Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage event runs from today through to September 5th at Noon PDT. For those players who haven't unlocked them already, this is your chance to add both Veronica and Bubba to your roster.
Two new Tier 2 Crusaders, The Goldhound and Milgrid, the Mining Mage, will be available to recruit after you've completed all the Tier 1 objectives and if you have the talent "Doing it Again" purchased.
At level 100, The Goldhound unlocks Gold Nose gives you +10% Gold Find for each monster killed, up to a cap of 200%. Plus he has gear to augment it!
At level 400, The Goldhound unlocks Tail Wag gives you +100% Gold Find for the first 15 seconds in each area.
The second new Tier 2 Crusader is Milgrid, the Mining Mage.
Once recruited, Milgrid unlocks We've Got To Go Deeper at level 100, which will increase your DPS for all Crusaders +25% for every 50 areas you've completed.
At level 400, her ability Deepest Mining will give We've Got To Go Deeper a 100% boost!
Once you've recruited both The Goldhound and Milgrid, there are three new side objectives to tackle in your quest.

Equipment for all the Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Games chests.
Once again, you'll have until September 5th at Noon PDT to complete the event.