The party is recruited by one of Waterdeep's merchant guilds to look into a number of mysterious ship disappearances over the past year. Superstitious folk blame Umberlee, but the merchant guild isn't so sure, and as the Fair Seas Festival gets underway your party begins their investigation in the Dock Ward of Waterdeep...
Fleetswake is our eighth limited-time event for Idle Champions, starting today and running until Monday, March 19th at noon PDT, and introducing Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten, the Gnome Ranger!
New Champion: Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten
Zorbu grew up in a small village on the slopes of the mountains south of Yartar. He lived a typical gnomish childhood: tinkering with mechanical toys, pulling pranks on unsuspecting neighbors, and exploring the woodlands covering the mountains in the company of a local dwarf ranger, Galor Rockshield.
A grizzled veteran of many battles, Galor was waging a secret battle against a clan of drow who were holed up in some deep caves near the village. He carefully struck from the shadows, attempting to drive them back into the Underdark. One night, after a particularly prolonged encounter, a drow scout followed Galor home, and on the night of the next new moon the drow and their minions descended upon the village in force. Galor saved Zorbu's life, but many others were killed, including Zorbu's parents. From that day forth, Zorbu trained under Galor as a ranger, vowing revenge upon the drow and any who claim allegiance to them.
Cunning and imaginative, Zorbu makes use of his tinkering skills to wield an impossibly large crossbow (named Thunderbolt, which is also Zorbu's nickname) and unleash clever mechanical traps against his foes.
When you want to add Zorbu to your party, you can swap him with Arkhan.
Fleetswake Variants
- Thunder and Lightning — A crazy storm blows in, affecting all outdoor areas. In addition to the wind and rain, lightning strikes your formation every 5 seconds, dealing 90% of max health unavoidable damage to a random Champion. When Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten is hit by the effect, his next normal attack does 10x damage.
- Crashing Waves — Only two of your formation's columns do damage at a time. Columns change every 10 areas. Start with back two (slots 4-9), then middle two (slots 2-6), then front two (slots 0-3), then front and back (0-1 & 7-9), then repeat.
- The Shipwright's Ball — Two Shipwrights take up slots (2, 9) in the formation. The Shipwrights dance with adjacent Champions, swapping the position of two random adjacent Champions every 15 seconds (the one in slot 9 swaps 6 and 8, while the one in slot 2 swaps two of 0, 3, and 4).
- Added the Fleetswake event, our eighth limited-time campaign event! The event will run until Monday, March 19th at noon PDT.
- Added a new Champion: Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten.
- Added a new event Divine Favor: Umberlee's Favor.
- Added a setting to disable screen shaking.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!