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February 24th, 2023
Idle Champions: Season 2 Reward Shop Update 
Posted in Idle Champions.

As we approach the end of Season 2: The Flayer Hunters, we have an update regarding our plans for the Season 2 reward shop.

Season 1 Image

Season 2 will officially end on Wednesday, March 1st at 12 PM Pacific. However, the Season 2 reward shop will remain open for one additional week. While players will not be able to complete quests during this time, it allows players to spend any remaining currency before the Season 2 reward shop closes on Wednesday, March 8th at 12 PM Pacific.

The following exclusive items from the Season 2 reward shop will become available in Wild Offers six months after the end of Season 2, on September 1st, 2023:
  • Season 2 Feats
      Season 2 Feats will also become available for Gems at this time.
  • Season 2 GE for Krydle
  • Season 2 Skins
  • Season 2 Familiar: Intellect Devourer
We thank everyone for playing through Season 2: The Flayer Hunters in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms! Stay tuned because Season 3 is coming soon!
February 17th, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: Solaak 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Face your foes with bravery and boldness, be confident in yourself and in those around you, and be smart enough to know when it's a losing battle, and you will gain the respect of Solaak the Drakewarden Ranger. This noble Kalashtar rides atop his mentor Tempest, a fearsome lightning drake, and the pair are always together both on the ground and in the air. And now they are together in the Idle Champions formation!

I. Solaak

    Being telepathic means Solaak knows who to trust, and sadly that’s not many people. But when the Kalashtar found the soul of a dragon trapped in a chasm, they formed a bond of trust like no other. Solaak now rides his dragon mentor, Tempest, into battle, and together they are unstoppable!

Solaak is a Support Champion who excels at ranged attacks, as well as aiding others who attack from a distance. Their shots are even more inspiring as he fires while riding his fierce dragon companion! Once unlocked, you can find this ranger in Slot 2 opposite Celeste.

II. Solaak's Stats

Race: Kalashtar Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/They
Age: 22 Class: Ranger

STR: 14 DEX: 18 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 15 CHA: 13

Role: Support

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd and Zariel

Slot: 2 (Celeste)

Dungeons & Dragons Solaak Marketing Gif

III. Solaak's Design

Our community is already familiar with the wonderful Gabe Hicks thanks to his appearance in Season 2 of A Familiar Quest. They have an extensive resume as a game designer, voice actor, cosplayer, and both player and GM for many livestreams. We were very excited to work together to craft a fully unique character, one that would join the Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose cast as well as becoming a Champion in our roster!

The Drakewarden Solaak is a bit different from the usual Champion. Instead of fighting in the formation, Solaak rides his dragon companion Tempest into battle just behind the rest of the Champions. Meanwhile their pet pseudodragon Levits takes his spot in the formation in order to help pass along any positional formation abilities. With his custom-carved longbow in hand, Solaak fires a Knockback Strike at the closest enemy, damaging and pushing them away from the formation.

Their focus is on supporting other ranged Champions. He appreciates those Compatriots who also have a ranged base attack, and gains a Reach stack for each of those Champions in the formation. The bigger the stack, the bigger the damage increase for all ranged Champions! When an enemy is knocked back by any Maneuvers, the damage bonus he grants his Compatriots is increased. For each Reach stack Solaak has, he increases the effect of all outgoing positional formation abilities for all ranged Champions. And the more stacks they have, the greater the chance that ranged Champion base attack cooldowns will instantly reset.

Solaak can specialize in three different ways. If he is Unwavering then he will attack faster and increase the effect of Maneuvers. If they become Emboldened then his attacks will harm a small radius of enemies, and those hit will take additional damage. Or he can be a Confidant and add a Reach stack for each formation slot occupied by an escort. While they usually strike from the back of the formation, when the time for an ultimate attack is right Solaak and Tempest will fly over the battlefield. The drake's lightning breath scours his enemies, sending them flying back stunned!

IV. Solaak's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Knockback Strike - Solaak fires an arrow at the closest enemy, dealing 1 hit and knocking it back a short distance.

Formation Abilities

  • Drakewarden - Solaak's pet pseudodragon Levits takes Solaak's slot in the formation while Solaak rides his drake companion, Tempest, into battle. He attacks from Tempest. If Levits is knocked out by enemies, Solaak and Tempest retreat from the battlefield until you change areas.
  • Compatriots - Solaak gains a Reach stack for each Champion with a ranged base attack in the formation (including himself). Each stack increases the damage of these Champions by 400%, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Maneuvers - The effect of Compatriots is increased by 25% each time an enemy is knocked back, stacking multiplicatively to a max of 50 stacks. Stacks reset when changing areas.
  • Critical Mass - Solaak increases the effect of the outgoing positional formation abilities of all Champions with a ranged base attack by 25% for each Reach stack he has, stacking additively.
  • Blitzing Barrage - Each time a Champion with a ranged base attack attacks, there is a 5% chance per stack of Reach that their base attack cooldown is instantly reset.


