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July 22nd, 2021
Idle Champions: August DLC Retirement Sale 2021 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Our DLC Retirement Sale is about to begin! After the sale, all of this DLC will be retired to Wild Offers, so if you have your eye on these fantastic familiars and skins, pick them up before that happens!

Most platforms will have the sale run August 4-25. Playstation will have all of the listed DLC sale from July 22nd-Aug 18th.

All listed DLC will retire from the shop on August 27th, 2021.

Week 1: August 4th-10th


  • Xanathar's Goldfish, which also includes 2 Epic Potions of Speed, 2 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, & 2 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance.
  • Artic Fox Familiar, which also includes 6 Epic Potions of Speed, 6 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 6 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 6 Epic Potions of Fire Breath, & 1 Potion of Polish!

  • Week 2: August 11th-17th


  • Wartsworth the Toad, which also includes 6 Epic Potions of Speed, 6 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 6 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 6 Epic Potions of Fire Breath, and 1 Potion of Polish!

  • Skin & Feat Packs:

  • Icewind Dale Skin & Feat Pack Bundle is on sale at a discount of 50%. Inspired by the art of Max Dunbar, each of the Companions of the Hall has bundled up for their next blizzard-filled trip to Ten-Towns! This Bundle will unlock Catti-brie, Regis & Wulfgar if you don't already have them, and includes Bruenor's Icewind Dale Skin & his King of Mithral Hall Feat, Catti-brie's Icewind Dale Skin & her Trained in the North Feat, Regis' Icewind Dale Skin & his Ruby Reflection Feat, Wulfgar's Icewind Dale Skin & his Dwarven Raised Feat.

    Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration Max Dunbar Companions of the Hall Skins

    The Bundle also includes 7 Gold Supply Chests, 7 Catti-brie Gold Chests, 7 Regis Gold Chests, 7 Wulfgar Gold Chests, and an assortment of Epic potions, and a Potion of Polish. Each Champion's Skin & Feat Combination may also be purchased separately, also at a discount of 50%.

  • Week 3: August 18th-25th


  • Mindful Sloth Familiar, which also includes 4 Epic Potions of Speed, 4 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 4 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, and 1 Potion of Polish!

  • Yeti Tyke Familiar, which also includes 8 Large Blacksmithing Contracts, 8 Epic Potions of Speed, 8 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 8 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 8 Epic Potions of Fire Breath, & 2 Potions of Polish!

  • Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration Max Dunbar Companions of the Hall Skins

    Retirement: August 27th

    All of the above DLC is going to be retired on August 27th. We'll also be retiring the Founder's Pack III, making way for a new Founder's Pack - coming in September!
    You can find more information and details in the in-game store when the sales are live!
    July 21st, 2021
    Idle Champions: Midsummer 4 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    It's the day before Shieldmeet and the Open Lord of Waterdeep has gone missing. Nobody has seen Laeral Silverhand in days and it is imperative that she be found before the meeting with the Masked Lords begins.

    At the behest of the Blackstaff, the Champions are sent to discover what happened...

    Midsummer 4 introduces Ellywick Tumblestrum, Gnome Bard, legendary Planeswalker, and the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse, and brings back, Beadle & Grimm, the purveyors of the Pandemonium Warehouse and owners of the Giant's Bane Tavern, and the speedy hero of Baldur's Gate, Shandie Freefoot. Players have until Monday, August 2nd at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

    I. New Champion: Ellywick Tumblestrum

    Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Sergeant Knox

      Thanks to a lucky draw from the notorious Deck of Many Things, Ellywick Tumblestrum is now the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse! Her magnificent music has dazzled beings across many planes, including royalty from the Feywild. The Summer Queen and the Queen of Air and Darkness were so moved by her performance that they gifted the bard her exquisite instrument, the beautiful lute Morningmist. She tells tales of her amazing adventures at the Witchlight Carnival, aided by her frog companion Groak.

    Ellywick is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who uses the Deck of Many Things to augment her abilities. When you want to add her to your formation you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).

    II. Ellywick's Stats

    Race: Gnome Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Bard Gender: Female
    Age: 125

    STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 14
    INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 20

    Role: Support, Gold Find, Healing
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
    Slot: 10 (Tyril)

    III. Ellywick's Design

    Ellywick Tumblestrum is not only a featured Planeswalker in the latest Magic: The Gathering release: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, she is also a character you may encounter in the upcoming D&D TRPG Adventure: The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. We are so excited to continue the fun that Magic started with Ellywick's debut, and get everyone up to speed on her before you run into her on your next D&D campaign!

