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May 24th, 2023
Idle Champions: The Great Modron March 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A modron sighting is a rare occurrence outside Mechanus, the plane of true law.

At least, it's supposed to be a rare occurrence -- word has it that thousands of modrons have been seen on the march in the wilderness, and they are heading towards Waterdeep!

The Great Modron March 6 introduces Evandra, the Half-Elf Fighter from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Gazrick Nomrad, a rogue modron separated from his fellow modrons, and Mehen, Dragonborn Fighter and adoptive father of Farideh and Havilar of Brimstone Angels. Players have until Monday, June 5th at 12PM Pacific to complete their The Great Modron March 6 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: Evandra

Rough and tumble, and ready for action, Half-Elven Fighter Evandra brings the muscle. Evandra ran away from home when her father discovered that she had been training in strength and combat. He tried to force her into an arranged marriage with an elven nobleman, but Evandra rejected this on both principle and taste. She decided instead to become an adventurer, free from her father’s judgment.

Evandra is a Support, Tanking, and Gold Find Champion who's always willing to lend a hand as long as a fight is involved. She empowers all neutral champions, and brings the Awful Ones together, especially if the Witchlight Carnival is involved. Once unlocked, you can find this Half-Elf Fighter in Slot 5 opposite Calliope.

For more information on Evandra and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

Fight First, Ask Questions Later: Help Evandra stop the Modron March from crushing Waterdeep! Evandra starts in the formation (Slot 1). She can't be moved or removed. Only Neutral Champions (on the good/evil axis) can deal damage.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • Half-Elf, Pink, and the Bard: Stop the Modron March and Mechanical Guards from crushing Waterdeep. Evandra starts in the formation (Slot 1). She can't be moved or removed. If you have them (and they're not already on another adventure) Antrius and Nixie start unlocked and in the formation (Slot 5 & 6 respectively). 1-2 Mechanical Guards spawn with every wave. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress. Construct enemies move at +300% speed and deal +300% damage.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • That's What Friends Are For: Stop the Modron March from crushing Waterdeep with Evandra's favorite heroes! Evandra starts in the formation (Slot 1). She can't be moved or removed. You may only use Champions that are female, non-binary, fighters, rangers, barbarians, paladins, or have a total ability score of 78 or less.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • Much more detail and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!
    May 19th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Modron Emergence  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Modrons have broken away from the Great Modron March and are spreading across the realms! Protect the Forgotten Realms and unlock exclusive rewards in the Thayan Enclave Shop during the Modron Emergence Event, which runs from May 24th at Noon Pacific until June 7th at noon Pacific!

    What is an Emergence Event?

    Emergence Events are limited-time events where specific monsters begin to appear in all Free Play adventures. These additional monsters (and any previous use of them) will drop Corrupted Gems during the Emergence Event.

    What are Corrupted Gems?

    Corrupted Gems are a new currency collected only during Emergence Events. You can spend them in the new Thayan Enclave gem shop.

    Season Pass
    A Corrupted Gem

    How do I collect Corrupted Gems?

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters, and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Additionally, some variants can reward Corrupted Gems.

    How many Corrupted Gems can I collect through the Emergence Event?

    The number of Corrupted Gems available in each Emergence Event varies. For the current Emergence Event, you can collect 70,000 Corrupted Gems: 35,000 Corrupted Gems by defeating Modrons during the event, and an additional 35,000 by completing all 14 of the daily quests during the Emergence Event.

    The drop rate of Corrupted Gems is controlled at a rate of 1 Corrupted Gem every 30-40 seconds from the start to approximately 3 hours before the end of the event. A catch-up mechanic is built into the event, so if you have a bunch of Corrupted Gems you haven't collected yet, the designated enemies will drop more than 1 for each you destroy until you reach your threshold. Here are two scenarios as an example: 1. You've collected all the available Corrupted Gems from drops. You will see about one drop every 30-40 seconds or so, assuming you are regularly destroying the designated enemies. 2. You've collected 500 Corrupted Gems from drops, but a total of 3000 have been available since the event started. You will receive accelerated drops (more frequent drops and multiple drops per kill) until you have caught up to the maximum available number of drops.

