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July 30th, 2020
COTLI: Fifth Anniversary Bash Giveaway! 

It's our fifth anniversary this week! Crusaders of the Lost Idols is turning five (!!!) years old. It is totally time to do another Anniversary Bash Giveaway!

We'll be giving away seven days of rewards to our players in the form of codes from our Facebook, Twitter, and Newsletter with a special BONUS reward for players who redeem all seven codes! Amazing!

Day One — Challenge!

Starting Thursday, July 30th, we'll be giving away some special goodies to Crusaders of the Lost Idols players, starting with sharing a Special Anniversary Newsletter!

Day Two — More Gold

On Friday, July 31st, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Three — MORE POWER!

On Saturday, August 1st, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

Day Four — EPIC!

On Sunday, August 2nd we will be sharing a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Five — More Jewels!

On Monday, August 3rd, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

Day Six — YAY!

On Tuesday, August 4th, we will be sharing a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Seven — New Outfit!

Finally, on Wednesday, August 5th, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

BONUS — Buff those Idols!

If you find and redeem all seven codes, you'll gain a seven day buff!


Here's the list of all the codes for you to redeem, if you haven't yet!
  • FIFT-HANN-IVER-SARY expires August 13th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • FIVE-TIME-STHE-GOLD expires August 14th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • NINE-TIME-STHE-DPS! expires August 15th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • NATE-S3RD-GOLD-EPIC expires August 16th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • 5THT-AKES-THEC-AKE! expires August 17th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • MANY-HAPP-YRET-URNS expires August 18th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

  • ANEW-BUSH-WHAC-KER! expires August 19th at 23:59 Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

Happy anniversary!
July 29th, 2020
Idle Champions: Descent into Avernus, Part 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Champions and Lulu find themselves at Fort Knucklebone with some new allies. They set off in a warmachine to find the Sword of Zariel and encounter some interesting folks along the way.

Traveling the wastelands of Avernus is never a simple or smooth journey.

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Descent into Avernus Adventures, Into the Fire and Dreamscape, in order to access these new Adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

The Path of Dreams

The Champions and their new allies catch a sweet ride to Harumann's Hill, but the journey through the wastelands of Avernus is neither uneventful nor easy...
  • Variant: The Path of Redcaps — Redcaps from Fort Knucklebone arrives to hamper your progress. Redcaps appear in each area with increased damage. Redcaps track the number of enemies destroyed. For each enemy destroyed during this adventure, the damage of all Redcaps is increased by 10% (additive).
    Reach area 350.

The Lost Hollyphant

The Champions find themself alone on Avernus and launch a rescue party for their kidnapped ally!
  • Variant: Zapper Overload — The Demon Zapper is overcharged and overloading! Only Champions with STR of 13 or higher can be used. In areas 1-40, the demon zapper is no longer targeting fiends, it's targeting interlopers that are in Avernus! Every 10 seconds, one member of the formation is zapped by the demon zapper offscreen. In addition to taking damage from the zap, Champion zapped have one of the following random effects happen to them:
    • Teleport: The Champion is removed from the formation and you are unable to use them until you change areas.
    • Sear:The Champion takes 50% more damage from the beam for each Champion adjacent to them.
    • Enfeeble:The Champion's damage drops to 0 for the next 30 seconds.
  • Reach area 375.

See the in-game Change Log for more information, including a full list of changes and fixes included in this update.
July 28th, 2020
Idle Champions: Summer Spectacular 2020 
Posted in Idle Champions.

New Features, Content Update, and Daily Rewards, oh my! It's time for our Summer Spectacular!

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with this week's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular

Summer Spectacular

We've been working behind the scenes on Multi-Party Mode and Modron Automation for a while! With the Beta of Modron Automation on almost all platforms as of today, we wanted to have a celebration as more folks get their eyes on our latest system! We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to incorporating more of your feedback in the coming builds.
To our players on Switch: We hope to have Modron Automation Beta available on Switch in August. When we unlock it, all players will receive the exclusive Modron Component listed in the rewards below.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Summer Spectacular you can log in and open a new Summer chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

Once you have claimed at least four daily Summer chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!

  • Exclusive Pirate Calliope Skin
  • Exclusive Epic Modron Component
  • 5 Gold Chests

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Updates

New Features

Today's update brings an exciting new feature to Idle Champions to more platforms; Multi-Party Mode and Modron Automation Beta! We've been enjoying and implementing your feedback during the initial Beta period and we're expanding it out to more platforms! We're really excited to see how this shakes up the meta. We've been having so much fun in the office creating multiple parties.