    When we started to design Ellywick, we had the benefit of learning her backstory from The Wild Beyond Witchlight, but also what her Planeswalker Card would bring to the table. It allowed us to take inspiration from both brands' representations of Ellywick to create our own!

    Ellywick is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who you'll find in Slot 10 (Tyril). Ellywick Tumblestrum is a Gnome Bard, legendary Planeswalker, and the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse. She won that title of 'Greatest Bard in the Multiverse' from a lucky pull from the Deck of Many Things, and her interaction with that iconic Dungeons & Dragons magic item is integral to her Idle Champions design.

    Her Specializations allow you to increase the power of one of her abilities and increase the chance of drawing more beneficial cards, while her Ultimate Call Of The Feywild takes direct inspiration from her Planeswalker card, bringing 6 fey creatures forth to heal her allies and harm her enemies.

    For more information on Ellywick and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Four Variants

    • Pixie Trickery - One slot is taken up in the formation by a Pixie riding an intellect devourer, who is along to watch Ellywick do her thing.Each time a boss arrives on screen, all Champions are stunned for 5 seconds. If Ellywick is in the formation, the stun does not take effect.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Fey Harmonies — Ellywick starts in your formation. She can be moved. Every area, two Satyrs arrive to harmonize. While any Satyrs are on screen, all enemies can only be damaged by bards. Only Champions with CHA 14 or higher can be used.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Draconic Dissonance — Every area five chromatic Dragon Wyrmlings spawn with the second wave. Each type of Dragon buffs the Dragons on screen in a unique way:
      • White - When a Dragon attacks, it heals 20% of its health.
      • Blue - Increase the normal attack cooldown of Champions by .5 seconds.
      • Black - When a non-boss Dragon dies, there's a 25% chance that it immediately respawns.
      • Red - Dragons move 100% faster.
      • Green - Dragons deal 100% additional damage.

    • If Ellywick is in the formation, one fewer Wyrmling spawns in each area.
      Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    July 16th, 2021
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Ellywick Tumblestrum 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    The greatest bard in the multiverse is here to sing her song of victory!

    Ellywick Tumblestrum is the latest Champion to join the Idle Champions roster with Midsummer 4! Read on to hear the music of her bardic might!

    I. Ellywick Tumblestrum

    Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Sergeant Knox

      Thanks to a lucky draw from the notorious Deck of Many Things, Ellywick Tumblestrum is now the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse! Her magnificent music has dazzled beings across many planes, including royalty from the Feywild. The Summer Queen and the Queen of Air and Darkness were so moved by her performance that they gifted the bard her exquisite instrument, the beautiful lute Morningmist. She tells tales of her amazing adventures at the Witchlight Carnival, aided by her frog companion Groak.

    Ellywick is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who uses the Deck of Many Things to augment her abilities. When you want to add her to your formation you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).

    II. Ellywick's Stats

    Race: Gnome Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Bard Gender: Female
    Age: 125

    STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 14
    INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 20

    Role: Support, Gold Find, Healing
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
    Slot: 10 (Tyril)

    Dungeons & Dragons Sgt Knox

    III. Ellywick's Design

    Ellywick Tumblestrum is not only a featured Planeswalker in the latest Magic: The Gathering release: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, she is also a character you may encounter in the upcoming D&D TRPG Adventure: The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. We are so excited to continue the fun that Magic started with Ellywick's debut, and get everyone up to speed on her before you run into her on your next D&D campaign!

    When we started to design Ellywick, we had the benefit of learning her backstory from The Wild Beyond Witchlight, but also what her Planeswalker Card would bring to the table. It allowed us to take inspiration from both brands' representations of Ellywick to create our own!

    Ellywick's title of 'Greatest Bard in the Multiverse' is a powerful title, and it's all based on a lucky pull from the Deck of Many Things. Thanks to the Moon card, she was granted the ability to cast a wish spell, and as those of us lucky enough to wield that power in a D&D game know, a wish spell is not something you cast lightly. She used her wish to become the Greatest Bard in the Multiverse, and join an elite set of bards in Idle Champions, including Calliope, Birdsong, Vlahnya, Paultin, Qillek, Freely, Hew Maan, Orisha, and of course: Deekin. Well, maybe she didn't use the wish spell to join our motley crew, but it was at least a fun side effect!

    Because The Deck of Many Things was so integral to her backstory, we leaned heavily on it for her design. The Deck of Many Things is filled with cards that are both beneficial and detrimental, and as Ellywick progresses with the Champions, she pulls a random card from the deck, bringing those effects to the rest of the party! They might buff her Powerful Following which increases the damage of Champions in the column behind her, embolden her Greatest Song In The Multiverse which reduces the health of enemies, or bring extra luck to her Fortunate Soul ability which increases how much gold is found. But there is a small chance a card will be pulled that will make enemies faster and more powerful! There are 5 cards she can pull from the Deck of Many Things, and we took inspiration from both Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons with how those cards affect both Ellywick and the formation.

