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November 29th, 2024
Idle Champions Spotlight: Halsin 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Halsin, the esteemed Archdruid of the Emerald Grove, is a wise and powerful elf dedicated to the protection and preservation of nature. After being captured by goblins allied with the Absolute, he escaped and now fights to protect his grove and its inhabitants from this encroaching evil. He channels his deep connection to the natural world to aid his allies in their quests.
Halsin is a Support, Healing, and Speed Champion who excels in formations with other Good Champions. He drives the Champions forward, potentially completing area quest requirements early, while his druidic healing keeps his allies alive.

Read on to learn more...


Neutral Good
Elf (Wood)
Support / Healing / Speed
Absolute Adversaries
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until December 4th, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Thorn Whip (magic) - Halsin attacks the enemy with the most health, dealing one hit and pulling them a short distance towards the formation.

Formation Abilities

  • Archdruid of Emerald Grove - Halsin gains a Harmony stack for each Good Champion in the formation, including himself. Halsin increases the damage of these Champions by 100% for each Harmony stack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Call To Action - In non-boss areas, every time the area quest progresses, there is a chance that you will just immediately complete the quest and move on to the next area. The maximum chance is 20% if the quest is one away from being completed but is greatly reduced based on the number of quest items left to collect or enemies left to defeat.

  • Nature's Revival - Halsin heals Champions affected by Archdruid of Emerald Grove by 10 health every second.
  • Vow of Harmony - Halsin provides benefits based on the number of Harmony stacks he has.
    3+ Harmony stacks: Nurturing: The effect of Nature's Revival is increased by 20% for each Harmony stack he has, stacking additively.
    5+ Harmony stacks: Hurrying: The effect of Call To Action is increased by 50%.
    7+ Harmony stacks: Recharging: When a Champion uses an Ultimate Attack, it recharges with 10% of the cooldown already done.
    9+ Harmony stacks: Growing: Increases the base value of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by 400%.


  • Harbinger of the Wilds - Archdruid of Emerald Grove now also grants Harmony stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis).
  • Sage of the Transformed - Halsin increases the number of Ceremorphosis stacks the party has by 40%, rounded down.

  • Protector of the Grove - Increases the effect of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by your maximum chance of Call To Action triggering.

Ultimate Ability

  • Bear Form - Halsin transforms into a bear for 20 seconds, and his base attack changes to Bear Strike.


Global DPS Buff
Global DPS Buff
Archdruid of Emerald Grove Buff
Call To Action Buff
Nature's Revival Buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Emerald Prayer
    Increases the pre-stack effect of Halsin's Archdruid of Emerald Grove ability by 20%.
  • No Time to Wait
    Increases the effect of Halsin's Call To Action ability by 20%.
  • Green Thumb
    Increases the effect of Halsin's Nature's Revival ability by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Emerald Oath
    Increases the pre-stack effect of Halsin's Archdruid of Emerald Grove ability by 40%.
  • Righteous Momentum
    Increases the effect of Halsin's Call To Action ability by 40%.
  • Nature's Bounty
    Increases the effect of Halsin's Nature's Revival ability by 40%.
  • Rejuvenating Touch
    Increases the healing of the Nurturing component of Halsin's Vow of Harmony ability by 40%.
  • Kick the Door Down
    Increases the effect of Halsin's Call To Action ability by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Bear Hug
    Increases the cooldown reduction of the Recharging component of Halsin's Vow of Harmony ability by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Rampant Growth
    Increases the bonus of the Growing component of Halsin's Vow of Harmony ability by 80%.
    Available for 50,000 Gems or in the Moonlight Halsin Theme Pack

We Want YOUR Feedback

How do you feel about Halsin? Will this Archdruid take on an important role in your formations?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

November 27th, 2024
Idle Champions: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 8  
Posted in Idle Champions.

The search for R04M continues with the latest update to Turn of Fortune's Wheel!

With the information uncovered after unlocking the Mosaic Mimir's memories, the Champions journey into a realm of nightmares, where the Plane of Shadow has been infringing upon the Outlands. The Champions will uncover far more than they ever bargained for as the truths they discover begin to contradict the truths they thought they knew...

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Time's Mausoleum and Heroes of the Day, in order to access these new adventures.

Campaign: Turn of Fortune's Wheel

The Lost Modron

Search for R04M within the encroaching darkness of the Shadowfell.

