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April 12th, 2024
Bush Whacker 2's 12th Anniversary! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy 12th Anniversary Bushwhackia!

This event starts at noon on Friday April 12th!

Your friends in the Commons event area are up to something--and they need your help!

Be warned, this post contains SPOILERS for the event! You may want to play the first couple days of the event before reading these details!

Developer Turn-in Stations

The developers of Bush Whacker 2 are running the turn-in stations. Over the course of the event, you can find Typo Reports, Bug Reports and Suggestions in the bushes to turn in for event progress. Can you flood the poor developers with enough to earn the 100% reward?


Four daily quests will help you gain progress as well, starting with the quest for Gnome parts. The developer gnome quest has been updated with 5 more gnomes. Each completion will award you a random developer gnome and there are now 43 of us to collect. Note, if you have less than 38 gnomes, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in until you catch up.

Later on, there will be a daily quest to test your Bush Whacker knowledge with trivia questions, featuring 2 new questions! Plus the return of Linus (from Halloween) who will have a sweet reward and of course, 12 years of whacking bushes has taken its toll, so it's best if you help to replant.

Familiar friends, like Nate and Kaine, will also have quests as the event goes one.

Costume Contest

Do you have a favourite outfit from among the all the Custom Items over the years? Well, you can now show them off! Once you build the Costume Contest area, you can enter your favourite outfit and vote. New winners will be chosen daily, and will get a small treat. You can ask Alexis what your current bracket is if you're participating in the day's contest. Brackets are top 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 500+.

The Cake Isn't a Lie!

And what is an anniversary without cake? Not a very good one! A souvenir cake will appear on Thursday April 18 at Noon PDT and be available to interact with until Monday April 22nd at Noon PDT.

New for 2024:

This year's update includes:

- 5 VIP reward tiers!
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new holiday 100% reward!
- Added new cake
- Added new quest
- Added 5 new developer gnomes
- Added 2 new trivia questions
- Rebalanced turn-in progress. You can get 100% by completing all the quests and turning in station items found while whacking a minimum of 3 energy bars worth of bushes
- Fixed Linus not showing ! or ? icon after you complete/start one of this quests and the other is available/ready
- Changed the costume contest to have submissions and voting occur on separate dates so all participants are available to be voted on at the same time regardless of timezone and time of submission

Holiday Trees

If you can complete the event, you'll earn this awesome 100% reward: The Anniversary Tree!


There are a total of SIXTEEN possible achievements to earn in the Anniversary event.

Returning Achievements

Surprise!? - Help set up your own surprise party (Finish the set up and last-minute set up tasks.)
Support Ticket - Do a turn-in at each turn-in station.
Papers, Please - Do 50 turn-ins at each turn-in station.
Know Your Stuff - Complete the Trivia Daily Quest 5 times.
Lookin' Sharp - Enter the costume contest.
Best Buddies - Complete the event quests for Kaine and Nate.
Fashion Critic - Vote 50 times in the Costume Contest!
Gnomevelopers - Earn all 8 developer gnomes from the 2016 Anniversary Event.
Gnomevelopers 2 - Earn all 16 developer gnomes from the 2018 Anniversary Event.
Gnomevelopers 3 - Earn all 32 of the anniversary developer gnomes
Gnomefier - Craft anniversary developer gnomes 5 times

New Achievements

Decoration Dozens - Purchase all the 12th Anniversary Event items*
Gnomevelopers 4 - Earn all 43 of the anniversary developer gnomes

Retired Achievements

We also have 3 achievements from previous years which may be earned by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Decade Dressing - Purchase all the 10th Anniversary Event items
Anniversary Mementos - Purchase all the 6th Anniversary Event items.
Celebrate Good Times - Purchase all the 4th Anniversary Event items!
*The Mini Golf piece isn't required to complete the Decoration Dozens achievement.

Ride In Style

Mount Packs

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from March 8th to 11th!

The Bush mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Rosebush and Twilight Bush are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Three new pets can be picked up April 19th to 22nd in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle! From left-to-right they are the Bush Buddy, Kitsune Kit, and Megalodon Pup!

Post your plans for the next year of adventuring with Bush Whacker 2 on the forums!