In case that wasn't enough stuff to get you excited, this week's update also includes the addition of three new gem familiars, a new Champion skin in each patron's shop, and some new DLC. More on those below!

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Multi-Part Mode

Multi-Party Mode

Multi-Party Mode is a system by which players can run multiple formations on multiple adventures at the same time, using a unique set of Champions and familiars on each one. You can unlock additional party slots in order to start using multiple parties at the same time, and catch up on variants or progress through the Patron Challenges faster!

To unlock an additional party, tap the Multi-Party icon from the map screen while not actively running an adventure, and complete the requirements. To unlock your first party you must have two champions in each bench slot and complete the adventure Split the Party. Unlocking more party slots will require you to complete variants of Split the Party, as they become available.

Each party progresses through its given adventure simultaneously. No two parties will be able to run the same base adventure or variant, but they can be running the same free play at the same time if you wish. Different parties can adventure under the banner of different patrons at the same time. We're excited to see how this shakes up the meta of certain dominant Champions and their bench slots.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Modron Automation

Modron Automation

Modron Automation is a system through which you can do two things: automate certain tasks in the game for one of your adventuring parties and provide additional buffs to that party. Your first modron core is unlocked when you unlock your first additional adventuring party, and one additional core can be purchased for gems, for now.

A Quick Primer on Modron Automation:

To begin, assign a Modron Core to an adventuring party. Next, use components you find in Modron Component Chests to route Psychomorphic Energy from the Energy Generator into the Modron Automation Component (to unlock automating the party) and Modron Core Outputs (to buff the party). While the automation tile does not require a specific amount of power, using certain components to increase the power of the flow can provide larger buffs from the Modron Core Outputs.

    How do I enable the Automation Setup?

    In order to enable the "Setup Automation" button, you must route the Psychomorphic Energy from the Energy Generator to the Modron Automation Component using components you find in Modron Component Chests.

    What can be automated?

    You can currently automate three things:

    • Formation loading When enabled your Modron Core will automatically load a specific saved formation when you begin an adventure with the adventuring party it is assigned to. The saved formation chosen depends on the requirements of the adventure you start. Different saved formations can be chosen by using the selector at the bottom of the automation dialog.

    • Automatic resets When enabled your Modron Core will automatically reset and restart your adventure when you complete a chosen area. This only functions when you are on a free play adventure and for event free plays, it will only trigger if you have enough event currency to start the free play again. When combined with formation loading this can automate farming of gems, patron currencies, challenges, and more.

    • Automatic buffs When enabled, your Modron Core will automatically use certain potions upon reaching certain areas. This can allow you to increase the efficiency of your automatic runs, provided you have enough potions available.

    How do I get more Modron Components?

    You can get Modron Components from Modron Component Chests. Chests are awarded when you unlock a Modron Core or level up a Modron Core, and may also be purchased for Patron Currency in the Patron Shop.

    How do I upgrade components?

    Modron Components can be upgraded to the next rarity level by using Modron Component Pieces. You get pieces by breaking down components you don't want to keep. It takes more pieces to upgrade higher rarity components, but you also get more pieces for breaking down higher rarity components.

    How do I get more Modron Cores?

    An additional Modron Core is available for purchase on the Current Parties dialog by clicking the "Buy Additional Cores" button at the bottom. More cores will be added in the future.

    How do I unlock more areas in my Modron Core Grid?

    Modron Cores gain one xp every time the party they are assigned to completes an area. When they level up you get a Modron Component Chest and unlock a new region of the grid with new spaces and outputs and explore.

    My Modron is Overheating! How do I prevent that?

    Modron Cores will overheat if there is an infinite loop in your component layout. To avoid this, look for areas of red flow and rearrange your components so that the flow does not flow back into itself. While a Modron Core is overheating none of the outputs or automation tasks will function.

    Why did my Modron Core stop automating after a week when I left it for two weeks?