    Her Specializations allow you to increase the power of one of her abilities and increase the chance of drawing more beneficial cards, while her Ultimate Call Of The Feywild takes direct inspiration from her Planeswalker card, bringing 6 fey creatures forth to heal her allies and harm her enemies.

    IV. Ellywick's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Quick Strum — Ellywick strums her lute, Morningmist, three times in quick succession, sending out three streaks of magical musical energy that damages random enemies.

    Formation Abilities

    • The Deck Of Many Things — Ellywick draws a random card from the Deck of Many Things, gaining the effect as listed below. The effect persists until she draws a new card. She draws a new random card from the Deck of Many Things after completing 100 areas in the formation. This card replaces any card she is already holding. She can draw the same card multiple times during an adventure, but can not draw the same one twice in a row. Possible cards include:
      • Knight (25% chance) - Grants one Knight stack for every 100 monsters killed while this card is active. Knight stacks affect Ellywick's Powerful Following ability.
        • A maximum of 25 Knight stacks can be earned each time this card is active, and all Knight stacks persist after the card is discarded.
      • Moon (25% chance) - Grants one Moon stack for each boss loot sack earned while this card is active. Moon stacks affect Ellywick's Greatest Song In The Multiverse ability.
        • A maximum of 20 Moon stacks can be earned each time this card is active, and 50% of the total Moon stacks persist after the card is discarded, rounded up.
      • The Fates (5% chance) - Disables all existing stacks from The Deck of Many Things while this card is active.
        • When this card is discarded, all existing stacks amounts are re-enabled and increased by 25%, rounded up.
      • Flames (20% chance) - Grants one Flames stack when this card is drawn. All monsters move 100% faster and deal 100% more damage while this card is active for each Flames stack you have, stacking additively.
        • All Flames stacks persist after the card is discarded.
      • Gem (25% chance) - Gain one Gem stack for every three gems collected while this card is active. Gem stacks affect Ellywick's Fortunate Soul ability.
        • A maximum of 20 Gem stacks can be earned each time this card is active, and 75% of the total Gem stacks persist after the card is discarded.
    • Powerful Following — Ellywick increases the damage of Champions in the column behind her by 100%. This ability is increased by 10% for each Knight stack that Ellywick has, stacking additively and applying multiplicatively.
    • Greatest Song In The Multiverse — Ellywick plays music that emboldens the hearts of her allies and saps the will of her enemies. This ability decreases the max health of enemies by 50%. For every 5 Moon stacks the enemy health debuff is applied again, stacking multiplicatively with itself.
    • Fortunate Soul — Gold Find is increased by 50%. This ability is increased by 5% for each Gem stack Ellywick has, stacking additively and applying multiplicatively.


    • For The Fans — The effect of Knight stacks on Powerful Following is increased to 25% per stack. In addition, the chance to draw the Knight Card is increased by 10%, while the chance to draw Moon and Gem cards is decreased by 5% each.
    • Faster Tempo — It only takes 3 Moon stacks instead of 5 to increase the effect of Greatest Song In The Multiverse. In addition, the chance to draw the Moon Card is increased by 10%, while the chance to draw Knight and Gem cards is decreased by 5% each.
    • All That Sparkles — The effect of Gem stacks on Fortunate Soul is increased to 7.5% per stack. In addition, the chance to draw the Gem Card is increased by 10%, while the chance to draw Knight and Moon cards is decreased by 5% each.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Call Of The Feywild — Ellywick draws six feywild creatures to her; they appear on the right side of the screen and dash towards her across the enemies, dealing damage as they pass by. Once they are gathered, Powerful Following is increased by 200% for 15 seconds and all Champions adjacent to Ellywick are healed for 50% of their max health. After 15 seconds they dash off again to the right, dealing damage to any remaining or newly spawned enemies.

    V. Ellywick’s Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Powerful Following
    Slot 4: Fortunate Soul
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    It was an absolute pleasure to get the opportunity to reveal Ellywick Tumbestrum's card for Magic the Gathering: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms! We enjoyed the challenge of portraying her epic bardic abilities, as well as the excitement and chaos of one of the most fabled magic items in Dungeons and Dragons. Let us know how excited you are to use Ellywick in your formations, or if you've ever had a game that used the Deck of Many Things, on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    July 14th, 2021
    Idle Champions: Summer Spectacular 2021 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Red Pandas, New Variants, and Daily Rewards, oh my! It's time for our Summer Spectacular!