    Where can I find Modrons?

    The designated enemies for the Emergence Event can be found by playing any Free Play adventures. They can also be found in the adventures and variants of the active event: The Great Modron March!

    What can I purchase with Corrupted Gems?

    The specific items will vary by Emergence, but include Golden Epic Equipment cards, Feat cards, Skins, Chests, and Marvelous Pigments!

    Thayan Enclave Screen
    Thayan Enclave

    What are Marvelous Pigments?

    Marvelous Pigments are specialized items you can use to upgrade certain equipment items. The Thayan Enclave is currently featuring the Marvelous Support Pigment, which can be used to upgrade any epic or better equipment items on a support Champion to provide a +200% Global Damage buff in addition to their normal effects!

    Season Pass
    Celeste Equipment with Support Pigment Applied

    What happens when the Emergence Event ends?

    When the Emergence Event ends, you will no longer be able to collect Corrupted Gems from the designated enemies and the daily quests. However, the Corrupted Gems available as variant rewards will remain available for anyone who has yet to complete them. Corrupted Gems that you have collected will remain in your inventory.

    When is the next Emergence Event?

    The next Emergence Event will begin on August 30th, 2023.

    May 18th, 2023
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Evandra 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Swords and metal can settle scores!"

    Evandra is always ready to charge into a fight for treasure, glory, or simply because she's feeling a bit bored. Because why waste time talking or throwing spells around when you’ve got a trusty sword?

    I. Evandra

      Rough and tumble, and ready for action, Half-Elven Fighter Evandra brings the muscle. Evandra ran away from home when her father discovered that she had been training in strength and combat. He tried to force her into an arranged marriage with an elven nobleman, but Evandra rejected this on both principle and taste. She decided instead to become an adventurer, free from her father’s judgment.

    Evandra is a Support, Tanking, and Gold Find Champion who's always willing to lend a hand as long as a fight is involved. She empowers all neutral champions, and brings the Awful Ones together, especially if the Witchlight Carnival is involved. Once unlocked, you can find this Half-Elf Fighter in Slot 5 opposite Calliope.

    II. Evandra's Stats

    Race: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 27
    Affiliation: Awful Ones Class: Fighter

    STR: 17 DEX: 12 CON: 16
    INT: 12 WIS: 9 CHA: 11

    Role: Support, Tanking, Gold Find

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra

    Slot: 5 (Calliope)

    Dungeons & Dragons Evandra Marketing Gif

    III. Evandra's Design

    Evandra is the tank of the Awful Ones from 1 For All, leading the way into whatever dangers they might encounter. She increases the damage of all Neutral Champions on the good/evil axis with her Freedom's Fury, and buffs everyone's health as well as any healing effects they receive thanks to her Inspiring Fortitude. Fighting is hard work and deserves compensation, so she's always trying to Find the Secret Stash by increasing the formation's gold find.

    If Evandra is horribly wounded in battle, you’ll find that she’s Never Completely ‘Armless. If her health is ever brought to zero she will sacrifice her own arm in order to survive and get back into the battle with whatever weapon she can wield. Sometimes that's her Trusty Sword, but she'll make do with whatever arms are available. When she’s in big trouble, Evandra can use her Ultimate attack to “disarm” a nearby mechanical menace and strike her enemies with Improvised Arms. While wielding this automaton’s arm, Evandra increases her attack rate and greatly increases her damage.

    The damage bonus her Freedom's Fury provides is increased depending on what other Champions join her formation. Her Specializations let you choose between Powerful Allies, which raises the bonus for each female or nonbinary Champion in the formation, Fighting Force that increases it for each fighter, barbarian, ranger, or paladin, and Carnival Crew for each Champion with a total ability score of 78 or less. Since Evandra is such a huge fan of the Witchlight Carnival, she's eligible for all Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventures and variants no matter the restrictions. And she'll extend that ability to her fellow Awful Ones if the Carnival Crew Specialization is chosen.

