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July 20th, 2022
Idle Champions: Midsummer 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's the day before Shieldmeet and the Open Lord of Waterdeep has gone missing. Nobody has seen Laeral Silverhand in days, and it is imperative that she be found before the meeting with the Masked Lords begins.

At the behest of the Blackstaff, the Champions are sent to discover what happened...

Midsummer 5 introduces Valentine, the Reborn Half-Elf Sorcerer from The Black Dice Society, and brings back Ellywick Tumblestrum, the Gnome Planeswalker and Greatest Bard in the Multiverse, and Beadle & Grimm, the purveyors of the Pandemonium Warehouse and owners of the Giant's Bane Tavern. Players have until Monday, August 1st at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

I. New Champion: Valentine

Dungeons & Dragons Valentine Key Art

    Valentine was once a social butterfly, nightlife connoisseur, and princess of a shady family business until her life ended in sudden tragedy. Through the mysterious will of Bluetspur, Valentine was given a second chance at life, though no miracle comes without consequence. Now she wanders the domains of dread with her companion Tatyana, in search of purpose and power.

Valentine is a Support and Gold Find Champion who takes hold of any incoming positional formation abilities, and uses her telepathic powers to broadcast and boost them, making those abilities more deadly! When you want to add her to your formation, you can swap her with Calliope in slot 5.

For more information on Valentine and all of her mental powers, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Five Variants

  • Tregrum's Day Out - Search for the absent Open Lord of Waterdeep with Tregrum, a perfectly normal black cat. Champions might be a bit distracted by this absolutely normal cat.
    • Complete Area 75.
  • Stunning Teamwork - Valentine joins the search for the missing Open Lord of Waterdeep, helping keep monsters stunned so the Champions can push forward!
    • Monsters take 99% less damage when they are not stunned, but stun effects last twice as long.
    • Complete Area 125.
  • Positional Play Valentine insists on being the center of attention while the search for the absent Open of Lord Waterdeep continues!
    • Non-positional formation abilities, other than Valentine's abilities, are disabled.
    • Complete Area 175.

See in-game for more information!

July 15th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Valentine 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's a constant struggle to keep control over your own life and destiny when traversing the Domains of Dread. But our next Champion is determined to be in charge no matter who, or what, stands in her way.

Valentine was altered and reanimated after her horrific murder, and while this second chance comes with a heavy price, she's determined to use the power it provides to her own benefit. She joins her companions in The Black Dice Society in the Idle Champions roster during Midsummer 5.

I. Valentine

Dungeons & Dragons Valentine Key Art
    Valentine was once a social butterfly, nightlife connoisseur, and princess of a shady family business until her life ended in sudden tragedy. Through the mysterious will of Bluetspur, Valentine was given a second chance at life, though no miracle comes without consequence. Now she wanders the domains of dread with her companion Tatyana, in search of purpose and power.

Valentine is a Support and Gold Find Champion who takes hold of any incoming positional formation abilities, and uses her telepathic powers to broadcast and boost them, making those abilities more deadly! When you want to add her to your formation, you can swap her with Calliope in slot 5.

II. Valentine's Stats

Race: Reborn Half-Elf Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Sorcerer Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 22
Affiliation: Black Dice Society

STR: 9 DEX: 13 CON: 14
INT: 12 WIS: 13 CHA: 17

Role: Support, Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Strahd (via Feat), Zariel (via Feat)
Slot: 5 (Calliope)

Dungeons & Dragons Valentine

III. Valentine's Design

Host, writer, producer, and TTRPG performer Saige Ryan has extensive experience creating content in a huge variety of spaces! We were excited to work with her and bring her Champion to life! Idle Champions fans will know her best as the creator of Valentine from The Black Dice Society, but she also plays characters in several shows on Pixel Circus, and can be found enjoying gaming and pop culture content on Smosh Games as well as her own Twitch channel.

