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August 28th, 2015
Brunch Celebration Burst Event! 

Greetings Breakers!

Pancakes! Smoked salmon! Waffles! Mimosas! So many things to love about the magical meal that is half breakfast, half lunch and all brunch! Celebrate with the Challenge Fairy and her drool-worthy prizes in the all-new Brunch Burst Event!

For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Brunch themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 awesome prizes!

The yummy looking Croissant Hat adds 10% Less Nothings!
The Plate of Brunch Food looks scrumptiously edible in any trophy room!
The sizzling Bacon Hammer adds More Stars!

The event will run until Tuesday September 1st at Noon PDT.
August 21st, 2015
Explorers' League Desert Adventure! 
Posted in Shards of Titan.

Hi Shards Fans! It's event time!

A league of Explorers have set up their base camp in the event zone and invited you to come along while they investigate a Desert shard that has drifted nearby.

Venture through the various regions collecting items for all the Explorers' quests to turn in for Explorer League Credits to buy a selection of quest or reward items from the Quartermaster.

When you finish a quest, you can warp back to the camp to turn it in to the relevant character by clicking on the quest in the tracker on the left of the screen.

Talk to the expedition leader to send supplies you've gathered through the gate and reset the repeatable quests to complete them again. This ability is available every 4 hours if you've turned in a quest that completes from breakable drops.

Each region resets every 8 hours, or you can buy a Monster Lure or use Shardium to reset a region if you're looking to continue collecting everything right away.

If you happen to close the game while you're in the event, you'll return to the event region where you last were.

And keep your eyes open for possible secrets the shards could hold.

Plus, we've added a map to make traveling to the various regions easier!

To help you get started with your explorations, we have two packs up for sale! On sale until Thursday August 27th at Noon PDT!

The Desert Explorer League Robot Pack contains an awesome Robot Outfit (Head, Body, Wings and Weapon, awarded to all your account Characters) along with 50 Explorer League Credits to help start buying items from the vendors, 10 Monster Lures to Reset the area and 2000 Shardium! All for only $20!

The Desert Explorer League Prep Pack contains 10 Monster Lures, 10 Small Single Player Rage Bombs (power up before you fight!), 50 Explorer League Credits, 5 Slotting Rods, a large Class Attack Potion, a large Speed Potion and 500 Shardium, all for only $10!

Talk about it on the forums!

The event runs until Friday September 4th at Noon PDT.
August 20th, 2015
Going to the Chapel... 

Greetings Breakers!

Love between two people is quite special. Celebrate love and the magical unions that are weddings by helping the Challenge fairy fill her collection with a bevy of Wedding themed prizes in this all new burst event!

For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Wedding themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 awesome prizes!

The Veil Hat adds 10% More Multipliers.
The Two Rings Hammer adds more Multipliers.
The Bouquet sits pretty in any trophy room!

Celebrate the union on the forums!

The event will run until Monday August 24th at Noon PDT!
August 18th, 2015
Idle Adventures in BW2 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

The Commons is playing host to an inter-dimensional traveler and he needs your help!

Since adventuring is what you do, he's looking for your help and the help of four other Bushwhackia citizens to join him as he tests out his machine and leads you all on a merry adventure! The others are a little reluctant to join though, so you need to go out and find things to persuade them to come along! Can you go through the portal before time runs out and grab the reward?

Interested in learning more about the travelers crazy world and the adventures you had when you went through the device? Check out our all-new idle game, Crusaders of the Lost Idols!

To go along with this mini quest, we're having a sale! Pick up a Jeweled Chest Ranch item which awards a random assortment of gold and gems every 20 hours! Plus 150 Bush Bucks and 2 VIP Vouchers, all for only $20!

Talk about the adventure on the forums!

This quest-line will be available until Friday August 21st at Noon PDT!
August 14th, 2015
Wedding Bells are Ringing! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Get out your fancy clothes! Find your favourite spiffy shoes! You're invited to a wedding! The cutest couple in Bushwhackia are finally tying the knot, and they need your help!