  • Unwavering - Solaak's base attack speed is reduced by 2.0 seconds. Additionally, the effect of Maneuvers is increased to 30% per stack.
  • Emboldened - Solaak's normal attack deals damage to all enemies in a small radius and all enemies hit take an additional 400% damage for 5 seconds.
  • Confidant - Each formation slot occupied by an escort adds 1 Reach stack for Compatriots.

Ultimate Ability

  • Tempest - Solaak flies over the enemies on Tempest's back while Tempest's lightning breath deal 1 hit of ultimate damage, knocking them back a medium amount and stunning all enemies for 5 seconds.

V. Solaak's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Compatriots
Slot 4: Maneuvers
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Are you ready for this drakewarden ranger? Tell us how he's supporting your formation in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

February 15th, 2023
Idle Champions: Light of Xaryxis, Part 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We've been marooned on an asteroid and desperately trying to fix our ship, but we keep getting attacked! In order to get the parts we need, we'll have to deal with githyanki, mind flayers, and worst of all, space clowns!

This week's update brings two new adventures and adventure variants to our Light of Xaryxis campaign. It's time to get back into Wildspace!

Note: you will need to complete the previous two Light of Xaryxis adventures, Who Lurks Below? and Xanathaaaaaaar!, in order to access these new adventures.

No One Can Hear You Scream

Scavenge your way through Wildspace on your way to the Rock of Bral.
  • Variant: Anchors Aweigh - We've got to deal with gravity anomalies on our way to Bral!
    • Every 5 seconds, a random Champion loses their footing and flies off the deck for 10 seconds. They can't attack and their formation abilities are disabled while off the deck.
    • Complete area 450

Welcome To The Rock

Explore the Rock of Bral, trading for repair equipment, while pursued by a furious reigar!
  • Adventure Variant: Welcome to the Band - While exploring, escort a music act to the Happy Beholder!
    • Four musicians join the formation.
    • Champions deal +1000% damage for each Bard in the formation, including the four escorts, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Complete area 500
You can find all this information and even more details in-game!

We would love to hear about your experiences in wildspace on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

February 1st, 2023
Idle Champions: Grand Revel 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

As Camp Vengeance gets ready to celebrate Grand Revel, a lone Templar approaches the Champions. Her merchant friend's caravan is missing. The investigation found only scattered supplies and wreckage along the trail. If there are any survivors, they seem to have been taken into the jungles of Chult...

Grand Revel 6 introduces Brother Uriah, the good hearted cleric of the Black Dice Society, and brings back Vi, the planes-walking, gun-toting, gnome artificer played by Jeremy Crawford on Acquisitions Incorporated, and Hew Maan, a definitely human Champion and not three kobolds in a trench coat! Players have until Monday, February 13th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Grand Revel 6 unlocks and objectives.

I. Brother Uriah

Dungeons & Dragons Uriah Midwinter
    Brother Uriah Macawber is a native of Ravenloft, born in the dread domain of Darkon under the iron rule of Azalin Rex. After a horrifying childhood encounter at the Carnival with the demonic entity known as The Caller, Uriah would embrace the worship of the goddess Ezra, Lady of the Mists, offering protection from the forces of darkness to all those in need. Upon joining with the other future members of The Black Dice Society, Uriah would go on to find friendship, true love, and dark truths about himself and his past.

Brother Uriah is a Support and Healing Champion that completes the Black Dice Society affiliation. As a faithful Cleric of Ezra, Brother Uriah heals nearby champions as well as increasing their damage. In stressful situations, he becomes possessed by the spirit of Azalin Rex. While possessed, he increases the damage of Nahara and any Evil champions in the formation. Once unlocked, you can find this human cleric opposite Makos in Slot 9.

For more details about Brother Uriah and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

  • Adventure Variant 1: Perhaps I'd Be Safer in the Middle? - Discover the fate of some merchants in the jungles of Chult. Brother Uriah joins the formation and can't be moved or removed. Only Champions in the middle two columns can deal damage.
    Complete Area 75.

  • Adventure Variant 2: Perhaps an Escort is in Order? - Some Raven friends join the search for the missing merchants. Brother Uriah joins the formation and can be moved, but not removed. His Ezra's Embrace ability starts unlocked. Two Ravents join the formation. Every 10 seconds a boulder falls on a random Champion dealing 25% of their total health in damage.
    Complete Area 125.

  • Adventure Variant 3: Perhaps We Should Make Haste? - The quickest Champions help push through the jungles of Chult. Brother Uriah joins the formation and can be moved, but not removed. You can only use Champions from the Black Dice Society affiliation or Champions with a normal attack cooldown of 5 seconds or less.
    Complete Area 175.

Let us know what you think about your Grand Revel adventures in a Community Q&A on our Twitch channel, the Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!