April 5th, 2024
BW2: April 12th, 2024 Release Notes
Anniversary Event (April 12th, 2024)
- Updated the Anniversary Event:
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added new cake
- Added new quest
- Added 5 new developer gnomes
- Added 2 new trivia questions
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event
- Rebalanced turn-in progress. You can get 100% by completing all the quests and turning in station items found while whacking a minimum of 3 energy bars worth of bushes
- Fixed Linus not showing ! or ? icon after you complete/start one of this quests and the other is available/ready
- Changed the costume contest to have submissions and voting occur on separate dates so all participants are available to be voted on at the same time regardless of timezone and time of submission
April 3rd, 2024
BW2: April 3rd, 2024 Release Notes
Generation 17 Pets (April 3rd, 2024)
- 10 new pets are now in rotation for Misty’s pet raising quests!
- Added 8 new unique variations of the gen 17 pets to the PAGAS egg store
- Added new unique pet collection rewards: 1050 - 10k Nutritious Training Kibble, 1100 - Menagerie Maniac title, 1150 - 10% DNA Augment
- Fixed a typo in Spelunker Jano's player replies at the Cenote Site (thanks Croq!)
- Fixed a typo in the Fearsome Fuchsia Fish quest in the Salt Desert (thanks Croq!)
- Fixed the tooltip for visiting a friend's pasture from "Visit Pasture Course" to "Visit Pasture"
- Fixed mount favourites not showing when you're choosing a mount for a Training Pen