    Modron Cores can only automate for seven days before they need to be checked in on to refill their psychomorphic energy reserves. To prevent your Modron Core from pausing its automation, simply open up the core dialog once every seven days.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Gem Familiars

New Gem Familiars

New Familiars have appeared in the Shop! We've added three new Familiars to the shop: Raven, Quasit, and Zorbo Familiars. We also adjusted the cost of our Mage Hand Familiar, which will now cost 250 gems. Players who have bought this familiar previously have been refunded 750 gems.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular New Patron Skins

New Patron Skins

Champions who find themselves in service of Mirt the Moneylender will have access to the Cyran Knight Warden Skin, those in the service of Vajra Safar may access the Baldur's Gate inspired Champion Jaheira Skin and those in the service of Strahd von Zarovich will have access the Silver Dragon Krond Skin through the Patron Shop.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular New DLC

New DLC Packs

Two new DLC Packs are now available!

The Valkyrie Aila Skin & Feat Pack unlocks the Valkyrie Aila Skin, the ‘Storm Warden’ Epic Feat, and 7 Gold Aila Chests. It will also unlock the Aila Champion if you don't already have her.

The Fluffy the Beholder Familiar Pack will unlock the Fluffy the Beholder Familiar, an assortment of Epic potions, and a Potion of Polish.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Descent into Avernus, Part 5

Descent into Avernus, Part 5

This week's content update brings Descent into Avernus, Part 5. Traveling the wastelands of Avernus is never a simple or smooth journey, and the Champions find themselves without a guide. Check out the full Descent into Avernus, Part 5 blog post for details about the new adventures and variants.

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

July 23rd, 2020
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5! 

You've been home long enough - it's time for another expedition into the great outdoors! Pack your bags, gather your supplies, and venture out into the wild beyond as we embark on Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5!

This year's event runs until Tuesday, August 4th at 12PM PDT, introducing Koivu the Dryad and bringing back Langley, the Conductor, Rosie the Rocklechaun, Beary McBearFace, Penny the Park Planner, Ranger Rayna, and Littlefoot!

New Tier 5 Crusader: Koivu the Dryad

Tags: event, supernatural, flora, male, magic, support, good

Koivu the Dryad is heading out into the world, ready to start a new adventure for a new chapter in his life, having transitioned to a male form after long and thorough self-reflection. He's excited to make new friends with the other Crusaders and he's willing to lend his magic, and his squirrel friend, to help out while they're exploring what all the worlds have to offer.

New Tier 5 Objectives

  • Recruit Koivu the Dryad | Koivu the Dryad takes up a slot in the formation. Flora Crusaders receive a buff. Non-Flora Crusaders receive a debuff.
    Reach area 400.

  • Creatures in the Night | Dangerous monsters appear from the night. These special monsters are invulnerable unless targeted by Imani's Marked for Death ability. Areas are shrouded in darkness.
    Reach area 450.

  • Supernatural Delight | Only Base 20 Crusaders and the Tier 1 Event Supernatural Crusaders can be used.
    Reach area 475.

  • Fauna Exploring Flora | Only Animal Crusaders can be used in this reworked formation.
    Reach area 500.

  • Campfire RPG | Every boss is a twenty-sided die: the boss is randomly either a 1, 10 or 20. If it's a 1, its weaker than normal, if it's 10 then it's normal health, if it's a 20, it's stronger than normal.
    Reach area 525.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

What About Older Event Crusaders?

Previously-available Littlefoot's Big Adventure Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders are once again available to unlock as part of Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5. For more information about those Crusaders, check out our Event Blogs from previous years:

Players will have until Tuesday, August 4th at 12:00PM PDT to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5.
July 17th, 2020
BW2: Summer Carnival Event 2020 Edition 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Carnival Event 2020

The Carnival has returned to town! Get ready to play some games, help some Bushwhackian residents and win carnival tokens which you can exchange for cool prizes at the Carnival Event Vendor!

The Carnival Games

A staple of any summer carnival or fair, are those devilish carnival games. There are four different games which will unlock over the course of the event and they include "Balloon Popper," "Whack-A-Mole," "Baseball Throw," and "Duck Shoot." Don't worry, there's no skill involved with these games, you play them automatically when you interact with them.

- It costs 4 carnival tickets to play each game, and you can whack those tickets out of the bushes, or purchase them from Timmy in the Event area for Bush Bucks (30 Salvaged Tickets for 30 Bush Bucks)

- You receive Carnival Tokens based on how well you do. Now, we're not saying they're rigged in the Carnival's favour or anything, but you'll definitely want to ask your friends to help you rig these games to help you!

To get started, the Balloon Popper game is unlocked! As well, it seems William needs your help to satisfy his sweet-tooth!

A Teleporter to Somewhere...