The event will run until Friday April 26th at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which developer gnomes are available?
    There are now FORTY THREE developer gnomes available. You can collect one at random each time you do the Gnome Parts daily quest. Note, if this is your first time doing the event, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in.

  • Why do I want to help Linus daily?
    The more times you help him, the better your reward at the end of the event. His quest can be reset with the VIP power to reset daily quests.

  • Will this event repeat next year?
    Good question! We'll tell you next year!

  • How does the Costume contest work?
    You can enter the contest once per day. Once you've entered you cannot change your entry, so choose wisely. Throughout the day players can vote on other entries much like the screenshot contests from Halloween and the Spring Garden events. At midnight, the top 5 rated entries win, and a new contest begins! Winners get a unique title and an energy pack, but cannot enter the contest again for 3 days.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Doing turn-ins at the 3 stations and completing quests for the NPCs in the area.

  • How can I find the turn-in station items?
    Just keep whacking bushes and critters. The Holiday Item Runes and Pets will help attract them as well or you can use a VIP Voucher or Token on the Event Drops boon.

  • Do I have to ask my friends to help with the turn-in stations?
    No, you don't have to. They just allow you to gain event progress faster.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

April 17th, 2023
Celebrate Bush Whacker 2's 11th Anniversary! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

As some of you may know, April 18th marks the day BW2 was first released.

Like the 9th anniversary, you can join a small developer celebration in the Commons where the Theater currently stands. You'll be able to get cake, buy items from past anniversary celebrations from Nick, and complete Georgia's quest to get 6 new developer gnomes.

The celebration will start at noon Pacific on Monday April 17th and end at noon (PDT) on Wednesday April 19th. Don't miss out!

Lastly, we'd like to thank you for being such an amazing community.
September 7th, 2022
Idle Champions: Fifth Anniversary Celebration 
Posted in Idle Champions.

September 7th is our Fifth Anniversary, and what better way to celebrate 5 amazing years of Idle Champions than with a new campaign, giveaways, livestreams, and updates to the game! It's time for our Fifth Anniversary Celebration!

Fifth Anniversary Celebration

It's been another fantastic year for Idle Champions! We saw our 100th Champion, began our journey through the Wild Beyond the Witchlight, supercharged our modron cores, added new evergreen Champions, thrilled at the stories of the Court of the Raven Queen and the Black Pits, watched A Familiar Quest, and much more. So we're excited to celebrate our anniversary with more content, more updates, and more fun!

Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Anniversary Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Fifth Anniversary Celebration you can log in and open a new Birthday chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains 5 awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. If you get goodies in those chests for content you have not yet unlocked, then your account will retain those items and save them for you to enjoy when you have unlocked those systems in the game.

Once you have claimed at least four daily Birthday chests, you unlock Viconia as well as an exclusive Vecna Cultist Viconia skin, an epic Viconia feat, and 3 gold Viconia chests!

Vecna Lives!

This week we launch an update to the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast with a new fork in the road. Do you continue along the traveled path to Longsaddle and the Mists of Ravenloft? Or will you brave a trip to Candlekeep and face off against The Whispered One himself...VECNA!

  • Vecna Lives! - Explore the emergency in Candlekeep and discover a new threat to Faer?n.
    • Variant 1: Overwhelmed with Knowledge - Explore the emergency in Candlekeep with Champions that are amazed by the library.
    • Only Champions with an INT of 15 or higher may be used.
    • The Overwhelm for all Champions is set to 1.
    • Complete area 325.
  • Vecna Loots! - Stop the assault on Candlekeep before Vecna can achieve his goal!
    • Variant 1: Well Equipped - Stop the assault on Candlekeep with your best equipped Champions!
    • Only Champions with Rare or better equipment in every equipment slot may be used.
    • A wizard student joins the formation. They just get in the way.
    • Complete area 325.

Idle Champions Presents: Vecna Lives!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Presents Vecna Lives

A motely crew of Champions have been rallied, at VERY short notice, to defend one of the biggest cities on the Sword Coast from The Whispered One! Erin M. Evans is the Dungeon Master for this intense one shot with players Vee Mus'e as Voronika, Noura Ibrahim as Nahara, Masood Haque as Gazrick, and Lauren Urban as Orkira.

