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December 16th, 2020
COTLI: More Tier 7 Talents Update! 

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth - strike that, reverse it. All I want for Christmas is some more Talents!

And that's what this update brings: 8 new Talents to start leveling up!

New Tier 7 Talent Additions

These talents require clearing area 2700 to unlock.

4 New Active Talents

  • Flush With Materials - Increase the amount of materials earned from completing the crafting material missions, excluding the legendary catalyst missions. Max levels: 100.

  • Formation Full Up - Increases Gold Find bonus when the formation is full. Max levels: 50.

  • Must Be Magic - Increases the Global DPS while the Alchemy ability is active. Max levels: 200.

  • Front Line Fire - Increases the DPS of the Crusaders in the front column of the formation. Max levels: 200.

1 New Passive Talent

  • Dressing for Success - Increases the DPS of all Crusaders for each Skin owned, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 50.

2 New Utility Talents

  • Trinket Hoarder - Increases the DPS of all Crusaders for every 20 sets of unique Epic Trinkets owned, up to 3000 sets. Max levels: 500.

  • Bounty of Idols - Increases all Idols earned (before Bonus Idols are applied) for every slot on the bench for which you own at least one Crusader. Max levels: 200.

Additional New Talent

New Tier 8 Talent

This talent requires clearing area 3000 to unlock.

  • Hustle Master - Increases your maximum Sprint area. Max levels: 30.
    Note: If you purchase all levels of all the Sprint talents and complete From the Ashes, then you can now sprint to area 5000.

December 16th, 2020
COTLI: The Nate Before Christmas 6! 

    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how angry are thy branches...!
    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how much you embody the rage of nature and bring the wrath of the elements down upon us all!

Once again The Nate Before Christmas blesses our doors, and this year we are visited by a princess of snow: Odile, Snowflake Defender!

The Nate Before Christmas 6 runs until Tuesday, December 29th at 12PM PST, introducing Odile, Snowflake Defender and bringing back Frosty the Snowman, RoboSanta, The Dark Helper, RoboRudolph, Xander the Xmas Dragon, Wrena the Fair and Kris, the Enraged Elemental!

New Tier 6 Crusader: Odile, Snowflake Defender

Tags: Event, Magical, Female, Healer, Supernatural, Gold, Good

In the Realm of Berwin, Odile was the first-born daughter of Queen Odessa and King Ambros. The Realm of Berwin, also known as the Domain of Winter, was one of the four realms dedicated to fighting the dark spirits of the otherrealm and protecting the spirits of the seasons. Not only were the royal family of Berwin already strong ice magic users, but when Odile was born, the Spirit of Winter itself appeared and bestowed some of its magic upon her.

As she grew up, Odile began training in secret with her mother, but it soon became apparent that her powers were much stronger than Odessa's, even in one so young. Whispers of Odile's power made their way to the otherrealm where the Spirit of Destruction, Glut, had been resting for many years. Glut sent minions out to investigate the rumours surrounding Odile. One small shadow spirit succeeded and brought the news to its master.

Glut attacked the realm of Berwin, laying waste to the area as he made his way to capture Odile, bringing an air of blight to the once pristine world. Odessa and Ambros managed to hold off the first wave of dark spirits, but Glut had grown in power in its time away. To buy some time and save their people, the royals decided to send Odile away, wiping her memory and transporting her to Earth. Craving the power within, Glut abandoned its siege and followed Odile's trail through the realms though it would take time to find her.

Odile, now living with her new glamoured family as Odette, continued to grow up and lead a normal, mundane life. But Glut's minions eventually stumbled into the right realm and found the missing princess, causing the Spirit of Winter to break the seal her parents had placed. Odile remembered her powers, her family, and with her memories regained, she stepped into her role of Snowflake Defender, ready to help the Crusaders on their quest.

New Tier 6 Objectives

  • Recruit Odile, Snowflake Defender |Odile takes up a slot in the formation. Frosty the Snowman and RoboSanta take up spots in the formation and can't be moved. Only Crusaders affected by Frosty's Chilling Power or RoboSanta's Expensive Toys will do DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.

  • Chocolate Spaghetti | RoboRudolph and the Dark Helper take up spots in the formation and can't be moved. Businessmen spawn randomly and target a random Crusader while they're alive. Targeted Crusaders will have their DPS reduced to 0 while the businessman who targeted them is alive and for 10 seconds afterwards. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.

