Who is Qillek?
Qillek (KEY-lek) or Qill (Quill) to his friends joins the Champions from the High Rollers Aerois campaign. He's a 3-year-old Aarakocra who used to be a part of the Aarakocran Messenger Guild, until a visit to the Valley of Storms and an accident led to the loss of his left arm and wing. While he lost his ability to fly, he also found his god H'esper. With the divine powers granted from H'esper, Qill is able to help protect and heal the party. He may be down a wing, but he's got more than enough bravery to make up for it!Qillek is played by Tom Hazel, a member of The High Rollers D&D crew, based in the UK. The High Rollers stream each week at the High Rollers Twitch page at 5PM BST, or noon Eastern every Sunday. You can also follow thair adventures on Youtube! For more info on Qillek, the High Rollers crew, and the homebrew world of Aerois created by professional dungeon master Mark Hulmes, check out the High Rollers Aerois wiki.
Qillek's Stats
Race: Aarakocra | Class: Cleric/Bard | Alignment: Lawful Good |
STR: 12 | DEX: 15 | CON: 12 |
INT: 13 | WIS: 18 | CHA: 14 |
When you want to add Qillek to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

Basic Attack
Feather Flurry: Qillek flaps his wing as hard as he can, throwing out a flurry of ethereal purple feathers that damage the two nearest enemies.Formation Abilities
- Prayer of Healing — Every second, Qillek heals everyone in the formation who is damaged. The amount of healing is based on the distance they are from Qillek, with farther Champions being healed more. Starting at 2 slots away, the healing is increased by 25% per slot, additively. For example, he'll heal adjacent champions for the base value (starting at 8HP but increasing as you level up), but those 2 slots away will be healed for Base+(Base*.25) or 10HP/second. Those 3 slots away will be healed for Base+(Base*.5) or 12HP/second. And so on. The farther away he is from those taking damage, the more he'll heal them!
- Bless — Increases the damage of Champions adjacent to Qillek based on the number of Champions NOT adjacent to Qillek. This is another bonus that can be maximized if he's off in a corner of the back row. The damage increase starts at a 50% boost per non-adjacent Champion, additively. Additionally, the effect of Bless is increased by the total Aerois Synergy Pool (see below)
- Aerois Synergy — We're introducing a new affiliation boon for the Heroes of Aerois! There will be a pool created when either Qillek or Aila (blog updated) is in your formation and has the Aerois Synergy upgrade unlocked. The pool is noted as the Aerois Synergy Pool. Heroes of Aerois contribute to the pool based on how well they're performing in the formation, and then one or more of their abilities are buffed by a percentage of that total pool. The more Heroes of Aerois Champions you have in the formation, the higher the pool, and the higher the buffs to each Champions' ability!
You can see what the pool total is by viewing the formation buffs for each Champion once they unlock their Synergy formation ability. The details of Qillek's contributions are listed below. For him, Bless is increased by a percentage of the total Aerois Synergy Pool.


- Expanded Blessing — Take this specialization route if your DPS slot is better positioned away from him, or you have multiple DPS spots and want to maximize how much he is affecting the whole party.
- Empowered Blessing — Take this specialization route if you have a formation where there are an abundance of champions 2 spots away and you want to maximize your Bless buff for those adjacent!
Ultimate Attack
- Calm Emotions! — Qillek takes a deep breath and casts Calm Emotions, raining ethereal purple feathers down on the screen. All enemies take damage and then attack 3x less often (their attack cooldown is multiplied by 3) for 30 seconds. The boss/enemy enrage timer also fills 3x slower for 30 seconds.

Final Thoughts
Qillek is a skilled healer and support champion that should do well in formations where you don't want to waste a spot near your tank to heal! He'll get even better if you use him with Aila, a fellow Hero of Aerois.As always, feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!