If you've completed the Commons Election quest-line then talk to the Town Crier to get started. Seems there's a lot to do to prep for a wedding and a lot that can go wrong. But don't worry! It's a permanent addition to the game, so you can take your time! Lend your moral support to the loving couple to earn their reward.

Share the love on the forums!
August 13th, 2015
Quests, Chests and Gifts! 

Today we're introducing two new ways you can get your hands on those lovely jeweled chests full of Epic gear, buffs, and newly empowered time warps.

The first way is an all-new feature we call Daily Quests. These are mini objectives that will reward you with precious red rubies once you've completed them.

New Daily Quests

Quest objectives include everything from using certain abilities a set amount of times through to killing a predetermined number of monsters.

You'll be given one new daily quest every day. However, should you fail to complete one, it will be there waiting for you the next day, stacking up to three daily quests available at once. For players who have already been playing for a little while, we'll be throwing you multiple daily quests to get you started.

The number of rubies you can earn varies depending on the difficulty of the quest, but you can expect to get between 10 and 30 of those coveted red jewels per quest.

Why Wait? Buy Jeweled Chests!

We're very excited to announce the second way you can get Jeweled Chests: From today onward, if you simply can't wait to complete a campaign or quest, you can buy Jeweled Chests in the shop! Your support goes directly to further developments in the game, so check it out now!

Don't forget to sign-up for The Idol Times newsletter to get a free piece of Rare Gear and game updates direct to your inbox. Subscribe here.
August 13th, 2015
Wizard of Oz Burst Event 

Greetings Breakers!

The Challenge Fairy is a big fan of Glinda, so she needs your help to round up some of her favourite characters from the books as prizes in her Wizard of Oz burst event!

For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Wizard of Oz themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 awesome prizes!

The Tinman Hat adds more Stars.
The Good Witch Wand Hammer reduces your chances for Nothings.
The Toto figure looks adorable in any trophy room!

Chat about it on the forums!

The event will run until Tuesday August 18th at Noon PDT.
August 10th, 2015
Cloudland Quest Hub 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Get ready for a questing good time. The Cloud King needs your help, now that the chaos in his castle has settled down. As you do quests for the King, more hubs will unlock around the castle. Can you complete all 28 new daily quests?

Complete the quests by whacking bushes and critters in Cloudland or the Flux! With each completed quest, you will earn Cloud Tokens that you can use to unlock new hubs, buy unique Cloudland items, and more! You can even get horse armor for your tamed mount!

And don't worry, when we release new content past Cloudland, the hub will stick around so you can return to the Castle to claim the daily quests and do them in Cloudland areas for more tokens if there's still something you want to collect! You'll even be able to do the quests in the new Flux once you reach it!

Talk about your questing fun on the forums!
August 7th, 2015
New Campaign Objectives 

We're very pleased to announce some new campaign objectives for Crusaders of the Lost Idols. We enjoyed an almighty first week since launch thanks to you. Your support saw us achieve the top position of top Idle Game on and to celebrate, we present to you not one, but two, new campaign objectives for you to play. The two objectives might be more than a little familiar to Monty Python fans.

"That's no ordinary rabbit. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on."

The first is Run Away! which will challenge your formation building skills like never before.

The Crusaders have disturbed none other than the beast(s) which lurks in the cave of Caerbannog! Actually, the merry band have disturbed four of the foulest, cruel and bad-tempered rabbits forcing them to take flight. Your Crusaders will now need to run for their lives and complete all 100 areas to secure the objective goal.

The four slots at the back of your formation will be occupied by these tiny terrors which will mean you'll have to be at your very best to construct a formation that will enable you to win the day. Don't soil your armour!

"Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!"

The second objective continues our Monty Python theme. The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch requires the party of Crusaders to ensure the safe passage of three monks, including one at the front of the formation carrying the fabled weapon of mass destruction.

Should the party fail in their duty to protect the monks, a nasty surprise awaits the player!

The first objective requires the player complete the 'Centennial' objective (reset after area 100) and collect 50 Idols, while the second requires the 'Dig In' objective (reset after area 150) and 150 Idols.

Good luck, we hope you aren't blown to tiny bits and snuff it.

Chat about it on the forums!