The Pandaclaw was wandering around here the teleporter and complete all the quests and get your very own!

The Dunk Tank

The dunk tank returns! Can you dunk all 8 helpless Bushwhackian residents? NPCs you haven't dunked yet will have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads, to let you know you still need to send them plunging into the icy waters of the tank! It'll help them all cool off. Plus, the tank is always in need of cleaning, so try to keep up with Katherine's daily Dunk Tank Cleaning quests!

Clowning Around

Peat Bog, Pete the Carney's brother has some tasks for you to help him put on a show!

Testing Your Power

And how are your Power collection skills? Are you strong enough to win all the bonus prizes? There are 7 strength settings to beat, unlocking as the event goes on as Strong-Whacker Sabine continuously tries to increase the difficulty of her Strong-Whacker Strength Machine Game.

New for 2020

If you can complete the event with 100%, you'll earn the Carnival Pet Piece! Collect all 2020 holiday pet pieces to craft a unique pet!

Once you complete the teleporter quest line and capture a Pandaclaw, Taban the Teleporter Engineer will offer to transmogrify your Pandaclaw companions, changing their appearance, with science! There are now three Pandaclaw skins to choose from, each yielding a type of pet DNA.

Event Achievements- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are up to TWENTY possible achievements that can be picked up during the Summer Carnival 2020 event, depending on your game history.

Achievements Returning in 2020:
Step Right Up - Win a Prize Token gaming at the Carnival!
We have a Winner - Win 8 Prize Tokens at once at the Carnival.
Carnival Ace - Win 8 Prize Tokens at all 4 Carnival Games.
Gotta Try 'Em All! - Play all four games offered at the Carnival!
Big Time Bonus Buyer - Purchase 10 Bonus Prize Packs from the Carnival!
Sweet Tooth - Help William satisfy his Sweet Tooth. Or not.
Nostalgic Whacker - Repair the teleporter and fulfill your duty…
Dunk-a-Thon! - Dunk all eight unique Carnival Event dunk-ees!
Scuba Dunk - Dunk yourself while wearing a hefty diving helmet. (Helmet is found from fishing in the Windy Crest fishing hole.)
Daredevil Darer - Make Peat Bog risk his life for entertainment 5 extra times. Dunking Devs! - Dunk the four developer Carnival Event dunk-ees!

Added/Changed for 2020
Material Menagerie - Purchase all the 2020 Carnival Event items.*

* The Bottle Stack Mini Golf Piece is NOT included in the Material Menagerie achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

We have 9 achievements from previous years, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

Carnival Customization - Buy all 6 player items from the 2012 Carnival
Party at My Place - Buy all 6 house items from the 2012 Carnival!
Carnival Collector - Purchase all of the 2013 Carnival event items.
Carnival Connoisseur - Buy all the 2014 Carnival event items.
Carni-Value! - Purchase all the 2015 Carnival Event items.
Carnival Compulsion - Purchase all the 2016 Carnival Event items.
Cashed Carnival - Purchase all the 2017 Carnival Event items.
Prized Prizes - Purchase all the 2018 Carnival Event items.
Prize Proprietor - Purchase all the 2019 Carnival Event items.

New 2020 Mounts!

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from July 17th to July 20th!

The Circus Zebra mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Neon Zebra and Metal Zebra are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

New 2020 Pet Packs (Coming Soon!)

Post your celebration plans on the forums!

The event will run until Friday July 31st at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will the last quest unlock?
    All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

  • Where can I buy Last Year's items?
    There are two vendors. The one in the tent has this year's items. The other is the one with the party hat and will have all previous year items for Bush Bucks.

  • What contributes to my 100% progress?
    You need 200 plays of any combo of the games to get 100%. Just whack up tickets to play the games, and turn in quests to get tickets as well.

  • Why do I want to ask friends for help?
    It helps you rig the game and improve your chances of getting 8 tokens.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

  • Where can I see progress on the Dunking Achievement?
    Click on the inventory icon and then click on the Achievements list (gold star). Look for the ones listed above in that list.

July 17th, 2020
BW2: July 17th, 2020 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Carnival Event (July 17th, 2020)

- Updated Summer Carnival Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added new Pandaclaw transmorgification
- Added something to the Bushy Woods zone...
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- Added Circus Zebra mount in Bush Bucks sale, and two Zebra mount packs, available the first weekend of the event

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
July 15th, 2020
Idle Champions: Midsummer 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's the day before Shieldmeet and the Open Lord of Waterdeep has gone missing. Nobody has seen Laeral Silverhand in days and it is imperative that she be found before the meeting with the Masked Lords begins.