    Evandra's strength and confidence are great additions to the formation, even as she charges into battle head-first and full of bravado!

    IV. Evandra's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Trusty Sword - Evandra moves up next to the closest enemy and swings her sword, dealing 1 hit to all nearby enemies.

    Passive Abilities

    • Evandra, the Magnificent - Evandra can be used in any Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign adventure or variant, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

    Formation Abilities

    • Freedom's Fury - Evandra increases the damage of all Neutral Champions (on the Good/Evil axis) by 100%.
    • Find the Secret Stash - Increase the formation's gold find by 100%. Every time a Champion attacks but does not defeat an enemy, increase this bonus by 50%, stacking additively up to 120 times and applying multiplicatively. Bonus resets when an enemy is defeated.
    • Inspiring Fortitude - Evandra increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.


    • Powerful Allies - Evandra increases the damage bonus of Freedom's Fury by +100% for each female or nonbinary Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Fighting Force - Evandra increases the damage bonus of Freedom's Fury by +125% for each fighter, barbarian, ranger, or paladin in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Carnival Crew - Evandra increases the damage bonus of Freedom's Fury by +150% for each Champion with a total ability score of 78 or less in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. In addition, all Awful Ones Champions are available to be used if Wild Beyond the Witchlight is the current campaign, even if they do not currently qualify based on variant or patron restrictions.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Improvised Arms - A mechanical guard spawns on the right side and quickly moves to the middle of the enemy's side of the screen. Evandra moves up, attacks the guard, and instantly "disarms" it and defeats it. Then Evandra uses the guard's arm as a weapon for the next 15 seconds instead of her sword. For the duration, Evandra's attack deals an additional 3 seconds of BUD damage, her normal attack speed cooldown is faster by 2 seconds, and Freedom's Fury is increased by 100% for the duration.

    V. Evandra's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Evandra Health
    Slot 3: Freedom's Fury
    Slot 4: Secret Stash
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    Evandra believes the best defense is a good offense. Are you enjoying watching her wield arms into battle? Tell us during out Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    May 17th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Part 9 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This week's update continues The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign with two new adventures and adventure variants. It's time to return to the Feywild and explore the final Prismeer domain!

    We found and rescued Gleam’s sister, Glister, and learned about the League of Malevolence in the process. When we attempted to flee Motherhorn for the Palace of Heart’s Desire, we realized all three hags of the Hourglass Coven were present and tried to defeat them, which lead to a battle on a giant crane's back. We arrived at the Palace of Heart’s Desire and made our way through the gardens, and learned more of what the Hourglass Coven did to Zybilna. We also encountered Zargash, a cleric of Orcus from the League of Malevolence, before unlocking the palace itself.

    Keep in mind that you will need to have completed the previous two Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventures, The Bitter End and The Palace of Heart's Desire, in order to access these new Adventures.

    The Court of Storms

    Enter the Palace of Heart's Desire and finally unlock the secrets of Prismeer.
    • Variant: Coasting to the Finish - Enter the Palace of Heart's Desire with a solid plan.
      • You can't add, move, or remove Champions from the formation after having completed area 25.
      • You can no longer level up Champions after having completed area 750.
      • After area 750, game speed is multiplied by x3 (while still respecting the x10 cap if other speed abilities are active).
      • Complete area 1000

    Beware the Jabberwock

    The Jabberwock is ready for a brawl. Face them down before the hag coven descends!
    • Adventure Variant: Quick or Quack - The Jabberwock is ready for a brawl. Don't slow to a crawl!
      • Every second of real-time in an area reduces all Champion damage by 50%, stacking multiplicatively. Damage is reset to normal at the start of every area.
      • To mark each real-time second passing, a Fey Duck monster spawns. It drops no gold nor counts towards quest progress.
      • Complete area 1050
    All the details are available in the game! And we'd love to hear about your adventures in the Feywild! Leave messages on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    May 15th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Champions of Psychology Charity T-Shirt 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and the launch of season 8 of the award-winning informational, mental health stream Champions of Psychology, Codename Entertainment and Take This are offering limited edition t-shirts and hoodies. These sales will benefit Take This’ mental health mission to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.