  • Guardians Risen | Xander the Xmas Dragon takes up a slot in the formation and can't be moved. A fiery escort takes up a slot in the formation and changes positions every 100 areas. Fireball monsters spawn randomly and provide either a debuff or buff when killed. These stacks persist until you reset the world. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.

  • It's a Wonderful Life | Wrena the Fair takes up a slot in the formation and can't be moved. Only Wrena does DPS. The formation has been changed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.

  • Stygian Christmas | Kris, the Enraged Elemental takes up a slot in the formation and can't be moved. Cerberus monsters spawn randomly and live longer than normal monsters. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.

More info

You'll have until Tuesday, December 29th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time to complete The Nate Before Christmas!

For more info on previous Nate Before Christmas Crusaders and objectives check out the Nate Before Christmas 5 blog post.

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Christmas Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

December 16th, 2020
Idle Champions: Icewind Dale, Part 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Champions head to Caer Konig to investigate rumors of invisible dwarves pilfering the town. Along the way, they discover at terrifying new threat to Ten-Towns!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventures, Moose Tracks and Civilization, in order to access these new Adventures.

Dwarven Rumors

We are headed to Caer Konig, to investigate a rumor about invisible dwarves pilfering the town, help the proprietors of the Northern Light Inn, the Shorard Sisters, look for their missing lantern, and get lost in the Rime (again)...
  • Variant: Mimic Perception — Explore a rumor about invisible dwarves in Caer-Konig while a mimic accompanies the party! Only Champions with WIS 13 or higher can be used. One of the Mimic Tavern Items (a Potted Plant) accompanies the party, intent on helping you find the lantern. In each area, the mimic plant gets distracted by something that is either blue, green, or red, thinking it is the lantern. It accidentally grants a buff to the enemies based on which color it's excited about.
    • Blue - Enemies deal 300% additional damage.
    • Green - Enemies' speed is increased by 100%.
    • Red - Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
  • Reach area 300.


Fortune favors the bold, right? The Champions use the teleportation circle and appear in Sunblight Fortress. We encounter a new terrifying threat to Ten-Towns.
  • Variant: Fortress Assault — Learn what you can about the duergar fortress with the strongest among you.
  • Only Champions with STR score of 15 or higher can be used.
  • Reach area 325.

  • See the in-game Change Log for more information, including a full list of changes and fixes included in this update.
    December 15th, 2020
    Idle Champions: Years' End Festival 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    The year is almost over, and we thought we'd celebrate with a Years' End Festival. Let's finish off the year with daily rewards, a day of streaming, a soft cap increase, and go up north for Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3.

    If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with tomorrow's update, you've come to the right place...

    Table of Contents

    Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival

    Years' End Festival

    It's been quite the year, and it's almost over. We're rounding out 2020 for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms with themes appropriate for this time of year: Entertainment, giving, and a positive theme to end what has been a very tumultuous year for most.

    Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival Daily Rewards

    Daily Rewards

    Every day during the Years' End Festival you can log in and open a new Years' End chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

    Once you have claimed at least four daily Years' End chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!

    • Exclusive Gladiator Arkhan Skin
    • Chosen of Tiamat Feat - Increases the effect of Arkhan's Bulk Up and Usurped Power abilities by 80%
    • 5 Gold Chests

    Day of Streaming

    What's more, an essential part of our Years' End Festival will be our quarterly tradition with a day of streaming. From 9 AM PT to 9 PM PT on Wednesday, we'll be hosting multiple streams on our Twitch channel Twitch channel, culminating in a D&D tabletop livestream with a group of the content creators.
    • 9-10:30AM Griddle Champions Pancake Preview
    • 11AM-1PM Evergreen Champions
    • 1-3PM Mars' Guiding Hand
    • 3-4PM Idle Insights: a Dev Q&A and Year in Review
    • 4-6PM Bardic Inspiration, with special guest Ed Greenwood
    • 6-9PM Storyteller Mars Presents:Twice in a Blue Moon
    • All times Pacific

    Soft Cap Increase

    It's time to level up! Your adventures in Faerûn have taken you around the world of Toril, from the depths of Avernus, all the way north to Ten-Towns, This week's update for Idle Champions brings with it increases to the upgrade cap for all 70+ Champions. This newfound strength will help your formations to push further than ever before. Good luck!

