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April 17th, 2020
Celebrate Bush Whacker 2's 8th Anniversary! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

As some of you may know, April 18th marks the day BW2 was first released.

We sometimes run a full Anniversary event, but this year, as with other years where Easter doesn't come early, we're dialing the party back to a small developer celebration in the Commons where the Theater currently stands.

Much like the 7th anniversary, you'll be able to get cake, buy items from past anniversary celebrations from Nick, and complete Georgia's quest to get 4 new developer gnomes.

The celebration will start at 1 PM (PDT) on Friday April 17th and end at noon (PDT) on Sunday April 19th. Don't miss out!

Lastly, we'd like to thank you for being such an amazing community.
April 17th, 2020
BW2: April 17th, 2020 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Anniversary Shindig (April 17th, 2020)

- Updated the Anniversary shindig that happens in the Commons!
- New 8th anniversary cake ranch item and energy restoration item
- 4 new dev gnomes for the new employees Codename has hired since last year

- Fixed an issue where some zones, like the Commons, might get stuck loading on less powerful devices

- Updated past dev gnomes to better match the devs.

- Fixed Butterfly pet not animating when still.

- Made progress on the downloadable client.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
April 10th, 2020
BW2: Hoppy Easter Event 2020 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy Easter Bushwhackers!

The Easter Bunny is back in town to bring the friendly competition of his egg hunt! That's what Easter is all about, right? The yummy chocolate eggs!

Every 8 hours, you can compete against 4 residents of the Commons in the Easter Egg Hunt! Plus, after your first Hunt of the day, you can hide eggs to set-up for the next hunt and whack monsters to keep the fields safe for the children!

Having trouble winning? Why not use some bonuses, available from the shady character in the wizard hat in the Event Area. Boosts are available for purchase for Easter Tokens after you complete your first Egg Hunt of the event.

Help make the eggs with the three turn-in stations! With all the Unpainted Eggs, Dye and Wax, we can make some pretty egg designs!

Chef Elza will have her bevy of recipes for you to help her prepare to have an awesome Easter feast!

Speaking of Easter feasts, lambs are so very cute, aren’t they? Help Lambchop save her fellow fluffy lambs from ending up on Easter feast tables.

Grab Jelly Beans and Peeps every 20 hours for extra Easter progress and tokens! Plus, each of the turn-in station owners will have a bonus quest for you to complete, and you'll get to help the poor confused soul deal with Easter moving around.

You can help one character make a Chocolate Easter Egg, because who doesn't need more sugar? And you'll be able to make a custom hat! This year, you'll be able to get the hats for both genders for completing the quest for Hyatt the Hat Maker!

Finally, don't forget to help a bilby evict some invasive bunnies... a lot of them. It starts tomorrow, Saturday April 11th, at Noon Pacific Time to give you time to finish it.

New for 2020:
If you can complete the event, you'll earn the next Pet Piece! Collect all 2020 holiday pet pieces to craft a unique pet!

There is a new 3 part quest line that unlocks in the last week of the event! Show one of the egg hunters what comes first, the bunny or the egg?

Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

There are a total of EIGHTEEN possible achievements to earn in the Easter 2018 event.

Achievements Returning for 2020
Winner, Winner! - Win the Easter Egg Hunt. You can do it!
Greedy! - Win the Easter Egg Hunt with a perfect score.
Easter Feasting - Help the Chef prepare for the Easter feast!
Basket Weaving 101 - Complete the Easter Reeds quest 5 times.
Pro Egg Designer - Help 40 times at each of the Egg Stations.
Lambs against Lamb - Help Lambchop protest certain feast choices.
World Wide Hunter - Find 5 eggs during the World Wide Egg Hunt.
Chocolate Egg Maker - Help Edna make her own chocolate Easter eggs.
Hyatt's Hats Hustler - Help Hyatt unlock his passion for creating hats!
Bunny Invasion! - Help save the bilbies by capturing invasive bunnies during the Easter event Egg Eagle Eye - Find all 90 of the eggs during the World Wide Egg Hunt [HARD!Requires most of the Salt Desert content finished]

Added/Changed for 2020
Eggspressionism - Purchase all the 2020 Easter custom items.*

We also have 8 achievements from previous years which may be earnable by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Easter Earner - Purchase all the 2019 Easter custom items.*
Eggregious Purchases - Purchase all the 2018 Easter custom items.
Easter Item Exodus - Purchase all the 2017 Easter custom items.
Easter Decorator - Purchase all the 2016 Easter custom items.
Gone Egg Crazy - Purchase all the 2015 Easter custom items.
Easter Token Finder - Purchase all of the 2014 Easter custom items.
Eggtacular - Purchase all the 2013 Easter custom items.
That's Not Fair! - Win the Egg Hunt while dressed as the Easter Bunny (2013 customization items: Rabbit Hat, Rabbit Nose and Bunny Cape)

*The Easter mini-golf piece is not included in the Easter Earner achievement.

