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May 22nd, 2019
Idle Champions: The Great Modron March 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Of all the planes in the multiverse, there is only one of pure law: Mechanus, home plane of the modron race and their supreme ruler, Primus.

While the clockwork modrons themselves seem strange enough, what is more puzzling is how once every 17 cycles, they journey by the thousands on a grand tour of the cosmos. Each time they take the exact same route through the planes — except this time. This time, for reasons unknown, the Great Modron March is headed for the city of Waterdeep...

The Great Modron March 2 introduces Qillek Ad Khollar, the Aarakocra Bard & Cleric played by Tom Hazell on High Rollers, and brings back Evelyn Marthain, Human Paladin of Lathandar. Players will have until Monday, June 3rd, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT, to unlock them!

New Champion: Qillek Ad Khollar

    Qillek is timid, meek and nervous, being a comparably young character in the party and thrown into a world he doesn’t understand with no wing to fly him out of a bad situation. His charisma, wit, and superiority ripped away when flying through the Valley of the Storms, taking his left wing and arm away but introducing him to H’esper, who gave him dark visions to push him forward. Inside him is an envious amount of courage and a stable sense of logic when things get dire, which has led other party members to consider him their leader. He doesn’t agree with the idea, but he’s not ready to let his friends down.
Qillek is a Support Champion capable of buffing allies while also debuffing enemies. He casts Prayer of Healing to heal the formation and Bless to boost their damage. When you want to add Qillek to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Qillek dev blog!

Returning Champion: Evelyn Marthain

    Caring, motherly, and endlessly optimistic, Evelyn has adventured across the realms as part of the Waffle Crew with Strix, Diath, and Paultin for many years. She's always first in battle, thanks to her flying boots, and will always take a hit to protect others. Short, yet tough, her devotion to Lathander has seen her through many perilous situations.
Evelyn is a powerful Tank and Support Champion. She buffs her allies with her Divine Prayer, Channel Divinity, Steadfast Might, and Conduit of the Light abilities. When you want to add Evelyn to your party, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

Year Two Variants

  • Division — Every time a Modron is killed (including bosses) it splits into two copies of a Modron one level lower on the Modron hierarchy. You must kill all the split Modrons in boss Areas.

  • Machine Learning — The Modorns have decided to stop bashing their melee weapons against the Champions with no results. All melee Modrons now throw gears at Champions while at range. Champions struck by four gears are stunned for 15 seconds.

  • Messenger of Hope — Qillek has a dream that his god has granted him the power to overcome The Great Modron March. Qillek begins the adventure in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions within two slots of Qillek can deal any damage.

Year One Variants

  • The Neverending March — Every time a Modron is killed in non-boss areas it shuts down for five seconds and then comes back to life with full health.

  • (Hu)man vs. Machine — All human Champions get a buff called "The Human Spirit" which increases their damage by 5% in each area (stacking multiplicatively).

  • Charge Into Battle — Enemies move extremely fast and deal massive damage to everyone except Evelyn. Evelyn starts the adventure at level 1 and in the front slot of the formation.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

May 21st, 2019
Idle Champion Spotlight: Qillek Ad Khollar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for our newest Champion Spotlight! Today, we're previewing and releasing Qillek Ad Khollar. He's an aarakocra cleric/bard and our newest member of the Heroes of Aerois! Aila isn't the only Champion from the High Rollers Aerois campaign any more! Qillek is here to give you a leg up on your upcoming weekly challenges.

Who is Qillek?

Qillek (KEY-lek) or Qill (Quill) to his friends joins the Champions from the High Rollers Aerois campaign. He's a 3-year-old Aarakocra who used to be a part of the Aarakocran Messenger Guild, until a visit to the Valley of Storms and an accident led to the loss of his left arm and wing. While he lost his ability to fly, he also found his god H'esper. With the divine powers granted from H'esper, Qill is able to help protect and heal the party. He may be down a wing, but he's got more than enough bravery to make up for it!

Qillek is played by Tom Hazel, a member of The High Rollers D&D crew, based in the UK. The High Rollers stream each week at the High Rollers Twitch page at 5PM BST, or noon Eastern every Sunday. You can also follow thair adventures on Youtube! For more info on Qillek, the High Rollers crew, and the homebrew world of Aerois created by professional dungeon master Mark Hulmes, check out the High Rollers Aerois wiki.

Qillek's Stats

Race: Aarakocra Class: Cleric/Bard Alignment: Lawful Good
STR: 12 DEX: 15 CON: 12
INT: 13 WIS: 18 CHA: 14

When you want to add Qillek to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

Basic Attack

Feather Flurry: Qillek flaps his wing as hard as he can, throwing out a flurry of ethereal purple feathers that damage the two nearest enemies.

Formation Abilities

  • Prayer of Healing — Every second, Qillek heals everyone in the formation who is damaged. The amount of healing is based on the distance they are from Qillek, with farther Champions being healed more. Starting at 2 slots away, the healing is increased by 25% per slot, additively. For example, he'll heal adjacent champions for the base value (starting at 8HP but increasing as you level up), but those 2 slots away will be healed for Base+(Base*.25) or 10HP/second. Those 3 slots away will be healed for Base+(Base*.5) or 12HP/second. And so on. The farther away he is from those taking damage, the more he'll heal them!