    Dungeons & Dragons Gem Skin Gladiator Torogar

    New Gem Skins

    This week's update includes the addition of two new gem skins: Gladiator Torogar and Icewind Dale Tyril! Icewind Dale Tyril, aka Moosril, was our participation prize for our Third Anniversary Celebration and is now available in the Gem Shop! Gladiator Torogar is a brand new skin, matching with Gladiator Arkhan. Check out our Gem Shop Dev Blog for full details on the Gem Shop!

    Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival Familiars

    New Familiars

    New Familiars have appeared in the Shop! We've added two new Familiars to the shop: Tascha's Cauldron Familiar Pack and the Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar Pack.

    The Tascha's Cauldron Familiar Pack contains Tascha's Cauldron Familiar and 2 Epic Potions each of Speed, Giant's Strength, and Clairvoyance.

    The Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar Pack contains the Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar and 6 Epic Potions each of Speed, Giant's Strength, Clairvoyance, and Fire Breath and 1 Potion of Polish.

    Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration New DLC

    New DLC Packs

    The Champions of Renown Year 3 All-Star Pack includes unlocks for Avren, Krull, Havilar, Melf, & Nova V'Ger if you don't already have them! Additionally, this pack includes 16 Gold Avren Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Krull Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Havilar Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Melf Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Nova Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, and an exclusive Mastermind Krull skin.

    The Gnome Ceremorph Zorbu Skin & Feat Pack DLC arrives with the Years' End Festival! This pack unlocks for Zorbu (if you don't already have him), Gnome Ceremorph Zorbu Skin, 7 Zorbu Gold Event Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny, & the Ceremorph Hunter Feat - Increases the effect of Zorbu's Hunter's Pack ability by 80%.

    Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3

    Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3

    This week's content update brings Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3. The Champions head to Caer Konig to investigate rumors of invisible dwarves pilfering the town. Along the way, they discover a terrifying new threat to Ten-Towns!

    Feedback Wanted!

    These changes are scheduled to go live on December 16th at 12PM Pacific. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    December 9th, 2020
    BW2: Generation 13 Pets are Here! 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    Gotta find 'em all!

    A new selection of critters are now available to be your companions!

    Those weirdly random abandoned eggs scattered all over Bushwhackia have been switched up and all new pets are ready to hatch when you accept the "Find an Egg" quest from Misty. She will also have all the Generation 12 eggs available to purchase for Bush Bucks during the "Find an Egg" quest.

    Other changes to Misty and Hank for Generation 13:

    • Misty will no longer let players abandon Gen 12 pet eggs that they are hatching (they're now too rare). Only current generation pet eggs can be abandoned during hatching. Please note that if you're in the middle of hatching a pet, then that egg will still hatch into whatever pet it would have been before.

    • Generation 12 pet eggs can now be found in Quester's Satchels (with the same limitations as the Generation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 eggs, which will still be available in satchels as well.)

    • Hank now sells a random assortment of hatched level 1 Generation 13 pets (instead of Generation 12) for Bush Bucks in his pet store.

    PAGAS changes for Generation 13:

    • Generation 13 pet eggs are available to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store, once you have hatched at least five Generation 13 pets. This include 9 unique variations of the new pets.

    • The Pet Progress dialog now includes Generation 13 pets. Another 19 new pets that all players can unlock!

    • There are new PAGAS Pet Progress reward tiers for 700 and 750 unique pets for those avid collectors! A new unique pet named Cort, and 10 more Unique DNA, respectively.

    • You can now also trade down your rarer DNAs by talking to Vincent as choose the ‘I'd like to trade my DNA’ then ‘I'd like to trade DOWN my DNA’ chat options.

    Store Improvement:

    In addition to these new pets, all stores have been improved to show how many of a pet or mount you've owned or the amount of the inventory or ranch item you have when you mouse over the store item image!

    And now, without further ado, the information you've all been waiting for:

    Generation 13 Pets:

    • Wasp
    • Cootie
    • Robo Dwarf
    • Jellyfish
    • Blue Tang
    • Trub
    • Spooky
    • Roach
    • Luna Moth
    • Quokka
    Comment on the new additions on the forum!