    Join us and celebrate our Summer Spectacular featuring the beloved Red Pandas from Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand, Daily Rewards, New Variants, and a Day of Streaming!

    Read on for more information about the latest variants, rewards, and DLC, and don't forget to tune in to our Twitch Channel from 9AM-7PM Pacific for a full day of streams! Celebrate with us and collect your own Red Panda Briv Skin! In case you missed it, use the code: REDP-ANDA-WEEK to collect your own Red Panda Briv Skin! Code expires at 9AM PT Wednesday, July 21st.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Red Panda Briv

    Table of Contents

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular

    Summer Spectacular

    Today we're starting our Summer Spectacular: seven days of rewards celebrating the Red Pandas from Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand! Today's update also includes 10 new Variants across our campaigns, including the final variant for the Tomb of Annihilation campaign.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Daily Rewards

    Daily Rewards

    Every day during the Summer Spectacular you can log in and open a new Summer Chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

    Once you have claimed at least four daily Summer Chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!

    • Freely Champion Unlock
    • Exclusive Red Panda Freely Skin
    • 5 Gold Chests

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Red Panda Freely

    New Variants

    Today's update introduces ten new variants spread across all of our campaigns: Grand Tour of the Sword Coast, Tomb of Annihilation, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. You will need to have completed the original adventures in order to unlock these variants. Three of the new variants have unique rewards:
    • The Spirit of the Trickster Gods variant in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign marks our final Tomb of Annihilation variant and rewards 5 Modron Component Chests on completion.
    • The Path of Trials variant in the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus campaign is easier if you have Alyndra in your formation, and it rewards the Red Panda Alyndra skin on completion.
      • Note: If you haven't unlocked Alyndra you can still complete the variant and gain the skin. When you unlock her in the future you'll have access to the skin.
    • The Frozen in Fear variant in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign is easier if you have Havilar in your formation, and it rewards the Red Panda Havilar skin on completion.
      • Note: If you haven't unlocked Havilar you can still complete the variant and gain the skin. When you unlock her in the future you'll have access to the skin.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

    Grand Tour of the Sword Coast

    • The Prison of Velkynvelve: Prisoners of Unknown Choices
    • You awake in the underdark, cursed by choices made by an unseen foe!
      • Two of the slots in your formation are cursed due to the choices made by some massively powerful unseen force!
      • The cursed slots change every 15 seconds by moving to a random adjacent slot. Champions in cursed slots can not attack and all their upgrades are disabled.
      • Reach area 400.

    • Lost in the Underdark: Visions of Hornfirth
    • Find your way to Sloobludop with Bubbles by your side!
      • Bubbles has created an illusion of Ogres to remind us of our trip to Hornfirth. How kind!
      • Bubbles the Hollyphant joins the formation.
      • Each wave has a 50% chance of spawning 1 or 2 Ogre Battering Rams.
      • Enemies have their damage and movement speed increased by 100% for each Ogre Battering Ram on screen (additive).Ogres do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
      • Only Champions with CON of 14 or higher can be used.
      • Reach area 400.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Tomb of Annihilation

    Tomb of Annihilation Variants

    • The Guardian of Orolunga: Red Wizard 'Escort'
    • Help Artus find clues with a friend from the future.
      • Bubbles brought us a friend from the future! Wait, is that right?
      • Rath Modar, the infamous Red Wizard, joins the formation to learn of the fall of his Red Wizards in Chult. Don't worry, Bubbles vouched for him.
      • 2 additional Red Wizards spawn with each wave. All Red Wizards each have 4 additional armored HP that must be cleared before they can be destroyed.
      • Only Champions with INT of 12 or lower can be used.
      • Reach area 350.

    • The Lost Love: Spirit of the Trickster Gods
    • Race Valindra to Mezro with the 9 Trickster Gods by your side!
      • Bubbles joins the formation (slot 4) and brings the spirit of the trickster gods with her! That's good, right?!
      • Various trickster gods affect the formation throughout the adventure, granting a boon or a bane to the formation. The trickster god rotates every 5 areas
        • I'jin - The Champions in the second column of the formation have their normal attack cooldown increased by 2 seconds.
        • Kubazan - Champions deal 100% additional damage.
        • Moa - Good Champions deal 400% additional damage.
        • Nangnang - Enemies drop 99% less gold.
        • Obo'laka - The Champions in the third column of the formation deal no damage.
        • Papazotl - Enemies move 200% faster and deal 100% additional damage.
        • Shagambi - Evil Champions deal no damage.
        • Unkh - Neutral Champions deal no damage.
        • Wongo - When a non-boss enemy is killed, it respawns after 5 seconds.
      • Reach area 400.
      • Rewards 5 Modron Component Chests