The most deadly weapon Valentine has is her mind, and she uses her telepathic abilities to boost the deadliness of the formation. The more positional formation abilities that she is affected by, the more powerful she can make the rest of the formation! She can use Tregrum, the aberrant spirit in her brain, to harness that power and turn it into a damage boost for DPS Champions. As a Socialite she'll also share or boost those formation abilities with those damage dealers! And as she enjoys A Life of Leisure Valentine will also turn those abilities into an increase in gold find.

Valentine can focus on damage, gold, or her friendship with her fellow Black Dice Society member Tatyana. When All Hail the God Brain, Tregrum further boosts the damage of DPS Champions. If Tatyana is being My Loyal Bodyguard and making sure that Valentine is affected by her Faithful Friend ability, Valentine will return the favor and boost its effect! But if what matters most is gold find, the Family Business will increase that power substantially! When helping her friends isn't enough, Valentine will take damage into her own hands and summon the Arms of Hadar! She'll move to the closest enemy while inky black tentacles erupt out of her body, causing massive damage to all enemies in a huge area all while they are grappled and stunned!

IV. Valentine's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Mind Sliver - Valentine attacks a random enemy with a mental magic attack for one hit, and enemies have a 50% chance that they are stunned for 2 seconds.

Formation Abilities

  • Tregrum - The aberrant spirit in Valentine's brain telepathically reaches out to the other Champions in the formation. For each positional formation ability affecting Valentine, she increases the damage of all Champions with the DPS role by +100%, stacking multiplicably.
  • Socialite - Valentine duplicates any positional formation abilities that are affecting her to Champions in the formation with the DPS role. If the receiving Champion already has the formation ability, the formation ability is instead boosted by +50%.
  • A Life of Leisure - Valentine increases the formation's gold find by +100% for each positional formation ability affecting her, stacking multiplicably.


  • All Hail the God Brain - Tregrum's pre-stack damage increase is increased by +25%.
  • My Loyal Bodyguard - If Valentine is affected by Tatyana's Faithful Friend ability, its effect is increased by +200%.
  • Family Business - A Life of Leisure's total gold find is increased by +200%.

Ultimate Ability

  • Arms of Hadar - Valentine moves up near the closest enemy and inky black tentacles erupt from her eyes, mouth, and hands to attack nearby enemies. Enemies in the area take massive damage, and are grappled by tentacles for 4-8 seconds. While grappled, the enemies are stunned and take +1000% damage from all sources.

V. Valentine's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Tregrum
Slot 3: Socialite
Slot 4: A Life of Leisure
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown


Valentine might be cold and calculated, but we are very excited for her to join Idle Champions, and hope you give her a warm welcome into your formation! Let us know how much you're enjoying the growing Black Dice Society roster on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

July 13th, 2022
Idle Champions: Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Part 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Skabatha may have thwarted our plans, but we can still save the children, recover the unicorn horn, and start on our path to Yon!

This week's update to the Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign brings two new adventures and adventure variants, so it's time to dive back into the Feywild!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventures, Will of the Feywild and The Roots of Loomlurch, in order to access these new Adventures.

Best Laid Plans

Face off against Skabatha Nightshade as your heist takes a turn!
  • Variant: Pincushion Party - Face off against Skabatha Nightshade while struggling to heal and under fire by goblins with spears!
    • Additional ranged spear-throwing Goblins appear with each wave and attack a random Champion.
    • Champions don't recover health when moving to a new area, and resurrect at half health when changing areas.
    • Complete area 700

The Howling Peaks of Yon

Enter Yon and learn about the final fractured portion of Prismeer.
  • Adventure Variant: Strength of Character - Enter Yon as your Champions slowly go on vacation.
    • You may only use Champions with a Strength of 13 or higher.
    • After every 100 areas the Champion that has dealt the most damage goes on vacation, being removed from the formation and becomes unavailable for the rest of the adventure.
    • Complete area 750
You can find all this information, and even more details, in game!