Variant: Song and Silence

Search for R04M within the encroaching darkness of the Shadowfell with some skillful allies.
  • You may only use Rogue and Bard Champions.
  • Champions with a Charisma of 18 or higher have their positional formation abilities increased by 100%.
  • Complete Area 1050

Realm of Enchanted Mysteries

Escape with R04M while dealing with a visit from our old pal Somnus.

Variant: R04M Where You Want To

Escape with R04M while dealing with some not-so-good Champions.
  • You may not use Good Champions.
  • R04M joins the formation. Champions next to R04M attack 0.5 seconds slower for every 100 areas completed.
  • Complete Area 1100

We Want YOUR Feedback

How do you feel about your journey in the Outlands so far?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

November 7th, 2024
2024 Champion Spotlight: Sgt. Knox 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    The imposing presence of Sergeant Knox came to Neverwinter when the Mintarn mercenaries were hired to retake the city following the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Soon he became a daily presence and mentor for new Adventurers in the city. Celeste reached out to her old friend following the catastrophic events at Elturel, hoping the veteran mercenary would join the Champions as they face the greatest foe the Sword Coast has ever seen!

Sergeant Alphonse Knox has received a moderate rework to improve his core theme of being an excellent early game party member for Celeste and Makos. For details on the Sgt. Knox Rebalance, read on...

Sgt. Knox

Sgt. Knox
Neutral Good
Tanking / Support
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until November 13th, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Battleaxe (melee) - Sgt. Knox swings his enormous Battleaxe through a random group of enemies.

Formation Abilities

  • Rallying Cry - Increases the damage of Champions in all the columns behind Sgt. Knox by 100% for each positional formation ability affecting them, stacking multiplicatively and including this one.
  • Defense of Neverwinter - When Sgt. Knox is in the formation, Celeste and Makos become eligible for the current adventure, even if a Patron, Variant, or other restriction would say otherwise.
  • Squad Leader - If they are in the formation, Sgt. Knox increases the effect of Celeste's Crusader's Mantle and Makos' Specialization Choice by 100% for each completed base Grand Tour adventure, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Hero of Neverwinter - Increases the Health of all other Champions by 25% of Sgt. Knox's Max Health. If affected by Celeste's Mass Cure Wounds, Sgt. Knox takes 25% less damage from all attacks, excluding attacks that instantly kill him.
  • Master Defender - Sgt. Knox keeps track of the highest number of enemies that have been attacking him at one time and the highest number of enrage stacks there have been in the current area. The effect of Squad Leader is increased by 100% for each enemy and enrage stack, stacking additively.


  • Impromptu Allies - The effect of Celeste's Crusader's Mantle is increased by 100% for each unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • For The Greater Good - Makos completes his quest to become a lich and gains the Undead tag. His damage is increased by 400% and his critical hit damage is increased by 100%. His base attack now targets up to 5 enemies at once, and he has a 20% higher chance to critically hit.
  • Shield Wall - Increases the max health of Sgt. Knox by 200%. His base attack now taunts enemies he hits to target him.

Ultimate Ability

  • Break The Line (melee) - Sgt. Knox swings his axe in an arc, knocking nearby enemies back, damaging, and stunning them for 2 seconds. He then leaps at a random enemy and swings his axe in an overhead blow, dealing even more damage and stunning enemies in the area for 5 seconds.


Global DPS Buff
Squad Leader Buff
Buffs all Specializations
Rallying Cry Buff
Master Defender Buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selfless
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Tough
    Increases the health of Sgt. Knox by 15%.
  • Mintarn Chant
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Rallying Cry ability by 20%.
  • Defensive Duelist
    Sgt. Knox takes 5 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Resilient
    Increases the health of Sgt. Knox by 30%.
  • Neverwinter Anthem
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Rallying Cry ability by 40%.
  • Keen Mind
    Increases the Intelligence score of Sgt. Knox by 1.
  • Calm Under Pressure
    Sgt. Knox takes 10 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
  • Sergeant's Call
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Squad Leader ability by 40%.
  • Master at Arms
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Master Defender ability by 40%.
  • Adaptable Leadership
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Impromptu Allies, For The Greater Good, and Shield Wall specializations by 40%
  • Rally of the Protectors
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Rallying Cry ability by 80%.
  • Prodigal Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%.
  • Siege Breaker
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Master Defender ability by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Singular Focus
    Increases the effect of Sgt. Knox's Impromptu Allies, For The Greater Good, and Shield Wall specializations by 80%
    Available for 50,000 Gems or in the Herald of Neverwinter Sgt. Knox Theme Pack