New 2020 Pet Packs:

COMING SOON! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!

The event will run until Friday April 24th 2020 @ 12pm PDT.

Plan your attack for finding all the Easter eggs here!


How do I participate in the Easter Egg Hunt?
Talk to the NPC under the Easter Egg Hunt banner to be teleported to the hunting zone.

What do I do in the Easter Egg Hunt zone?
Click on all the crates, barrels, rocks and bushes trying to find as many eggs as you can. There are only 20 eggs hidden in all the doodads.

How do I get a perfect score in the Easter Egg Hunt?
You need to collect all 20 eggs - basically not letting any of the other hunters find any.

I’m too slow at the Hunt. How can I be better?
The NPC with the wizard hat in the event area of the Commons sells boosts for Easter Tokens. Speed up your character and distract the other hunters with his wares. Also, travel in a circle, starting in the area closest to where everyone else is being distracted. And don't click on the searchable items themselves, click beside them. Clicking on the item causes you to walk slower.

When will the last quest unlock?
All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

What contributes to my 100% progress?
Turning in the Unpainted Eggs, the Dye and the Wax as well as completing the Easter Egg Hunt and the quests for the folks in the event area.

Why do I want to ask friends for help?
It increases the amount of progress you get from doing a turn-in.

Do I have to do the achievements?
No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

Where can I see the achievements available and how to get them?
Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

When can I do the World Wide Easter Egg Hunt?
The World Wide Easter Egg Hunt starts on Good Friday - April 17th - and lasts for the rest of the event.

Where do I find World Wide Easter Egg Hunt Eggs?
Once the hunt has started, you can find eggs by clicking them in many of the zones in the world. Eggs are hidden behind rocks and trees and in tricky to access locations in normal zones, secret areas, and adventure zones all over the world. Not every area has an egg hidden in it. There are 90 eggs hidden throughout the world in total, but you'll need to be done most of the content in the game to find them all.
April 10th, 2020
BW2: April 10th, 2020 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Easter Event (April 10th, 2020)

- Updated Easter Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Moved worldwide hunt eggs around.
- Can ask the World Wide Egg Hunt NPC “What locations have I found eggs at?” to get a list of the area names you’ve found eggs at.
- Added new 3 part quest line that unlocks in the last week of the event
- Added 3 new pets available from April 17th to 20th
- Added Skvader Mount promo from April 10th to 13th (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)
- Added Eclipse and Easter Skvader mounts in standard mount packs from March 10th to 13th

- Made progress on the downloadable client.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
April 3rd, 2020
BW2: Coppers of the Creature Collector Mini Event - Pegasi! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Coppers of the Creature Collector

The eccentric Creature Collector has returned to the Commons, this time with a trio of unique pegasi!

Head to the event area and choose one to train. You have until noon on Wednesday April 8th to complete the collector's four daily quests, level up your chosen creature, earn Creature Coppers to spend in their store, and get another page to your Creature Collector's Compendium!

The Compendium Page will be given after the event ends at noon on Wednesday April 8th. If you don't have the Creature Collector's Compendium ranch item, you'll get it when you get your first page.

After the event, the collector will be taking their creature back unless you adopt it by purchasing its corresponding pet pack, available starting Monday April 6th.

Train hard, Bush Whackers!

Note: The VIP "Quest Reset" power does not reset these mini event quests, and they are not affected by the Time Turner and Timey Whimey Watch.

Ye Olde Creature Collector's Galleria - Pets

When you speak to Tanela Tiva in the event area, you can select the "What past mounts are for sale?" chat option.

This will open a new store, which will contain 3 non-event premium mounts you have never owned! They cost Bush Bucks, like in event stores. The selection will change next time Tanela Tiva visits to event area.

We've done this in response to players asking to see old premium pets they've missed out on, to help you fill out your pet collection. Snag those old-school pets you're missing out on!
April 3rd, 2020
BW2: April 3rd, 2020 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Coppers of the Creature Collector - Pegasi (April 3rd, 2020)

- Updated the Coppers of the Creature Collector mini event
- NPC visiting in Event Area
- Choose one of three pegasi pets and level it up
- Earn Creature Coppers from pet levels and daily quests to spend in unique store
- Have until noon on Wed April 8th to level up and complete quests.
- 3 pet unowned premium pets available in the NPCs store

- Updated the tooltip on the Fullscreen option to indicate the hotkey for it. It now reads “Fullscreen (Shortcut: F)”.

- Ordered the DNA currencies in the Extensive Animal Emporium store by increasing value.

- Made progress on the downloadable client.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!