We would love to hear about your experiences in the Feywild on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

July 8th, 2022
Idle Champions: Summer Spectacular 2022 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for our fifth annual Summer Spectacular filled with events, daily rewards, and the excitement of The Black Pits!

Summer Spectacular

Our Fifth Annual Summer Spectacular begins Wednesday July 13th at 12pm Pacific! Log in to Idle Champions for seven days of in-game rewards you will get just for playing the game!

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Summer Spectacular you can log in and open a new Summer Chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Every chest contains five awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. Once you have claimed at least four daily Summer Chests, you unlock the bonus prize: Gladiator Minsc! This bonus includes an epic new skin for Minsc, a new Feat, and 5 Gold Chests!

Dungeons & Dragons Gladiator Minsc

Twitch Streams

We're celebrating not just in-game, but on our Twitch channel! Our streaming schedule is filled with fantastic shows, some returning favorites, and a very special three-part epic event you won't want to miss! Tune in, enjoy the streams, and pick up a code for Gladiator Tatyana!

Dungeons & Dragons Gladiator Tatyana

Idle Champions Presents: The Black Pits

Dungeons & Dragons The Black Pits Renown entertainer Baeloth Barrityl has convinced, cajoled, and conspired to get many of his acquaintances to sign up for a stint in the Black Pits of the Underdark. Now that they're under contractual obligation, the Champions must work together as they go through Baeloth's gauntlet of challenges. After all, it's all in good fun, entertainment, and a good cause...right?

Mark Meer takes the Dungeon Master seat for this three-part epic event, featuring players B. Dave Walters, Erin M. Evans, Jim Zub, Becca Scott, Adam Bradford, and Meagan Kenreck! Tune in 9am Pacific on July 13th, 14th, and 15th to our Twitch channel to cheer on your favorite gladiators as they battle for fame and fortune in The Black Pits!

Gem Shop Updates

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Gem Shop Update Our Gem Shop has been updated with some exciting new items! Check out the epic armor on Prismeer Nayeli and Mechsuit Nova, or celebrate the Court of the Raven Queen with Shadowfell Orkira, Shadowfell Baeloth, and Shadowfell Shaka!

Find out all the details in-game!
July 8th, 2022
BW2: Summer Carnival Event 2022 Edition 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Carnival Event 2022

The Carnival has returned to town! Get ready to play some games, help some Bushwhackian residents and win carnival tokens which you can exchange for cool prizes at the Carnival Event Vendor!

The Carnival Games

A staple of any summer carnival or fair, are those devilish carnival games. There are four different games which will unlock over the course of the event and they include "Balloon Popper," "Whack-A-Mole," "Baseball Throw," and "Duck Shoot." Don't worry, there's no skill involved with these games, you play them automatically when you interact with them.

- It costs 4 carnival tickets to play each game, and you can whack those tickets out of the bushes, or purchase them from Timmy in the Event area for Bush Bucks (30 Salvaged Tickets for 30 Bush Bucks)

- You receive Carnival Tokens based on how well you do. Now, we're not saying they're rigged in the Carnival's favour or anything, but you'll definitely want to ask your friends to help you rig these games to help you!

To get started, the Balloon Popper game is unlocked! As well, it seems William needs your help to satisfy his sweet-tooth!

A Teleporter to Somewhere...

The Pandaclaw was wandering around here the teleporter and complete all the quests and get your very own!

The Dunk Tank

The dunk tank returns! Can you dunk all 8 helpless Bushwhackian residents? NPCs you haven't dunked yet will have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads, to let you know you still need to send them plunging into the icy waters of the tank! It'll help them all cool off. Plus, the tank is always in need of cleaning, so try to keep up with Katherine's daily Dunk Tank Cleaning quests!

Clowning Around

Peat Bog, Pete the Carney's brother has some tasks for you to help him put on a show!

