While the clockwork modrons themselves seem strange enough, what is more puzzling is how once every 17 cycles, they journey by the thousands on a grand tour of the cosmos. Each time they take the exact same route through the planes — except this time. This time, for reasons unknown, the Great Modron March is headed for the city of Waterdeep...
The Great Modron March 2 introduces Qillek Ad Khollar, the Aarakocra Bard & Cleric played by Tom Hazell on High Rollers, and brings back Evelyn Marthain, Human Paladin of Lathandar. Players will have until Monday, June 3rd, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT, to unlock them!

New Champion: Qillek Ad Khollar
- Qillek is timid, meek and nervous, being a comparably young character in the party and thrown into a world he doesn’t understand with no wing to fly him out of a bad situation. His charisma, wit, and superiority ripped away when flying through the Valley of the Storms, taking his left wing and arm away but introducing him to H’esper, who gave him dark visions to push him forward. Inside him is an envious amount of courage and a stable sense of logic when things get dire, which has led other party members to consider him their leader. He doesn’t agree with the idea, but he’s not ready to let his friends down.
For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Qillek dev blog!

Returning Champion: Evelyn Marthain
- Caring, motherly, and endlessly optimistic, Evelyn has adventured across the realms as part of the Waffle Crew with Strix, Diath, and Paultin for many years. She's always first in battle, thanks to her flying boots, and will always take a hit to protect others. Short, yet tough, her devotion to Lathander has seen her through many perilous situations.

Year Two Variants
- Division — Every time a Modron is killed (including bosses) it splits into two copies of a Modron one level lower on the Modron hierarchy. You must kill all the split Modrons in boss Areas.
- Machine Learning — The Modorns have decided to stop bashing their melee weapons against the Champions with no results. All melee Modrons now throw gears at Champions while at range. Champions struck by four gears are stunned for 15 seconds.
- Messenger of Hope — Qillek has a dream that his god has granted him the power to overcome The Great Modron March. Qillek begins the adventure in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions within two slots of Qillek can deal any damage.

Year One Variants
- The Neverending March — Every time a Modron is killed in non-boss areas it shuts down for five seconds and then comes back to life with full health.
- (Hu)man vs. Machine — All human Champions get a buff called "The Human Spirit" which increases their damage by 5% in each area (stacking multiplicatively).
- Charge Into Battle — Enemies move extremely fast and deal massive damage to everyone except Evelyn. Evelyn starts the adventure at level 1 and in the front slot of the formation.
See the in-game FAQ for more information!