Watch live on Wednesday, September 7th at 12pm Pacific on our Twitch Channel! And join us all day for our Fifth Anniversary Day of Streaming to collect the Vecna Cultist Korth Skin, and unlock Korth along with 3 Gold Korth Chests!

Bardic Inspiration Vol 3 In-Game Soundtrack Update!

Bardic Inspiration Soundtrack Update

The bard and the scribe from Bardic Inspiration have been hard at work turning ten of the most recently crafted tunes into fully produced songs! All will be added to the Jukebox for you to rock out to while crafting your formations. The track list includes:
  • 1. Ballad of the Black Rose (Lord Soth, Episode 63)
  • 2. Beware the Purple Worm (Purple Worms, Episode 41)
  • 3. Cry for Justice (Bahamut, Episode 47)
  • 4. Displaced Displacer (Displacer Beasts, Episode 46)
  • 5. Hate Makes You Cold (Zorbu, Episode 12)
  • 6. Judged by Kelemvor (Kelemvor, Episode 43)
  • 7. Kobolds are Number One (Kobolds, Episode 52)
  • 8. Lord of Secrets, The Whispered One (Vecna, Episode 66)
  • 9. My Sweet Raven Queen (Orcus & The Raven Queen, Episode 53)
  • 10. The Lorekeeper's Legacy (Alyndra Sarrbarand, Episode 27)

Founder's Pack V, New Gem Shop Skins, and an Anniversary Sale!

A new year brings a new Founder's Pack, filled with awesome goodies to help you complete your adventures! Full details can be found in the in-game shop, but take a look at what's in store:

  • Founder's Pack V - It's time for Bruenor to go to space! This exclusive Spelljammer Bruenor skin shows that he's ready for whatever wildspace is going to throw at the formation. Also included in this pack is an exclusive Space Mollymawk familiar, a Golden Epic Potion, an Epic Potion of the Gem Hunter, and a bevy of gold chests, gems, blacksmithing contracts, bounty contracts, and potions!

We've also added the following skins to the gem shop, which become visible and available once you've unlocked the corresponding Champion:
  • Gladiator Tatyana
  • Special Guest Star Catti-brie

Finally, we have an anniversary sale going on in-game across most of our platforms starting today. Collect some starter packs at our biggest discount yet, or pick up a few packs you've been waiting to grab!

Feedback Wanted!

Tell us all about your experience playing Idle Champions over the last five years on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

April 14th, 2022
Bush Whacker 2's 10th Anniversary! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy 10th Anniversary Bushwhackia!

This event starts at noon on Friday April 15th!

Your friends in the Commons event area are up to something--and they need your help!

Be warned, this post contains SPOILERS for the event! You may want to play the first couple days of the event before reading these details!

Developer Turn-in Stations

The developers of Bush Whacker 2 are running the turn-in stations. Over the course of the event, you can find Typo Reports, Bug Reports and Suggestions in the bushes to turn in for event progress. Can you flood the poor developers with enough to earn the 100% reward?


Four daily quests will help you gain progress as well, starting with the quest for Gnome parts. The developer gnome quest has been updated with 5 more gnomes. Each completion will award you a random developer gnome and there are now 32 of us to collect. Note, if you have less than 27 gnomes, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in until you catch up.

Later on, there will be a daily quest to test your Bush Whacker knowledge with trivia questions, featuring 6 new questions! Plus the return of Linus (from Halloween) who will have a sweet reward and of course, 10 years of whacking bushes has taken its tole, so it's best if you help to replant.

Familiar friends, like Nate and Kaine, will also have quests as the event goes one.

Costume Contest

Do you have a favourite outfit from among the all the Custom Items over the years? Well, you can now show them off! Once you build the Costume Contest area, you can enter your favourite outfit and vote. New winners will be chosen daily, and will get a small treat. New this year, you can ask Alexis what your current bracket is if you're participating in the day's contest. Brackets are top 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 500+.

The Cake Isn't a Lie!

And what is an anniversary without cake? Not a very good one! A souvenir cake will appear on Monday April 18 at Noon PDT and be available to interact with until Friday April 22nd at Noon PDT.

New for 2022:

If you can complete the event, you'll earn the lucky Anniversary Flower Box!

For quests, we've added 1 new quest for our past community manager Erika to Zoey's community manager quest line!

There are also new customization and ranch items in the store, a new cake, 6 new trivia questions, 5 new developer gnomes, and the ability to view your current ranking in the costume contest!

Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

There are a total of FOURTEEN possible achievements to earn in the Anniversary event.

Returning for 2022

Surprise!? - Help set up your own surprise party (Finish the set up and last-minute set up tasks.)
Support Ticket - Do a turn-in at each turn-in station.
Papers, Please - Do 50 turn-ins at each turn-in station.
Know Your Stuff - Complete the Trivia Daily Quest 5 times.
Lookin' Sharp - Enter the costume contest.
Best Buddies - Complete the event quests for Kaine and Nate. Fashion Critic - Vote 50 times in the Costume Contest! Gnomevelopers - Earn all 8 developer gnomes from the 2016 Anniversary Event.
Gnomevelopers 2 - Earn all 16 developer gnomes from the 2018 Anniversary Event.

New for 2022

Decade Dressing - Purchase all the 10th Anniversary Event items*
Gnomevelopers 3 - Earn all 32 of the anniversary developer gnomes
Gnomefier - Craft anniversary developer gnomes 5 times

We also have 2 achievements from previous years which may be earned by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Anniversary Mementos - Purchase all the 6th Anniversary Event items.
Celebrate Good Times - Purchase all the 4th Anniversary Event items!
*The Mini Golf piece isn't required to complete the Decade Dressing achievement.

Mount Sale!

New Mounts:

The Airavata is a glorious and wise flying multi-trunked elephant mount! It increases your speed by 60% and it's starting bonus increase your Energy wins by 5%!

Get this mount free with the purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more during the weekend sale running until Monday March 15th @ Noon PDT!

Also see the Starlight Airavata and Sunset Airavata mounts in mount packs, available during this sale!

Pet Packs!

New Pets

COMING SOON! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!

Post your plans for the next year of adventuring with Bush Whacker 2 on the forums!

The event will run until Friday April 29th at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which developer gnomes are available?
    There are now THIRTY TWO developer gnomes available. You can collect one at random each time you do the Gnome Parts daily quest. Note, if this is your first time doing the event, you'll get 2 gnomes per turn in.

  • Why do I want to help Linus daily?
    The more times you help him, the better your reward at the end of the event. His quest can be reset with the VIP power to reset daily quests.

  • Will this event repeat next year?
    Good question! We'll tell you next year!

  • How does the Costume contest work?
    You can enter the contest once per day. Once you've entered you cannot change your entry, so choose wisely. Throughout the day players can vote on other entries much like the screenshot contests from Halloween and the Spring Garden events. At midnight, the top 5 rated entries win, and a new contest begins! Winners get a unique title and an energy pack, but cannot enter the contest again for 3 days.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Doing turn-ins at the 3 stations and completing quests for the NPCs in the area.

  • How can I find the turn-in station items?
    Just keep whacking bushes and critters. The Holiday Item Runes and Pets will help attract them as well or you can use a VIP Voucher or Token on the Event Drops boon.

  • Do I have to ask my friends to help with the turn-in stations?
    No, you don't have to. They just allow you to gain event progress faster.

  • When will the last quest unlock?
    The last event quest will unlock on April 24th.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

November 30th, 2021
Idle Champions: Year's End Festival 2021 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The year is almost over, and we thought we'd celebrate with a Years' End Festival. Let's finish off the year with daily rewards, a day of streaming, a gem shop update, and return to the north for the conclusion of the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign!

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with this week's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Year's End Festival

It's been a fantastic year for Idle Champions, and we're excited to celebrate with our Community this game we all love! We're rounding out 2021 for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms with themes appropriate for this time of year: Entertainment, giving, and a positive theme to end what has been another very tumultuous year for most.

Dungeons & Dragons Year's End Festival Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Year's End Festival you can log in and open a new Celebration chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains 5 awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. If you get goodies in those chests for content you have not yet unlocked, then your account will retain those items and save them for you to enjoy when you have unlocked those systems in the game!

Once you have claimed at least four daily Celebration chests, you unlock an exclusive Icewind Dale Asharra skin, an epic Asharra feat, and 5 Gold Chests!

Dungeons & Dragons Year's End Festival Icewind Dale Zorbu Key Art

Day Of Streaming

Our Twitch Channel has an exciting day of streaming for you to enjoy! From 9 am - 6 pm Pacific on Wednesday, December 1st you can watch special Q&A streams, interview shows, an exciting musical performance, tons of giveaways and contests, and so much more!

Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 10

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 10

This week's content update brings the exciting conclusion of the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden! With concluding the campaign, we're also bringing Tier 4 & 5 Icewind Dale Blessings to the game.

Additionally, Icewind Dale, Part 10 brings our latest Evergreen Champion, Xerophon. Xerophon can be unlocked by completing A Lesson in Classes the second variant for The Fall of Ythryn adventure.

New Evergreen Champion: Xerophon

Xerophon is a Support Champion who uses their excellent imitation skills to provide valuable information to the rest of the formation. When you want to add Xerophon to your formation you can swap them out with Minsc (Slot 7).

For more information about our latest Evergreen Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Xerophon blog post!

New Gem Shop Items

We've added the following skins to the gem shop, which are visible and available once you've unlocked the corresponding Champion:
  • Gelatinous Cube Familiar
  • Feywild Ellywick Skin
  • Witchlight Delina Skin
  • Witchlight Spurt Skin
  • Wyrmspeaker Catti-brie Skin
  • Wyrmspeaker Deekin Skin
  • Pixie Riding a Corgi Familiar

Idle Champions Presents: The Trial of Mount Tiamat

We were absolutely thrilled to present the second season of Idle Champions Presents, an interactive livestream TTRPG experience. For the full recap of the adventure, check out our recap blog post. Warning this blog post contains spoilers.

New DLC Packs

New DLC Packs are now available, featuring bundles of epic skins, familiars, and other awesome stuff to help you on your adventures in the new year! Check out the Idle Champions Presents: Trials of Mount Tiamat recap blog post for more details on Ascendant Skins. Warning this blog post contains spoilers. Full details can be found in the in-game shop, but take a look at what's new in store:

Professor Orb Familiar Pack - The Professor Orb Familiar Pack includes the Professor Orb Familiar, but also 4 Epic Potions of Speed, 4 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength, 4 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, and 1 Potion of Polish!

[REDACTED] - We have a special announcement. More into on [Redacted] coming soon!

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

September 22nd, 2021
Idle Champions: Fourth Anniversary Celebration 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A new Campaign, exciting new Blessings, a lot of Trials, many streamed celebrations, Daily Rewards, and even more! It's time for our Fourth Anniversary Celebration!

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with this week's update, you've come to the right place...

Fourth Anniversary Celebration

It's been a fantastic year for Idle Champions, and we're excited to celebrate with our Community this game we all love! In our fourth year, we've rolled out quite a few features and systems, including our first co-operative multiplayer campaign: Trials of Mount Tiamat. We also released two Evergreen Champions, started a new campaign, launched on Epic Games Store, and ran a 6-week interactive livestream experience. All that certainly deserves a celebration, right?

Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Anniversary Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Fourth Anniversary Celebration you can log in and open a new Birthday chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains 5 awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures. If you get goodies in those chests for content you have not yet unlocked, then your account will retain those items and save them for you to enjoy when you have unlocked those systems in the game!

Once you have claimed at least four daily Birthday chests, you unlock an exclusive Witchlight Delina skin, an epic Delina feat, and 5 gold chests!

Dungeons & Dragons Anniversary Witchlight Part 1

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Part 1

This week's content update brings the debut of a new campaign, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight! Check out the full The Wild Beyond the Witchlight blog post coming later today for details about the new adventures and variants filled with the wonder and danger of the Feywild!

Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Anniversary Celebration Blessings

Blessings Update

With a new campaign comes new Blessings, and we've also added more tiers of Blessings to other campaigns! You can find out all the details of each of the new local and global Blessings in the game, but here's an overview of the new tiers that are available:
  • Grand Tour of the Sword Coast - Tier 5
  • Tomb of Annihilation - Tier 5
  • Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - Tier 4 & 5
  • Descent into Avernus - Tier 4 & 5
  • Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden - Tier 2 & 3
  • The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Tier 1
Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Anniversary Celebration Spurt Key Art

Days Of Streaming

Our Twitch Channel has two days of anniversary celebration streams to enjoy! From 9am-4pm Pacific on Wednesday September 22nd and Thursday September 23rd you can watch special Q&A streams, interview shows, an exciting musical performance, tons of giveaways and contests, and so much more!

New Gem Shop Skins

We've added the following skins to the gem shop, which are visible and available once you've unlocked the corresponding Champion:
  • Celestial Celeste
  • Pirate Chef Krull
  • Red Panda Briv
  • Red Panda Freely

New DLC Packs

New DLC Packs are now available, featuring bundles of epic skins, awesome equipment, and adorable familiars to help you on your adventures in the new year! Full details can be found in the in-game shop, but take a look at what's in store:

Founder's Pack IV - Calliope is all ready to perform at the Witchlight Carnival in her fantastic new outfit! Along with this exclusive new Witchlight Calliope skin, this pack includes an exclusive Campestri Familiar and a bevy of gold chests, gems, and potions!

New Sketching Hour Familiars - The Sketching Hour is a livestream featuring the creation of brand new creatures from three random rolls, and thanks to the votes of our community, two of these fantastic creations have become Familiars in the game! Check out Hoot the Overgrown Owlbear Fox Familiar and Clover the Flower Dragon Parrot Familiar, both packs including a stock of potions!

Witchlight Warden Skin & Feat Pack - With iridescent dragonfly wings and an ornate rapier, Witchlight Warden is more beautiful and fearsome then ever! Along with this exclusive new Witchlight Warden skin, this pack includes the Champion Warden, an Epic Feat for Warden, 7 Gold Warden chests, and 1 guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card!

Witchlight Orkira & The Phoenix Theme Pack - Wings and cotton candy for everyone! Along with this exclusive new Witchlight Orkira skin, this pack includes the Champion Orkira, her fierce Phoenix Familiar, an Epic Feat for Orkira, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter, and 16 Gold Orkira Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards!

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

July 26th, 2021
COTLI: Sixth Anniversary Bash Celebration! 

Crusaders of the Lost Idols is turning six years old this week. It feels like we just launched yesterday. It is totally time to do another Anniversary Bash Giveaway!

We'll be giving away seven days of rewards to our players in the form of codes from our Facebook, Twitter, and Newsletter with a special BONUS reward for players who redeem all seven codes! Amazing!

Day One — Chests!

Starting Wednesday, July 28th, we'll be giving away some special goodies to Crusaders of the Lost Idols players, starting with sharing a Special Anniversary Newsletter! If you haven't signed up to the newsletter yet, you can do so here before Wednesday morning Pacific Time (UTC-7) to see the anniversary email!

Day Two — Arcane!

On Thursday, July 29th, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Three — Solvent!

On Friday, July 30th, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

Day Four — Materialistic!

On Saturday, July 31st, we will be sharing a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Five — Challenge!

On Sunday, August 1st, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

Day Six — Red!

On Monday, August 2nd, we will be sharing a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Facebook page!

Day Seven — Click!

Finally, on Tuesday, August 3rd, we will be posting a code through the Crusaders of the Lost Idols Twitter page.

BONUS — Buff those Idols!

If you find and redeem all seven codes before they expire, you'll gain a seven day buff!


Thank you to the players for being awesome and for a great six years of Crusaders so far. Here's to the next round!


Here's the list of all the codes for you to redeem, if you haven't yet!
  • SIXA-WESO-MEYE-ARS! Note: exclamation mark is part of code.
  • SIXR-UNES-OLVE-NTS! Note: exclamation mark is part of code.
All codes expire on Friday, August 20th, 2021 at Noon Pacific Time (UTC-7.)
April 16th, 2021
Celebrate Bush Whacker 2's 9th Anniversary! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

As some of you may know, April 18th marks the day BW2 was first released.

Like last year, you can join a small developer celebration in the Commons where the Theater currently stands.

Much like the 8th anniversary, you'll be able to get cake, buy items from past anniversary celebrations from Nick, and complete Georgia's quest to get 5 new developer gnomes.

The celebration will start at noon Pacific on Saturday April 17th and end at noon (PDT) on Monday April 19th. Don't miss out!

Lastly, we'd like to thank you for being such an amazing community.
December 15th, 2020
Idle Champions: Years' End Festival 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The year is almost over, and we thought we'd celebrate with a Years' End Festival. Let's finish off the year with daily rewards, a day of streaming, a soft cap increase, and go up north for Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3.

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with tomorrow's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival

Years' End Festival

It's been quite the year, and it's almost over. We're rounding out 2020 for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms with themes appropriate for this time of year: Entertainment, giving, and a positive theme to end what has been a very tumultuous year for most.

Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Years' End Festival you can log in and open a new Years' End chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

Once you have claimed at least four daily Years' End chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!

  • Exclusive Gladiator Arkhan Skin
  • Chosen of Tiamat Feat - Increases the effect of Arkhan's Bulk Up and Usurped Power abilities by 80%
  • 5 Gold Chests

Day of Streaming

What's more, an essential part of our Years' End Festival will be our quarterly tradition with a day of streaming. From 9 AM PT to 9 PM PT on Wednesday, we'll be hosting multiple streams on our Twitch channel Twitch channel, culminating in a D&D tabletop livestream with a group of the content creators.
  • 9-10:30AM Griddle Champions Pancake Preview
  • 11AM-1PM Evergreen Champions
  • 1-3PM Mars' Guiding Hand
  • 3-4PM Idle Insights: a Dev Q&A and Year in Review
  • 4-6PM Bardic Inspiration, with special guest Ed Greenwood
  • 6-9PM Storyteller Mars Presents:Twice in a Blue Moon
  • All times Pacific

Soft Cap Increase

It's time to level up! Your adventures in Faerûn have taken you around the world of Toril, from the depths of Avernus, all the way north to Ten-Towns, This week's update for Idle Champions brings with it increases to the upgrade cap for all 70+ Champions. This newfound strength will help your formations to push further than ever before. Good luck!

Dungeons & Dragons Gem Skin Gladiator Torogar

New Gem Skins

This week's update includes the addition of two new gem skins: Gladiator Torogar and Icewind Dale Tyril! Icewind Dale Tyril, aka Moosril, was our participation prize for our Third Anniversary Celebration and is now available in the Gem Shop! Gladiator Torogar is a brand new skin, matching with Gladiator Arkhan. Check out our Gem Shop Dev Blog for full details on the Gem Shop!

Dungeons & Dragons Years' End Festival Familiars

New Familiars

New Familiars have appeared in the Shop! We've added two new Familiars to the shop: Tascha's Cauldron Familiar Pack and the Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar Pack.

The Tascha's Cauldron Familiar Pack contains Tascha's Cauldron Familiar and 2 Epic Potions each of Speed, Giant's Strength, and Clairvoyance.

The Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar Pack contains the Chardalyn Dragonet Familiar and 6 Epic Potions each of Speed, Giant's Strength, Clairvoyance, and Fire Breath and 1 Potion of Polish.

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration New DLC

New DLC Packs

The Champions of Renown Year 3 All-Star Pack includes unlocks for Avren, Krull, Havilar, Melf, & Nova V'Ger if you don't already have them! Additionally, this pack includes 16 Gold Avren Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Krull Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Havilar Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Melf Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, 16 Gold Nova Chests with 2 guaranteed shiny equipment cards, and an exclusive Mastermind Krull skin.

The Gnome Ceremorph Zorbu Skin & Feat Pack DLC arrives with the Years' End Festival! This pack unlocks for Zorbu (if you don't already have him), Gnome Ceremorph Zorbu Skin, 7 Zorbu Gold Event Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny, & the Ceremorph Hunter Feat - Increases the effect of Zorbu's Hunter's Pack ability by 80%.

Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3

This week's content update brings Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Part 3. The Champions head to Caer Konig to investigate rumors of invisible dwarves pilfering the town. Along the way, they discover a terrifying new threat to Ten-Towns!

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live on December 16th at 12PM Pacific. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

September 16th, 2020
Idle Champions: Third Anniversary Celebration 
Posted in Idle Champions.

New Features, Content Update, and Daily Rewards, oh my! It's time for our Third Anniversary Celebration!

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with this week's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary

Third Anniversary Celebration

It's been quite the year for Idle Champions! In our third year we've rolled out quite a few features and systems, including the Patron system, Offline Progress, Modron Automation & Multi-Party Play, and reworked Time Gates! We also released two Evergreen Champions, started a new campaign, launched on Nintendo Switch, and left Early Access! Check out our Year 3 Retrospective Dev Blog for details! All that certainly deserves a celebration, right?

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Every day during the Third Anniversary Celebration you can log in and open a new Anniversary chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

Once you have claimed at least four daily Anniversary chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!

  • Exclusive Icewind Dale Tyril Skin
  • Exclusive Snow Click Damage
  • 5 Gold Chests

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Updates

New Features

We're thrilled to announce the debut of the New Gem Store with our Third Anniversary Celebration! This week's update includes the addition of two new gem skins, a new Evergreen Golden Epic in each patron's shop, and some new DLC. More on those below!

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Modron Automation

Gem Store

The Gem Store is a new tab in the in-game Shop that features items you can only purchase with gems! Curious how much your next gem familiar costs? Want to see what new skins are available for Champions? Go to the Gem Store! This also includes the hugely popular community request of purchasing multiple Gold Chests with gems at once! Check out our Gem Store Dev Blog for full details!

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration Familiars

New Familiars

New Familiars have appeared in the Shop! We've added five new Familiars to the shop: Arctic Fox, Wartsworth the Toad, Sylgar; the Xanathar's Goldfish, Yeti Tyke, & Hedgehog Familiar (as part of the Founder's Pack III DLC).

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration New Evergreen Golden Epics

New Patron Evergreen Golden Epics

Champions who find themselves in service of Mirt the Moneylender will have access to Ulkoria Stonemarrow's Watchful Order Staff (Slot 1) Golden Epic , those in the service of Vajra Safar may access Azaka Stormfang's Volo's Guide to Chult Pullout Map (Slot 5) Golden Epic and those in the service of Strahd von Zarovich will have access to Dragonbait's Shield (Slot 2) Golden Epic through the Patron Shop.

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration New DLC

New DLC Packs

New DLC Packs are now available!

The Founder's Pack III includes 42 Gold Chests, with 5 guaranteed Shiny loot cards, Exclusive Hedgehog Familiar, Exclusive Pirate Jarlaxle Skin, 5000 Gems, an Exclusive 50% Gem Buff, and an assortment of Epic potions.

Dungeons & Dragons Third Anniversary Celebration Max Dunbar Companions of the Hall Skins

The Icewind Dale Skin & Feat Pack Bundle Inspired by the art of Max Dunbar, each of the Companions of the Hall has bundled up for their next blizzard-filled trip to Ten-Towns! This Bundle will unlock Catti-brie, Regis & Wulfgar if you don't already have them, and includes Bruenor's Icewind Dale Skin & his King of Mithral Hall Feat, Catti-brie's Icewind Dale Skin & her Trained in the North Feat, Regis' Icewind Dale Skin & his Ruby Reflection Feat, Wulfgar's Icewind Dale Skin & his Dwarven Raised Feat.

The Bundle also includes 7 Gold Supply Chests, 7 Catti-brie Gold Chests, 7 Regis Gold Chests, 7 Wulfgar Gold Chest, and an assortment of Epic potions, and a Potion of Polish. Each Champion's Skin & Feat Combination may also be purchased separately.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Spectacular Descent into Avernus, Part 6

Descent into Avernus, Part 6

This week's content update brings Descent into Avernus, Part 6. We meet Red Ruth and she sends us to Uldrak, who may have a new solution to his problems in Avernus... Check out the full Descent into Avernus, Part 6 blog post for details about the new adventures and variants.

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!