Testing Your Power

And how are your Power collection skills? Are you strong enough to win all the bonus prizes? There are 7 strength settings to beat, unlocking as the event goes on as Strong-Whacker Sabine continuously tries to increase the difficulty of her Strong-Whacker Strength Machine Game.

New for 2022

If you can complete the event, you'll earn the Carnival Flower Box!

A new Pandaclaw Skin!

Once you complete the teleporter quest line and capture a Pandaclaw, Taban the Teleporter Engineer will offer to transmogrify your Pandaclaw companions, changing their appearance, with science! There are now FIVE Pandaclaw skins to choose from, each yielding a type of pet DNA.

VIP Rewards!

Active VIP members can claim unique rewards based on their event progress! If you don't have an active membership, you have the entire event to consider becoming one! You can earn and claim these rewards until the end of the event.

And more!

And there's some minor fixes and improvements which you can check out on the Release Notes, which are linked at the bottom of the page!


There are up to TWENTY THREE possible achievements that can be picked up during this Summer Carnival event, depending on your game history.

Returning Achievements

Step Right Up - Win a Prize Token gaming at the Carnival!
We have a Winner - Win 8 Prize Tokens at once at the Carnival.
Carnival Ace - Win 8 Prize Tokens at all 4 Carnival Games.
Gotta Try 'Em All! - Play all four games offered at the Carnival!
Big Time Bonus Buyer - Purchase 10 Bonus Prize Packs from the Carnival!
Sweet Tooth - Help William satisfy his Sweet Tooth. Or not.
Nostalgic Whacker - Repair the teleporter and fulfill your duty…
Dunk-a-Thon! - Dunk all eight unique Carnival Event dunk-ees!
Scuba Dunk - Dunk yourself while wearing a hefty diving helmet. (Helmet is found from fishing in the Windy Crest fishing hole.)
Daredevil Darer - Make Peat Bog risk his life for entertainment 5 extra times. Dunking Devs! - Dunk the four developer Carnival Event dunk-ees!

New Achievements

Amateur Amphitheater - Purchase all the 2022 Carnival Event items.*

Retired Achievements

We have 11 achievements from previous years, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

Carnival Customization - Buy all 6 player items from the 2012 Carnival
Party at My Place - Buy all 6 house items from the 2012 Carnival!
Carnival Collector - Purchase all of the 2013 Carnival event items.
Carnival Connoisseur - Buy all the 2014 Carnival event items.
Carni-Value! - Purchase all the 2015 Carnival Event items.
Carnival Compulsion - Purchase all the 2016 Carnival Event items.
Cashed Carnival - Purchase all the 2017 Carnival Event items.
Prized Prizes - Purchase all the 2018 Carnival Event items.
Prize Proprietor - Purchase all the 2019 Carnival Event items.
Material Menagerie - Purchase all the 2020 Carnival Event items.
Hippodrome Haggler - Purchase all the 2021 Carnival Event items.

* The Mini Golf Piece is NOT included in the Amateur Amphitheater achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Mount Packs

All new bear mounts are available this weekend, from June 8th to 11th!

The Tibetan Bear mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Undead Bear and Circus Bear are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts leave sparkle particles behind when you ride them!

Pet Packs

COMING SOON! Check out this year's carnival pets on the second weekend of the event!

Get Ready!

Post your celebration plans on the forums!

The event will run until Friday July 22nd at Noon PDT!

Check out the Release Notes here!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will the last quest unlock?
    All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

  • Where can I buy Last Year's items?
    There are two vendors. The one in the tent has this year's items. The other is the one with the party hat and will have all previous year items for Bush Bucks.

  • What contributes to my 100% progress?
    You need 200 plays of any combo of the games to get 100%. Just whack up tickets to play the games, and turn in quests to get tickets as well.

  • Why do I want to ask friends for help?
    It helps you rig the game and improve your chances of getting 8 tokens.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

  • Where can I see progress on the Dunking Achievement?
    Click on the inventory icon and then click on the Achievements list (gold star). Look for the ones listed above in that list.