    Check out the T-Shirt Here!

    For longtime viewers of Champions of Psychology, you’ve heard Mitra, Treavor, and Dr. B repeatedly say that their answers always depend on a lot of factors. Now you can commemorate their stubborn unwillingness to give simple answers with these limited edition t-shirts and hoodies featuring the Latin motto, “Semper dependent” (“It always depends”). This motto is printed under the Champions of Psychology logo on the left side of the chest.

    At no additional cost, with each separate order Codename Entertainment will offer fantastic in-game items from both of their games. Valued at over $20 USD, these in-game items include:
    - Idle Champions: The Great Modron March Event - 3 Gold Champion Chests each for Nordom, Mehen, and a new Champion to be revealed on May 18th!
    - Bush Whacker 2: The Balloon Kitty pet and 5 Take This Cookies (restore 100% energy each)

    For more information about this event and mental health in general, you can tune in every Tuesday for Champions of Psychology at 12PM Pacific on
    May 11th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Server Maintenance & 2023 Roadmap 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms will be brought offline on Monday, May 15 at 12 PM PDT to undergo scheduled maintenance. The expected maintenance period is between 5 and 7 hours. During this time players will be unable to log in to Idle Champions on all platforms.

    But we're not going to leave you hanging. While we are offline, we have a special surprise for Idle Champions players!

    Starting at 12 PM PDT over on we have a special episode of Mars On Monday featuring an interview with Chris Dupuis, Executive Producer of Idle Champions. Chris will be joining Mars to talk about the 2023 Idle Champions Roadmap -- if you want to know what's coming to Idle Champions, you won't want to miss this!

    Following Mars On Monday we'll have another special stream with Community Manager Shawn where you can come hang out and talk about all the new things coming to Idle Champions!

    Stay tuned for more info in the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    May 3rd, 2023
    Idle Champions: The Running 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    A young elven wizard is on a pilgrimage to the Grandfather Tree, and she has hired the Champions to escort her. The wizard has foreseen an acorn falling from the tree - an extraordinary and truly rare occurrence - and she hopes to collect the holy relic to take to Silverymoon.

    Yet as the party ventures forth, the very forest itself resists them, while elves from the Feywild and the Underdark seek to claim the acorn for themselves!

    The Running 6 introduces Nixie, the Tiefling Sorcerer from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Dungeon Master, the human wizard from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, as well as Shaka, the Tiefling Warlock from Rivals of Waterdeep. Players have until Monday, May 15th at 12PM Pacific to complete their The Running 6 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Nixie

    Some folks never bother to ask how big the room is; they're always ready for a fireball. And Nixie is the quintessential firecracker, able to light up a room with her bright smile and her flaming hot spells!

    Nixie is a charismatic tiefling who grew up in a wealthy but oppressive household. There she was punished for using magic, despite her natural talent. In a rebellious move, she stole the family grimoire to teach herself dark sorcery, which resulted in the burning down of her family manor and all her family inside. Despite this tragedy, Nixie is now on a journey to enjoy her newfound magical freedom and find a new family.

    For more information on Nixie and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    What's a Spell Slot?: Quest for a mystical and rare acorn with Nixie! Nixie starts in the formation (Slot 8) and cannot be removed or swapped out. Any Champions you use with the DPS role must have a CHA of 17+.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • If the Trees are Thin, Let the Flames Begin!: Quest for a mystical and rare acorn while… Wait, who thought it was a good idea to bring Nixie into a forest? Nixie starts in the formation (Slot 8) and cannot be removed or swapped out. Nixie's Wild Magic Surge ability starts out unlocked. Nixie attacks faster as her base attack cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds. Nixie's base attacks sometimes accidentally light a random Champion on fire, damaging them for 20% of their max health.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • The Limitless Possibilities of Nixie: Quest for a mystical and rare acorn with Nixie's favorite heroes! Nixie starts in the formation (Slot 8) and cannot be removed or swapped out. You may only use Champions that are Tieflings, Chaotic, or have a total ability score of 78 or lower.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • More details and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!