For this year's festivities, the party has received an assignment from the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand — and when the Open Lord calls, you must answer...
Ahghairon's Day 2 introduces Jim Darkmagic, the most famous and powerful wizard from Acquisitions Incorporated. Players will have until Monday, August 26th, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT, to unlock Jim!

New Champion: Jim Darkmagic
- James Winifred Darkmagic III is the scion of a mysterious, multi-planar wizarding family. As an entertainer and purveyor of the 'Jim Darkmagic Experience,' the legendary mage can often be found in markets and town squares performing feats of mundane legerdemain. The renown he has earned for these feats is nearly equaled by the reputation that follows him as a Chief Arcanist (and occasional arsonist) for Acquisitions Incorporated.
For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Jim Darkmagic dev blog!

Year One Champion: Ishi Snaggletooth
- Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone that'll listen to her.

Year Two Variants
- Spelling "Bee" — Our Champions continue to struggle to spell "Ahghairon's day". Spelling Bees spawn at random, reducing the DPS of whomever kills them by 90% for 20 seconds. If that Champion kills another Spelling Bee before their debuff expires, the effect stacks and resets the cooldown back to 20 seconds.
Reach area 75. - Magical Misadventure — Only Champions whose base attacks are magical may be used.
Reach area 125. - Center of the Multiverse — Jim Darkmagic starts the adventure in the formation and cannot be moved or swapped out. Only formation slots which Jim considers to be useful to himself may be used (the columns in front of and behind him).
Reach area 175.

Year One Variants
- Memory Magic — Two slots in your formation are affected by a magical spell causing all of the bandits to fight for the Eye of Gruumsh spellcaster. These affected slots change every 15 seconds by moving to a random adjacent slot. Heroes in affected slots must concentrate on resisting the magic, so they are unable to attack and all their Formation Abilities are disabled.
Reach area 75. - Orcs Among Us — One, two, or three Powered-up Orc Fighters spawn randomly with each wave. They have triple health, do triple damage, they do not drop any gold, and they do not count toward any quest progress.
Reach area 125. - No Humans Allowed — Ishi has been shunned by humans too many times, and for once she just wants them to see how it feels! You cannot use Human Champions in this variant.
Reach area 175.
See the in-game FAQ for more information!