At the behest of the Blackstaff, the Champions are sent to discover what happened...

Midsummer 3 introduces Beadle & Grimm, the purveyors of the Pandemonium Warehouse and owners of the Giant's Bane Tavern, brings back the speedy hero of Baldur's Gate, Shandie Freefoot, and the street rogue, Xander Cesso. Players have until Monday, July 27th at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

Dungeons & Dragons Beadle Grimm Pandemonium Warehouse Matthew Lillard

Year 3 Champion: Beadle & Grimm

    Beadle and Grimm have been best friends & adventuring partners their entire lives. Together, they have faced the most dangerous foes their realm had to offer and built a respite alongside the frozen north's harsh realities: The Giant's Bane Tavern.

Beadle & Grimm are Support and DPS Champions able to swap places in the formation on demand. The longer that one is in the formation, the more powerful the other becomes when swapped in. When you want to add Beadle & Grimm to your formation, you can swap them with Delina (Slot 8).

For more information about Beadle & Grimm, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Beadle & Grimm dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Shandie Freefoot Baldur's Gate Jim Zub

Year 2 Champion: Shandie Freefoot

    Shandie grew up on the rough streets of the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. She quickly learned that if she wanted to survive, she needed to be fast on her feet and even faster with her wit and weaponry. The first time Shandie saw a bowmaster gracefully launch an arrow into a bull's-eye, she knew she had to master archery. With years of practice under her belt, any opponents underestimating this stealthy halfling will soon realize how dangerous she is as a volley of arrows bear down on them unexpectedly from shadowy corners.
Shandie is an agile Support Champion. Her Dash ability can increase formation speed, while Explosive Arrows and Agile Allies offer potent formation buffs. When you want to add Shandie to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Shandie Freefoot dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons

Year 1 Champion: Xander Cesso

    Fascinated by magic at a young age when he lived in an orphanage, but lacking any ability or proficiency, Xander is not terribly good at much of anything, though something about his adorable clumsiness and childlike wonder anytime magic is being used nearby has been known to inspire those around him. Until recently, he was living on the streets of Waterdeep, scraping together just enough to survive. Now, he is a faithful member of your party, always ready to leap into the fray, even if he doesn't really seem to be able to hit much of anything.
Xander is a Support Champion. His Lucky Shot ability has a chance to double quest progress, and his Streetwise ability increases the damage of Champions behind him. When you want to add Xander to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

Year Three Variants

  • Arvaiss' Next Trap - Every area, a collection of magical monsters attempt to thwart your progress. Once they spawn, their effects are active until they are destroyed.
    • Young Red Dragons(Armored) - No other monsters can be damaged until all the Young Red Dragons on-screen are destroyed.
    • Fire Snake - The base attack cooldown for each Champion is increased by 1 second while this enemy is alive.
    • Giant Fire Beetle - While this enemy is alive, all enemies are increased in size by 20%, deal 300% more damage and move at 100% increased speed.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Showoffs - Beadle & Grimm are ready to show the Champions how they do things in the frozen north! Beadle starts unlocked and in the formation. They can be moved. Champions can only be used if they meet one or more of the following requirements:
    • Strength 18 or higher
    • Dexterity 17 or higher
    • Intelligence 16 or higher.

    Reach Area 125.

  • A Contest, You Say? - Beadle & Grimm have started some infighting on which method of attacking is best. It's time to answer the question, but the enemies are not going to make it easy on you!
    • Enemies have 300% more hit points.
    • Enemies attack twice as often.
    • When an enemy is killed by a type of Base Attack (Melee, Ranged, or Magic) the Champions with the same Base Attack type have their damage decreased by 2% while Champions with the other Base Attack types have their damage increased by 1%.

    Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Dreams of Grandeur — Jenks really wants to meet Vajra Blackstaff. From Area 12 onward, Jenks takes up a slot in your formation.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Stay Back — Only Champions that attack with ranged or magic-based attacks can be used.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Haunted Past — Only Neutral, Evil, or Champions with a Dexterity (DEX) score of 15 or higher can be used. Shandie beings the adventure in your formation and cannot be swapped out, moved, or removed. Strahd Vampires that can only be damaged by Shandie randomly spawn in non-boss Areas. Luckily, Shandie will prioritize Strahd Vampires over all others and attack twice as frequently when they are present.
    Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants

  • Waterdeep Escort — The Waterdeep City Watch Officer insists that he accompany you on your adventure. He fills one slot in the formation, and if he is killed, your DPS goes down by 33% every 10 seconds.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Drow Deception — The Drow said they were looking for a wizard, but the Champions seem like a more interesting quarry to chase! A Stealthy Drow Pickpocket appears on every level, and if they reach the formation, you fail the area and have to head back to the previous level.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Commander Xander — Xander takes the lead as his childhood wishes of becoming a Hero have come true! Champions not adjacent to Xander have a 50% chance to miss whenever they attack (Xander isn't great at command). Those that are adjacent to Xander attack normally. He does enough missing for everyone.
    Reach Area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

July 14th, 2020
BW2: July 13th, 2020 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Adding Friends on Amicus (July 13th, 2020)

- Added a way to add friends on Amicus! When you click another player on Amicus, a new button will appear next to the mini golf button. Clicking it will send a friend invite request to that player! These requests function like normal friend invite requests, however, the receiving player will see it’s a request from amicus, and will have the option to block the player from sending them more friend invite requests from amicus. This feature is intended to simplify the process of making BW2 friends, as it means they don’t have to be friends on the platform with you first! This can help bypass troublesome platform requirements, like Facebook account permissions.

- Enabled account migration from Facebook to Codename Games. NOTE: DJArts Tokens will not carry over to your Codename Games account, so be sure to spend them before migrating.

- Fixed Level 0 friends showing on friends list for some users. (as of July 3rd)

- The Friend List Dialog now ignores the upper/lower case of letters in names when sorting by Name, so the list will no longer be split into upper and lower case groupings when sorting by Name. (as of July 9th)

- Fixed a potential case where you cannot add new friends, but you don’t appear to have the max number of friends.

- Fixed issues with helpers displayed on crop UI

- Added list of helpers on crop mouse-over so can be seen when it’s ready for harvest.

- Fixed some Facebook players being unable to login to the DJArts Rewards page (as of July 7th)

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
July 13th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Beadle & Grimm 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for the latest Champion Spotlight or should we say Spotlights? It's two-in-one with Beadle & Grimm making their debut in Midsummer 3!

Read on to find out how this dynamic duo swaps in and out to tag team crush their enemies...

I. Beadle & Grimm

Dungeons & Dragons Beadle & Grimm

    Beadle and Grimm have been best friends & adventuring partners their entire lives. Together, they have faced the most dangerous foes their realm had to offer and built a respite alongside the frozen north's harsh realities: The Giant's Bane Tavern.

Beadle & Grimm are Support and DPS Champions able to swap places in the formation on demand. The longer that one is in the formation, the more powerful the other becomes when swapped in. When you want to add Beadle & Grimm to your formation, you can swap them with Delina (Slot 8).

II. Beadle & Grimm's Stats


Race: Dwarf Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Rogue/Wizard Gender: Male
Age: 91 Affiliation: none

STR: 13 DEX: 17 CON: 12
INT: 16 WIS: 10 CHA: 8

Role: Support, Gold


Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Barbarian Gender: Male
Age: 26 Affiliation: none

STR: 18 DEX: 12 CON: 16
INT: 12 WIS: 9 CHA: 14

Role: DPS, Support

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich. Read on to understand how!

Dungeons & Dragons Beadle and Grimm

III. Beadle & Grimm's Design

We were elated to collaborate with Matthew Lillard and Bill Rehor on bringing Beadle and Grimm to Idle Champions. We've interacted with the crew from Beadle & Grimm's at multiple D&D events, and we fell in love with the story that their company was named after their home group's D&D Characters!

When we reached out to them to discuss their characters a bit more, we learned about many of their past exploits, including the tavern they created together: The Giant's Bane Tavern. At some point during the discussion, we decided to challenge ourselves with the design of this pair: what would it mean to have a tag-team set of Champions in one Champion slot?

We started with the idea that their shared Ultimate Attack, Tag Team, would swap Beadle for Grimm and vice versa. That ability (and its name), gave us a north star to look to during design. In every aspect of their character (where possible), they are working together.

Beadle & Grimm have all the advantages of two sets of stats and alignments, but none of the disadvantages, which is why their Inseparable ability allows both of them to be eligible for an adventure, variant, or Patron even if only one of them qualifies!