  • Bless — Increases the damage of Champions adjacent to Qillek based on the number of Champions NOT adjacent to Qillek. This is another bonus that can be maximized if he's off in a corner of the back row. The damage increase starts at a 50% boost per non-adjacent Champion, additively. Additionally, the effect of Bless is increased by the total Aerois Synergy Pool (see below)

  • Aerois Synergy — We're introducing a new affiliation boon for the Heroes of Aerois! There will be a pool created when either Qillek or Aila (blog updated) is in your formation and has the Aerois Synergy upgrade unlocked. The pool is noted as the Aerois Synergy Pool. Heroes of Aerois contribute to the pool based on how well they're performing in the formation, and then one or more of their abilities are buffed by a percentage of that total pool. The more Heroes of Aerois Champions you have in the formation, the higher the pool, and the higher the buffs to each Champions' ability!

    You can see what the pool total is by viewing the formation buffs for each Champion once they unlock their Synergy formation ability. The details of Qillek's contributions are listed below. For him, Bless is increased by a percentage of the total Aerois Synergy Pool.


  • Expanded Blessing — Take this specialization route if your DPS slot is better positioned away from him, or you have multiple DPS spots and want to maximize how much he is affecting the whole party.

  • Empowered Blessing — Take this specialization route if you have a formation where there are an abundance of champions 2 spots away and you want to maximize your Bless buff for those adjacent!

Ultimate Attack

    Calm Emotions! — Qillek takes a deep breath and casts Calm Emotions, raining ethereal purple feathers down on the screen. All enemies take damage and then attack 3x less often (their attack cooldown is multiplied by 3) for 30 seconds. The boss/enemy enrage timer also fills 3x slower for 30 seconds.


Final Thoughts

Qillek is a skilled healer and support champion that should do well in formations where you don't want to waste a spot near your tank to heal! He'll get even better if you use him with Aila, a fellow Hero of Aerois.

As always, feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!
May 15th, 2019
Idle Champions: Dragon Heist, Part 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Champions are on the hunt for Nihiloor, a Mind Flayer in service to The Xanathar Guild. They entered the sewers of Waterdeep in pursuit only to become lost in the labyrinth of tunnels while searching for Skullport.

Unfortunately for the Champions, they've stumbled into Undermountain, the dungeon of the mad mage Halaster Blackcloak...

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Dragon Heist Adventures, Nimble Escape and Fugitives, in order to access these new Adventures.

Hopelessly Lost

After following their quarry into Waterdeep's sewers, the Champions have become lost in Undermountain. It's going to take everything they have to try and find their way back out again!
  • Variant: Bazaar Exploits — Two Goblins accompany the Champions, taking up spots in the formation. Every 25 Areas the two Goblins change their location. While attacking Xanathar Guild enemies, Champions' damage is increased.

Enter the Sargauth

The Champions are on the hunt, looking for a way to Skullport - after all, they have a stone to find - but something else is already on the hunt for them...
  • Variant: Elder Rune Madness — Each time you enter the portal, a different Elder Rune takes effect for the next 50 Areas. These Elder Runes vary in effects from Champions taking damage whenever monsters spawn to random debuffs, monsters dropping less gold, and Champions being unable to regain hit points or gain shields. Good luck!

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
May 8th, 2019
Idle Champions: The "C" Team Weekly Challenges 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Want to influence the events of a popular D&D show while earning free loot? Well, once again you can!

Idle Champions is proud to be supporting this summer's Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team TRPG adventure, and you can take part with The "C" Team Weekly Challenges!

Complete challenges to earn the Champion Asharra outfit!

Participation is simple: players log in to Idle Champions on their platform(s) of choice, and each week they will be offered challenges to complete. Completing these challenges rewards points, with the "Omin's Challenge" each week rewarding bonus points and the opportunity to vote for 'Good' or 'Bad' fortune for the next episode of The "C" Team. Once you complete "Omin's Challenge" you can vote once per day, so get it done quick and let your voices be heard!

As players earn points they will also earn rewards, with rewards every 50 points and special milestone rewards every 350 points, which include everything from different potions and chests to the new Champion Asharra Outfit and an Exclusive Golden Epic for Donaar – which will also unlock Donaar for you if you don't yet have him!

Get the Chronaar GE AND Donaar if you don't already have him!

The "C" Team Weekly Challenges run for the next 10 weeks, influencing 10 episodes of the latest season of The "C" Team. All you have to decide is whether or not you'd like to see The "C" Team earn good fortune or bad fortune in between episodes, and the next episode will see your collective wishes granted.

Good luck! And might we just mention that D&D games are always the most interesting when things are going wrong... ;)

The "C" Team Weekly Challenges FAQ

What is this?

The "C" Team Weekly Challenges are ten weeks of weekly activities that coincide with the latest arc of The "C" Team tabletop stream. For the next ten weeks you'll be able to complete Challenges, earn rewards, and vote to influence the events of The "C" Team episodes each Wednesday at 4PM PDT.

What are Challenges?

Challenges are in-game tasks that you can complete to earn points. Challenges come in a variety of difficulties, with corresponding point values for each. New challenges unlock every week. Each Challenge is available to complete for the two weeks after it unlocks, with some exceptions (see below). After two weeks any unfinished Challenges will no longer be completable. There are two special types of Challenge each week: Omin's Challenge, and the Daily Challenge.

What is Omin's Challenge?

Omin's Challenge, when completed in the current week, grants not only a bunch of points but also the ability to vote in the poll to influence the events of the next episode of The "C" Team! If you complete Omin's Challenge after a new week of Challenges have unlocked, it will not grant the ability to vote, but it will still give you a boat-load of points. Once unlocked, you can vote in the poll once per day (resetting at noon PDT each day).

What is the Daily Challenge?

Daily Challenges can be completed multiple times per week (once a day, resetting at noon PDT each day). Daily Challenges update each week, and only the current week's Daily Challenge is available.

What can I earn from Challenges?

Each Challenge awards a certain number of points. Points can be redeemed for a fixed set of rewards. Each reward requires you to have collected a certain number of points. Your points are not consumed when you redeem rewards, so if you have an available reward, claim it! Milestone rewards appear every 350 points, and include Gold Chests, a unique outfit for Asharra, a Golden Epic for Donaar (which also unlocks Donaar if you don't already have him), and a Potion of Polish (upgrades a random piece of gear to Shiny).

Where can I watch "C" Team episodes?

Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team broadcasts every week on Wednesday at 4pm PDT on the Penny Arcade twitch channel at You can view the archives on the same channel.

Donaar commands you to collect Chronaar!

May 1st, 2019
Idle Champions: The Running 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's a once-in-a-human-lifetime event: an acorn from the ancient Grandfather Tree will soon fall into the forest below. These acorns are among the holiest of relics, and a young Harper wizard has recruited the Champions to help them make the journey to recover this prize for Silverymoon.

However, as the party makes their journey towards the Grandfather Tree, the very forest itself seems to fight their advance. Eladrin from the Feywild, the plane of Faerie, attack the party — and Drow from the Underdark soon show up as well...

The Running 2 introduces Spurt, the Kobold Inventor played by Chris Perkins on Critical Role, and brings back Catti-brie, Human Fighter and Companion of the Hall. Players will have until Monday, May 13th, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT, to unlock them!

New Champion: Spurt

    Spurt the Kobold Inventor is crafty and quick with his hands. He builds improvised weapons in the hope of gaining some new advantage in combat. Spurt never knew he would have such lasting appeal when he met a mighty group of adventurers in a cave, but here we are. Packed to the gills with his "awesome" inventions this clever kobold brings his 11-days of life experiences to the Champions, along with a really cool 'Centi-pult'!
Spurt is a clever Kobold Inventor and Support Champion. He buffs the party with his Centipede Net, Wa-spiration, Pack Tactics, and Heroic Sacrifice abilities.

When you want to add Spurt to your formation, you can swap him with Nayeli (Slot 3). For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Spurt dev blog!

Returning Champion: Catti-brie

    "When I first laid eyes on Catti-brie, she had just punched a rather menacing fellow who was threatening to break every bone in my body. She hit the lout with such surprising force that he flopped to the floor like a sackful of mullet. Over the years, I’ve come to call her a friend. Underneath Catti-brie’s rough exterior lies a heart of gold. She cares deeply for her friends and will protect what she holds dear without fail. If she takes a shine to you, be sure to count your lucky pennies, because her enemies rarely fare well for long."
    ~Volothamp Geddarm
Catti-brie is a DPS and Support Champion. Her Powerful Draw and Critical Hit abilities help her deal damage at long range, while her Mark for Death weakens enemies.

Balance Update: Catti-brie can now cause double, triple, or higher crits if her crit chance is above 100%. At 100%-199% crit chance she will always crit, with a chance to hit for double crit damage. At 200%-299% crit chance she will always double crit, with a chance to cause 3x crit damage. These higher crits show a (xN) in their hit text, with the N being the crit multiplier that was applied. When you want to add Catti-brie to your formation, you can swap her with Minsc (Slot 7).

Year Two Variants

  • Delusions of Grandeur — Spurt and his Centipult start in the formation, taking up two slots. The Centipult launches centipedes at random enemies, enraging them and increasing their speed and damage.

  • Elves are Wild — All Elves (Elf, Eladrin, Drow) & Half-Elves in the formation have their attack speed increased. Drow enemies now have armor. Additional Eladrin spawn in each area, and they are immune to damage until after they attack.

  • Alignment Askew — Champions are all affected by different debuffs based on the formation's alignment.

Year One Variants

  • The Wolves in the Woods — Werewolves randomly spawn and attack the party, each with special abilities. Catti-brie's silver arrows deal double damage/hits to these creatures.

  • Critter Companions — Two forest critters take up slots in the formation, increasing the damage of adjacent Champions by 400% moving around every 25 areas.

  • Catti-alone — Catti-brie is the only Champion available for this mission. Her damage increases by 40% per area, stacking multiplicatively, her attack speed is greatly increased, and her Ultimate ability cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!