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Waterdeep Dragon Heist

    Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Variants

    • Building Trust: The Newcomers of Notoriety
    • Escort a mysterious noble while Baeloth summons some fancy friends to entertain us!
      • Baeloth thought it would be fun to split the party, allowing the newcomers to enjoy his illusions! You can only use Event Champions in this adventure. No core or Evergreen Champions allowed.
      • Fancy red pandas in top hats riding unicycles attack with each wave of enemies. They drop no gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
      • The fancy red pandas deal 400% additional damage. Watch out!
      • Reach area 200.

    • The Dinner Party: Thine Bounty is Mine!
    • Protect the hidden Lords of Waterdeep while protecting your panda from a pirate!
      • Cinnamon the red panda joins the formation.
      • A drunken sailor is convinced that Cinnamon is the perfect pet for her ship, and she must have them!
      • The sailor boss spawns in every area after 10 enemies with one of four special abilities: spawns normally but moves quickly, spawns with hits-based health, spawns with armor-based health, or spawns riding a cannon that one-shots your champions.
      • If Briv is in your formation, Champions' normal attack cooldowns are decreased by .5 seconds.
      • Reach area 225.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    • The Path of Dreams: The Path of Trials
    • Follow Lulu's dreams while Tiamat's chromatic dragons slow your progress!
      • Only Champions with WIS 14 or higher can be used.
      • In each boss area, a random young chromatic Dragon appears with the normal area boss. The additional boss must also be defeated to progress.
      • If Alyndra is in your formation, the Dragon spawns with half health.
      • Reach area 400
      • Rewards Red Panda Alyndra Skin

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Red Panda Alyndra
  • The Lost Hollyphant: Best Friend Search Squad!
  • Follow Lulu's cries across Avernus with a distracting Bubbles and Cinnamon at your side!
    • Bubbles & Cinnamon have formed a search party for Lulu, joining the formation for this adventure.
    • Enemies drop 99% less gold.
    • Only Champions with CHA of 13 or lower can be used.
    • Reach area 425.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

    • Dwarven Rumors: Frozen in Fear
    • Explore a rumor about invisible dwarves, while dealing with vampire gnolls!
      • Each area, gnoll vampires appear from the Rime (1 in each wave). They drop no gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
      • Whenever a gnoll vampire deals damage to a Champion, that Champion is stunned for 2 seconds.
      • All Champions' normal attack cooldown is increased by 1 second, unless Havilar is in your formation.
      • Reach area 350.
      • Rewards Red Panda Havilar Skin

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Red Panda Havilar
    • Sunblight: Hats Off to You
    • Learn what you can while fancy red pandas attempt to 'entertain' you.
      • Baeloth and his illusory fancy red pandas are back!
      • Fancy red pandas in top hats riding unicycles attack with each wave of enemies. They drop no gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
      • While these distracting red pandas are on screen, all enemies deal 200% additional damage.
      • Only Champions with DEX of 14 or higher can be used.
      • Reach area 375.

    New DLC Packs

    At the launch of the Summer Spectacular at Noon Pacific, two new DLC Packs will become available, and 4 of our existing DLC packs will be updated with Red Panda bonuses!

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular New DLC The Red Panda Orisha Skin & Feat Pack unlocks the Red Panda Orisha Skin, Orisha’s Wings of Tails Epic Feat, and 7 Gold Orisha Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card. It will also unlock the Orisha Champion if you don't already have her.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular New DLC The Red Panda Baeloth Theme Pack unlocks the Red Panda Baeloth Skin, Baeloth's Red Panda Djinni Epic Feat, the Fancy Red Panda Familiar, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter, and 16 Gold Baeloth Chests with 2 Shiny Equipment Cards. It will also unlock the Baeloth the Entertainer Champion if you don't already have him.

    Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Red Panda Familiars The Red Panda Familiars: With the launch of the Summer Spectacular, we've updated the following DLC packs to include a red panda skin for the familiar associated with the pack! If you already own the DLC, reload your game when the Summer Spectacular launches and you'll gain access to the familiar skin automatically!
    • Bubbles the Hollyphant Familiar Pack
    • Zoonie the Hell Hound Pup Familiar Pack
    • Pirate Briv & Phlo Theme Pack
    • Pirate Alyndra & Griff Theme Pack

    Feedback Wanted!

    These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!