We are very excited to see what opportunities this opens up for players...

IV. Beadle & Grimm's Abilities

Basic Attack

Their normal attack changes based on who is currently in play.
  • Magic Wand (Beadle) — Beadle bonks a random enemy with a wand (dealing half damage). This unleashes two magic missiles that fly out and hit two other random enemies for full damage.
  • Giant's Bane (Grimm) — Grimm cleaves through the nearest enemies with his two enormous greatswords.

Formation Abilities

  • Get Buff — Beadle and Grimm increase the damage of themselves or the Champions around them.
    • Beadle Increase the damage of Champions within 2 slots of himself by 100%.
    • Grimm Increase the damage of Grimm by 100% for each Barbarian in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Special Order — Beadle and Grimm provide a utility to help the party.
    • Beadle Whenever Beadle damages an enemy that is not at full health, that enemy will drop 25% more gold when it is killed. Does not stack.
    • Grimm Enemies damaged by Grimm take 25% more damage until they are killed (except from ultimates). Can stack additively up to 10 times on a single enemy.
  • Long Rest — While Beadle is active, Grimm's buff increases by 1 stack every 10 seconds. While Grimm is active, Beadle's buff increases by 1 stack every 10 seconds. When a Champion swaps out using their Tag Team ultimate, their stacks are reset, and while they're in-play their stacks reduce by 1 every 10 seconds. Stacks are additive.
    • Beadle — Increase the effect of Beadle's Get Buff by 10% per stack.
    • Grimm — Increase the effect of Grimm's Special Order by 10% per stack.
  • Inseparable — Beadle and Grimm are so inseparable that if either one qualifies for an adventure restriction based on their tags, ages, ability scores, then both can be used.

Beadle's Specializations

  • As Quick As Me — Increase the effect of Beadle's Get Buff by 100% for each Champion with a DEX score of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and then applying to Get Buff multiplicatively
  • As Clever As Me — Increase the effect of Beadle's Get Buff by 100% for each Champion with an INT score of 16 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and then applying to Get Buff multiplicatively.

Grimm's Specializations

  • Chip Away — Increases the effect of Grimm's Special Order by 100% (up to 50% per stack)
  • Strongman Contest — Grimm's Get Buff now also adds a stack for any Champion with a STR score of 18 or higher.

Ultimate Ability

  • Tag Team — Their ultimate attack changes based on who is currently in-play.
    • Beadle — Grimm leaps into the fray, smashing a random enemy and all nearby enemies before leaping back into the formation while Beadle teleports into the shadows to recover.
    • Grimm — Beadle teleports into the center of the battle and explodes with arcane magic, damaging and stunning all enemies. He then slips quietly back into the formation as Beadle leaps away for a brief rest.

V. Beadle & Grimm's Equipment

Slot 1: Self DPS buff
Slot 2: Global DPS buff
Slot 3: Get Buff buff
Slot 4: Special Order buff
Slot 5: Long Rest buff
Slot 6: Ultimate Damage buff

VI. Conclusion

What do you think about Beadle & Grimm? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
July 8th, 2020
Idle Champions: Descent into Avernus, Part 4 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Champions have unlocked enough of Lulu's memories to know that they must leave Elturel and travel to Fort Knucklebone.

First the Champions must figure out how to get out of Elutrel with their lives intact, not an easy feat. Once down and fought clear of the blood war, the wastelands of Avernus and their warmachines are still treacherous at best...

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Descent into Avernus Adventures, Eltruel has Fallen and Resolve Amongst Chaos, in order to access these new Adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Into the Fire

We're in the depths of the High Hall in Elturel. Hell is all around us, and we need to find our way out and travel through the wasteland to Fort Knucklebone...
  • Variant: A Difficult Descent — Getting out of Elturel requires Strength and Dexterity. Only Champions with DEX and STR of 13 or higher can be used.
    Reach area 300.


Arriving at Fort Knucklebone, we learn the ways of Avernus before starting our dream quest with Mad Maggie.
  • Variant: Dream Gauntlet — Healing is harder in Hell. Only Neutral or Good Champions may be used. Champions do not heal to full nor are they revived when advancing areas. The only way to revive or heal defeated Champions is to go back one or more areas. If you go back one or more areas in your two highest unlocked areas, enemy damage is increased by 25% stacking multiplicatively.
    Reach area 325.

See the in-game Change Log for more information, including a full list of changes and fixes included in this update.