BW2: 2020 St. Patrick's Celebration!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Bushwhackers!
The Commons is greener than usual! That’s because the Commons Party Planning Committee is putting on a St. Patrick’s day party!
Unfortunately, the guests of honour seem to have gotten lost in the bushes. Go whack them up and help them find their way to the Event Area!
There are eight Leprechauns to whack up that will help you put on a rocking St. Patrick’s Day party! Every day the event goes on, the odds to whack them up gets larger, so you can get them all before it ends. Three of them will have turn-in stations for you to do and the others will have repeatable quests for you to do for event progress.
Unlocking throughout the event are previous year quest lines:
Mr. Keith is looking to put out his special brew again. Help him find the ingredients.
Alec Guiness is whipping up another strange Patty's craft brew to show up Mr. Keith's own beer. Help gather his unusual ingredients.
Seamus is in the mood to do some whacking of his own, but first he needs your help to make the perfect shillelagh.
Siobhan is throwing her version of an Irish Feast...but the dishes got lost in the bushes. Go find them for her!
Those poor snakes are tired of being whacked so often. Help their leader out by setting up his snake relocation program efforts.
Help Bree learn about Irish mythology!
A red Leprechaun up on the Rainbow's End Island might need your help at some point.
New for 2020:
If you can complete the event, you'll earn the St. Patrick's Pet Piece! Collect all 2020 holiday pet pieces to craft a unique pet!
Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT
There are a total of NINETEEN possible achievements to earn in the St. Patrick’s Day 2020 event.
Achievements Returning for 2020
Little Rascal - Capture a pesky missing Leprechaun.
More Little Rascals - Capture all of the pesky missing Leprechauns.
Destructive Behavior - Help 25 times at each St. Patrick's Station.
A Perfect Brew - Help Mr. Keith make his brew.
King of Clubs - Help Seamus make a Shillelagh.
Mythological Detective - You helped Bree learn about Irish Mythology.
Crafty Brewing - Help Alec Guiness brew the craftiest of St. Patrick's beers.
Rainbow Cloud Island - Find all of the Clover Pots on the Rainbow's End Island.
Crock in a Haystack - Make a whoopsie on Rainbow's End Island and then make it better.
Added/Changed for 2020
Rainbow Raiment - Purchase all the 2020 St. Patrick's Day event items
We also have 9 achievements
from previous years which may be earned by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.
My Leprechaun! - Whack a Leprechaun while dressed like Rainbow (
Wearing custom items from 2014.)
My Rainbow! - Whack Rainbow while dressed like a Leprechaun (
Wearing custom items from 2013.)
Pot o' Swag - Purchase all of the 2018 St. Patrick's Day event items.
Patty's Purchases - Purchase all of the 2017 St. Patrick's Day event items.
Always Wearing Green - Purchase all of the 2016 St. Patrick's Day event items.
Lucky Purchase - Purchase all of the 2015 St. Patrick's custom items.
Rainbow Braid - Purchase all of the 2014 St. Patrick's custom items.
Green Pride Week - Purchase all of the 2013 St. Patrick's custom items.
Green Garb and Gear - Purchase all of the 2019 St. Patrick's Day event items.
* The St. Patrick’s mini-golf piece is not included in the Rainbow Raiment achievement.
Mount Sale:
New 2020 Mount:
Cu Sidhe is a fearsome hound from Irish mythology! It occasionally lets out three terrifying barks that can be heard for miles. It
increases your speed by 45% and it's starting bonus turns 5% of your Nothings into Energy!
Get this mount free with the purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more during the weekend sale running until Monday March 16th @ Noon PDT!
Pet Packs:
New 2020 Pet Packs:
COMING SOON! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!
This event runs until Friday March 27th @ Noon PDT.
Post your comments and questions here!
What are the different leprechauns?
You can whack up two types of leprechauns: hatted and non-hatted.
- There are 8 hatted ones to find, 3 will unlock turn-in stations, and the other 5 will give you daily quests. You must manually whack these ones to capture them.
- The non-hatted ones will drop items for you to turn into the turn-in stations. You can quick whack and mana whack non-hatted leprechauns when they appear if you wish. The non-hatted leprechauns will *always* drop some turn-in items, rather than just having a chance to.
How can I find the leprechauns?
Just keep whacking. You could whack them all up in a day if you wanted to. The odds to whack up hatted leprechauns will increase as the event goes on.
What adds to my event progress?
Turning in items to the Gold, Beer and Clover stations, and doing quests for folks in the event area.
Do I have to do the achievements?
No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.
Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.
Why should I ask for friends to help boost turn-ins?
It increases the amount of progress you get from doing a turn-in.