the only skill Antrius brings to the formation. With deadly wit he will attack his adversaries with Vicious Mockery. And his looks are just as lethal, using his Ultimate attack to turn a shattered mirror in to a Cloud of Daggers to eviscerate his enemies!
Fill the formation with fans of Antrius and surround him with a crowd of Champions, and Antrius will provide the most epic buffs to inspire your party to victory!
IV. Antrius's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Vicious Mockery - Antrius attacks the enemy with the most health, dealing 1 hit and causing it to take +100% damage until he attacks again.
Formation Abilities
- Inspiring Song - Antrius inspires each adjacent Champion giving them 10 temporary hit points every 5 seconds and increasing their damage by 100%. Any Champion with a Charisma score of 17 or higher further inspires all unaffected adjacent Champions, and this continues to cascade. Antrius' song is so inspiring that he also inspires himself, granting himself temp hp and the damage bonus. The total shield amount on each Champion is limited to 10 times the Champion's max health.
- The Hardiest, Bardiest Bard - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's temporary hit point bonus by 100% for each Champion affected by it, stacking additively.
- Suave and Sophisticated - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's damage bonus by 100% for each Champion affected by it, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack value.
- Can't be De-Feat-ed - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's damage bonus by 100% for each feat your Champions have unlocked, stacking additively.
- Bard College - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's damage bonus by 200% for each Bard in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
- Truly Awful Stats - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's damage bonus by 150% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or lower, stacking multiplicatively.
- The "A" In Chaotic Is For Antrius - Antrius increases Inspiring Song's damage bonus by 100% for each chaotic Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
Ultimate Ability
- Cloud of Daggers - Antrius takes a hand mirror out and smiles into it, which causes it to shatter. Shards of glass fly out and create a medium sized cloud that swirls around the location of the enemy with the most health, and deals 1 hit of ultimate damage every 0.5 seconds to all enemies in the area for 10 seconds. The cloud does not move after it has picked a location.
V. Antrius's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Inspiring Song |
Slot 3: Suave and Sophisticated |
Slot 4: Can't Be De-Feat-ed |
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |