At least, it's supposed to be a rare occurrence -- word has it that thousands of modrons have been seen on the march in the wilderness, and they are heading towards Waterdeep!
The Great Modron March 4 introduces Mehen, Dragonborn Fighter and adoptive father of Farideh and Havilar of Brimstone Angels, and brings back Jaheira, the renowned half-elf druid from Baldur's Gate, Qillek Ad Khollar, the Aarakocra Cleric of High Rollers. Players have until Monday, May 31st at 12PM Pacific to complete their The Great Modron March 4 unlocks and objectives.
For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.
I. New Champion: Mehen

- Mehen is a tall, powerful dragonborn with dull-ocher scales and a blunt attitude. With strong opinions on the right course of action, he is just as comfortable yelling orders on the battlefield as he is fiercely protecting his daughters. Despite a life thrown into turmoil after being exiled from his clan and attempting to raise twin tieflings, Mehen remains resilient in his sense of self and his abilities with a falchion.
Mehen is both Grumpy and Gruff and uses those qualities to buff and bolster his allies, especially if those party members include Farideh and Havilar. When you want to add him to your formation, you can swap him with Nayeli (Slot 3).
II. Mehen’s Stats
Race: Dragonborn | Alignment: Neutral Good |
Class: Fighter | Gender: Male |
Age: 48 | Affiliation: Brimstone Angels |
STR: 19 | DEX: 8 | CON: 15 |
INT: 13 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 14 |
Role: Support & Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel
Slot: 3 (Nayeli)
Mehen's Abilities
Mehen is a Support and Gold Find Champion. With the new Brimstone Angels affiliation, he buffs his daughters Farideh and Havilar (and they buff him), while Exiled helps all three find the gold they need to continue their adventures.Mehen prefers to be towards the back of any formation where he can think tactically about the battle and issue precise orders. Grumpy gives buffs to Champions in front of him, and Gruff boosts this buff based on how far ahead Champion in question is, while We’ve Trained For This increases the amount of gold he’ll collect the further back he’s placed. For more information on Mehen and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!
Year Four Variants

- The Elusive Bounty — Mehen is on the hunt for a pixie from the feywild who has been harassing adventurers for years! He starts in the formation. He can be moved or removed. The pixie arrives in each boss area to taunt Mehen, buffing all enemies so they move 100% faster and deal 100% additional damage.You must defeat her in addition to the area requirements to advance.
- Getting to know Mehen: To maximize Mehen's benefit within your formation, you'll want to watch his Grumpy stacks and keep them within the middle range.
- Mehen gains Grumpy stacks based on which column he is in with a gain of 1 stack per second in the front row, to 5 stacks per second in the back row.
- Mehen loses Grumpy stacks when one of the following things happens to either Mehe, Farideh or Havilar: They attack (10% loss), they take damage (10% loss), or they kill an enemy (5% loss).
- Reach Area 75.
- The Neverending March Continues — Every time a Modron is killed in non-boss areas it shuts down for 5 seconds and then comes back to life with full health. Modron enemies deal 100% additional damage.
- Reach Area 125.
- Volo's Guide to Grumpy Guys — Volo has returned to observe the formation. Only Male Champions can be used. Enemies move 100% faster, and deal 100% additional damage.
- Getting to know Mehen: While Mehen works best with his daughters Farideh & Havilar, he's no slouch on his own. Without the Brimstone Angels in your formation, you need to manage Mehen's Grumpy stacks a bit differently. Remember that changing his column will alter how quickly he is gaining Grumpy stacks.
- Reach Area 175.