We Want YOUR Feedback

What do you think about the new and improved Sgt. Knox? Will he help your formations and synergize well with Celeste and Makos?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

November 6th, 2024
Idle Champions: Feast of the Moon 8 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    The party descends into an infamous crypt filled with the tombs of local heroes to pay homage to their deeds during the Feast of the Moon. Unfortunately, the dead are restless, rising from their slumber as undead and gathering deep in the crypt for some unknown nefarious purpose...

    Fight your way through the risen heroes of yore as your party descends into the dark depths of The Crypt of Legends. Seek out whatever is responsible for this undead uprising, and put an end to it for good!

Feast of the Moon is here with another Absolute Adversary: Minthara Baenre! This former Lolth-Sworn Drow Paladin was sent from Menzoberranzan to investigate the Cult of the Absolute, only to end up becoming a True Soul of the Absolute herself.

Our first Featured Champion for Feast of the Moon, Minthara, launches with the event today. Our second Featured Champion arrives next week when Sergeant Alphonse Knox receives his Rebalance on Wednesday, November 13. For more information on Feast of the Moon 8, read on...

Featured Champions


    Minthara, once a House Matron from the esteemed House Baenre in Menzoberranzan, was cast aside by the Absolute after failing to recover a powerful and mysterious artifact. Having broken free from the Absolute's control, she now harbors an intense hatred for her former master. Fueled by vengeance and a desire to reclaim her lost honor, Minthara channels her dark powers and cunning to oppose the Absolute and any who stand in her way.

Minthara Baenre is a Support, Debuff, and Tanking Champion who excels in formations with other Evil Champions. She provides resilience to other Champions and amplifies damage dealt to enemies. For details on this Nightwarden of House Baenre, read on!

Learn more about Minthara in her Champion Spotlight.

Sgt. Knox

    The imposing presence of Sergeant Knox came to Neverwinter when the Mintarn mercenaries were hired to retake the city following the eruption of Mount Hotenow. Soon he became a daily presence and mentor for new Adventurers in the city. Celeste reached out to her old friend following the catastrophic events at Elturel, hoping the veteran mercenary would join the Champions as they face the greatest foe the Sword Coast has ever seen!

Learn about Sgt.Knox's upcoming rebalance in his 2024 Champion Spotlight launching on Thursday, November 7th. The Sgt.Knox Rebalance arrives on Wednesday, November 13th at the beginning of Feast of the Moon Week 2!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:
Jang Sao

Event Augments

  • Refreshing Boons: Event boons obtained during this event last for 21 days and don't expire when the event ends. Obtaining another boon at any point during the event refreshes this timer. If your boon persists into the next event, it will stack with that event's boon until it expires, however it will not unlock the supporter slot.
  • Boon Enhancements: The power of most Event Boon buffs is increased by up to eight times!
  • Empowered Rewards: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards!
  • Worth The Wait: Rebalanced Champion Sgt. Knox releases at the start of week two of this event. Completing his tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

We Want YOUR Feedback

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Minthara Baenre? Does she help you build new and interesting or exciting formations? What about Sgt. Knox's rebalance? Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

November 4th, 2024
BW2: Generation 18 Pets are Here! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Gotta find 'em all!

A new selection of critters are now available to be your companions!

Those weirdly random abandoned eggs scattered all over Bushwhackia have been switched up and all new pets are ready to hatch when you accept the "Find an Egg" quest from Misty. She will also have all the Generation 18 eggs available to purchase for Bush Bucks during the "Find an Egg" quest.

Other changes to Misty and Hank for Generation 18:

  • Misty will no longer let players abandon Gen 17 pet eggs that they are hatching (they're now too rare). Only current generation pet eggs can be abandoned during hatching. Please note that if you're in the middle of hatching a pet, then that egg will still hatch into whatever pet it would have been before.

  • Generation 17 pet eggs can now be found in Quester's Satchels (with the same limitations as the Generation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 eggs, which will still be available in satchels as well.)

  • Hank now sells a random assortment of hatched level 1 Generation 18 pets (instead of Generation 17) for Bush Bucks in his pet store.

PAGAS changes for Generation 18:

  • Generation 18 pet eggs are available to buy with DNA in the PAGAS store, once you have hatched at least five Generation 18 pets. This include 8 unique variations of the new pets.

  • The Pet Progress dialog now includes Generation 18 pets. Another 18 new pets that all players can unlock!

  • Added 1200 unique pet collection reward: 10k Nutritious Training Kibble

  • Added 1250 unique pet collection reward: DNA Augment

  • Added 1300 unique pet collection reward: Zoologist Title

And now, without further ado, the information you've all been waiting for:

Generation 18 Pets:

  • Electric Eel
  • Harpy Eagle
  • Centipede
  • Hoppy Piranha
  • Capuchin Monkey
  • Flea
  • Kraken
  • Budgie
  • Steller's Jay
  • Beluga

Comment on the new additions on the forum!

Read the change log
November 1st, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Minthara 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Minthara, once a House Matron from the esteemed House Baenre in Menzoberranzan, was cast aside by the Absolute after failing to recover a powerful and mysterious artifact. Having broken free from the Absolute's control, she now harbors an intense hatred for her former master. Fueled by vengeance and a desire to reclaim her lost honor, Minthara channels her dark powers and cunning to oppose the Absolute and any who stand in her way.

Minthara Baenre is a Support, Debuff, and Tanking Champion who excels in formations with other Evil Champions. She provides resilience to other Champions and amplifies damage dealt to enemies. For details on this Nightwarden of House Baenre, read on!


Neutral Evil
Elf (Drow)
Support / Debuff / Tanking
Absolute Adversaries
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until November 6th, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Double Maces (melee) - Minthara dashes toward the healthiest enemy and damages nearby foes with a swing of her maces.

Formation Abilities

  • Noble of Menzoberranzan - Minthara gains a Strife stack for each Evil Champion in the formation, including herself. Minthara increases the damage of these Champions by 100% for each Strife stack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Soul Branding - When Minthara damages an enemy, they take 100% additional damage from all subsequent attacks, stacking multiplicatively up to the number of Strife stacks Minthara has.
  • Oath of Vengeance - Minthara provides benefits based on the number of Strife stacks she has.
    3+ Strife stacks: Unyielding: Minthara increases her health by 10% for each Strife stack she has, stacking additively.
    5+ Strife stacks: Piercing: Enemies affected by at least two Soul Branding stacks lose an additional armor or segmented health piece when they are attacked.
    7+ Strife stacks: Scarring: When Minthara damages an enemy, she immediately applies the maximum possible number of Soul Branding stacks.
    9+ Strife stacks: Nobility: Increases the base value of Noble of Menzoberranzan by 400%.
  • Ceremorphosis - Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Minthara's brain. Minthara increases the health of all other Champions by 20% of her max health, plus 2% for each Ceremorphosis stack the formation has, stacking additively.


  • House Matron - Noble of Menzoberranzan now also grants Strife stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis).
  • True Soul - Your formation gains 2 additional Ceremorphosis stacks.
  • Soul Destroyer - The maximum number of Soul Branding stacks is doubled.

Ultimate Ability

  • Spider's Lyre (melee) - Minthara summons Kar'niss the Drider to attack all enemies. In a non-boss area, the Champions advance to the next area if no enemies remain after the attack.


Global DPS Buff
Global DPS Buff
Health Increase
Noble of Menzoberranzan Buff
Soul Branding Buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Tough
    Increases the health of Minthara by 15%.
  • Defensive Duelist
    Minthara takes 5 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
  • Drow Noble
    Increases the effect of Minthara's Noble of Menzoberranzan ability by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Resilient
    Increases the health of Minthara by 30%.
  • Calm Under Pressure
    Minthara takes 10 more Enemies attacking to get overwhelmed.
  • Drow Survivor
    Increases the effect of Minthara's Noble of Menzoberranzan ability by 40%.
  • Compelling Strife
    Increases the effect of Minthara's Soul Branding ability by 40%.
  • Daughter of House Baenre
    Increases the effect of Minthara's Noble of Menzoberranzan ability by 80%.
    Available for 50,000 Gems or in the Herald of the Absolute Minthara Theme Pack
  • Nightwarden's Oath
    Increases the effect of Minthara's Oath of Vengeance ability by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

We Want YOUR Feedback

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Your participation and feedback have brought us this far, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms: